The Scare Floor

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Sulley is sleeping in his bed as the alarm clock switches to 6:05 a.m. "Hey! Good morning, Monstropolis. It's now five after the hour of 6:00 A.M. In the big monster city. Temperature's a balmy 65 degrees, which is good news for you reptiles, and it looks like it's gonna be a perfect day to maybe, hey, just lie in bed, sleep in, or simply WORK OUT THAT FLAB THAT'S HANGING OVER THE BED!!! GET UP, SULLEY!!!!" Mike uses an air horn, waking up Sulley who screams. In the living room, Sulley drops to the floor for push-ups. Mike stands in front of him barking orders like a coach. "I don't believe I ordered a wake-up call, Mikey." Sulley said. "Hey, less talk, more pain, marshmallow boy! Feel the burn!" Mike said. Between each push-up, Sulley springs into the air, striking a fearsome pose and roaring. "You call yourself a monster?" Mike asked, and Sulley roars louder. Later, Sulley jogs in place. "Scary feet, scary feet, scary feet-- Oop! The kid's awake!" Sulley drops to the ground and lies motionless, then jogs again. "Okay, scary feet, scary feet, scary feet, scary feet, scar-- Kid's asleep!" Sulley roars. 

"Twins! In a bunk bed!" Sulley goes up and down, roaring on two levels. "Ooh, I thought I had you there." Mike said. Later, Mike holds a broom with a crude drawing of a child's face taped to the end. "Okay, Sulley, here we go. You ready? Follow it!" Mike swings the broom, Sulley lunges after it. "Oh! It's over here! Oh! Look over there!" Mike gasps "Don't let the kid touch you! Don't let it touch you!" He shouted. Sulley growls at the paper kid while dodging it. Later, like a quarterback rushing a tackle dummy, Sulley strains to push a pile of heavy furniture across the living room. Mike stands atop the pile encouraging him. "I don't know, but it's been said. I love scaring kids in bed!" Mike sung. Later in the bathroom, Sulley brushes his teeth, while Mike stands on his arm. "C'mon, fight that plaque! Fight that plaque! Scary monsters don't have plaque!" Mike said. Later in the living room, Sulley hangs upside-down from a beam, doing some "gravity" sit-ups. "One-eighteen. Do you have one-nineteen? Do I see one-twenty? Oh, I don't believe it!" Mike said. "I'm not even breaking a sweat." Sulley said. "Not you! Look! The new commercial's on." Mike runs to the TV, Sulley slips and falls. On the TV, a bank of lights illuminate and flare brightly. "The future is bright at Monsters Incorporated." Mike and Sulley scramble into their chairs to watch the commercial. "I'm in this one. I'm in this one!" Mike said. On the TV, there are beautiful shots of monsters happily living their lives. "We're part of your life. We power your car. We warm your home. We light your city."

Betty turns to the camera. "I'm Monsters Incorporated!" Sulley watches from his easy chair. He points to the screen. "Hey, look! Betty!" On the TV, a bored child watches as various monsters cycle past. We settle on Claws which causes the child to scream. "Carefully matching every child to their ideal monster, to produce superior scream, refined into clean, dependable energy. Every time you turn something on, Monsters Incorporated is there." "I'm Monsters Incorporated!" On the TV, a child is vacantly staring at a television set. Machine gun fire, explosions, etc. are heard emerging from the set. Text appears on the screen: "Simulation-Not Actual Child." "We know the challenge. The window of innocence is shrinking. Human kids are harder to scare." On the TV, Henry J. Waternoose, a large crab-like monster, turns to face the camera. "Of course. MI is prepared for the future. With the top scarers..." On the screen, Sulley stands next to a door standing on a factory work floor, known as the Scare Floor. He leans next to the door, opens the door and roars. The kid inside screams. Mike watches his buddy on TV and leaps to his feet. "Whoo-hoo-hoo! Ha-ha!" Mike said. 

"...the best refineries, and research into new energy techniques." On the TV, a monster with virtual reality glasses roars, causing a computer child on a monitor behind him to scream. Mike scoots to the edge of his seat in anticipation. "Okay, here I come." Mike said. On the TV, Mike and Sulley stand in front of a crowd of MI workers. As they turn to the camera, the Monsters, Inc. logo appears over Mike, blocking him entirely. "We're working for a better tomorrow... today!" Sulley said. Mike stares at the TV, shocked. "We're Monsters Incorporated!" All of the monsters said. "We're MI, Monsters Incorporated. We scare because we care." Sulley turns off the TV. "I can't believe it." Mike said. "Oh, Mike." Sulley said softly. "I was on TV! Ha. Did you see me? I'm a natural!" As Mike was amazed to see himself on TV, the phone rings, and Mike grabs the receiver. "Hello? I know! Wasn't I great?! Did the whole family see it? It's your mom. Ha-ha, what can I say? The camera loves me." Mike said. Outside of Monstropolis, at morning, the sun rises over Monstropolis, an industry town much like Pittsburgh. Its ancient history is seen in the architecture. Frank, a newspaper delivery monster tosses a paper on the stoop of Mike and Sulley's apartment building. Mike and Sulley walk out the door, with lunch boxes in their hands. "I'm telling you, big daddy, you're gonna be seeing this face on TV a lot more often." Mike said.

"Yeah, like on "Monstropolis' Most Wanted"?" Sulley asked. "Ha, ha, ha, ha. You've been jealous of my good looks since the fourth grade, pal." Mike said. They walk by a tiny monster couple. "Have a good day, sweetie." The wife said. "You too, hon." The husband said. The tiny monster husband flies away. Later at the curbside, Mike approaches a shiny new convertible and holds up a set of keys "hoo! Okay, Sulley, hop on in." Mike said. "Nope. Uh-uh. Uh-uh." Sulley said. "Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, where are you going? What are you doing?" Mike asked. "Mikey, there's a scream shortage. We're walking." Sulley said. "Walking?!" Mike asked. "Yup." Sulley grabs Mike's arm, gets him off the car, and drags him away. "Come on!" Sulley said. "No, no, no, no! My baby! Look! She needs to be driven! Bye, baby! I'll call you!" Mike said while being dragged away. Later at the Monstropolis street, Mike and Sulley walk past. "Hey, genius, you wanna know why I bought the car?" Mike asked. "Not really." Sulley said. "To drive it! You know, like on the street, with the honk-honk, and the vroom-vroom, and no walking involved?" Mike asked. "Wa, wa, wa, wa. Give it a rest, will you, butterball? 

Come on, you could use the exercise." Sulley said. "I could use the exercise? Look at you! You have your own climate." Mike said. Later, the monster kids jump rope as Mike and Sulley pass. "How many tentacles can jump the rope? One and two and three and four..." The rope is actually one of the kid's tongues. "Morning, Mike! Morning, Sulley!" One of the kids said. "Hey, morning, kids. How're you doing?" Sulley asked. "Hey, kids." Mike said. "Bye, Mike! Bye, Sulley!" A kid said, turning her head. The jumping monster kid gets tangled in the tongue rope and lies into a giant eye monster watching from a window. "Ow! Hey!" A Giant Eye Monster shouted. Later at the Monstropolis storefront, a garbage monster sweeps garbage off the sidewalk into a dustpan. He happily tosses the contents into his mouth. A monster reading a newspaper sneezes, and fires shoots from his mouth and nose, incinerating his newspaper. "Aw, nuts." Later at the Monstropolis grocery store, Tony the Grosser arranges fruit on a stand with his many tentacles. "Hey, fellas!" Tony said. "Hey, Tony! Hey, hey, hey! Tony! Pow-pow-pow-pow-pow!" Mike said in an Italian accent. "Tony! Bada-bing!" Sulley said. Tony chuckles. "I hear somebody's close to breaking the all-time scare record." He said. "Aw, just trying to make sure there's enough scream to go around." Sulley said. Tony tosses Mike and Sulley two pieces of fruit. "Hey! On the house." He said. "Hey, thanks!"

Mike said. "Grazie!" Sulley said. "Bada-bing! Follow me!" Mike said. Mike and Sulley pass Blobby who suddenly oozes through a grate and into the sewer below, leaving only eyes and teeth a top the grate. "Oh, great." Later at the Monstropolis cross-walk, Mike and Sulley wait to cross next to a giant monster, Ted. Because of his height, they only see Ted's massive legs. "Hey, Ted! Good morning!" Sulley shouted. The traffic sign changes from "DON'T STALK" to "STALK", replacing the red hand and the green monster walking. Mike, Sulley and Ted cross. "See that, Mikey? Ted's walking to work." Sulley said. "Big deal. Guy takes five steps and he's there." Mike said. The Monsters Incorporated parking lot fills with cars as workers stream into the enormous building. In the lobby, various monster employees greet Mike and Sulley as they enter. "Morning, Sulley!" Ricky said. "Morning, Ricky!" He said back. "Hey, it's the Sullster!" Jerry said. "See you on the scare floor, buddy!" Sulley said. "Hey, Marge! How was jury duty?" Mike asked. "Morning, Sulley!" "How're you doing, big guy?" Two employees asked. "'Ey!" Sulley said. Twelve scarer of the month photographs -- all of Sulley -- hang on a wall. 

Two geeky monsters, Needleman and Smitty, straighten one of them. "Hey! It's still leaning to the left!" "It is not!" "Hey, fellas! Hey, Jerry!" Sulley shouted. "Morning!" He said. The geeks hear Sulley's voice and run up to him. "Hey, Mr. Sullivan!" Needleman said. "Guys, I told you, call me Sulley." Sulley said. The geeks laugh like school girls. "I don't think so." Smitty said. "We just wanted to wish you good luck today." Needleman said. "Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. Come on, get lost, you two. You're making him lose his focus." Mike said. "Oh, sorry." Needleman said. "See you later, fellas." Sulley heads off with Mike. "Go get 'em, Mr. Sullivan!" Smitty shouted. "Quiet! You'll make him lose his focus." Needleman scolded. "Oh, no. Sorry!" Smitty shouted. "Shut up!" Needleman shouted. At the reception desk, Celia Mae is answering phone calls. "Monsters, Inc., please hold. Monsters, Inc., I'll connect you. Ms. Fearmonger is on vacation, would you like her voicemail?" She asked. Mike and Sulley approach the desk. "Oh, Schmoopsie-Poo?" Mike called. Celia turns with a big, bright smile. So do a collection of snakes. "Googly Bear!" Her snakes sigh contentedly. "Happy birthday." Mike said. "Oh, Googly-Woogly, you remembered!" Celia leans forward and gently rubs Mike's head. "Hey, Sulley-Wulley." Celia said to Sulley. "Oh, hey, Celia... Welia." He clears his throat. "Happy birthday." He said. "Thanks. So, uh, are we going anywhere special tonight?" Celia asked Mike.

"I just got us into a little place called, um... "Harryhausen's." Mike said, and she gasped. "Harryhausen's?! But it's impossible to get a reservation there." She said. "Not for Googly Bear." Mike said. Celia giggles, and so do the snakes. "I will see you at quittin' time and not a minute later." Mike said. "Okay, sweetheart." Think romantical thoughts. You and me, me and you, both of us together!" Mike sung. In the locker room, Mike opens his locker door and grabs a giant, clear bowl. "You know, pal, she's the one. That's it. She is the one!" Mike said. "I'm happy for you." Sulley said. "Oh, and, uh, thanks for hooking me up with those reservations." Mike puts the giant bowl -- his contact lens -- into his eye. "Oh, no problem. They're under the name "Googly Bear." Sulley said. "Oh, good id-" he catches the joke. '"You know, that wasn't very funny." Mike said. Mike's locker suddenly slams by itself. Confused, Mike opens it. It slams shut again. "What the...?" A purple chameleon-like monster named Randall Boggs, uncamouflages and jumps out at Mike. "WAZOWSKI!" "AHHHHHH!!" 

Mike flies backwards, tripping over the bench. Randall laughs. "What do you know? It scares little kids and little monsters." He said. "I wasn't scared, I have... allergies." Mike fakes a cough. "Uh-huh, sure." Randall said sarcastically. "Hey, Randall. Save it for the scare floor, will you?" Sulley asked. Randall performs a series of martial art moves. "I'm in the zone today, Sullivan. I'm going to be doing some serious scaring, putting up some big numbers." Randall said. "Wow, Randall, that's great. That should make it even more humiliating when we break the record first. Ha-ha!" Mike said. "Shh, shh, shh, shh, shh. Do you hear that?" Randall pauses for a dramatic effect. "It's the winds of change." Randall exits. Mike watches him go, smoldering. "You hear that? You hear the winds of cha—?" Mike said mockingly. "What a creep. One of these days, I am really... gonna let you teach that guy a lesson." He said. In the M.I. hallway, a slug monster named Chalooby mops up a puddle of green slime. He exits, leaving a trail of more slime. Mike walks in. "Chalooby. Baby." Mike said. Roz is reading a newspaper. "Good morning, Roz, my succulent little garden snail. And who would we be scaring today?" Mike asked. Mike reaches for paperwork on the desk, but Roz's wet hand lands on it first. She's a slug-like monster with horn-rimmed glasses.

"Wazowski! You didn't file your paperwork last night." Roz said. "Oh, that darn paperwork! Wouldn't it be easier if it all just blew away?" Mike asked. Roz leans forward in her chair threateningly. "Don't let it happen again." She said. "Yes, well, uh, I'll try to be less careless." Mike said. Mike grabs the paperwork and shuffles away. "I'm watching you, Wazowski. Always watching. Always." Roz said, calling after Mike. "Ooh, she's nuts." Mike said. Mike walks onto the Scare Floor, already bustling with activity. "All scare floors are now active. Assistants, please report to your stations." Celia said over the P.A. Mike fits an empty can onto his door station. Mike swipes a card-key from a child's folder, and slides it through a slot on the station. A child's closet door rides out into the Scare Floor on an overhead track. Several assistants follow suit. Doors ride out of the vault and land in stations. A Jumbo-tron screen displaying the MI logo switches over to a map. The eastern portion of the United States is illuminated as Jerry Slugsworth steps up. "Okay, people, Eastern Seaboard coming online. We got scarers coming out!" Jerry said. The assistants run to their stations and stand at attention. The scarers stride onto the Scare Floor in slow motion. 

Smitty and Needleman, the two geeky teenage janitors stand in awe on the sidelines. "Oh, they're so awesome!" Needleman said. The Scarers stop opposite their doors. Their assistants approach and make last minute preparations. Sulley cracks his knuckles and shakes to keep it loose. Pete "Claws" Ward flips out his retractable claws like switchables. Bob "Dentures" Peterson is handed a set of false teeth. He slides the chompers into place and snarls. Randall practices camouflaging by blending into various background patterns: wood, brick, wallpaper. His nerdy assistant Fungus alternates the patterns. Augustus "Spike" Jones puts a tentacle in his mouth and blows. Spikes pop out of his skin. Ricky Plesuski opens his mouth to reveal a giant set of spiked teeth. His assistant brushes them. Ted Pauley grabs a handful of eyeballs from his assistant and squishes them into his face. One of the eyeballs falls off Ted's face, and his assistant puts it back on. The Jumbo-tron now shows everyone's scare totals. Sulley is at the top, with Randall in second place. "Hey, may the best monster win." Sulley said, with a hand outstretched. "I plan to." Randall said, turning away. Jerry begins the countdown. "We are on in seven, six," Mike hits a button on his keypad. The red light above his door lights up. Other assistants do the same.

"five, four, three, two..." Jerry continued. Jerry silently indicates "one" with his hand. A sign light above the Scare Floor changes from "STANDBY" to "SCARE", replacing the red monster to a green monster. The scaring begins. A horn sounds, and each scarer rushes to their door. Sulley disappears through the door. "You're the boss, you're the boss, you're the big hairy boss." Mike said. Randall and the other monsters follow suit. Screams are heard from Sulley's door. Sulley exits and checks his new scare totals on the jumbo-tron. "Oh, I'm feeling good today, Mikey!" Sulley said. "Whoa! Attaboy. Attaboy. Another door comin' right up." Mike said. A scream comes from another door. Randall emerges to watch his tally go up, but only slightly. Randall's assistant Fungus scratches his head. "Hmm, you're still behind, Randall. You know, maybe I should re-align the scream intake valve...?" Fungus asked. "Just get me another door!" Randall snapped. "Aah! A door! Yes! Door!" Fungus runs off. The monsters work fast and furious. Children's screams are heard everywhere, filling the cans.

Mr. Waternoose walks up besides Jerry. "Well, Jerry, what's the damage so far?" Mr. Waternoose asked, expecting the worse. "We may actually make our quota today, sir." Jerry said. "Hmm. First time in a month." Mr. Waternoose said. A scream can gurgles as it registers empty. Rock music pounds as the door opens and Claws scrambles out of the room, sobbing. "What happened?" His assistant asked. "The kid almost touched me! She got this close to me!" Claws said. "She wasn't scared of you? She was only six!" His assistant said. "I could've been dead! I could've DIIIED!!!!" Claws' assistant slaps him across the face. "Keep it together, man!" He whistles for help. "Hey, we got a dead door over here!" He shouted. Needleman and Smitty come running, wheeling a portable door shredder. "We're coming! Look out!" Needleman said. "Out of the way! Excuse us." Smitty said. "Coming through." Smitty said. Needleman tapes a yellow "X" across the door. "We've lost fifty-eight doors this week, sir." Jerry said. "Oh, kids these days. They just don't get scared like they used to." Mr. Waternoose said. "Needleman and Smitty load the defunct door into the shredder. "Let 'er rip!" The door shreds with a buzz, spewing out sawdust and leaving only two door knobs. A octopus-like monster named Josh Rivera runs toward a door with his tentacles flying. "Bugabugabuga!" Josh said.

 Randall emerges from another door. He's working hard. "Uh, sir?" Fungus asked nervously. "What?!" Randall shouted. "L-look!" Fungus points to the tally board. Randall's name replaces Sulley's as number one. "Attention. We have a new scare leader, Randall Boggs." Celia said. Charlie, Waxford and Frank gather around Randall, congratulating him. Multiple screams draw the attention of the admirers. In seconds, Mike deftly fills can after can with scream. Sulley emerges from the door and cracks his knuckles. "Slumber party." Sulley said. The tally board updates; Sulley's back in first place. "Never mind." Celia said. Charlie, Waxford and Frank push past Randall as they rush to Sulley. "Hey, watch it!" Randall shouted, as he was being jolted. Sulley gives his fans a high five as Mr. Waternoose approaches. "Well, James, that was an impressive display." He said. "Oh, just doing my job, Mr. Waternoose. "Of course, I did learn from the best." Sulley said. Mr. Waternoose and Sulley both chuckle. Randall watches angrily. Fungus stands next to him. "If I don't see a new door in my station in five seconds, I WILL PERSONALLY PUT YOU THROUGH THE SHREDDER!!!" Randall shouted. Fungus screams and runs off. Charlie, the assistant at the next station, turns to Mike. "Hey, Wazowski, nice job. Those numbers are pretty sweet." Charlie said. "Are they? You know, I hadn't even noticed. And, uh, how's Georgie doing?" Mike asked. "He's doing great! I love working with that big guy." Charlie said. Charlie's door opens, and a goofy-looking furry monster named George Sanderson emerges. "Keep the doors comin', Charlie. I'm on a roll today." George said.

"George and I are like brothers." He spots a child's sock on George's back and gasps. "23-19!! WE HAVE A 23-19!!!!" He shouted. Jerry hits a human child emergency button. A siren blares. The Jumbo-tron reads "WARNING: CONTAMINATION ALERT", replacing the yellow circle with a child inside. "Red alert! Red alert! Red alert! Red alert! Red alert!" A voice said over the P.A. George looks around, confused. On the Jumbo-tron behind him is a security cam view of George's back, showing the sock. "George Sanderson, please remain motionless. Prepare for decontamination." George realized he caused the alarms, and tries frantically to remove the sock. "Get it off! Get it off!" He shouted. "Duck and cover, people!" Jerry shouted. Yellow-suited figures known as the CDA rappel through the windows from the ceiling. "Oh, not the CDA!" Mr. Waternoose shouted. Outside of Monsters, Inc., helicopters hover over the factory as large black trucks squeal into the parking lot. On the sides of the trucks is printed: CDA - CHILD DETECTION AGENCY. More CDA agents burst out of the truck and run toward the factory. Roz closes her desk window as CDA agents run by. "Move, move, move! Coming through, please. Stand aside." "Please clear the contaminated area." The Scare Floor is now filled with CDA agents. One points a child detector at Needleman and Smitty and the duo screams. "This is a 23-19 in progress." "Keep the area clear." "Coming through. Watch yourself." Multiple agents said. CDA agents run up to George and tackle him to the ground. Using tongs, they gently remove the sock from his back. "Stand back. Careful." They place the sock on the floor. A metal dome is bolted over the sock.

A CDA agent presses a button. Mr. Waternoose and the workers cover their eyes. Mike gasps as a blinding flash emerges from under the metal device. Agents unbolt the dome and vacuum up the charred remains of the sock. "All clear. Situation is niner-niner-zero. Ready for decon." An agent said. "Hey, thanks, guys, that was a close one." George said. "Okay." A circular shower curtain flies up around George, and he yelps in terror. A yellow hand reaches in with a huge electric razor. George's fur flies up over the curtain. A small shower head pops up, spraying disinfectant. The curtain flies open. George is entirely shaved, wearing an Elizabethan dog collar. A band-aid covers the area "contaminated" by the sock. An agent rips the band-aid off. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!!" George screamed. A sign on the wall reading "DAYS SINCE LAST ACCIDENT" flips from 47 to 0. "Okay, people, take a break! We gotta shut down for a half-hour and reset the system." Jerry said. Mr. Waternoose and Sulley watch as CDA agents file off the scare floor. "An entire scare floor out of commission. What else could go wrong?" Mr. Waternoose asked. Mr. Waternoose and Sulley approach the coffee machine. Mr. Waternoose pours himself a cup of the thick gooey liquid. "Oh, what a day." He said.

 "We're just going through a rough time, sir. Everyone knows you're gonna get us through it." Sulley said. "Tell that to the board of directors." Mr. Waternoose drinks the liquid. "James, this company has been in my family for three generations. I would do anything to keep it from going under." He said. "So would I, sir." Sulley said. Mr. Waternoose is suddenly struck with an idea. "Say, I could use your help with something." He said. "Anything, sir." Sulley said. "You see, we hired some new scare recruits, and frankly they're... They're... Uh..." "Inexperienced?" Sulley asked. "Well, they stink." Mr. Waternoose said. "Uh-huh." Sulley said. "I thought maybe you might come by tomorrow and give them a demonstration, show them what it takes to be a top scarer. Huh?" Mr. Waternoose asked, and Sulley grins. "I'll start out with the old Waternoose Jump-and-Growl." Sulley demonstrates the "old Waternoose jump and growl". Mr. Waternoose drops his coffee cup. "Ah! Ha-ha! Oh, yes. Now, that's my boy." Mr. Waternoose pats Sulley on the shoulder and they laugh. The sun sets over Monsters, Inc. A bell rings as the factory winds down. The "SCARE" light is turned off, and tired scarers emerge from doors. "Let's go, everybody. All doors must be returned. No exceptions!" Jerry said. All doors are ejected and return to the vault. "Whoo! I've never seen anything like you today! You were on a roll, my man!" Mike said.

"Another day like this, and that scare record's in the bag!" Sulley said. "That's right, baby!" Mike said. "Uh-huh." Sulley said. The overhead lights turn off as everyone leaves for the day. Mike and Sulley are at their lockers. "So, get this. As if dinner wasn't enough, I'm taking her to a monster truck rally afterwards." Mike said. "Nice." Sulley said. "What's on your agenda?" Mike asked. "I'm going to head home and work out some more." Sulley said. "Again? You know, there's more to life than scaring." Mike sniffs under his arm. "Whew! Hey, can I borrow your odorant?" Mike asked. "Yeah, I got, uh, Smelly Garbage, or Old Dumpster." Sulley said. "You got, uh, Low Tide?" Mike asked. "No." Sulley said. "How about Wet Dog?" Mike asked. "Yup. Stink it up." Sulley tosses Mike the can of "odorant". Mike and Sulley walk down a crowded hallway. "You know, I am so romantic, sometimes I think I should just marry myself!" Mike said. "Give me a break, Mike..." Sulley said. "What a night of romance I got ahead of me! 

Tonight is about me, and..." Mike spots Celia tidying up her desk. "Celia! Ooh, the love boat is about to set sail!" Mike imitates a boat horn. "Cause I gotta tell ya, buddy, that face of hers, it just makes my heart go..." As Mike turns back to Celia, he is surprised to instead see Roz. "YIKES!!!" He screams. "Hello, Wazowski. Fun filled evening planned for tonight?" She asked. "Well, as a matter of fact—" Mike began. "And I'm sure you filed your paperwork correctly... for once." Roz said. Mike freezes. "Your stunned silence is very reassuring." Roz slithers away. "Oh, no, my scare reports! I left them on my desk! If I'm not at the restaurant in five minutes, they're going to give our table away, what am I gonna tell—?!" Celia leaps in and squeezes Mike's cheek. "Schmoopsie-Poo." Mike said. "Hey, Googly Bear, wanna get going?" She asked. "Uh, do I ever. It's just that... Uh, you know it's..." Mike began. "What?" Celia asked. "There's a small..." Mike said. "I don't understand." Celia said. "It's just that—" Mike tried to explain. "It's just I forgot about some paperwork I was supposed to file. Mike was reminding me; thanks, buddy. Whew!" Sulley said. "I was? I mean, I was! Yeah, I was." Mike said. "Oh. Okay, let's go then." Celia said. "We're going!" Mike then whispers to Sulley. "On my desk, Sulley. The pink copies go to accounting, the fuchsia ones to purchasing, and the goldenrod ones go to Roz. Celia grabs Mike and pulls him away. Mike leans back. "Leave the puce!"

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