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The Halloween party was in full swing. The children were running around the street getting candy and all kinds of sugary sweets. Games were being played and laughter filled the air. Everyone was having fun. Sitting on the road, Daisy was chatting away with her grandfather and friends. Farmer Shep was entertaining Rooster, Mel and Buddy with his story of abduction by pumpkins. Snowball entertained the children with his shapeshifting abilities. Hu and Norman were still playing around under the watchful eye of Tiberius, who was arm wrestling five people at the same time. He won easily. Ozone was giving the kids a ride on a wagon pulled by a newly improved lawnmower. Everyone was having fun.

But no one noticed the figure hiding in the shadows.

Safely hidden in the bushes in someone's front lawn, a mutant pumpkin watched the partygoers. It was the last mutant pumpkin, the only survivor. And it wasn't planning on going out with a boom. Its glowing greenish blue eyes fixed on a single lozenge laying on the street just a few inches away, the mutant pumpkin checked to see if the coast was clear. Believing it was, it stepped out of its hiding place.

"Well, what do we have here now?" Chloe questioned, grabbing the mutant pumpkin by the stem. Caught red handed, it tried getting away from the humanoid cat. Its attempts were futile. Carrying the mutated fruit by the stem, the leader of the Monster Squad carried it to a trash can and tossed it in. She stared at the pumpkin for a little bit before whispering, "Boo." Screaming in terror, the last mutant pumpkin exploded in the trash can.

Laughing to herself as she put the lid back on the trash can, Chloe purred happily, "I still got it."


Here we are! I'm gonna try to get "Escape From Area Fifty Something" done soon before I begin writing the series. As for the dates that I have mentioned, I'm surprised no one has made a guess as to why I picked them. I have already given the hint that they are movie references of a sort. Good luck guessing them. Whoever gets them correct will get a shoutout when I get the series written. Here are the dates again.

The final battle in Monsters in NYC takes place on July 8th. The beginning where Daisy gets hit by a meteorite happens on June 7th.

Snowball is captured on April 6th, 1951.

Chloe is turned into a monster and captured on November 3rd, 1954. She was born on March 7th, 1933.

Tiberius attacks Los Angeles and gets captured on December 26th, 1956.

Ozone turns himself into a monster on July 16th, 1958. He was born on November 21st, 1931.

Sweetpea turns invisible on March 28th, 1963. He was born on November 13, 1933, and supposedly died on May 25th, 1979.

Norman is captured on May 20th, 1998.

Daisy was born on October 11th, 1996.

Good luck guessing! Guesses go into the comment section below please. Makes it easier for me to find.

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