Chapter 39

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"Ship will self-destruct in T minus one minute," the ship's computer declared. Parts of the ship broke apart and fell to the floors below. The air was slowly filling up with smoke from several fires. Truly, no one would want to be stuck in a place like this. And yet there were four individuals trapped there, doom awaiting all of them.

"There, that's the best I can do for you right now," Ozone murmured quietly, finished setting a cast for Tiberius's broken wing. Laying on his back with his head resting on a pipe, the bird monster rasped, "It's fine Doc, thanks." Shuddering, he mumbled, "It was an honor knowing you guys."

"Same here," Ozone replied. Standing next to the pair, Chloe spoke softly, "I wish I said this more often but... I love you guys. You're all my family." Morphing two long arms, Snowball pulled his friends into a warm hug as he cried, "You guys are the best!" Tears ran down his face as he sobbed his heart out. Nervously glancing at each other, the other three monsters hugged him back. At the same time, there was a loud crack as a generator came crashing down. It was going to crush them. Knowing what was awaiting them, the group covered their heads.

Nothing happened.

"Are we dead?" Snowball asked nervously, his blue eyes squeezed shut. Uncovering her head, Chloe looked up and gasped. "Well I'll be darned," she murmured. Confused, the boys looked up as well to find Daisy, once more fifty feet tall. Having caught the fallen generator, she hoisted it over her head and tossed it off to the side. Smiling down at her friends, she remarked, "Hey guys."

"You came back for us?!" Snowball exclaimed happily, delighted to see Daisy. Scooping up her friends into her arms, the giant young woman replied, "We monsters gotta stick together, right-"

"It's great that you came back for us and all honey but we need to get out of here before we blow up to smithereens!" Chloe pointed out. As if to prove her point, the ship's computer called out, "Ship will self-destruct in T minus thirty seconds." Cradling her friends in her arms, Daisy jumped and plummeted towards the floor way down below, breaking through the metal.

Outside of the ship, the monsters rolled across the metal plates making up the spaceship. Noticing they were getting close to the edge, Daisy quickly grabbed Snowball just as they all went over. Snowball stretched out and grabbed Tiberius. The bird monster caught Chloe by her tail using his taloned feet. She in turn grabbed Ozone by the ankles. Daisy held onto the edge of the spaceship. She was losing her grasp quickly though.

"Does anyone see the general?! He's supposed to be here!" Snowball cried, looking around at the surrounding skies. There was nothing though. Hanging upside down, Ozone replied back, "He did say that the only way he wouldn't be here was if he was dead!" An uneasy silence fell upon the group just as Daisy lost her grip. Screaming, the monsters plummeted towards the ground below.

They never hit the ground though as they landed on something extremely soft.

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