FOUR - the elites

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This fan fiction will contain lots of blood, violence, gore, and language (so don't read it if your not into that stuff). This is an original idea using the Bleach characters and cast. I claim no rights or anything associated with the Bleach series and its characters. Please feel free to continue leaving me your comments and reviews at the end to tell me what you think. Thanks and enjoy!

Special symbols: "regular speech", (author notes), Italic - mental thoughts/telepathy, Bold - demonic speech, CAPS - attacks

Four - the elites

After Darichi had transformed into his true form, he reached into the black circle on his chest like it was a black hole as he pulled out a long black katana sword (Ichigo's bankai sword). The werewolf snarled sharply at Darichi.

Shinma! it snapped.

You have broken several laws, for that you will pay with your life. snapped Darichi. The werewolf lept at Darichi with its claws fully extended and mouth open wide. Darichi easily dodged the attack as he brought up his sword cutting the werewolf. The werewolf howled in pain as it whipped around on its heel. It was surprised that Darichi's sword had hurt it even though the sword wasn't silver it was black as ink.

How is this possible? it asked clawing at its wound.

Tensa Zangetsu is unlike any sword that exists in the world. It has a power all its own and can cut anything regardless of what it is. replied Darichi. The werewolf lept wildly at Darichi swiping his claws at the Shinma. Darichi easily avoided the claws as dark energy began to pulse around Tensa Zangetsu. GETSUSA TENSHÕ! shouted out Darich. The dark energy lept from Darichi's sword when he swung the sword. The black and red energy cut the werewolf's arm off completely as the beast howled, screaming in pain. The werewolf lept one more time at Darichi as this time a giant red ball of energy formed at the end tips of his horns. CERO! snapped Darichi as the blast released killing the werewolf leaving no trace of the creature. Darichi grinned as he transformed back into Ichigo's normal human form before he undid the time slip. Darichi then took Ichigo back to school as he gave the teen back control over the body as Ichigo's lifeless body crashed onto the bathroom floor.

Meanwhile...Kisuke Uraha and Mayuris Kurotsuchi were watching the monitor as they equipped the werewolf that they had sent out with a camera. They both watched as the werewolf attacked people before a time slip seemed to stop time as a being that they didn't recognize entered the area doing battle with the werewolf. They watched the destructive power displayed by the Shinma before the feed went dead. Both men's faces paled considerably. They have never seen a Shinma like this that was capable of this much power. Kisuke silently hoped that his elites could take care and eliminate the Shinma.

"Excuse me sirs but they are here." stated a rather quite woman.

"Thank you Nemu Kurotsuchi. Mayuri keep working on it. I want that Shimna's data as soon as possible." stated Kisuke as he got up to leave.

"Yes Master Uraha!" replied Mayuri. Nemu lead Kisuke to the room where all of his elites were gathered together. Kisuke entered the room to find eight creatures sitting waiting for their master. About three of them looked human. Kisuke went to the head chair looking at the eight.

"Thank you for coming. The reason why I have summoned all of you is because it seems that a Shinma is still alive." stated Kisuke.

Are you serious? I thought that we had wiped their kind from existence! snarled a blue haired man. This was the werecat, Grimmjow Jeagerjaques.

Are you certain that it is a Shinma and not something else? asked a dark skinned creature with a spike bone Mohawk. He had several piercing in his large pointed ears and nose. His bottom fangs petrueded up from his lips as they were much longer than his top fangs. This was the troll, Zommari Leroux.

"All data points that this is indeed a Shinma as it appears much different from the other Shinma that have existed as it is also very powerful." replied Kisuke.

This Shinma sounds like fun. I can't wait to fight him. stated a man with one blood red slit eye and an eye patch. His black hair was spiked up in different directions. This was the vampire, Kenpachi Zaraki.

You wish for us to find and kill this Shinma, Master Uraha? asked a white being with long horns. Half of his body was that of a black goat with a long tail and large black wings while the other half was human. This was the devil, Ulquiorra Shiffer (Ulquiorra's full Hollow form).

"Of course! I can't have this Shinma fuck up my plans. If at all possible, I want his corpse body in order to study it further." replied Kisuke.

Leave it to me Master Uraha! replied a jackal faced man grinning much like a Cheshire cat. This was the Anubis, Gin Ichimaru.

Not if I get to him first! stated a massively scared man that appeared to be rotting. His long white beard had dirt and vines tangled in it. This was the zombie, Shigekuni Yamamoto-Genryusai or as he preferred to be called Yamamoto for short.

"I don't care who kills him just as long he is eliminated." replied Kisuke.

Do you have data and an image of this Shinma? asked a large green skin creature. This was the ogre, Yammy Riyalgo.

Master Uraha wouldn't have called us if he didn't. replied a dark red creature with several horns and a long red tail. This was the demon, Sõsuke Aizen (I will have better description of what they look like next time as I just wanted to briefly introduce whom was in the elite group and what kind of creatures they were).

"Mayuri is gathering it as we speak. Do what you must to destroy this Shinma." stated Kisuke as he got up to leave. Hopefully this eight will take care of my Shinma problem. Kisuke thought to himself.

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