Chapter 36

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"Are you sure you got this? We can just make him shut his own ship down," Chloe pointed out. Sergei opened his mouth to say something but was quickly silenced by a growl from Tiberius. Shaking his head, Ozone murmured, "We can't trust him to do that. He might start up the invasion or something. I need to do this. It's not that hard. I just need to step on a certain color when it glows. It's like dancing." Her eyebrow raised in question, Chloe muttered, "You're gonna shut down the ship by dancing? Do you even know how to dance?!"

"That's the one thing you guys don't know about me," Ozone declared in a serious tone, "My Ph.D. is in dance."

At first there was silence. Then laughter filled the air. Snowball and Chloe collapsed on the floor, laughing their heads off. Still holding onto Sergei by the throat, Tiberius sounded like he was snickering at the cat headed man. Only Daisy and Sergei didn't laugh. Scowling at those who were, Ozone grumbled, "You don't believe me?! Watch this!" Turning back to face the tiles, he stepped onto different spaces as he murmured to himself, "Red, blue, magenta, lime green, yellow, white, red again and hey!" At that moment, music played that sounded oddly like the nightcore version of Rockefeller Street. Chloe and Snowball's jaws dropped in astonishment.

"You don't realize what you're doing! You need to stop!" Sergei shouted. A second later, he was gasping for air as Tiberius tightened his grip. Standing next to him, Daisy could hear the robotic wolves coming for them. Frightened, she called out, "Doc, you might want to hurry up! We don't have much time!" Twirling and jumping about as he hit every space at the right time, Ozone replied, "Relax, I'm reaching the show stopper!" Jumping high into the air, he did a backflip and performed a perfect split. The screen glowed red as the ship's computer stated, "Systems shutting down."

"No!" Sergei shouted while the monsters cheered, "Yes!"

"Ship will now self-destruct in T minus six minutes."

"Yeah- wait, what?!" Snowball cried, shocked. The monsters, all horrified, looked at Sergei. Freed, the alien was already racing up a ladder to a higher walkway. He called over his shoulder as he half ran, half limped, "If you shut down everything on a spaceship, you cause the whole ship to self-destruct! Now we're all gonna die thanks to you!" Just then, parts of the ship started breaking apart and alarms rang out. Slowly turning to look at each other, all of the monsters muttered at the same time, "Run."

Without another word, they took off running.

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