Chapter 38

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"I can't wait to get off this wretched planet, it's not worth it," Sergei grumbled, pacing back and forth as he waited for his escape capsule to get ready. He was at the bridge. The cosmosium was almost fully diverted there. Just a few more seconds and he would be leaving Earth with the cosmosium.

"Ship will self-destruct in T minus three minutes," the ship's computer announced. Rolling his eyes in annoyance, Sergei retorted, "Not helping, computer!" He was about to resume pacing when the computer stated, "Intruder alert."

"Say what now-" Sergei started to say when he got punched in the cheek. Yelping in pain, he fell to the floor. Her fists ready to deal out more punches, Daisy ordered, "Open the doors. Now." Rubbing his sore cheek, Sergei got up to his feet and dusted himself off while he replied, "Do you actually think that I'll open those doors and let your friends out? Who do you think I am?!"

"Cosmosium has been successfully diverted to the bridge," the ship's computer announced, "Escape capsule is ready for departure my lord." Chuckling softly when he heard that, Sergei turned to Daisy and sneered, "You should've defeated me when you had the cosmosium. I do hope that your demise is painful. Have fun exploding." Turning his back to the young woman, he walked away.

Not done with him yet and her anger still unspent, Daisy ran after Sergei and tackled him. The two rolled across the floor, throwing punches and kicking each other. Landing a low blow to her opponent, Daisy noticed the gun he had set down. Scrambling over to it, she almost got it when Sergei grabbed her ankle. He received a kick to the eye in response. Releasing his hold reluctantly, the alien soon found a gun pointed at his face. Her finger on the trigger, Daisy demanded, "Let my friends go."

"I can't! You and your friends set the ship to self-destruct! Now there's nothing that either you or I can do about it!" Sergei shouted, speaking the truth. Daisy could hear the terror in his voice and see it in his eyes. Lowering the gun down, she allowed him to run to his escape capsule. Wondering what she was gonna do now, she lifted her gaze. A glass orb hung over her head, filled with a glowing purple substance.


"I'm free, I'm free!" Sergei cheered, opening the door to the escape capsule. He was about to enter when he heard a loud gunshot. It obviously had to have been the human known as Daisy. He turned and watched as the orb containing the cosmosium crashed down on her. In a matter of seconds, the glowing purple substance disappeared from the glass sphere.

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