THREE - mad scientists & transformations

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This fan fiction will contain lots of blood, violence, gore, and language (so don't read it if your not into that stuff). This is an original idea using the Bleach characters and cast. I claim no rights or anything associated with the Bleach series and its characters. Please feel free to continue leaving me your comments and reviews at the end to tell me what you think. Thanks and enjoy!

Special symbols: "regular speech", (author notes), Italic - mental thoughts/telepathy, Bold - demonic speech, CAPS - attacks

Three - mad scientists & transformations

After a while Ichigo had finally calmed down as he wiped away the blood tears from his face.

"Are you all right Ichigo?" asked Isshin once Ichigo had fully calmed down.

"I should be fine dad. Is it still all right for me to still call you that?" asked Ichigo.

"Of course Ichigo, you will always be my son regardless of what you are whether you be human or not. The same thing goes for the dark part of you." replied Isshin.

"Thanks dad. I guess that I have a lot to think about. I will see you in the morning." stated Ichigo as he got up to head to his room.

"One more thing Ichigo, no one can know the truth about what you truly are. Even with me knowing the truth, it has put me at risk." stated Isshin. Ichigo just nodded his head as he headed up to his room.

Meanwhile.....a man with a painted face ran through a secret lab desperately looking for someone. He had finally found the one that he was looking for in the computer lab going over the data for his newest creations. The man was wearing a green and white striped beach hat and a pair of wooden clogs.

"Master Kisuke Uraha, we have a problem!" panted the man with a painted face.

"What is it Mayuri Kurotsuchi? Can't you see that I am busy? Whatever it is you can surly handle it." stated Kisuke without looking away from what he was doing. Mayuri looked at him angrily as he grabbed a hold of Kisuke's chair whipping him out of the way.

"I think that you might want to see this. We were doing a trial test run with the gargoyle when we hit a snag." stated Mayuri as he popped in a disc into the computer.

"What kind of snag could have you this worked up?" asked Kisuke. Mayuri said nothing as he pulled up the data showing it to Kisuke as the head scientists face paled.

"That's impossible. There is only one being in the world that is capable of that kind of power. But no one has seen one in over ten years as we managed to kill of them." stated Kisuke.

"Apparently not. I have double and tripled checked everything. There is no doubt that this is the work of a Shinma as they are the only ones whom would enforce the laws. It seems that one has managed to survive." stated Mayuri. Kisuke slammed his hands down onto the desk rising quickly to his feet.

"Shit...not when I am so close. I can't have a Shinma fuck this up for me. Mayuri summon my elites!" hissed Kisuke as Mayuri's painted face paled considerably.

"Of course Master Uraha!" stated Mayuri as he left the room.

"Just whom in the hell are you Shinma?" Kisuke asked himself.

Elsewhere....Ichigo had terrible dreams of terrifying images that flashed before his minds eye. Ichigo screamed in terror bolting into an upright position in his bed. He was covered in sweat as the panted grabbing a hold of his chest.

"What the fuck was that?" he asked himself out loud.

That would be the images of our past and of the events of all of the past Shinma's that have come before us. stated Darichi deep within Ichigo's mind. Ichigo nearly flipped out when he heard Darichi's voice. But what surprised him even more is when he found himself in unfamiliar surroundings staring at a being that looked like him except for he was all white (Ichigo's inner Hollow). The only thing about him that stood out was his black cornea's and golden irises. Welcome Ichigo to the mindscape. Sorry about the rough reception. stated Darichi as when he spoke, Ichigo could see black inside of Darichi's mouth and a blue tongue.

"Who in the fucking world are you?" asked Ichigo angrily.

I am you Ichigo Kurosaki or rather your dark half. I am Darichi. replied Darichi calmly. Ichigo studied Darichi carefully feeling like he was looking at a mirror image.

"I thought that you would have looked different but, you look exactly like me." stated Ichigo.

This isn't our true form but, I felt that this form would be more comfortable for you to see rather than our true form. replied Darichi.

"I guess that makes sense seeing how I didn't know about you until know. Its strange, I don't feel any different that how I usually feel. Is that supposed to be normal?" asked Ichigo.

Were you supposed to feel different? asked Darichi.

"I don't know. From the sounds of it, I thought that I was supposed to transform into something else, something that isn't human." replied Ichigo.

Not all Daemons look like monsters. There are many of us whom can take on a human form and blend perfectly into humanity. Take for instance the werewolves, vampires, shape shifters, and werecats (something similar to a werewolf but instead of transforming into a wolf, they take on the form of a cat), they look totally human. We can take on a human form and transform into something that doesn't look at all human. But we should only transform when we have to. First you should get used to our powers. stated Darichi.

"How do we do that?" asked Ichigo.

Whenever you have a free moment, train with me here in the mindscape. stated Darichi.

"Darichi, whom was the man whom gave us to dad? What was he like? I have vague memories of him." asked Ichigo.

Zangetsu died doing his duty to protect us and to bring us to the Kurosaki family. Zangetsu was very strong and gentle as he was our guardian since the day we were born. His body maybe gone from this world but his spirit and soul still exists within our sword. stated Darichi as Ichigo looked at him in confusion. Don't worry about it, you will learn all about this over time. stated Darichi.

Suddenly.....the loud buzzing sound of Ichigo's alarm clock brought him back too. Ichigo looked around realizing that he was back in his own room. Ichigo let out a long sigh as he then got up and dressed for school. He went downstairs to get breakfast and the stuff that he needed for school. Once he was done and ate his breakfast, he headed out placing his ear buds into his ears and turning on his I-pod.

Ichigo got close to the school as he was singing to the song 'Wasted by Stabbing Westward' (yes, I actually have these songs on my I-pod as I hit shuffle to see which song comes up or what song is currently playing when I was writing this) when Renji came up pulling out his ear buds.

"All right, what happened to you yesterday. I went to check on you after English class but the nurse said that you never came in." stated Renji.

"Well.....I don't remember. Do you remember those blackouts I used to have as a kid, I had one yesterday. I remember heading to the nurses office then when I came to I found myself in an alley. I don't know what happened in between that." replied Ichigo.

"You still have no idea of what causes you to get those blackouts?" asked Renji as Ichigo shook his head no. He knew the reason but he couldn't tell Renji. "Anyway, have you talked to Orihime since yesterday?"

"Not really. Sooner or later we will see each other and she will tell me 'Sorry Ichigo, I am flattered that you like me and all but, I only think of you as a friend.' I am starting to believe that girl is a genuine ice queen." stated Ichigo.

"It would amaze me if your prediction is dead on. But then again there is the slight chance that you could be dead wrong." replied Renji.

It was during Math class with Szayelaporro Grantz or Szayel as he preferred to be called when Ichigo got a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach.

Daemons are close by as it had disobeyed the laws. We have to go Ichigo. stated Darichi in the back of Ichigo's mind. Ichigo nearly fell out of his chair when he heard Darichi's voice seeing how he wasn't used to it yet. Calm down Ichigo, you are the only one who can hear me. Find away to get us out of here without drawing too much attention. stated Darichi. Ichigo's hand shot up asking to be excused to the bathroom due to an upset stomach as Szayel nooded his head as Ichigo bolted out of the room. Once Ichigo was out of the room, Darichi took control over Ichigo's body without causing the teen to blackout.

Darichi took Ichigo to the city as this time they had found a werewolf attacking innocent people in broad daylight.

Shit, this isn't good! stated Darichi. Ichigo, listen to me carefully, I need full control over our body. I am going to have to deal with this werewolf as it broke several of the rules. stated Darichi mentally towards Ichigo. Ichigo understood as he allowed himself to blackout. Once Ichigo was out of the way, Darichi called upon his power to alter time and all of the humans memories. The Daemons existence must remain a secret from humanity. Once the time slip was in effect, Darichi then began to transform Ichigo's body into that of his true form. His body became all white as pieces of a black kimono covered one of his arms and from his waist down. Darichi's face became that of a human skull with long bull horns. Black markings lined his face and chest as in the middle of his chest sat a black circle. Red fur lined around his wrist, ankles, and neck. Long sharp black nails lengthened on his hands and his feet. Darichi's hair became much longer as it still remained orange as it fell down to his waist in length as his eyes glowed all golden yellow color (Ichigo's full Hollow form).

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