SEVEN - Renji learns the truth

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This fan fiction will contain lots of blood, violence, gore, and language (so don't read it if your not into that stuff). This is an original idea using the Bleach characters and cast. I claim no rights or anything associated with the Bleach series and its characters. Please feel free to continue leaving me your comments and reviews at the end to tell me what you think. Thanks and enjoy!

Special symbols: "regular speech", (author notes), Italic - mental thoughts/telepathy, Bold - demonic speech, CAPS - attacks

seven - Renji learns the truth

Ichigo spent all day Saturday and part of Sunday training with Yoruichi and Shūhei. Even though Ichigo was starting to have a better understanding and control of what he was capable of, he still had a ways to go according to Darichi. Ichigo learned what he could about the Daemons and other things that he didn't know about. Ichigo had learned that he was the very last Shinma.

"I know that this may sound like a stupid question but, how come Darichi seems separate from me but we are one in the same?" asked Ichigo.

That's because I am the dark part of you and you are my human half. All Shinma's have a duel identity. This way only a selected few Daemons know whom we are. Most Daemons will only know us as Shinma not as Ichigo Kurosaki or even as Darichi. This way it prevents the other Daemons from attacking us. replied Darichi.

Even humans won't know unless we share the secret with them. Things are done a certain way in order to protect the Shinma's. Seeing how you are the last Shinma, you will have to take a mate in order to reproduce the Shinma race which means telling a human female the truth of our existence and what you are. stated Shūhei.

Even though we might be immortal, there are still ways that we can be killed. added Yoruichi.

"So what happens if a human does manage to stumble onto the truth?" asked Ichigo.

That hasn't happened yet but who knows. They will possibly have to be told and protected. Much like what happened to Isshin and Masaki, they knew nothing about the Daemons until Zangetsu appeared before them. replied Darichi.

It was Monday at school as Renji pointed out to Ichigo that because of what happened to him lately, they still haven't had their sleep over.

"I am so sorry Renji. I can't believe that I would forget something like that. I don't think that I actually had a chance to really celebrate my birthday either." stated Ichigo.

"Then we are going have to do something about that. I am coming over today to sleepover." stated Renji. Ichigo knew that he was supposed to train after school with Yoruichi and Shūhei.

We can miss one day of training. Besides we have to keep up the appearances of a normal human life. stated Darichi mentally.

If you say so. replied Ichigo mentally. "All right Renji. We will go to your house after school to pick up the things that you'll need for tonight." stated Ichigo. Later on after school, Renji and Ichigo headed towards Renji's place. Along the way the two friends joked and laughed with one another. Along the way, Ichigo could sense a Daemon close by. He was slowly getting used how to sense them even though while he was human, they couldn't sense him. Ichigo cursed mentally as he knew that if he transformed to fight the Daemon, Renji would learn the truth about his secret. Suddenly a zombie stepped out of the shadows grinning. Ichigo could tell almost instantly that this was one of the artificially created Daemons that he had been fighting lately but something seemed different about this one.

"Dude it is way too early for Halloween." stated Renji.

This is no trick human. You two are going to die. This way I can lure the Shinma to a trap! stated Yamamoto as he held his hand out to one side (he looks almost like he does in the series although his flesh is rotting off of his body exposing his bones. His long white beard has dirt and vines tangled in it much like how he has it tied in the series). Ryūjin Jakka! snapped the zombie as a fire sword appeared within his hands. Ichigo's eyes widened considerably when he saw the sword.

This Daemon is much different from the others that we have fought before. Ichigo, I know that you don't want to transform before your friend but we may have to. This Daemon has already broken two of the laws and is going for a third. stated Darichi as Ichigo moved in front of Renji.

"Renji run, get the hell out of here!" shouted out Ichigo.

I don't think so! replied Yamamoto as he moved his sword in a slashing movement as the flame snaked around Ichigo heading straight for Renji.

"Shit!" snarled Ichigo as he moved quickly pushing Renji out of the way taking the hit from Yamamoto's attack. The fire burned his back but because of Ichigo's regenerative powers, the flame only damaged his clothes. Ichigo could begin to feel Darichi take control as his dark half meant business.

You son of a bitch! I don't care if you are an artificially created Daemon. Even creatures like you should know the laws. stated Darichi as Ichigo's body began to transform into that of his true form (the full hollow form).

It seems that I have lucked out. Who would have thought that the Shinma was disguising himself as a human? My master will be extremely pleased if I bring your corpse back to him. stated Yamamoto.

That's not going to happen zombie. I will not allow you to have your way. If I have to send a message to your master and creator, then I will use you to do it. snarled Darichi once he was completely and fully transformed, he reached into the black hole in his chest pulling out a black sword. Yamamoto's all white eyes with no visible irises and/or pupils widened as an evil smirk stretched across his face.

Your sword stands not a chance against my Ryūjin Jakka. stated Yamamoto. Darichi laughed as he lifted Tensa Zangetsu placing the blade across his shoulders sideways.

I wouldn't be to sure of yourself. stated Darichi. Yamamoto moved slashing at Darichi as the Shinma countered with Tensa Zangetsu. The two swords clashed as the flames around Ryūjin Jakka seemed to be devoured until only an ordinary sword remained. The two swords clashed in a shower of sparks as Yamamoto couldn't believe that his flame sword had lost its fire. Yamamoto started slashing at Darichi wildly causing the Shinma to laugh. I told you not to under estimate Tensa Zangetsu. stated Darichi as he managed to slash Yamamoto's arm off sending blood flying everywhere. The zombie screamed in pain as it tried to retreat for its life. Darichi grabbed the zombie's other arm pulling him back. Not so fast! You started this fight and I intend to finish it. CERO! snapped Darichi as the red ball of energy shot through the zombie from the tips of his horns going through the zombie's body sending blood and guts flying outwards. I can not allow you to tell the truth to your master about me. This is the end for you zombie. GETSUGA TENSHÕ! snapped Darichi as he slashed his sword as black and red energy cut the zombie completely in half rightdown the middle. Darichi watched as the zombie's body began to dissolve away as the fire sword went up in black flames. Darichi turned towards Renji whom looked at him scared for his very life.

".....Ic...hi....go.....?" he asked nervously.

Sort of. Don't worry we won't hurt you Renji. Sorry that you had to see that. replied Darichi as he began to transform back into Ichigo. Ichigo are you still with me?

I think so. Man I had no clue that we were that powerful. replied Ichigo as Tensa Zangetsu vanished in a puff of smoke once Ichigo was back in his human form. Ichigo swayed a little bit somewhat drained because of Darichi taking control over his body.

"Ichigo what the fucking hell is going on?" asked Renji angrily.

"It's a long story Renji, one am not sure your going to believe." replied Ichigo.

After Ichigo had explained everything to Renji, the teen stood there dumbfounded. He would have never expected that his best friend wasn't human and that he also had a darker part of him that was incredibly powerful and deadly.

"So he was the reasons why you had all those blackouts when you were younger?" asked Renji.

"Pretty much. It was because I couldn't handle my powers or my responsibility yet that caused Darichi to be sealed away until I was ready." stated Ichigo.

"Darichi?" asked Renji.

"That's his name as he is the dark part of me. Even though we are one in the same, we have a duel identity." replied Ichigo.

"Does your father know all about this?" asked Renji.

"Both my father and mother knew from the first moment that I was given to them by Zangetsu. Mom died trying to protect me that's what Darichi said and remembers seeing how he was the last one to see my mom when she was alive." replied Ichigo.

"Are you sure that it is all right for me to know the truth about all of this?" asked Renji.

"Seeing how you witnessed everything, we have no choice but to tell you the truth. Don't worry we trust you to keep our secret." stated Ichigo which made Renji worry even more.

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