SEVENTEEN - battle against the demon & the devil

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This fan fiction will contain lots of blood, violence, gore, and language (so don't read it if your not into that stuff). This is an original idea using the Bleach characters and cast. I claim no rights or anything associated with the Bleach series and its characters. Some of the attacks that I am using are of my own creation as I went online to find English to Japanese translations others are from the series its self. Please feel free to leave me your comments and reviews as I like hearing what you think. Thanks and enjoy!

Special symbols: "regular human speech", (author notes), Italic - mental thoughts/telepathy, Bold - demonic speech, CAPS - attacks

Seventeen - battle against the demon & the devil

Several days took both Ichigo and Darichi to get used to the drastic change that they had endored thanks to Urahara. According to Grimmjow all that remained was the black devil Ulquiorra Schiffer and the red demon Sōsuke Aizen. They all knew that the risk would be even greater than before if Urahara had altered them to become Daemon Lorde's like Ichigo. This would be the greatest fight of Ichigo's life as he knw that Urahara wasn't possibly happy with the fact that Ichigo had escaped.

"No doubt that Urahara has also figured out that you were the Shinma that he has been looking for. He will possibly do everything possible to destroy both you and me. But now you pose a greater threat to his plans since he had altered you." stated Grimmjow.

"I will just be grateful when all of this is finally over and I can return back to a somewhat normal life." stated Ichigo

Not without setting up rules for the Daemons that still exist in this world. I have to even admit that we have been living in the shadows for far too long and it is time for us to live peacefully with the humans. stated Darichi. The Shinma hated having to agree with the mad man but there was better ways to go about it without having to kill humans. Both Ichigo and Darichi discussed their plans as clearly either they would or Urahara would make the first move. Ichigo felt ready for whatever was thrown in his direction considering everything that he had been through.

Meanwhile...Urahara cursed to himself when he had found out that Ichigo Kurosaki had escaped. Now it all made sense. The whole reason why Ichigo was hardly ever sick and the blackouts that he had was because he was a Shinma as his other half moved without alerting his human half. Urahara also cursed because he now had altered the Shinma to gain the powers and the form of a Daemon Lorde. There was a good chance that his last two remaining elites along with an army of Daemons could defeat the Shinma. Urahara knew that he had come too far to have his plan fail. It was announced on the news that there will be as large meeting at city hall to discuss the Daemon threat.

"That's when we will strike! If we can kill the major leader heads, then the rest of the world will follow. We will rule this world!" stated Urahara as the army of Daemons cheered. With two Daemon Lorde's in their corner, the Daemons felt that the Shinma and his small band of allies stood no chance against them. Urahara never told the army that the Shinma was also a Daemon Lorde as well. He had however warned his two remaining elites. "Don't under estimate the Shinma as he may prove more dangerous than ever before. Also make sure that you kill that traitor Grimmjow." stated Urahara.

Of course Master Urahara. answered Aizen and Ulquiorra in unison as they lead the army of Daemons to city hall.

City Hall...  Ichigo knew that there was a good chance that Urahara would attack today because of the confrence talks that was going on about the Daemon threats. Ichigo, Yoruichi, Tōshirō, and Grimmjow were in their human form mingeling in with the people that were there. With a large turn out like this, Ichigo knew that there was no way that Urahara wouldn't miss this opertunity. Ichigo had used his powers to keep everyone in telepathic contact seeing how Byakuya was keeping out of sight because of his unnatural apperarnce.

No matter what Ichigo, we can't allow the humans to get hurt. stated Darichi mentally.

I know that Darichi. Lets hope we are prepared for this. Its a sure bet that Urahara is watching from a good distance as this battle with determine everything. replied Ichigo. The conference was in full swing before two Daemons blasted the summit.

Prepare to die humans! snarled the black devil Ulquiorra. Ulquiorra stood on the back hinde legs of a goat with a long goat tail split in half. A pair of long white bull-like horns stood out from the side of his head. He had long black hair and glowing green eyes with no visible irises and/or pupils. A set of four demonic wings rested against his broad back. His human half of his body was ghost white as a large hole sat in the center of his body (Ulquiorra's fullest hollow form). Next to him stood a demon standing on the back legs of a red dragon as he had two long reptilian tails each with a sythe at the end. His neck length dark bown almost black hair he wore slicked back as a set of small horns rested in his forehead as further back was another set of curled ram horns. He also had a set of four demonic looking wings resting against his back. His whole entire body was blood red as he had a hole in the middle of his body and all white eyes with no visible irises and/or pupils. Aizen threw another blast into the crowd of people.

We dare any of you to try to stop us. snarled Aizen. This was Ichigo's clue to move into action as Darichi summoned forth his power to place a barrier around the humans as he, Tōshirō, and Grimmjow transformed into their altered forms away from human eyes. Once the three of them were in full forms, they moved attacking the two Daemons and their army. Both the demon and the devil seemed to be expecting them.

Destroy them all, don't let anyone stand in your way. Leave the Shinma to us! both the demon and the devil hissed at ther army.

Fine by us! replied Darichi. The battle began as the devil and demon called forth their zanpakutōs.

Awaken Murcielago! snarled the devil

Shatter Kōka Suigetsu! snapped the demon. Darichi reached into his black hole pulling out Tensa Zangetsu. Both Byakuya and Tōshirō also pulled out their zanpakutōs awakening them.

Reign over the frosted heavens, Daiguren Hyōrinmaru! snarled Tōshirō whom was in full dragon form.

Scatter, Senbonzakura Kageyoshi! hissed Byakuya. Byakuya's sword transformed into thousands of razor sharp sakura petals which he directed to move attacking the army. Darich moved attacking the two lead Daemons allowing his allies to handle the army of Daemons.

GUNCHO TSURARA (icicle flock)! snarled Tōshirō as he lauched a multitude of ice shards at the army of Daemons. Go on Shinma we have this covered! stated Tōshirō. Grimmjow willed his zanpakutō to come forth as he moved swiftly destroying seveal of the Daemons in a blur of speed.

Give them Hell! he stated as Darichi just nodded his head. Even Yoruichi proticipated even though she had no zanpakutō, it didn't mean that she couldn't pull off attacks like everyone else.

UTSUSEMI (empty cicada)! she hissed as it seemed like electricty lept from her body. Good luck! she added.

Darichi poured power into Tensa Zangetsu causing the sword to hum. GETSUGA TENSHÕ (heaven-slicing lunar fang)! snapped Darichi as he unleashed a black and red wave of energy at the two Daemons. Both allowed their wings to wrap around their body to protect them from the blast. As the blast dispursed, the two Daemons opened their wings moving to attack Darichi. Sparks showered as the three swords collided as Darichi stood his ground firmly despite being double teamed.

KANZEN SAIMIN (complete hypnosis)! snarled Aizen as he tried to use his swords ability to hypnotize Darichi. Darichi put up his own barriers rendering the demon's attack completely useless. Suddenly a large green ball of energy headed straight for Darichi as he turned quickly swinging his scythed tail cutting the cero attack completely in half. This caused the two Daemon Lorde's to curse in their demonic tongue as they moved to attack Darichi once again. Darichi could feel Tensa Zangetsu pulsing within his hands as energy flooded into his being from Zangetsu.

TENMUKEI KOKUSHIKON (heaven spiritual cutting fang)! snapped Darichi as he unleashed the energy. Following what Darichi did earlier, Aizen turned swinging his scythed tails trying to cut Darichi's attack in half but failed misserably as he had lost one of his tails and had large holes in his wings. Ulquiorra began to pour energy into his sword after witnessing the devistation to his demon brother.

LANZA DE REVAMPING (spear of lightning)! snarled Ulquiorra as his zanpakutō transforming into a long glowing green spear. Ulquiorra attacked Darichi head on allowing Aizen to recover as both the spear and sword collided in a shower of sparks. Darichi could feel both the Daemon Lorde's combining their powers together as Darichi clearly recognized the attack all too well.

HAKAISHA KYUUTEN (heavens destroyer)! they snapped in unison. Seeing one of his own attacks used against him made Darichi's blood boil, the Daemon Lorde's dark rage began to flow forth. Dark violet flames errupted from Darichi's body as he could feel the Daemon Lorde's dark power surfacing.

KUCHIKU ENKOU ("destruction flame" a new attack I have for Darichi and Ichigo because of the Daemon Lorde's power within them)! snapped Darichi. The attack came to him like a curse as if he wasn't meant to unlease the attack as it was completely forbidden form him to use it. Darichi could feel the flames congergate at the end of his sword and scythed tail as he focused the power to hit the two Daemon Lorde's as they possed a greater threat to him. With a single and swift movement from both his sword and scythe tail, Darichi unleashed the dark flame. Both Aizen and Ulquiorra tried to protect themselves from the attack but, they under estimated the power of the attack as they were both killed instantly only leaving a pile of ash behind when the attack dispersed as it had not only killed the two Daemon Lorde's but also the attack that they were going to use.

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