Chapter 37

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Sprinting down the long walkway, Daisy was running as fast as she could. All of her friends were too. But the young woman could already tell that it wasn't gonna be enough. The doors at the end of the walkway were beginning to close. Glancing up at Sergei, she saw that he was almost at the doors on his level. He was gonna escape. "Guys," she called over her shoulder, "We're not gonna make it!"

"Oh yes we are!" Chloe replied from behind Daisy. A moment later, the young woman was grabbed by the arm and picked up. "Need a lift?" Tiberius asked, already carrying everyone else. Morphed into a white scarf, Snowball was wrapped around his neck while Ozone was carried in his taloned feet. He held onto the girls with one clawed hand each. Despite the extra weight, he was still able to fly faster than a speeding bullet. Smiling at Daisy, Chloe purred, "See, we're gonna make it."

Making it to the doors on his level, Sergei looked down to discover that the monsters were almost out. They were gonna make it. Well, not on his watch. Grabbing a gun that was conveniently nearby, he took aim and fired.

Daisy wasn't too sure what happened. One moment she and her friends were getting closer and closer to the doors. Freedom was within their grasp. Then there was a loud gunshot. It was followed by a painful screech from Tiberius. Seconds later, they all crashed down onto the walkway just a few yards away from the doors. All hope seemed lost for escape until Snowball, now back in his normal form, grabbed her. "Be safe," he whispered, giving her a hug. Then without warning, he threw Daisy through the doors before they slammed shut behind her. She was free.

But her friends were trapped.

"No!" Daisy screamed, running back to the doors. They were made off a clear crystal so she was able to see her friends. However, they were too thick to break. Pounding on the doors, she kept screaming repeatedly, "No no no no no no! No!" On the other side, Snowball and Chloe rushed over. Ozone, in the meantime, was on the floor next to Tiberius, inspecting the damage done to his left wing. Chloe started trying to pry the doors open. Already knowing that there was no hope left for them, Snowball placed his hand on the door. Doing the same on her side, Daisy broke down into tears.

"Computer, divert the cosmosium to the bridge and prepare my escape capsule!" Sergei's voice called out from up above. Looking up, Daisy saw the alien running, probably heading towards said escape capsule. A scowl on her face, she ran after him.

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