Meeting Boo and (Y/n)

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The floor is dark and empty as Sulley walks to Mike's desk. "So the pink copies go to accounting, the fuchsia ones go to Roz. No, the fuchsia ones go to purchasing, and the goldenrod ones go to Roz. Man, I have no idea what puce is..." Sulley picks up the reddish-brown paperwork files and shuffles through it. "Oh, that's puce." Sulley sees a lone door in a station. The door is white, and it has five flowers on it. "Uh, hello? Anyone? There's a door here. Hmmm." Sulley walks to the door. He's about to eject it when he notices that the light above the station is illuminated. It's active. Cautiously, he opens the door. Sulley peeks into the room. "Hello? Hey. Psst. Anybody scaring in here? Hello? Yo." He hears nothing but crickets. Sulley shrugs and shuts the door. Sulley steps away from the door, examining it curiously. "Hmmm." Suddenly, there is a thump noise behind him. Sulley freezes. He turns around to see his tail being dropped by a human girl named Mary, and standing beside her is her older 7 year old sister (Y/n). "Hi mister!" (Y/n) said. Sulley screams, falling over backward. Boo and (Y/n) look up at Sulley and smile. Sulley tries to get away, but Boo grabs his tail and (Y/n) steps forward. "Hi!" She said. Panicked, Sulley picks them up with a pair of tongs and places them back in their room, then closes the door and spins around... Only to discover that they're standing before him again. 

Sulley yells, and Mary squeals with delight. (Y/n) looks at Sulley with curious (E/c) eyes. "Whoa!" She said as she walks around him, causing him to panic more. "What are you? Are you some kind of monster? Either that or you're a dinosaur." She said with a smile, and his eyes widened. "I'm not a dinosaur." He said, backing away as she kept approaching him. "So you are a monster then." The older girl said, and Sulley scoffs. "No!" He said, and the girl lifted an eyebrow. "Oh really? What are you then? Some kind of overgrown lizard?" She asked, placing her hands on her hips as she looks at him skeptically. Sulley doesn't respond and picks her and Mary up and carries them deep inside the room. "Hey!" (Y/n) shouts. Sulley deposits Mary and (Y/n) on top of Mary's bed. Mary giggles. Sulley runs out, but gets caught in a hanging mobile. "Oh!" He falls, trips over a laundry basket, slips on a rug, and is ejected out of their room. Sulley slides out of the room, covered in toys and junk from their room. Suddenly, from the utility hallway, he hears a noise. Sulley scrambles to his feet and takes off. As he runs, a line of toy duckies caught on his tail quack along after him. Randall enters, wheeling a cart of scream cans towards the door. Sulley rushes to the toilets, stuffs Mary's junk into the bowl, and flushes it down. "Ahhhh..." A second later it all comes back up, overflowing the toilet. "Aaah!" Sulley runs to the locker room. He spots an open locker and stuffs the sopping kid stuff in. He closes the locker. "Whew." Relieved, Sulley turns and walks away. On his back, clinging to his fur, is Mary. Sulley rounds the locker bank and disappears from view. For a moment, all is quiet. One second later... "HOOOAAAAAAH!!!!!!"

Sulley runs back past the lockers, panic-stricken. Boo and (Y/n) chase him. "Kitty!" Boo shouted. "Hey, wait!" (Y/n) shouted. Sulley cowers on a bench, backed into a corner of the room. Boo stands in front of him waving her arms. To Sulley, they are like diseased rats. "Are... are you scared of us?" (Y/n) asked playfully. "The big tough monster afraid of two little girls?" (Y/n) asked playfully, and Sulley scoffs. "No! Of course I'm not, stay back!" He shouted. Mary is distracted, playing with a hardhat. Sulley finds an M.I. gym bag, scoops the two up, and zips it closed. "Hey!" (Y/n) starts pounding on the bag from the inside repeatedly. Holding the bag at arms length, Sulley runs out of the room. Sulley runs to their door, ready to toss them back in. As he reaches to open it, the knob rattles. Sulley's standing in the middle of the Scare Floor. He's thinking of a place to hide. Randall emerges from the door, confused. "Hmmm." Randall ejects the door. As Randall walks away, the door rises, revealing Sulley hidden behind it. Mary wiggles inside the bag and makes a peep. "Ahhh!" Mary shouted, and Sulley heard the other girl shush her. Randall stops. He sneezes and continues on.

 As Randall exits the floor, Sulley watches as their door disappears into the vault, and with it all hope of getting rid of them. Sulley grabs the gym bag and runs towards the exit. CHOP! A cleaver chops through a piece of raw monster fish. This is Harry Hausens, a top Monstropolis eatery. A multi-tentacled monster sushi chef prepares elegant meals as waiters waltz by with Sushi. When new customers enter the restaurant, the waiters all yell. Mike and Celia are seated in a romantic booth, laughing. "Oh, Michael! I've had a lot of birthday - well, not a lot of birthdays, but this is the best birthday ever." Celia said. Mike gazes dreamily at Celia. She grows self-conscious. "What are you looking at?" She asked. "Oh, I was just thinking about the first time I laid an eye on you, how pretty you looked." Mike said. "Stop it." Celia said. "Your hair was shorter then." Mike said. "Mm-hmm. I'm thinking about getting it cut." She said, and the snakes look panicked. "No, no, I like it this length." Mike said. The snakes sigh in relief. "I like everything about you. Just the other day, someone asked me who I thought the most beautiful monster was in all of Monstropolis, and you know what I said?" Mike asked. "What did you say?" Celia asked. "I said...." Behind Celia, Sulley presses his face up to the window.

"Sulley?" Mike asked. "Sulley?!" Celia asked. Befuddled, Mikes looks to the window. Sulley is gone. "No! No, no! That's not what I was going to say! I mean, well, sure, he's handsome, if you like the big guy, he's rugged." Mike said. "Mike, you're not making sense." Celia said. Sulley appears at the table and sits down. "Hi, guys! What a coincidence, running into you here!" Sulley awkwardly squeezes into the booth next to Mike, setting the gym bag under the table. "Uh, I'm just going to order something to go." Sulley said. "Michael..." Celia said in annoyance. "Sulley...!!!" Mike said through gritted teeth. Sulley grabs a menu and whips it in front of his and Mike's faces. "I wonder what's good here. Hmmm." Sulley said. "Get out of here! You're ruining everything!" Mike shouted. "I went back to get your paperwork and there was a door." Sulley said. "What??!!!" Mike asked. Mike peeks around the menu, grins awkwardly at Celia, then ducks back behind. Celia's starting to steam. Her snakes rattle in annoyance. "A door?" Mike asked, and Sulley nods. "Randall was in it!" He said. "Wait a minute? Randall?" Mike puts it together. "That cheater! He's trying to boost his numbers." He said.

 "There's something else." Sulley said. "What?!!" Mike asked. "Ooklay in the ag-bay." Sulley said. "....WHAT?" Mike asked again. "Look in the bag." Sulley said. Sulley motions to the floor. Mike ducks under the table, but there's nothing there. "What bag?" Mike asked. Sulley looks around frantically. Mike sees something that makes his eye go wide. Sulley sees it too: The MI duffle bag is now giggling and hobbling away on little human kid-feet that poke out from the bottom of the bag. "OOOOOO!! They don't have anything I like here, so take care, Celia!" Sulley said. Sulley charges toward the bag, stumbling into a waiter. "Michael, what's going on?" Celia asked. "Celia!?? Please try to understand!" As Mike explains, he sees the bag tossed aside, revealing Mary and (Y/n). "I have to..." he dashes off. "DO SOMETHING!!!" He shouted. "Michael?" Celia asked. A monster photographer is about to take a picture of a happy monster couple. "Look happy. Okay, on three. One, two..." The posing couple sees Mary pop up over the photographer's shoulder. They scream. The photographer looks up and sees Mary and (Y/n). "Hi!" (Y/n) smiles and waves. "AAAAAAHHHH!!!!!! KIDS!!!" The photographer's flash goes off, as Mary jumps onto the counter. Everyone in the restaurant turns towards Mary and (Y/n). "Boo!" Mary shouted. Chaos ensues. Patrons scramble out the door, screaming. "Kids!" The sushi chef grabs a phone and dials. "There's kids here! Human kids!!!!" He shouted.

"Hey! We have names, y'know!" (Y/n) shouted. Mary runs carefree through the chaos in the restaurant, babbling, with (Y/n) following her. Mike runs headlong into a pile of take-away boxes. Celia is caught up in the stampede of fleeing patrons. "Googly Bear!!!!!" Celia shouted. Sulley tries to grab Boo, but she playfully evades his outstretched arms. "Come on! Oh! Heh!" Sulley said. Mike dashes in with a take-away box, which he uses to delicately scoop them up. Mary pops her head out of the take-away box and sticks out her tongue at Sulley. "Pthbthbtht!" (Y/n) laughs at her actions. Sulley hesitantly pushes their heads down into the box and shuts the lid. "Ugh! Again?!" (Y/n) shouted. "Come on!!!" Sulley shouted. Sulley and Mike run out of the restaurant, leaving the MI gym bag behind. Then they exit as patrons scramble. "Let's get out of here!" Mike shouted. The CDA arrives in helicopters and vans. "Please remain calm. This is not a drill." "We have an 7835 in progress. Please advise." "Stand clear please." Multiple agents said. Monsters run amok, screaming. Celia calls after Mike. "Michael? Michael!" Mike spins around. "Celia!" He shouted. A CDA Agent steps in front of Celia and herds her away. "Please come with me." He said. "Ow, stop pushing!" She said. Mike starts towards her. "Hey! Get your hands off my Schmoopsie-Poo!" Sulley grabs Mike and yanks him away. "Building clear. Ready for decontamination." An agent said. Sulley and Mike run down the alley. "Well, I don't think that date could have gone any worse!" Mike said. BOOM!!! Behind them a giant explosion envelopes the restaurant and was blown to smitherines. Things just got worse. The same image of the restaurant becomes part of a news report, with the word, "KIDS-TASTROPHE!" superimposed over it. A newscaster talks to the camera.

"If witnesses are to be believed, there has been a child security breach for the first time in monster history." A CDA agent stands in front of the apartment buildings. A microphone is thrust in his face. "We can neither confirm nor deny the presence of two human children here tonight." He said. With chaos behind them, panicked Monsters speak into the camera. "Well, a kid flew right over me and blasted a car with its laser vision." He said. "I tried to run from it, but the other one picked me up with its mind powers and shook me like a doll!" A monster with dozens of eyes steps forward. "It's true! I saw the whole thing!" A scientist sits next to the anchor. Mike and Sulley heard a scoff next to them, and turned to see the older child. "Okay, that is not what happened. Humans don't have laser vision or mind powers. Unless they're superheroes. Which Boo and I are not." The older girl said, then crossed her arms. Mike turns to Sulley with confusion. "This one talks?" He asked, and Sulley only nods. CRASH! Mike and Sulley's TV smashes to the floor. Mary's head peeks out over the set. "Uh-oh...!" Mary said cheerfully. "Boo! You just killed their tv!" (Y/n) scolded her younger sister. She then glances up at the duo. "Sorry about that." She said. They only glance at each other. 

"Oops." Mary said cheerfully in response. Sulley and Mike wear colanders, snorkel masks, and oven mitts for protection. They see Mary and (Y/n) and scream, scrambling behind a chair for protection and (Y/n) steps closer. "Seriously, you don't have to be afraid of us." (Y/n) said. "Of course we do!" Mike shouted. "Oh, it's coming! It's coming!" Mike shouted. "Boo!" Mary shouted. "AAAH!" Sulley and Mike flee over to the window. Outside, helicopters scan the area. Hurriedly Mike and Sulley yank the shades closed. Mary totters towards them, babbling. Mike and Sulley retreat in fear. "Boo, stop. You're scaring the scary monsters." (Y/n) joked. Mary tuns back toward (Y/n) for a moment, then turns back to the monsters. "Aaaaaaah!" Mary opens the window shade, standing in full view of the helicopters outside. "No, no, no!" (Y/n) quickly runs over and picks her up. "We've already gotten into enough trouble with these guys as it is, Boo!" (Y/n) said as she held her. Mike scoots them out of view using a broom, then sprays the area with disinfectant. Meanwhile Mary has discovered Mike's CD collection, neatly arranged in two stacks. "No, don't touch those, you little—!" The stacks come crashing down. "Oh, now those were alphabetized!! It's okay, it's all right. As long as they don't come near us, we're going to be okay." (Y/n) sneezes directly in Mike's eye. "AAH!!" Mike freaks, accidentally spraying disinfectant squarely into his own eye.

"AAAAAAAAAAH!!!" (Y/n) starts cracking up. Now Mary approaches Sulley. Whimpering, he protects himself with a garbage can lid. Mary points to a one eyed teddy bear, out of her reach. "Oh, you like this? Fetch!!!" Sulley tosses the bear across the room. Mary runs after it. She picks up the bear and hugs it. Mike gasps. This has gone too far. "Hey, hey, that's it! No one touches Little Mikey." He shouted. "Little Mikey?" (Y/n) raises an eyebrow. Mike angrily swipes the bear out of Mary's hands. Stunned, her face begins to redden, and her eyes well up with tears. "Hey!" (Y/n) glares at Mike angrily for making her sister cry. "Give that back!" (Y/n) reaches for it, but Mike retreats from her. "Mike, give her the bear." Sulley said. "Oh, no..." Mike said. Boo screams at the top of her lungs. (Y/n), Sulley and Mike cover their ears. The lights in the apartment surge. From outside, the apartment lights pulse brightly, creating a beacon for the helicopters. The circling helicopters head towards them. Mike and Sulley panic. Mike drops the bear and runs to the window, pulling the shade shut. "Make it stop, Sulley! Make it stop!!!" Mike shouts. 

Mary continues to wail and (Y/n) glares sternly at Sulley, moving her left hand in a "give it here" motion. Desperate, Sulley offers her the bear and she gives it to Mary. "Here! Look! See the bear? Ooh, nice bear!" (Y/n) said. It's not working -- she continues to cry. The helicopters are getting closer. "Sulley...!!!" Mike shouts. (Y/n) begins to dance with the bear; anything to get her to stop crying. "See? Ooh, bear, ooh! ♪ Oh, he's a happy bear. ♪ He's not crying, neither should you ♪ Or we'll be in trouble ♪ 'Cause they're gonna find us ♪ So please stop crying right now ♪" she sung. Mary stops crying. The lights return to normal levels. "Good! Good! Keep it up! You're doing great!" Mike said. The helicopters turn around and begin to fly away. "Ooh, ah, the happy bear, he has no.." (Y/n) continued. Mary reaches for the bear, accidentally touching Sulley's hand and he screams. (Y/n) face palms. "Bwaaaaah! Yaah! Oh, she touched me!! It touched me! Aaaah!" Sulley screams. Sulley's yelling frightens the kid, who starts crying again. The lights surge. Mike runs toward Sulley, reaching for the bear. "Sulley, the bear!!! The bear!! Give her the...!!!!" Mike trips on a lamp and flies across the floor. "Whoahhhhh!!!!" Mike rolls into a garbage can and bumps into a shelf, sending a stack of books into his mouth. A hanging stereo speaker lands on his head. "Oof!"

Mary thinks this is hilarious and begins laughing, along with (Y/n). The lights in the apartment glow even brighter than before. The region lit up by their laugh's power radiates outwards from Mike and Sulley's window. In a moment all the apartment windows are glowing brightly. The lights flare to a white hot brightness, and then POP! The laughter subsides, and all is dark. "What was that?!" Sulley asked. Mike is still wedged inside the garbage can. "I have no idea. But it would be really great if they didn't do it again." Mike said. Mary giggles again. "Shhhh!" Sulley said. "Shhhh." Boo said. "Shhhh!!!" Sulley hissed. "Shhhh." (Y/n) shushed. Her and Mary smile. The room is lit by candlelight. Mary and (Y/n) sit at one end of the room coloring while at the other end Mike and Sulley hunker behind a chair, tossing Mary pieces of cereal. "How could I do this? How could I be so stupid? This could destroy the company." Sulley said. 

"The company? Who cares about the company? What about us?! Those things are KILLING MACHINES!" Mike shouts. "Hey!" (Y/n) shouts, glaring at Mike. Mary spins around in a circle, getting dizzy. "La la la la la la la la..." she sung. "I bet they're just waiting for us to fall asleep, and then, WHAM!! Oh, we're easy prey, my friend, easy prey! We're sitting targets!" Mike shouts. Mary falls over. "Yup, you better watch out. 'Cause we're gonna eat you." (Y/n) joked, and Sulley chuckles a little. Mike holds up a piece of paper. "Okay, look, I think I have a plan here. Using mainly spoons, we dig a tunnel under the city and release them into the wild." Mike said. "What?" (Y/n) stands up, now with her hands on her hips. "That's a terrible idea, we can't survive in the wild. Do you want us to die?" (Y/n) asked. Mike gives her an "are you serious?" Look then crumples up the piece of paper, and tosses it onto a large existing pile of crumpled plans. "That's it. I'm out of ideas. We're closed. Hot air balloon? Too expensive. Giant slingshot? Too conspicuous. Enormous wooden horse? Too Greek!" Mike said. Mary holds up a drawing.

"Looka dooko teeko peeka!" She said. Sulley can't quite believe his eyes. The drawing is crude, but its unmistakenly a picture of Sulley, (Y/n) and Mary holding hands, and (Y/n) snorts. "Ha. I guess she didn't like the little green guy enough to add him in the picture." She said, and Sulley chuckles. Mary looks at (Y/n) questionably then points to the green crayon. (Y/n) hands it to her and she then begins drawing Mike in the picture too. "No plan... no plan... can't think... can't think. Flat-lining...flat-lining..." Mike said. Mary and (Y/n) both yawn. "Uh, Mike, I think they're getting tired." Sulley said. "Well, then why don't you find some place for them to sleep... WHILE I THINK OF A PLAN?!" Mike slams his fits on the desk. Sulley speaks to Mary as though one might talk to a dog. "Are you sleepy? You two wanna sleep? Is that what you want? Huh?" Sulley asked. "We're not dogs, mister." (Y/n) said. "Sulley." He corrected her. "Huh?" (Y/n) asked. "My name's Sulley." He said. "Oh. Well, nice to meet you Sulley." (Y/n) then walks over to Mike, who turns and glares at her. "What?" He asked rather rudely. "What about you?" (Y/n) asked. "What about me?" Mike asked. "She wants to know your name." Sulley said. 

Mike turns back to her in disbelief. "What is it?" (Y/n) asked. Mike just huffs and crosses his arms. "Oh come on, buddy. Just tell her your name." Sulley said. Mike rolls his eye. "Mike. It's Mike." He said, and (Y/n) smiles. "I'm (Y/n). And this is my little sister Mary. But I just call her Boo. You know, because she says that a lot?" (Y/n) asked. Mike didn't know what to say as he just stares at her cautiously. (Y/n) sighs. Sulley leads a trail of cereal pieces into his room, and Mary eats them as (Y/n) follows. He puts some of the pieces on a newspaper as a little area for Mary to sleep, but she and (Y/n) stick with sleeping in Sulley's bed. "Okay, all right, making a nice little area for you both to—" Sulley hears a giggle. He turns around to find Mary and (Y/n) in his bed. "No, hey, hey, that's my bed. You're going to get your germs all over it." Sulley said. "I think it's a little too late for that, buddy." (Y/n) smiles at him and Mary snuggles into the covers. Sulley sighs. "Fine. My chair is more comfortable, anyway. Sulley starts to walk out. "Wait!" (Y/n) said. "What?" Sulley asked. Mary points to the closest. "There was a monster in our closet before." (Y/n) said. Sulley looks puzzled. "A monster?" (Y/n) nods. "What did he look like?" Sulley asked, and Mary holds up one of her drawings. "Hey, that looks like Randall. Randall's your monster." Sulley said. "Randall?" (Y/n) asked, and Sulley nods. "You know him?" (Y/n) asked, and Sulley nods again. "Yes, but we aren't exactly friends." He said, and (Y/n) nods.

"You think he's gonna come through the closet and scare you. Oh, boy, how do I explain this? Uh, it's empty. See?" Sulley opens the closet. Mary pulls covers over her head. "No monster in here." He steps inside. "Well, now there is." he said, and (Y/n) snickered. "But I'm not gonna scare you. I'm off duty." He steps back out. Mary and (Y/n) look into the closet intently. His proof hasn't quite done the trick; they're still afraid. "Okay, how 'bout I sit here until you fall asleep?" He asked. Sulley closes the door and sits in front of the closet. Mary stares back at him, wide awake. "Really?" (Y/n) asked. "Yeah, why not?" Sulley asked, and (Y/n) smiles at him. "Thanks, Sulley." She said, and he smiles back a little. "You're welcome. Now go ahead. Go to sleep. Hmm-hmm. Now. Now, go." Sulley said. Sulley tries to mime his words. "Uh, you... go... to... sleep!" He then pretends to snore. Mary and (Y/n) both giggle. (Y/n) then turns to her right and falls asleep. Mary soon falls asleep right after. Sulley breathes a sigh of relief. He watches them sleep, two tiny figures in his giant bed. Funny, they don't look dangerous. 

Sulley quietly walks out of the room, shutting the door behind him. In the living room, Mike is in deep thought. "Hey, Mike, this might sound crazy, but I don't think those kids are dangerous." Sulley said. "Really? Well, in that case, let's keep them. I always wanted pets THAT COULD KILL ME!!!" Mike shouted. "Now, look, what if we just put them back in their door?" Sulley asked. "What?" Mike asked. "Mike, think about it. If we send them back, it's like it never happened. Everything goes back to normal." Sulley said. "Is that a joke? Tell me you're joking. Sulley, I'd like to think that given the circumstances, I have been extremely forgiving up 'til now, but that is a horrible idea! What are we gonna do, march right out into public with those things? Then I guess we just waltz right up to the factory, right?" Mike asked. As Sulley listens to Mike, his eyes are drawn to the purple, scale-like fabric of his reclining chair. The fabric of Sulley's chair has now been reconstructed into makeshift monster costumes. "I can't believe we are waltzing right up to the factory! Sulley, a mop, a couple of lights, and some chair fabric are not gonna fool anyone. Just think about a few names, will you? Loch Ness, Big Foot, The Abominable Snowman. They all got one thing in common, pal: banishment! We could be next!" Mike shouted. "Don't panic. We can do this." Sulley said. As they approached the lobby doors, a fellow worker emerges. Sulley turns, keeping Mary and (Y/n) hidden behind his back. He holds Mary as (Y/n) walks behind him. "Hey! How you doing, Frank?" Sulley asked.

"Hey, guys." He said. (Y/n), Sulley and Mike walk through the door into Monsters Inc. "Everything's going to be okay." Sulley said. CDA Agents are everywhere, combing the place. "Number One wants this place dusted for prints." They inspect a garbage can. "Careful with that." They hang from the ceiling. "I got a good view from here." "A little lower..." The lead CDA agent shows the charred remains of the M.I. gym bag to Waternoose. "This was recovered at the scene." Mike and Sulley barely dare to move. "Don't panic. Don't panic." Sulley said. "Don't tell me not to panic. Everything is not okay. It's not okay!" Mike shouted. "What's going on?" (Y/n) asked, trying to peak out, but Sulley quickly shoves her back behind him, and Mike shushes her. "Just keep it together. Stay calm." Sulley said. "Boo!" Mary said. (Y/n), Sulley and Mike turn toward the noise. Mary is waddling up to Mr. Waternoose. Mike and Sulley are panic-stricken. "Gentlemen, safety is our number one concern. Now if there's anything that—" Mary tugs on Waternoose's leg. He turns around, annoyed. "Not now, not now, I'm—" he then sees Mary. "Oh, hello, little one. Where did you come from?" He asked.

 "Mr. Waternoose!" Sulley shouted. (Y/n), Sulley and Mike run up. "Boo! Don't run off like that!" (Y/n) scolds her. Waternoose then notices her. "Oh, hello there." He said. "Hi." (Y/n) said. "Ah, James. Are they some of yours?" Waternoose asked. Sulley quickly sweeps Mary in his arms. "Ah, actually, they're my uh, cousin's sister's daughters, sir." Sulley lied. "Yeah, it's, ah, "Bring Obscure Relatives to Work Day". Mike said. "Hmmm, must have missed the memo. Well, listen, James, why don't you stop by the simulator after lunch today and give us the scare demonstration we talked about, huh?" Mr. Waternoose asked. "Oh! Sir, uh... today might be a little—" The lead CDA agent is anxious to get on with their work. "Excuse me, Mr. Waternoose..." "Yes, yes, I'm coming. All right, then, I'll see you this afternoon, James. That is, if these gentlemen hadn't shut us down." Mr. Waternoose exits with the CDA. "Oh, boy." Sulley said. "Oh, a scare demo. Well, that is great. Why am I the last to know? We can bring your cousin's sister's daughters along. They'll be a big hit." Mike said, and (Y/n) glares at him. "What is your problem?" She asked, and he glares at her. "Can it, kid!" He shouted. As they walk off, a CDA agent scans the area with a child detector. The agent points it towards the kids just as a random monster walks between them. The detector beeps. "Halt! Stop him! Hold him down!" The CDA agents tackle the suspecting monster. (Y/n), Mike and Sulley look back at the melee, and scurry out.

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