NINE - ogres and trolls

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This fan fiction will contain lots of blood, violence, gore, and language (so don't read it if your not into that stuff). This is an original idea using the Bleach characters and cast. I claim no rights or anything associated with the Bleach series and its characters. Please feel free to continue leaving me your comments and reviews at the end to tell me what you think. Thanks and enjoy!

Special symbols: "regular speech", (author notes), Italic - mental thoughts/telepathy, Bold - demonic speech, CAPS - attacks

Nine - ogres and trolls

After meeting with Byakuya and Tōshirō, Ichigo trained some more with Yoruichi and Shūhei. The question about how Shūhei became a Daemon still lingered in the back of Darichi's mind. After the training was over a done with, Darichi finally caught up with Shūhei.

All right it is time you confessed up Shūhei. How is it possible for a human to become a Daemon. I have seen Ichigo's memories as there is no indication that you have Daemon blood within you. So there is no way that you could have become a Daemon. stated Darichi.

Well the truth is that I was a human before that accident. I didn't die at the car accident like everyone believes. I was rushed to the hospital in critical condition. There a doctor operated on me. I don't know what he did but the minute that my actual body died, I found myself as a ghost. I remember some man with long wavy black hair and smoke grey sunglasses coming along and explaining things to me. He told me what had happened and what I have become. He also told me the truth about what you were. replied Shūhei.

That's impossible Zangetsu had died after he brought us to this world. He had died after he had brought us to this world. He had died long before your accident. It is not possible that as he still exists because his soul and spirit became our zanpaktō Tensa Zangetsu. replied Darichi.

I am telling the truth Darichi. stated Shūhei.

He is right Darichi. Zangetsu had also appeared before me to tell me that soon you will awaken and that I should come and train you. It was his spirit that contacted us. It is true that his soul and spirit has become your zanpaktō but his spirit also travels to those who know you to tell them how to help you since he can not anymore. His powers as a guardian still remains intact with your zanpaktō. added Yoruichi. Darichi backed down as he never knew. It seemed that Zangetsu was still acting like he was the Shinma's guardian even though he was dead.

"What's a zanpaktō and why does it have a name?" asked Ichigo.

"A zanpaktō is a Daemons soul. If you destroy it, you destroy the Daemon. Each Daemon possesses one. There are only a handful that do not. A zanpaktō will often reflect or take on the appearance of that Daemons soul. There are a few zanpaktō that have their own unique soul and/or spirit. And even fewer that have been formed by a Daemon when they pass on from this world. Tensa Zangetsu is one of those very rare zanpaktōs as well as my own Daiguren Hyōrinmaru. My zanpanktō possesses the spirit and soul of my father whom passed his powers onto me as is the tradition for all ice dragons." stated Tōshirō.

Each zanpaktō is unique as it has a special ability that only the user can use. Some will not fully awaken unless you say a specific word unique to that zanpaktō. stated Byakuya.

"There is so much I still have yet to learn." moaned Ichigo.

The days went by quickly as Ichigo learned quickly what he was capable of. Something still bothered him. It concerned Shūhei had said about how he became a ghost.

Could it be that this person who worked on Shūhei is responsible for creating those artificial Daemons? Ichigo thought to himself before he could sense Daemons close by. Damn it these things are certainly persistent. Ichigo stated as he called upon his powers to alter time when he saw two ghastly looking creatures.

That's an ogre and a troll. They are mostly night creatures that don't travel up to the human world. stated Darichi. If they are anything like that zombie that we had fought, then it is my job to stop them. You did well in sensing them and using our powers to protect the humans. stated Darichi. Ichigo didn't argue with his darker half as he gave Darichi full control over their body. The transformation was almost instant as once they were fully transformed, Darichi went to confront the two Daemons. The ogre was a large robust green skin creature. It had a long slick black ponytail in the middle of its head with no other hair. It had short pointed up fangs that pointed upward from his lower lip. He wore some kind of battle armor that looked Japanese in design from the samurai era (similar to the orcs you can create in world of Warcraft, the online game). When they saw Darichi they smiled.

Look Zommari, it seems that the Shinma has come to us so we don't have to look for it anymore. stated the ogre.

I see so your more of those artificially created Daemons that have been created that has been giving me trouble. What are you planning? asked Darichi angrily.

Annilation of the retched human race. Daemons shall no longer have to obey the laws because of humans. We have a right to this world as they do. For too long we have hidden behind the shadows not anymore. replied Zommari.

But a human created you and yet you feel this way! I don't understand your reasons as it makes no sense. And what does this person want from me anyway? asked Darichi.

To take you apart and see what makes you tick. We thought that we had destroyed the last of you but here you are as your powers seem very different from any Shinma that has existed. stated Yammy.

Quit your talking Yammy and get to fighting. The sooner we can kill him the sooner we can get back to Master Urahara. Brujeria! snapped Zommari as he extended out his hand as a zanpanktō materalized.

Yeah...yeah....yeah! Ira! stated Yammy as a zanpanktō materialized in his hands.

Urahara must be the name of the one who created them. Never before have I seen zanpanktō's appear by Daemons just shouting out their names. Darichi though to himself as he reached into his black hole pulling out Tensa Zangetsu. Darichi could feel Tensa Zangetsu pulsing in his hands. A questioning look arouse from Darichi as he could feel power flowing into his being. Zangetsu is that you? he questioned as the ogre and troll moved attacking Darichi at the same time. Darichi countered their zanpanktō's as sparks flew between the swords. Darichi poured energy and power into Tensa Zangetsu as it hummed loudly as Darichi's eyes glowed brightly.

GETSUGA TENSHÕ! snapped Darichi as black and red energy released from his sword. The wave headed towards the two Daemons. Zommari swung his sword as Darichi's attack got devoured by Zommari's sword. Shit his sword's name translates in Spanish as witchcraft which means that my attacks won't work! Darichi cursed mentally as Yammy moved attacking Darichi angrily like a beast hence his swords name. Darichi had to go on the defense as the two attacked. Tensa Zangetsu still pulsed in his hands as energy continued to pour into his being. Even if Darichi manage to pull out a Cero attack, Zommari's Brujeria would devour it. Darichi's only hope was the power that Tensa Zangetsu was feeding him.

Scatter Senbonzakura Kageyoshi. stated a familiar voice as thousand of cherry blossoms entered the area protecting Darichi from the attacking Daemons. Hurry Shinma, I can only hold them at bay for so long using my zanpaktō. hissed Byakuya.

"Reign over the frosted heavens, Daiguren Hyōrinmaru!" snapped Tōshirō whom was partially transformed into his dragon form. Ice wings and tail had emerged from his back as his hand was an ice claw (Tōshirō's bankai form). An ice dragon emerged from Daiguren Hyōrinmaru attacking the two Deamons. "Hurry Shinma, we will hold them back as long as possible!" stated Tōshirō. Darichi closed his eyes as he found himself within his mindscape. There waiting for him was Zangetsu just as he remembered him.

Zangetsu please lend us your powers. As I am right now, I don't stand a chance against these two Daemons. stated Darichi as Zangetsu nodded his head smiling.

Repeat after me Darichi, TENMUKEI KOKUSHIKON (literally translates as "Heaven Spiritual Cutting Fang" I looked up the translation on the internet for Japanese to English translation. This is an attack that I had specially created for Ichigo and Darichi). This is my power that I once had when I was a guardian. It is your power now. stated Zangetsu. Darichi opened his eyes as he glared at the two Daemons that stood in front of him.

TENMUKEI KOKUSHIKON! snapped Darichi as the energy lept from Tensa Zangetsu and from his body. The energy black with bright blue trim taking the shape of a cross as it headed at Zommari and Yammy. Tōshirō moved quickly grabbing Byakuya out of the way. Zommari held out Brujeria ready to absorb Darichi's attack but instead his zanpanktō shattered into pieces.

What...that's not possible! Damn you Shinma! shouted out Zommari. The attack hit the troll and ogre slicing them and their zanpanktō's into many pieces killing them both instantly. Darichi collapsed onto his knees breathing a sigh of relief. It was over for now but at least he had learned something. The name of the one who created these Daemons and their plans.

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