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'Joel- you're here- there's a very big situation and it's all my fault.' The 11 foot god yelled in shock as Grian landed suddenly behind him.

'What- why- Grian?!'

'Get out of Empires.'


'Ren's trying to turn everyone into a mob so he can control the entire universe.'

'What?!' Repeated Joel. 'Why?'

'I don't know, but he came from Hermitcraft where there's only 7 of us who haven't been killed yet. 6. They got Cub so it's only 6.' Grian continued even quicker than before.

'Why would Ren want to control the entire universe?'

'Because he's got power-obsessed from being made king of Hermitcraft.'

'Well I'm tall sexy strong tall sexy and humble, they can't kill me!'

LDShadowlady: Scomw so the viewlge

LDShadowlady: VILLAGE

LDShadowlady: im in lOr vIlage

'Don't do it. It's a trap. They got Lizzie.'

'They got Lizzie?!' Was all Joel focussed on.

'Yeah, they got Lizzie and...'

'Hello, Joel.' Joel turned at the sound of Jimmy's voice, and then screamed.


'You're going to go down to where Lizzie is.'

'Wh- what?'

'You're going to go down to where Lizzie is.'

'Jimmy, what happened?!'

'He was killed by a wither... and... is now on Ren's side...' Grian replied, backing away behind Joel. 'Do you have a weapon I can use?'

'I... How?' 

Pearlescentmoon joined the game


'Oh poo.' Was all Grian replied.

'Grian, is she on Ren's side? Or is she good?'

'Neither. She's... 5AM mode... and still against Ren. Well... there's tension between them. Because she was in a resistance against him and he tried to get everyone to join his side, but with him as leader and...' Grian and Joel both screamed, backing away as Jimmy shot a fireball at them, blowing up where they stood moments before. Grian took to the air, circling.

'I need to find Pearl.' He called 'Stop her from doing any harm.' without another word, he flew away, about to leave the area when he realised he'd require weapons. Grian grabbed as much as he could find of use in Joel's storage, they flew towards where he thought spawn was.

ShubbleYT: Pearl at my base?

Grian: where's your base?

Coordinates were given and he changed direction towards it. Thankfully, it didn't take too long to get there... the sky was growing dark with every second, until he could see phantoms ahead, right above the mangrove. Grian dived, and quickly realised he wasn't alone. 

Shubble wasn't hurt, standing back, eyes wide at the sight of Ren and Pearl arguing.

'I'm allowed to help you aren't I?' Pearl's glare and smile didn't match, clearly annoyed. A bruise was blossoming around her eye. Clawmarks ran down Ren's arm. 

'Run.' Grian landed next to Shelby, who looked over at him. 

'She said if I ran the phantoms would get me faster. Grian glanced up at them circling. 

'You cut us off. As soon as you got what you wanted, you cut us out of your little promise of sharing and looked for other worlds to dominate until you're strong enough to fight us and win... you'll turn off respawn and kill us all again.' But Pearl's eyes flashed with fear not anger. Ren growled back.

'I made ONE MISTAKE and you started hating me... you know what the deal was. We get Cub, you get Impulse. Just because we got what we wanted and you didn't...'

'And you left us to fend off Doc's imminent attack too...'

'What?!' Grian couldn't help but blurt out. 'What happened with Doc?'

'What happened to Hermitcraft?' Shubble whispered, trembling.

'Mob crisis. If you get killed by a mob you turn into it. And then they decided everyone was going to join them.

Smallishbeans was slain by zombie pigman

'Joel... No...' Grian stepped away, knowing it was his fault. 

'And they've done the same on here...' Shelby realised, blinking back tears.


Pearl slashed at Ren again, wings raised, hissing. He stiffened, then aimed a punch back. She darted out of range, towards Shubble and Grian.

'YOU CAN'T STOP ME!' As she snapped her fingers, phantoms dove for the pair. Ren screamed for her to stop, charging again and pinning Pearl to a tree. Shubble squealed, but Grian slew the first one before it could kill her. Another went for Ren, slashing down his back. He turned, hitting at them, eyes glowing with rage. Pearl broke free, backing away, hurt. Grian ran, pulling Shubble with him, almost into the pond, and into the air. She tried to follow, but Pearl leapt at her, trapping her underwater. As much as she fought, she couldn't free herself, eyes wide as she struggled. Grian screamed, rooted to the spot, trying to find his bow. Just as Shubble started to drown she was pulled out and the nearest phantom went for her again.

ShubbleYT was slain by phantom

Grian backed away again, terror filling him at what he'd witnessed. There was nothing he could do except take to the air in attempt to find the one person who might know what had been happening. 

You whispered to Pixlriffs: PIX HELP

Pixlriffs whispered to you: Watcher Statue at spawn. Under that

He knew exactly where to go, shooting there as fast as he could, circling to land, running into the crypt. A moment later he collided with the resident historian, unable to stop himself crying. 

'Pix- please...' 

'Don't worry. I know what's happening... I don't know how to help you, but I know the situation.' He said. 'Just sit down. No one will know you're here... breathe in...' Grian took a couple of shaky breaths, taking a seat on the nearest coffin. 

'Pearl just... killed Shubble... I was right there... it was... she and Ren were fighting...' 

'Calm down. We'll find a way to fix it.' Grian's racing heartbeat slowed enough to speak properly, asking:

'What's going on back on the server. Because you...'

'Not much... Gem has taken over Pearl's side... Cub and Scar are now claiming they're kings... Doc's built a perimeter around the perimeter and brought all his allies there... Impulse has dug even deeper under your base and the others are safe there.' Pix replied, opening his eyes. The faint glow of watcher magic faded from around him and he looked at Grian.

'So they didn't attack anyone else?'

'Not that I know of.'

Grian nodded, taking another shaky breath. 

'Can I stay here?' 

'Of course! Make yourself at home... I've settled in his crypt here and there's plenty of space for two.' 

'Thanks...' Grian blinked again, wiping away tears. 'You... I really didn't trust you when I realised about the watchers. But... you're the best watcher I know. Who... still uses their powers.'

'Yeah... well, make yourself at home. And we can try to figure out a solution after that.'



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