Chapter 34

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"You've got to be kidding me right now..." Ozone grumbled irritably, scowling. Very slowly, all of the monsters raised their hands. Their shoulder guns trained on the group, the robotic wolves were ready to fire at any moment. Walking calmly amongst them, Sergei snickered sinisterly and sneered, "Did you actually think that you could escape from me?"

"Um... yeah?" Snowball whimpered.

"We can still escape! We have a secret weapon!" Daisy retorted. The next thing anyone knew, she ran up and punched Sergei right in the face. Yelping, the alien's hands went up to cover his nose while the young woman backed off. The robotic wolf army took a step forward and snarled angrily. Meanwhile, the monsters huddled around Daisy protectively. Glancing down at her hand, Daisy smirked in satisfaction when she saw the black blood on her knuckles. Wiping his nose to discover that he had a nosebleed, Sergei growled, "And what exactly is your secret weapon?"

"Someone get Tiberius over here," Daisy declared. Eyes widening in shock and horror while Chloe and Ozone grabbed his arms, the bird monster protested, "No, please don't! You guys know what happens when I-" He didn't get to finish as Daisy held up the fist she used to punch Sergei in the face. Smelling the black blood, Tiberius growled and squeezed his eyes shut. Her plan working so far, Daisy pointed out, "He killed Norman." Chloe and Ozone released their hold on their companion and backed off. Dropping down on all fours, the bird monster opened his now bright red eyes. Looking up at Sergei, he snarled.

"Uh oh..." Sergei mumbled, quickly turning around and running for his life.

Letting out a thundering roar, Tiberius raced after Sergei. The robotic wolves attempted to stop him. Those that got in the way were torn to shreds in seconds. The rest of the monsters, in the meantime, took on the remaining robots. "Finally some action..." Chloe muttered, cracking her knuckles. Ready to fight, she started throwing punches and kicks. Even her striped tail got into the action, grabbing the robots and throwing them. Finding a gun, Snowball picked it up and wondered aloud, "Hey! What's this do?" He accidentally pulled the trigger, shooting a robot wolf in the head. His question answered, he mumbled, "Oh..."

"Snowball, let me see that!" Daisy cried, holding her hands up. The shapeshifting blob tossed the alien weapon to her. Aiming it at a bunch of robots behind them, she pulled the trigger and fired. The backfire rocketed her backwards, knocking out several other robotic wolves in doing so. Having made a little device out of various objects, Ozone fired it. All of the robotic wolves within range were frozen in ice. Huffing, he grumbled, "It's supposed to be a flamethrower."

"Ha! I win!" Chloe shouted, lifting a bunch of destroyed robotic wolves above her head. A moment later, Daisy crashed into her, knocking them all down. Laying flat on the floor with the young woman on top of her, the cat monster asked, "Alright Daisy, what's the plan?"

"There's still more robots being built!" Snowball declared, rushing over with Ozone. Scratching his chin thoughtfully, the cat headed man murmured, "The only way we can save the world and stop the invasion is if we shut everything down. In order to do that, we need to find the main power core. The ship's computer, if you will."

"And how are we supposed to find that!" Chloe exclaimed. Getting off the cat monster and helping her get back on her feet, Daisy commented, "I'm pretty sure Sergei knows. Let's go get him." With that, she took off running down the hallway with Snowball following her. Trailing behind with Chloe at his side, Ozone muttered, "Yeah, if he hasn't been ripped to pieces yet..."

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