Chapter 9

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"A few more minutes and we'll be having a fantastic party," Pops declared, smiling. His fingers lightly tapped on the arm of his wheelchair to the beat of the music. Max and Gidget danced to it. None of them knew what was happening right outside on the street and front lawn. Scratching his chin thoughtfully, the elderly man murmured, "Wonder what the kids are up to..."

Outside, the monsters were getting their butts kicked.

"I can't believe we're being beaten by vegetables!" Daisy shouted angrily, throwing punches. They did nothing to hurt the giant mutant pumpkin, not even a little bit. Wrapping the young woman up in some vines, it started throwing her around. The kids ran to find cover. It was too late for Ozone as he got crushed. Sprawled out on the cracked concrete, the cat headed man was still alive as he wheezed, "Technically Daisy, they're fruits..."

"Technically, they're going down!" Chloe declared. Hissing, she launched herself at the pumpkins. In response, she got kicked in the face and was sent flying through the air. Cringing as the humanoid cat crashed into the shed, Tiberius questioned, "Okay... does anyone have an actual plan?" At that moment, vines wrapped around his feet and threw him upwards. Watching that, the kids screamed in terror and ran. Hiding by the trash cans, Pickles cried, "We're gonna die!"

"Snowball! Do something!" Princess begged. All eyes turned to the shapeshifting blob. Leaning against Max's car, he belched and mumbled, "Ugh... this was a bad idea..." Holding his stomach, he belched again before continuing, "If I end up exploding, I want you kids to do something for me." Stepping forward, Tiny held the shapeshifter's hand as he asked, "What is it?"

"Tell Daisy I love her..." Snowball whispered. Belching a third time, he covered his mouth while he murmured, "Oh no..." His white face turning green, he rolled over onto his side and started throwing up all over the front of Max's car. The kids slowly backed away from the sick shapeshifting blob. Watching, Ozone started doing some calculations in his head. Then he had a lightbulb moment.

"It's not a bad idea Snowball!" Ozone exclaimed, "It's perfect! If it's candy they want, they're gonna get some candy!"

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