Chapter 8

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"This is going to be a great Halloween! Right Max?" Gidget asked, dressed up as a Greek goddess. She was dancing along to the music that was playing. The remix version of Spooky Scary Skeletons filled up the whole house. His costume being a Roman gladiator, Max carried a large bowl of candy over to a table as he declared, "Yes indeed Gidget! Do you think we got too much candy though?" Little did the couple know that their house was about to become a target for destruction.

Mutant pumpkins, hungry for candy, raced down the street towards the Russell house. They couldn't wait to dig in. They were running and rolling as fast as they could. But they weren't the first ones to the house. Bikes and scooters screeched to a halt as the monsters and children arrived at the scene. Hopping off a bike she had borrowed, Chloe stretched her legs and wheezed, "Man do I need to get back in shape..."

"Guys, quick! Eat all of the candy! That's the only way we'll stop these things!" Snowball cried. Without another word, he went on the attack, eating every piece of candy he could find in the yard. The shapeshifting blob was about to eat from the bowl set out when the front door swung open. Stepping out onto the porch with Hu cradled in his arms, Tiberius hissed, "Can you guys keep the noise down?! Hu is trying to sleep!"

"When the heck did you guys get along?! I thought you wanted to eat that cat!" Chloe retorted. Stroking Hu with a gentle taloned hand, Tiberius purred, "Not anymore. I love this cat. He's sweet, adorable and is a great person to talk to." Facepalming, Ozone cleared his throat and chimed into the conversation, "Well, I'm sorry to interrupt your bonding moment with your new friend but we have a huge situation on our hands involving candy eating pumpkins!" As he was saying that, he pointed up at the mutant pumpkins coming down the street. His jaw dropping, Tiberius exclaimed, "What did you morons do this time?!"

"We didn't do anything this time, we swear!" Snowball protested, shoving handfuls of candy into his mouth.

"Here, you babysit kid," Tiberius declared, handing Hu to Tiny and his friends. Watching the bird monster, Chloe rasped, "What do you think you're gonna do? Take out an entire army?!" Walking out onto the street, Tiberius remarked, "Relax. I speak pumpkin. I'll just talk to them and see what the deal is. And if we can't find a peaceful resolution, I'll smash them to bits."

"You speak pumpkin?!"

"Back in my day, plants were alive and you could talk to them. I know over thirty thousand languages."

"Of course you do..."

"And I'm supposed to be the smart one..." Ozone huffed, crossing his arms. Chloe glanced at him in confusion just as the mutant pumpkins finally arrived on the scene. Standing before them, Tiberius let out a series of small chirps and an occasional tap of his talons. The largest pumpkin, about the size of a three story house, stepped forward and replied back in a harsh tone. Horrified by what had just been said, Tiberius snapped, "No one insults my mother and gets away with it!"

"And nobody is stealing any candy from these innocent children!" Ozone declared. Standing beside him, Chloe growled, "And I'm the only one who scares these kids." Dead silence followed her words as the children looked at her. The cat monster facepalmed as a result. In the meantime, Snowball was happily devouring all of the candy in the yard. "Don't worry guys!" he reassured everyone, "Everything is under control!"

"It sure is now," Daisy declared, arriving. Putting herself in between the pumpkin army and her best friend's house, she continued, "Last I checked, Halloween belongs to monsters. And this monster is a pumpkin crushing giant!" The largest mutant pumpkin laughed menacingly at that. Then all of the pumpkins began to merge together to make one large mutant humanoid pumpkin with hundreds of heads.

"Okay..." Daisy mumbled, "I guess you're a giant crushing pumpkin..."

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