Chapter 27

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"What in the name of Albert Einstein..." Ozone muttered, shielding his eyes from the blinding light. Everyone was. Tilting her head back as far as she could, Daisy could barely make out the spaceship. The beam of light was too bright. Looking away briefly, she finally came to the realization that she was being beamed up.

She was being abducted.

"Guys!" Daisy cried, frightened. She frantically tried to escape from the light. However, it was physically impossible. Gasping in horror, Snowball and Gidget cried at the same time, "Daisy!" Everyone was currently in panic mode. Max was busy dialing 911 while Chloe was trying to formulate a plan. It was Norman though who came up with an idea. Squeaking, he spat out a string of silk from his mouth. The silk latched onto Daisy, who was already four hundred feet above the ground, and halted her movement. She was no longer being beamed up.

"Yes! Well done little guy!" Tiberius exclaimed. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief and cheered on Norman. With the silk wrapped around her ankle, Daisy herself was relieved that she was being rescued. She was not looking forward to being abducted by aliens. Not today or any other day.

"Sir, we have a problem," the ship's computer informed Sergei. The screen depicted a huge guinea pig trying to pull a giant young lady out from the beam of light. Growling, Sergei slammed his fists down on the desk and shouted, "Kill away!"

"My lord, the creature is harmless-" the computer started to say but Sergei interrupted, "FIRE THE DANG WEAPON!"

"Come on Norman, you can do it!" Snowball cheered. Standing next to him, Chloe added, "Almost there!" Slowly being pulled down by Norman, Daisy could feel hope fluttering in her chest. Then she heard a loud gunshot. She turned her head to the right just as a ball of red light flew past her. Before anyone could say a word of warning, the ball struck Norman square in the face. The guinea pig let out a pained shriek before crashing down. Once again being beamed up to the spaceship, Daisy cried, "No! Norman, please no!" As soon as she was inside, the door shut. Watching helplessly, Snowball whimpered quietly, "Daisy..."

"Norman!" Tiberius screeched. Dropping down on all fours, he raced over to the fallen guinea pig. Whining softly in pain, Norman was not feeling the best. His breathing was labored and his fur was losing its shine rapidly. Skidding to a stop by the large rodent's face, the bird monster rasped, "It's okay little guy, I'm here. Everything is gonna be okay. Now come on, get up. You need to get up." With that statement, he began trying to help the guinea pig back on his feet. Squeaking, Norman nuzzled Tiberius before slowly closing his eyes. A moment later, he stopped breathing.

Speechless, the other monsters watched in dead silence as Tiberius howled in anguish.

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