Chapter 26

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"You scream like a girl man," Snowball remarked, pointing at Max with a morphed hand. Max and Gidget clung to each other for dear life as the monsters came closer and closer. Rubbing her bloodshot eyes, Chloe muttered, "Daisy, your grandfather really knows how to throw a party. I guess he's improved since the 1950s." Of course, she was telling a lie. She quickly motioned for the others to lie as well. Clearing his throat, Ozone wiped off soot from his face as he joined in, "Yeah, that was the best party I've ever been to since... I got out of prison-"

"Okay, you guys suck at lying so step aside," Tiberius growled, finally pulling the cat door off his head. Throwing it aside, he hissed, "Let's face it. We could save every human on this planet and they'll keep treating us the same way they always have." A sad look on his face, Snowball mumbled solemnly, "Like monsters..." Norman let out a mournful squeak while all of the monsters bowed their heads in silence. Recalling how the people at the airport ran away when they saw her, Daisy bowed her head as well while she murmured, "Right... monsters..."

"Well, once a monster, always a monster. That's the Monster Squad motto guys, don't forget it," Chloe grumbled, shaking herself. The cat monster flicked her ear and walked away. Remaining quiet until this point, Gidget asked, "Wait, what do you mean by saving everyone on the planet?" Raising an eyebrow, Ozone questioned her, "Don't you watch the news? Manhattan was under attack by an alien robot earlier today and we saved the city! Does anyone care? No!"

"We had no idea that you guys saved us," Max pointed out, "The news wasn't allowed to cover the event." Standing beside her husband, Gidget added, "And I think people should care. If it hadn't been for you guys, we'd all be dead or enslaved by aliens! You're not monsters, you're heroes!"

"You're right Gidget, we're not just monsters," Daisy remarked, her spirits uplifted. Sitting up straight, she looked over at her newfound friends and continued, "We're so much more than what we look like on the outside. You guys are probably the most amazing individuals I have ever met." Crouching down again, she turned to Ozone and stated, "Dr. Ozone, you can land on your feet and survive almost anything and build a supercomputer with a pizza box, an old toaster, a comb and two cans of whipped cream."

"And three pieces of paper!" Ozone added.

"Norman, you're like the world's largest therapy guinea pig. You make everyone smile even on those gloomy rainy days," Daisy went on, gesturing to the large guinea pig before moving onto the next person, "And you! Tiberius, you flew hundreds of miles back to your hunting grounds and still had enough strength and bravery to take on the Air Force!"

"And I defeated every single one of those fighter jets!" Tiberius purred, remembering that day fondly.

"Me next!" Snowball cried. Giggling happily, Daisy picked up the shapeshifting blob and told him, "You're the sweetest person I know and you always believe in others." She gently placed a kiss on his forehead before turning towards Chloe, who had returned to the group. Picking up the feline monster, she pointed out, "Chloe, you're one heck of a leader. You take the lead into a battle, even when the odds are against you. Don't ever forget that." Smiling sheepishly, Chloe replied, "Thanks Daisy. Don't you ever forget how amazing you are too."

"Let none of us ever forget that," Daisy declared. Setting her friends down, the young woman stood up tall and proud as she announced loud and clear, "Ever!" Inspired, Snowball cheered, "Yes! Testify sister!" Gidget and Max applauded the monsters, who were now feeling better about themselves. Nothing could ruin this moment.

Then a beam of light shone down on Daisy, coming from the alien spaceship up above.

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