TWO - truth

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This fan fiction will contain lots of blood, violence, gore, and language (so don't read it if your not into that stuff). This is an original idea using the Bleach characters and cast. I claim no rights or anything associated with the Bleach series and its characters. Here is the next chapter and please feel free to leave me your comments and reviews at the end to tell me what you think. Thanks and enjoy!

Special symbols: "regular speech", (author notes), Italic - mental thoughts/telepathy, Bold - demonic speech, CAPS - attacks

two - the truth

After Ichigo had come too, all he could see was part of the gargoyles skull laying by his side and what remained of a partially eaten human body. Without thinking twice, Ichigo took off his school jacket placing it over the gargoyles skull, wrapping it up. Ichigo took off from the alley with skull in hand heading home. Maybe his father could make head or tails out of what was going on. Isshin Kurosaki was a skilled doctor, Ichigo just knew that his father knew something and he wasn't telling Ichigo. Ichigo ran home as fast as his legs would carry him as he avoided people. How in the hell could he explain why he was covered in blood? Ichigo moved swiftly as before he knew it, he was home. Ichigo entered the house to find his father was there. Fear was stretched across Isshin's face when he saw Ichigo covered in blood.

"Ichigo what happened?" asked Isshin.

"I don't know dad, I had blacked out." replied Ichigo. Isshin didn't ask any further questions as he told Ichigo to go and take a shower and to toss his school uniform into the washer. "Dad there's something that I need to really show you. I had found it when I came too." stated Ichigo before he took off to get cleaned up.

After Ichigo had taken a shower and tossed his school uniform into the laundry, Ichigo had found his father Isshin in his study. Ichigo knocked on the door before he entered.

"Tell me everything that happened or what you can remember." stated Isshin as Ichigo sat down, he held onto an object wrapped in a towel on his lap.

"I was in History class when I had a jackhammer headache so after class I started to head to the nurses office to get some pain killers and to lay down. That's the last thing that I can remember before I came to finding myself in an alley within the city. I was covered in blood but it wasn't my own. I had found a dead body that looked like someone or rather something was devouring it as well as this." Ichigo stated placing the object onto the desk unwrapping it from the towel to reveal a partial gargoyle skull. "It seems that this thing is responsible for that person's death. I think that I killed this creature as its blood was all over me. But I don't know if that what really happened seeing how I blacked out." stated Ichigo.

"It has been almost ten years since your last black out. To this day we still don't know what causes it or even what happened to your mother Masaki. I had thought that you may have out grown them but now there back again." stated Isshin as he studied the skull. "This is odd. It doesn't appear to be normal as it feels lighter than it looks. You said that you had found this next to you?"

"Yeah. It was completely cut in half. I don't know how when I was only holding a stick in my hand. Something weird is going on dad, what's..." began Ichigo as he never completed his sentence. Darichi's presence began to emerge within Ichigo. Isshin recognized the change as Ichigo's eyes changed its color. Isshin looked at Darichi with anger stretched across his face as Darichi just smiled.

It is nice to see you again Isshin Kurosaki! stated Darichi.

"Don't give me that shit. You promised that you wouldn't awaken within Ichigo until he had turned sixteen. You went back on your fucking word. What the fuck are you up to? Does this have something to do with the skull that Ichigo had brought home?" asked Isshin angrily. Darichi stood up as he began to pace around the room.

It wasn't my attention to wake a day before but this creature had disobeyed rule one. It isn't one of my kind as it had been artificially created. It is my duty as a Shinma to kill any Daemons (that's what I will be calling the monsters and creatures that Ichigo encounters as Daemons will be their race but their classes will be described differently for example Darichi is a Daemon but he is a Shinma) that disobey the rules. Somebody went to great lengths to create this gargoyle. It is time for him to know the truth Isshin about what he truly is. I would tell him but since he hasn't fully awakened yet, I need for you to do it. stated Darichi.

"You can't be fucking serious!" shouted Isshin as Darichi just stared at him. "Fuck! All right I will do it but you owe me one after this." snarled Isshin. Darichi said nothing as he went back into Ichigo's mind. The teen began to look around like he had lost something.

"Fucking shit it happened again!" he moaned.

"Ichigo its time that you learn the truth about everything." stated Isshin. Ichigo could tell that his father was being serious. Ichigo sat back down as his father let out a long sigh. "What I am about to tell you isn't easy and may seem impossible for you to believe but please listen with an open mind. As you no doubt have all ready figured out, your not quite human. Crying tears of blood, healing any and all injuries, above normal human senses are only some of the signs that say that your aren't normal. To tell you the truth Ichigo, you aren't even my biological son. Masaki and I never had any children. You were given to us by something that appeared human but he wasn't (Zangetsu in case your all wondering). This being told us to raise you and to protect you as you were truly the last one of your kind." Ichigo couldn't believe his ears, he knew about the part of him not being human but he wasn't Isshin and Masaki Kurosaki's true son. "With inside of you exists a darker part of you. This part of you is very dangerous and deadly. He is the reason to why you have those black outs. Ichigo you are what he calls a Daemon. More precisely you are a Shinma. A Shinma are god-like demons that protect humans from other Daemons. This being whom is the dark part of you calls himself Darichi which he says is a combination of Dark and Ichigo together. Even though you weren't human and not our son, we raised you like we would have our own child. The last time Darichi was conscious within your body was the day Masaki was killed. She died trying to protect you from the Daemons, I don't know fully what happened, only Darichi does. He told me that he would sleep within you until your sixteenth birthday when you were ready to take on the duty that is required of the Shinma. From what I know due to my own research or what I have been told by Darichi, Daemons are immortal creatures whom don't age once they have awakened. Each Daemon has an individual class and powers that are unique only to them. The Shinma's are the most powerful as they rule over all the other Daemons making sure that they obey the rules that have been in place since ancient times." stated Isshin.

"So they are kind of like the police and that they will kill any Daemons who doesn't obey the rules." stated Ichigo.

"Exactly, you see we humans are not the only things living in this world. Daemons also exist but most of them only come out at night. Not many humans know of the Daemons existence as any whom do are either in a mental hospital or have been killed by the Daemons. I don't know all of the rules but the number one rule that all Daemons must obey is that they are not allowed to feed on or kill any humans. That's what happened to this creature. All though it has been artificially created, it is still a Daemon whom disobeyed the rule. And seeing how it was Darichi's job to enforce the law, you can figure out what happened next." stated Isshin as cold chills went down Ichigo's spine as he could only imagine what happened in that alley.

"Whatever happened to the one whom gave me to you and mom?" asked Ichigo.

"We never found out his name as he died due to his terrible injuries that he had sustained. Just because Daemons are immortal doesn't mean that they can't be killed. When Daemons die, their bodies break down like fizz leaving no trace of their existence. This is the only time that I have seen a part of a Daemon left without dissolving away. Tomorrow Darichi shall awaken within you completely. He can give you more background than I can about the Daemons, the Shinma, and what you are. You will always be my son Ichigo, whether or not you are human and if you have a dark part that exists with inside of you." stated Isshin. Ichigo couldn't hold back his tears as the blood tears seeped down his face. Isshin got up walking over to his son holding the teens head close to his chest allowing the teen to cry. Isshin knew that it was rough on Ichigo learning about the truth for the first time but things were going to become much rougher on Ichigo Kurosaki.

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