SIX - training

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This fan fiction will contain lots of blood, violence, gore, and language (so don't read it if your not into that stuff). This is an original idea using the Bleach characters and cast. I claim no rights or anything associated with the Bleach series and its characters. Please feel free to continue leaving me your comments and reviews at the end to tell me what you think. Thanks and enjoy!

Special symbols: "regular speech", (author notes), Italic - mental thoughts/telepathy, Bold - demonic speech, CAPS - attacks

six - training

The next morning Ichigo awoke within the hospital feeling much better. His recovery rate amazed his father as he wished that some of his patience could recover as quickly as Ichigo did. After Ichigo was cleared, Isshin took Ichigo to school.

"If anyone asks, you had a blackout while in the bathroom which caused you to fall and injure yourself. It was the best I could come up with seeing how your blackouts have been well recorded." stated Isshin.

"All right dad." replied Ichigo as he got out of the car heading into the school. The first person he saw was Orihime.

"Ichigo what happened to you yesterday? I saw you get carted out of here in an ambulance." asked Orihime.

"I had a blackout in the bathroom. I must have fallen and injured myself but my dad says that I am lucky that I didn't break any bones and didn't have any brain damage. Thanks for your concern. I am all right." replied Ichigo.

"Oh, I wanted to tell you that I had thought about what you had said and all. I am extremely flattered by how you feel but I see you more as a friend." replied Orihime.

"I see. Forgive me for asking this Orihime but why do you turn down every guy whom asks you out? Are you gay or something?" asked Ichigo bluntly.

"Fucking hell no! It is just I want someone different, special, unique. I know that there is a person like that out there. I just haven't found him yet." replied Orihime. Ichigo could hear Darichi laugh in the back of his mind which almost made Ichigo jump.

That's a good one! If she would only open up her eyes, she would see that you are that person. God I forgot how ignorant humans are. And you seriously like this girl? asked Darichi mentally.

Shut up! Ichigo thought to himself. "Well if you ever change your mind Orihime let me know." stated Ichigo as he walked off snarling a few words underneath his breath.

Come on Ichigo, don't be like that. What do you see in that human anyway? asked Darichi mentally. Ichigo wanted to answer his question but he couldn't. Darichi let out a long sigh. Ichigo just reply with your thoughts. I can hear whatever you think being we are of the same mind. stated Darichi.

I have liked Orihime for a long time. She's funny, smart, beautiful, kind, and gentle. Over time those feelings grew stronger. You wouldn't understand But am I still allowed to live a normal life or is it because I am a Shinma that I am not allowed to have feelings or a normal life? Ichigo asked.

Hey I didn't say that! I was just trying to understand that's all Ichigo. Remember, I have been asleep for a long time. If we didn't have human feelings then we couldn't live in the human world and we would be just as cruel as some of the other Daemons that attack and kill humans. I didn't mean to offend you. Oh before I forget, your friend Shūhei and a shape shifter friend of mine, Yoruichi is going to help us in your training. stated Darichi. Renji tapped Ichigo on the shoulder snapping Ichigo back into the real world.

"So what happened?" asked Renji.

"It is a long story but, you owe me five dollars!" replied Ichigo.

"How do you figure that?" asked Renji.

"Orihime gave me an answer. No she's not gay and she only sees me as a friend so, pay up!" replied Ichigo.

"Shit!" cursed Renji.

After school, Ichigo headed straight home. Along the way he felt like he was being followed. Ichigo whipped around quickly only to find a black cat.

"Jesus fucking Christ cat you scared the shit out of me." Ichigo stated breathing a sigh of relief.

You should have sensed my presence better than that! replied the cat in a human voice. Hearing the cat speak freaked Ichigo out as he stumbled backwards falling down to the ground hard.

"That's impossible! Cats can't talk!" he stated bluntly as Ichigo could hear Darichi laughing in the back of his mind. "What's so fucking funny?" he snapped.

Meet Yoruichi Shihōin. She is a shape shifter that I was telling you about. This is one of the forms that she is capable of. replied Darichi mentally. Ichigo cursed underneath his breath as he got back up to his feet.

"Would it have killed you appear to me as a human being?" Ichigo asked Yoruichi.

Sorry Ichigo but I had to see if you had any clue of what you were capable of. And me following you as a cat is much more discreet instead of appearing before you as a human and risking you attacking me. replied Yoruichi. Ichigo had to admit that she did have a point. First lets go and get you into a pair of comfortable clothes and then I will lead you to the training area. Your friend is meeting us there. stated Yoruichi.

After Ichigo had dropped his things off at home and got changed. Ichigo followed Yoruichi to an old dojo temple.

Welcome Ichigo to the Dungeon. This is where you'll train in your free time after school. In between times Darichi may chose to also take you to the mindscape for additional training. Now lets begin! stated Yoruichi as she took on a human form. Ichigo shuttered when he heard the sounds of Yoruichi's body stretching as the transformation looked incredibly painful to him but to a being like Yoruchi she hardly felt any pain.

Don't worry Ichigo, you'll get used to all of this. stated Shūhei. Ichigo just shrugged his shoulders hoping that his friend was right. Yoruichi began with hand to hand combat having Ichigo defend himself. Yoruichi used many different styles and techniques that Ichigo had never even seen before as he got thrown to his floor several times, hard. The trick is to watch is to watch her movements and read what her body is going to do. Try to visualize what she is going to do before she does it. stated Shūhei as Ichigo got up to his feet.

Also feel your other half's guidance. Feel him and let him help you. added Yoruichi. Ichigo took his fighting stance once he got back up ready for Yoruichi. Ichigo did a little bit better this time round but he still got his butt handed to him.

Several hours later, Ichigo laid on the floor visibly exhausted and sore. He had yet to get to the harder stuff. He had his cell phone in his hand as he had called his father to tell him where he was. Ichigo moaned as he a weekend as he hand nothing better to do. Is muscles throbbed in pain as he couldn't bring himself to move. As Ichigo laid there on the floor, he could feel Darichi's energy flowing through his body helping eliminate the pain that he was feeling.

You're getting there Ichigo. If you remember all what we have taught you. You will learn this in no time. stated Shūhei.

"I hope your right, I could use all the help that I can get right about now." Ichigo replied.

Don't worry Ichigo, that is why we are here. We have a room set up for you to rest in when your able to move again. So tomorrow plan to stay the night. stated Yoruichi as Ichigo just moaned his reply.

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