Chapter 15

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"...Daisy! Daisy, are you okay?!" Snowball's voice called out. It was mixed with a ringing noise that fortunately was fading away. Laying flat on her back on the floor, Daisy slowly blinked her eyes open to find the other monsters staring down at her. They all seemed concerned for her wellbeing. Coughing a little, she quietly asked, "Am I small again?" At first there was silence as the other monsters looked at each other. Biting her lip, Chloe murmured, "Sorry but no."

"Well, at least I... um... fixed up your hair?" Ozone mumbled nervously. Glancing up, Daisy saw that her white streaked hair was standing up all over the place. That was one of the side effects of getting electrocuted. Sighing heavily, the young woman sat up into a sitting position. Trilling softly, Norman lumbered over and started fixing her hair, licking it down with his long tongue. Allowing the giant guinea pig to do so, she kept her gaze down as she spoke softly, "It's okay Doctor, we'll just have to try tomorrow..."

"Daisy, you don't get it! There is no way you or any of us are getting out of this place! No monster has ever escaped here!" Chloe exclaimed, her striped tail lashing side to side behind her. She was about to say more when Snowball interrupted, "That's not true, we all know Sweetpea got out of here." Dead silence met his words as the older monsters tried to look at something else. Confused, Snowball asked, "What? What is it?" Shuffling his foot nervously, Ozone murmured, "The Invisible Man never escaped." Nodding her head quietly, Chloe continued, "Snowball, you see, he um... he-"

"He died of a heart attack thirty seven years ago," Tiberius answered bluntly. Chloe and Ozone glared at him while Snowball screamed, "NOOOO!!!!!" His arms crossed over his chest, Tiberius went on, "He died in the chair in the corner." Everyone looked at said chair as the bird monster concluded, "He's still there."

"You see what we're saying Daisy," Chloe muttered. Looking up at the giant young woman who was about ready to cry, the cat monster patted her on the leg as she continued talking, "None of us are getting out. Not you, not me, not any of the guys. We're stuck here until the day we die. And nothing is going to change that so you better get used to the idea of living here for the rest of your life." A tear running down her face, Daisy whimpered, "I just wanna go home..."

"Did you listen to a word I said?! No one is leaving! No one is ever getting out of here!" Chloe hissed angrily, her ears pinned back against her head. The guys instinctively backed away from her. Before anything violent could happen though, the door opened and General Rooster entered, driving a motorcycle. "Good news monsters!" he shouted, "You're getting out of here!"

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