Chapter 23

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"Okay guys, we're almost there," Daisy pointed out. From her new height advantage, she could see her grandfather's farm. A few more steps for her and they would be at the front gate. Looking down at the monsters she was carrying in her hand, she continued, "There's a few rules I want to go over before we get there, such as-"

"Don't eat yellow snow," Snowball interrupted, smiling due to the fact he had remembered one important rule from his youth. Standing next to the shapeshifting blob, Chloe facepalmed and growled, "One, it's July Snowball. There's no snow. Second, you've never even seen snow!"

"Aw, are we still a bit touchy after one happened back in the city?" Ozone questioned teasingly, referring to how Chloe had gotten electrocuted and was unconscious for a good hour or so. Tiberius and even Norman snickered at his teasing remark. In response, Chloe hissed at all of them. Before her friends could start bickering amongst themselves, Daisy quickly intervened, "Guys, look. My grandfather and my friends, everyone around here, they've never seen anything like you. So be on your best behavior. Do what I do."


"Holy crap! Was that your neck?!" Snowball exclaimed. Puzzled herself by the mysterious crunching sound, Daisy lifted her foot to discover that she had inadvertently stepped on the wooden fence surrounding her grandfather's farmhouse. Noticing this too, the monsters didn't waste a second. Jumping off the young woman's hand, they quickly destroyed the fence too. They were about to destroy a tractor next when Daisy shouted, "Don't destroy anything! That was an accident!"

"Fun sucker..." Chloe muttered, throwing away a fence post and accidentally breaking a flower pot on the porch. Daisy sighed heavily.

"Oh my goodness, is that you granddaughter?" Pops asked. Hearing his voice, Daisy turned and saw her grandfather rolling his wheelchair down the ramp. A smile on her face, she gently picked him up and hugged him. "I'm home Pops," she whispered, her eyes brimming with tears of joy. Patting her thumb with a shaky hand, the elderly man murmured, "It feels like forever since I saw your face."

"Snowball, are you crying?" Ozone questioned. Tears flowing down his face like rivers, the shapeshifting blob turned away as he whimpered, "I get emotional, okay?"

"Uh... I see you brought some friends..." Pops remarked, finally noticing the monsters on his front lawn. Setting her grandfather back on firm ground, Daisy began the introductions, "Yeah, this is Snowball, Dr. Ozone, Tiberius, Norman and Chloe." The moment he saw the cat monster, Pops gasped. His eyes wide with shock, he mumbled, "Rhonda?!" Recognizing him at the same time, Chloe meowed, "Jack?!"

"Wait, you two know each other?" Snowball piped up, just as surprised as everyone else. Frozen stiff, Chloe explained, "He asked me out on a date. I was trying to avoid him that last night I was human."

"Pops, how about we throw a party, invite the whole neighborhood over?" Daisy suggested, getting up. She began walking away as she called over her shoulder, "I'll be right back, I just need to get Gidget and Max!" Concerned about being left with five monsters, Pops shouted, "What about your friends?!"

"Just get some food out! They'll eat anything!"

"Ooh, a slipper!" Ozone announced, digging through the trash can.

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