EIGHT - allies

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This fan fiction will contain lots of blood, violence, gore, and language (so don't read it if your not into that stuff). This is an original idea using the Bleach characters and cast. I claim no rights or anything associated with the Bleach series and its characters. Please feel free to continue leaving me your comments and reviews at the end to tell me what you think. Thanks and enjoy!

Special symbols: "regular speech", (author notes), Italic - mental thoughts/telepathy, Bold - demonic speech, CAPS - attacks

Eight - allies

After learning Ichigo's secret for himself, Renji and Ichigo headed straight for Ichigo's place. Isshin was all ready home and when he saw the teens both covered in blood.

"Ichigo don't tell me that....." stated Isshin as Ichigo nodded his head.

"Renji now knows about it all. I had no choice dad. The created Daemon attacked us had disobeyed the laws." stated Ichigo. Isshin let out a long sigh patting his son on the shoulder.

"At least nobody got hurt. Go get cleaned up you two and I will start dinner. We will talk then." stated Isshin. The two teens obeyed as Ichigo let Renji a set of clothes and pajamas for the night. He placed their blood stained uniforms in the wash. At dinner Isshin explained some things about what was going on, what Ichigo was, and the things that attacked them. "Now Renji, nobody must know what you know. If the Daemons find out that we know about them, they will surely kill us and come after Ichigo. Ichigo and Darichi are the only defense this world has against the Daemons." stated Isshin.

Sounds like Isshin has been doing some more research during his free time. stated Darichi mentally.

"I understand that Mr. Kurosaki. It just still shocks me and all. So does anyone else besides us know about this?" asked Renji.

"Two others as they are Daemons. Don't worry, they can be trusted one knows Darichi very well, the other we know." replied Ichigo as both Isshin and Renji looked at him confused. "You guys remember Shūhei Hisagi right? Because of his connection to me, he came back as a ghost to help me in my training. The other is a shape shifter named Yoruichi Shihōin." stated Ichigo as both still looked at him shocked. "Did I say something wrong?" Ichigo asked.

No I think them both seeing me put them into shock. replied Shūhei.

"Shūhei what are you doing here?" asked Ichigo.

I grew concerned when you didn't show up. Yoruichi would have come but we felt that it would be less suspicion if I came instead. replied Shūhei.

"But that doesn't explain how Renji and my dad can see you." stated Ichigo.

It is because of our powers Ichigo. Even ghosts like Shūhei can be visible to humans when they are near us. Shūhei please be careful in the future. stated Darichi mentally.

The next day Renji and Ichigo walked together talking about various things. They avoided the topic of Daemons and other supernatural things.

"So tell me what Orihime said exactly to you." stated Renji.

"That she was flattered by my feelings and stuff but she only thinks of me as a friend and that she is looking for someone different and special." replied Ichigo.

"If she only knew. Why don't you tell her?" asked Renji.

"Hell no! I had a hard enough time telling you and you are my best friend. Think about it, some girl being told that your not human. They might look at you like you had lost your marbles. Besides that, you witnessed everything first hand." replied Ichigo.

"Well its just a thought." replied Renji as Ichigo stopped short of the schools gate. "Ichigo what's wrong." asked Renji.

A Daemon is close by. replied Darichi trying not to take control over Ichigo's body but whatever it was that he was sensing was incredibly powerful despite it trying to shield its self. Renji cursed as he pulled Ichigo into a nearby alley.

"Darichi don't even think about it. This is a school during the day with a lot of people around. Wouldn't you be breaking your own rules that your supposed to enforce?" asked Renji.

Renji has a point Darichi! stated Ichigo mentally.

Fine I am going to place a seal on myself. Ichigo it will be up to you to find the Daemon on your own and find out what it is up to. stated Darichi mentally as he slipped into the back of Ichigo's mind.

"Are you all right Ichigo?" asked Renji once Darichi seemed to vanish.

"Yeah, I should be fine. I just never sensed a Daemon that strongly before. Hopefully I can figure out who it is." Ichigo stated as they entered the school grounds.

Even with Darichi self sealed, Ichigo could still feel the Daemon's presence strongly. It seems to be coming from a young child prodigy that was brand new to the school. Tōshirō Hitsugaya seemed like an ordinary kid despite his short spiked snow white hair as his large ice blue eyes seemed cold. Ichigo couldn't help but to feel that Tōshirō maybe the Daemon he was sensing but seeing how the kid wasn't breaking any of the laws. Ichigo had no choice but to overlook him. By lunch time, Ichigo had a pounding jackhammer of a headache as he told Renji that he was going to the nurses office. As Ichigo walked down the halls towards the nurses office, he met Tōshirō in the halls.

"So you're the Shinma. I must congratulate you on being able to control your powers when sensing me. I was testing you in order to learn more about what kind of person you are." stated Tōshirō. Ichigo glared at Tōshirō angrily as his pounding headache finally dissipated.

"Just who or what are you and what do you want from me?" Ichigo asked angrily as he tried to figure out how Tōshirō figured out that he was a Shinma.

"Calm yourself Shinma, I mean you no harm. Believe it or not, I am on your side. And I am a dragon." replied Tōshirō. Ichigo just looked at him like he had lost his mind.

"Ok, say that I believe what you saying and everything. How do you know what I am?" Ichigo asked.

"Very easily, my eyes can see you in your true form. Plus I used to know Zangetsu before he had passed away." replied Tōshirō.

Is it possible that you are the ice dragon Hyōrinmaru? asked Darichi mentally as Ichigo could feel Darichi's presence in the back of his mind as it seemed that Darichi had unsealed himself.

"So Zangetsu did tell you about me, I can't say that I am not surprised. Look the reason why I am meeting with you like this is because there is another Daemon whom wanted to meet with you but unlike me he can't take on a human form." stated Tōshirō. Ichigo wasn't sure if this was some kind of trap.

Ichigo it is alright, we can trust him. Hyōrinmaru do you know where the old dojo named the Dungeon is? asked Darichi mentally as Tōshirō nodded his head yes. Then we can meet there and talk some more. stated Darichi.

"Sounds like a plan." stated Tōshirō before he walked off.

I hope you know what you are doing Darichi. stated Ichigo mentally.

After school had let out, Ichigo headed towards the Dungeon to meet with Tōshirō and the other Daemon that the ice dragon was telling him about.

Could it be possible that there are a few Daemons that are willing to help me other than Yoruichi and Shūhei? Ichigo thought to himself.

Anything is possible Ichigo. From what I have learned from Zangetsu is that there are a few Daemons that will protect the humans and help out the Shinma. I knew that Yoruichi was one of them from a long time ago. Yoruichi has always trained every Shinma that has come before us. I don't know the reason why Shūhei is a ghost and the truth about why he is helping us out. I know is that he used to know you. What is the story about Shūhei? asked Darichi.

Shūhei was my neighbor when I was younger. Even though he was much older than me, he would always play with me as we spent a lot of time together growing up. I looked uup to Shūhei like he was an older brother even though I was an only child. Shūhei taught me how to fend for myself because the kids were picking on me because of my hair color. It was about two years ago right before Shūhei was due to start college when he was involved in a very deadly and fatal car accident that claimed his life. Who knows the reason to why he became a ghost and stuff like that. Why are you concerned about it? asked Ichigo mentally.

It is just never before has a human become a Daemon unless they were a half Daemon before they died. When a half Daemon dies or comes close to death, it awakens them as a Daemon. Or so I have been told. replied Darichi.

Sounds like you want to confront Shūhei to find out the truth. stated Ichigo.

I am willing to overlook it because he was once your friend but, I don't like the feel of this. Something bigger is going on here and I have a feeling that it involves those artificially created Daemons. replied Darichi as Ichigo finally arrived at the Dungeon. Ichigo entered finding Yoruichi and Shūhei there. Tōshirō was also there still in human form along with a Shinomen Naga (a half man/half snake that I had found in an old Dungeons and Dragons Oriental Adventures Role Playing book that I had).

The Shinomen Naga had long dark pine green hair that almost looked back styled with white rods in it. Copper yellow reptilian eyes, a pale Caucasian muscular human torso and green scales that ran from his cheeks down his side. He had a long dark green snake body from the waist down as the patter on his scales looked similar to a rattlesnakes. At his side hung a sword in its sheath as Darichi knew that the sword was a zanpaktō similar to his own but much different. Tōshirō had a zanpaktō strapped onto his back. Ichigo seemed surprised that Tōshirō was still in his human form.

"Ah you have arrived. This is the Daemon that I was telling you about Shinma. This is Byakuya Kuchiki." stated Tōshirō as the Shinomen Naga nodded his head.

"Please just call me Ichigo while I am in my human form." replied Ichigo.

I am honored to meet you Shinma, I mean Ichigo. You can clearly see why I wanted to meet with you in secret. I clearly can't go out into the human world looking the way I am. stated Byakuya.

That's understandable Byakuya. I am the darker half of Ichigo, please call me Darichi. I am actually glad that you chose to obey the laws. Lately I have been having problems with some artificially created Daemons. stated Darichi.

"That's the reason why we wanted to meet with you. It seems that these artificially created Daemons have been attacking not only humans but also Daemons as well. These artificially created Daemons are much stronger and more powerful than the originals. Something is going on as some of us fear that soon our existence will be made publically known to the humans." stated Tōshirō. Darichi cursed to himself when he heard this news.

Hyōrinmaru and I are willing to help you out if the worst does happen. stated Byakuya. Ichigo knew that the law forbid both Tōshiro and Byakuya couldn't officially come out and admit what they were but if a large group of Daemons did break the four laws, then the laws could be rewritten by the Shinma in order to keep the peace.

We appreciate that. I have a feeling that we may need it! replied Darichi.

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