Chapter 10

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"Candy just makes them bigger!" Daisy exclaimed, still wrapped up in vines. She was struggling not to get her face eaten by two pumpkins that were acting as hands. Picking up a lozenge laying on the grass, Ozone replied, "Yes! And they'll keep getting bigger until they explode!" Looking up at the giant mutant pumpkins, he threw the lozenge as far as he could towards them. The largest one, acting as the head, saw it and ate it.

The plan was working.

"Kids, quickly! Grab every piece of candy that you can find!" Ozone shouted. The front lawn was quickly covered by children. They grabbed handfuls of candy and chucked it at the giant mutant pumpkins. Not a single piece hit the ground. The pumpkins were eating all of them. Noticing that one of the smaller ones had exploded already after eating too much, Ozone smiled and raced into the shed just as Chloe came out. Picking up the chocolate fountain, she hoisted it above her head and threw it as she shouted, "Eat up pumpkins!"

"Yeah... let's go team..." Snowball cheered halfheartedly, still feeling sick. His face turning green again, he rolled over and threw up.

Crashing back down on the earth at last, Tiberius coughed up some vines. Rolling over onto his back, he found himself face to face with one of the pumpkin hands. Before it could grab him though, Hu hopped up onto the bird monster with a candy bar in his mouth. The cat gave it to the pumpkin. Seconds later, it exploded. Getting up to his feet, Tiberius hugged Hu gratefully.

"Say hello to my little friend pumpkins!" Ozone declared, rolling out of the shed with a machine gun cannon he had just built using the lawnmower. Having the kids dump candy into the back, he began firing his new weapon. Candy shot out, flying at the mutant pumpkins. They were quickly eaten by said pumpkins. And some of those were beginning to explode. The plan was working beautifully.

Until the candy ran out.

"We need more! Just a few pieces should do the trick!" Ozone shouted, looking around at the children. All of them were checking their bags and pockets. Finding none, Tiny cried, "We're all out!" Panic swept over the monsters and children as the remaining pumpkins grew a smidge more. At that moment, Ozone recalled his swirly pop. Pulling it out, he looked at it one last time before throwing it at the largest pumpkin. It was gone in one bite.

And just like that, the pumpkins began exploding.

"Happy Hallow- oh my god!" Gidget exclaimed, stepping out onto the front porch. Seeing the giant pumpkins, Max fainted. His jaw dropping, Pops asked, "What in the world?!" Smiling nervously, Daisy mumbled, "Surprise?"

"Crap! The big one is getting away!" Chloe pointed out. Everyone looked up into the night sky. Sure enough, there was the largest mutant pumpkin trying to get away after his stem turned into a helicopter blade. Laughing evilly, it flew away as fast as it could. It wasn't fast enough though as a familiar trill filled the air.

A moment later, Norman flew through the mutant pumpkin, causing it to explode.

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