Ch 23

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And I am so sorry for what's going to happen 

Also Joel is now just dead to a normal piglin because it works better.

The horns rang out as Ren landed in Glimmer Grove. A wave of anger ran through him, but he tried to shake it away. He'd caused this. It wasn't bad for him. He'd kill Katherine, and then be done with it. 

A pillager. Ren turned towards it, glaring. Fury bubbled up within, hands clenching into fists. Every normal instinct was replaced with one simple goal countering everything he'd planned.


He charged, killing the first one in a single hit. The others swarmed on him, but some broke past, hopefully going for Katherine. Ren punched down a couple of vindicators, blindly ignoring the pain as their axes hit him. It didn't take long for the first wave to fall, and Ren blinked. Why had he killed them? They were supposed to be here! But every golem instinct was telling him to kill them, save the village, save the people here...

Another horn, another wave of anger. Ren turned to see Katherine overwhelmed by them, wielding a giant axe. He needed to save- kill- what was he doing? Normal plans and instinct collided and he was left standing there, watching.

An arrow hit him. Ren bellowed with anger, charging them down and killing them in a second. He barely heard Katherine yell thanks. Then realised. He shouldn't be helping Katherine. He shouldn't kill them. STOP KILLING THEM!

The second round ended. Ren backed away. He needed to fly away and stop his own instincts ruining everything...

KatherineEliz was slain by Vindicator

Joy and anger. Ren turned on the rest of the third round, killing them, just as Katherine returned. Panting, he turned to face her, the anger fading slightly. Her clothes were torn, face grey, and the axe in her hand still stained with blood.

'Go... to Joey.' Ren demanded. 'And get him killed by a mob.'

A pause, and then she nodded, walking to the shore where several boats were parked. Climbed in, grabbed the oars, and started to sail.

It didn't take long for the shore of the Forgotten Cove to come into view, and with it, Pirate Joe, bounding over as she landed.

'Hello, Katherine...' He grinned. 'My pirate princess...'

'Hey Joey...' She looked to the drowned in the water. 'I wanted you to do something for me.'

'I'll do anything, my love... what do you want me to steal for you? Diamonds? I can get you diamonds! Maybe I can rob that nasty witch Shelby.."

'Jump into the water and let the drowned kill you.'


'If you do that I'll marry you.' 

Joey's eyes shone with the idea, and he gave another smile, diving into the water while Katherine watched.

JOEYGRACEFFA was speared by trident by drowned

Pixlriffs whispered to you: Come to the crypts

You whispered to Pixlriffs: ???

Sausage frowned as the message came into chat, confused. It wasn't the first strange thing that had happened. Grian, Ren and now Pearl were there, Jimmy had told everyone something about a disaster on Hermitcraft, Gem had been gone for ages, as had False (the whole two-Falses thing is too confusing. They're just the same person here.). And now rumours were coming in that mob deaths were bad...

'Hello there, Sausage...' He turned at Joel's voice, eyes widening at the sight of Hermes crying in his arms. 

'What happened to Hermes... what happened to you?!' The 11-foot god's face was mottled pink and, pig ears where is normal ears were. 'Oh no... this is what Pix was warning me about... this isn't good...'

'Do what I say or I kill him.' Was all Joel said. 


'Free Dolores and let her kill you.' 

Sausage blinked, terror filling him. For himself, for his child, for the server, and for whatever must've happened on Hermitcraft.


'I HAVE GOLD!' Yelled back Sausage, 'You can take all my gold... and... and my wood. All of Daddy Sausage's wood is yours...'

Joel blinked at the mention of gold. Seeing his one hope, Sausage backed away, before sprinting for his storage... he had to have some gold somewhere... there, some old gold boots. He returned. Hermes was still crying, utterly terrified.

'I give you the gold, you give me the child.' He stepped closer, holding out the boots. Joel grabbed them, looking over them for a moment before handing over Hermes. 

'It's ok... Daddy's got you...' Sausage tried to comfort him, close to tears himself. 'It's ok...' The terrified child whimpered, but settled down.

'Thunder Daddy wanted to hurt me...' He mumbled. 

'It's ok. Thunder Daddy can't hurt you now...' Sausage stepped away. Joel was starting to grow angry again.

'You- you tricked me! Into giving you Hermes... GIVE HIM BACK!' The piglin drew a gold sword. Hermes screamed, burying his head in Sausage's armour as he hugged even tighter.

'I don't know what crazy hermit magic got you but you're not going to hurt me or Hermes. Get out of Sanctuary or I kill you myself!' His mind whirled as he tried to think of a permanent solution... he could give more gold... or he could wear it. 

Taking Hermes with him, Sausage hurried for his storage again. A furious yell showed that Joel was following. Inside, searching through chest after chest as fast as he could... there, gold armour. He put a helmet on himself and, for extra measures, gave another to Hermes.

'Don't take that off or Thunder Daddy will be really mean to you again.' Sausage warned.

'I won't.' Hermes looked up, eyes round with fear. 'I don't like Thunder Daddy any more...' 

An explosion. Sausage turned his head as Hermes hugged him even harder, starting to walk over, then breaking into a run. A message appeared in chat that Hermes barely read out. 

'Who's- inthe-in-the-little-wood? And- why did he blow up?' 

A hole sat in the side of a building.

Dolores's home. 

'Ohhh no...' The warden lumbered out, sniffing. 'Hermes we need to go...' 

Joel wasn't attacking them. Sausage crept away, trying to navigate the streets of his base to the portal as Hermes whimpered. Dolores turned to face them. There was only one option left. 

'Hermes can you run really fast for me?'

A nod back. 

'Do you know where Pix's base is? The historian who lives in the big statue?' 

Another nod.

'Find him. Go to the nether portal... the big swirly portal... and find him...' Sausage crouched down, letting his son stand. He blinked back tears, trying not to let Hermes see them. 'And don't come looking for me... Daddy's gonna be gone for a long time but I'll... I'll come back for you... I promise...' 

'Daddy Sausage I love you.' Hermes hugged Sausage, and he hugged back, trying to hide his sobs.

'I love you more than anything else in this world... find Pix and stay there, ok? Don't worry about your old daddy Sausage...' Dolores stepped closer, growling again. Sausage broke out of the hug, looking down at his son one last time. 'Now run.' 

He stood up. For a second Hermes didn't move, but then sprinted away down the street.

You whispered to Pixlriffs: keep Hermes safe for me. Please

Sausage turned to face Dolores, tears running down his cheeks. 

'HERMES I LOVE YOU!' He yelled one last time as she charged.

MythicalSausage was slain by warden

More was supposed to happen in this chapter but I don't care.

And it wasn't supposed to get this angsty this quickly

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