Saving Mike

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Sulley, Mike, (Y/n) and Mary appear cautiously from behind a row of lockers. "Come on, the coast is clear. Okay, all we have to do is get rid of those "things." So wait here, while I get their card key." Mike said. "But we can't go in there! This is the men's room." (Y/n) said. Mike stares at her as if she is insane. "That is the weirdest thing you have ever said. And I barely even know you. It's fine. It's okay. Look, you'll love it here! The other one's dancing with joy!" Mike said. (Y/n) turns to Mike in disbelief. "She's not dancing, that means she has to go to the bathroom, idiot." (Y/n) snaps, and Mikey marches towards her. "Why you little-" Sulley quickly gets in between them. "Whoa, whoa, hang on. Let's just get her to the potty, okay?" Sulley asked Mike. He just groans, then walks away. Sulley and (Y/n) stand waiting in front of a bathroom stall. Inside, Mary sings, causing (Y/n) to chuckle. "Okay, sis, are you done in there?" (Y/n) starts to poke the door open. "YAHH! GWAA!" Mary shouts, and (Y/n) quickly shuts the door. "Oops, sorry. Apparently not." She said quickly, and Sulley chuckles. Mary continues singing. The singing stops. Then finally, a flush.

"Okay, you're finished now, right?" (Y/n) asked. She opens the door again. "Hello?" Sulley asked. (Y/n) and Sulley rush in as the water in the giant toilet swirls around. Surely she's gone down. He's about to jam his arm into the bowl when... "Boo!" The two spin around to find Mary standing behind them. "Whew." They both said. Mary wears a big goofy grin that says "Gotcha!" She giggles, then grabs (Y/n)'s right arm and scampers off to hide behind another stall with her. Sulley chuckles as he walks toward them. "Where did they go? Did they disappear? Did they turn invisible? I just have no idea." Sulley said dramatically. Mary and (Y/n) both giggle, enjoying the game. "Oh yeah, sis. We picked a great hiding spot. He'll NEVER find us in here." (Y/n) said, also being dramatic. Sulley smirks in her direction. Sulley pauses in front of their stall, then turns and opens it. "Gotcha!" But it was empty. "Boo! (Y/n)!" He shouted. They peek out from a different stall, and Mary giggles. "Hey, you're good!" Sulley said, genuinely impressed. Mike prepares himself and walks towards Roz's station. "Be relaxed, be relaxed, be relaxed." Mike approaches Roz's desk. "Roz, my tender, oozing blossom, you're looking fabulous today. Is that a new haircut?" Roz stares back at him, expressionless.

 "Come on, tell me. It's a new haircut, isn't it? That's got to be a new haircut. New makeup? You had a lift? You had a tuck? You had something? Something has been inserted in you that makes you look like..." Mike sighs. "Listen, I need a favor. Randall was working late last night out on the scare floor. I really need the key for the door he was using." Mike said. "Well, isn't that nice? But guess what? You didn't turn in your paperwork last night." She said. "He didn't... I mean I... no p-p-paperwork?!" Mike asked. "This office is now closed." Roz slams the front panel of her desk on Mike's fingers. "YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!" He shouted. Back in the bathroom, Sulley crawls playfully along the row of stalls. "Ready or not, here I come!! I'm getting warmer, any second now! FEE, FI, FOE-" Mike enters, rubbing his sore fingers. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING??!?" Mike asked. Sulley stands up. "Uh, um, I'm looking for the kids." He said. "You lost them???!!" Mike shouted. "No, no, they were just—" "Sulley!" (Y/n) shouted. Mary and (Y/n) run up and latch onto Sulley's arm, Mary is whimpering. "Here they are. Hey, what's the matter?" Sulley asked. "It's Randall!" (Y/n) shouted, also visibly scared. Sulley and Mike look at each other with concern then hear Randall approaching. "Look, I already told your buddies I haven't seen anything!" Randall shouted. "All right. Carry on." A CDA Agent said.

Sulley, Mike, (Y/n) and Mary duck into a stall and scramble atop the toilet to avoid being spotted. Randall enters the bathroom, growling. He washes his hands. Mary sees him through the crack in the door and whimpers, and (Y/n) hugs her. Sulley awkwardly does his best to comfort her too. Mike's foot slips into the toilet water. Randall stops. "Randall!" Fungus shouted, suddenly entering the room. "Aah!" Randall shouted, startled. "Thank goodness. What are we going to do about the children?!" Fungus shouted. "Will you... shhhh!" Randall grabs Fungus' mouth, shutting him up. Randall disappears. Fungus looks around, confused. The first stall door in the row suddenly slams open. Randall materializes. Fungus waits impatiently, pointing to the newspaper as Randall kicks open each stall door. The four shudder in the stall, awaiting their turn. Just as Randall is about to kick open their door, Fungus pops in front of him. "THE FRONT PAGE! They're on the front page! The children! The ones you were after!" Fungus shouted impatiently. "Will you be quiet?! Don't you think I'm aware of the situation? I was up all night trying to find them!" Randall shouted. "I did a simple calculation factoring in the size of the sushi restaurant. The children may have escaped!" Fungus said. "Yeah, well, until we know for sure, we're gonna act like nothing happened, understand? You just get the machine up and running, I'll take care of the kids. And when I find whoever let them out, they're DEAD!" Randall angrily hits the stall door. It swings open, exposing Sulley, Mike, (Y/n) and Mary. It swings shut again. (Y/n) gasps and clings onto Sulley's left arm. Sulley knew she was scared, but he felt the clutch being a more protective one. "Why are you still here? COME ON! GO! MOVE! NOW!" Randall shouted.

"Oh! Yes! I'm going! Ow! Ow! I'm not here" Fungus said. "They're gone." Sulley whispers. Mike slips. From behind the stall, toilet water splashes onto the floor. "Ewww." Mary said, and (Y/n) chuckles. Mike and Sulley are taking Mary and (Y/n) to the scare floor. Mike's feet are wet, and one of his feet has toilet paper on it. "This is bad. This is so very bad." Mike said. "What were they talking about a machine?" Sulley asked. "That's what I want to know." (Y/n) shudders. "Who cares?! Oh!" Mike said. "Look, don't panic. All we have to do is call their door down and send them home." Sulley said. Mike gets the toilet paper off of his foot. "You're right, you're right. We're just two regular Joes on our way to work. We will blend right in." He said. Sulley hides Mary behind his back again and motions for (Y/n) to walk behind him, which she does. "Top of the morning, fellas." Sulley said. "Hey, what's shakin', bacon?" Mike asked. "Did you lose weight? Or a limb? You have their card key, right?" Sulley asked Mike. "Of course I have their card key. I told you I'd get their card key. I went and got their card key, and now I have their card key." Mike whispers. He grabs a different card key by mistake, and a different number comes up. "Okay, here we go." Mike said. "Take care of yourselves. Try not to run through anymore closets." Sulley said. "We'll do our best, Sulley." (Y/n) grins at him and he chuckles. Mary plays with his mouth, and they all laugh. A brown wooden door comes down and it becomes activated. "Mike, that's not our door." (Y/n) said. "What are you talking about? Of course it's your door. It's your door." Mike said. "Uh, I think I would know what our door looks like, little green guy, and it's not brown. It's white, with flowers on it." She said, crossing her arms. "No. It must've been dark last night, because this is your door." He opens the door, and there is polka music coming from the inside of the door.

"Hey, you hear that? Sounds like fun in there. Okay, send me a postcard, kids. That's Mike Wazowski, care of 22 Mike-Wazowski-You-Got-Your-Life-Back Lane." Mike said. "Mowki Kowski." Mary said, and (Y/n) snickers. "Very good. Now, bon voyage. Bye-bye. Come on." Mike said. Mike pretends to wave a stick at Mary's face, as if she was a dog, and he throws it in the door. "Look at the stick. See the stick? Go get the stick. Go fetch." Mike said. "For the last time, we're not dogs!" (Y/n) shouted. Sulley angrily closes the wooden door. "Mike, this isn't their door." Sulley said. "WHY YOU! PUT THOSE THINGS BACK WHERE THEY CAME FROM, OR SO HELP ME—!!!" Mike halts abruptly. He, (Y/n) and Sulley look up to see the entire scare floor looking at them. "Oh, hey! We're rehearsing a scene for the upcoming company play called, um, Put Those Things Back Where They Came From, Or So Help Me! Heh, heh... it's a musical! ♪ Put those things back where they came from, or so help me... ♪" Mike began singing. "Bom, bom, bom, bom..." Sulley sung, joining in. "So help me! So help me! ♪ And cut! Heh, heh. We're still working on it. It's a work in progress. But hey, we need ushers!" Mike said. Everyone goes back to work. "Sulley, I've had enough. Now, say goodbye to-" Mike points to where they stood moments before but they're gone. "Where'd they go? What'd you do with them?" Mike asked. "Where are they? Aah! Boo! (Y/n)!" Sulley said in panic. "I don't believe it. They got away from you again?! Well, that is just—" Wait a minute, the sun is coming up. This is perfect! Ha-ha! They're gone!" Mike said. Sulley isn't listening. He scans for them, then takes off towards the entrance.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey, where are you going?" Sulley strides off, scanning the room as he goes. Mike grabs onto Sulley's tail, trying to slow him down. "Sulley, please, don't blow this. Not when we're so close to breaking the record. Somebody else will find the kids." Sulley pulls Mike into an adjacent hallway. "It'll be their problem, not ours they're out of our hair!" Mike shouted. Sulley turns the corner and slams into Randall. Randall picks up Sulley's fur texture and color. "What are you two doing?" Randall asked. Randall quickly changes back. A random assistant walks by. "They're rehearsing a play." He said. "They're out of our hair!" Mike sung. "Can it, Wazowski! So, what do you think of those kids getting out, Sullivan? Pretty crazy, huh?" Randall asked. "Oh, yeah! Crazy. Heh!" He replied. "Word on the street is the kids have been traced back to this factory. You haven't seen anything, have you?" Randall asked. Behind Randall, Mike and Sulley spot Mary and (Y/n) emerging from behind a trash can. They scamper off down the hall. "Uh, well... uh... er, uh..." Sulley said nervously. "No! No way! But, if it was an inside job, I'd put my money on Waxford." Mike said. "Waxford?!" Randall asked. "Yeah, the one at station six. You know, he's got them shifty eyes." Mike said. Across the room, Waxford turns and looks around revealing many shifty eyes. Randall's eyes narrow. He heads off towards Waxford. "Hey, Waxford! What time did you leave last night?" Sulley heads off after the girls. Mike runs after him. "Sulley?!!" Mike asked. "Michael Wazowski!!!" Mike gasps. Celia is right in front of him, scuffed, bruised, and wearing an Elizabethan collar around her neck. "Last night was one of the worst nights of my entire life, bar-none!" Celia's snakes hiss. They all wear little dog collars too. "I thought you cared about me!" Celia shouted. Mike shoots a look at Randall. "Honey, please. Schmoopsie, I thought you liked sushi.." Mike said. "Sushi? Sushi?! You think this is about sushi?!" This gets Randall's attention. He turns towards Mike. "Shh... Schmoopsie... Heh heh... Shh, shh, shh...." Mike said. Panicking, Mike grabs Celia and kisses her to keep her quiet, but this only makes Celia slap him. Randall looks down at his newspaper.

The front page reads: KIDS SIGHTING AT SUSHI RESTAURANT. Randall studies the blurred photo of Mary and (Y/n) in the restaurant. In the background of the photo, blurred but unmistakable, is Mike. "Wazowski!" Randall looks up, but Mike is gone. Celia lies on the ground. "Michael!!!! Mi— Men!" She shouted angrily. Mike sprints through the hallways. "Breathe... Keep breathing...." Mike zips past a water cooler, leaps over a trashcan, and scurries around a corner. He comes to a stop in front of a portrait of Waternoose, and breathes a sigh of relief. Randall uncamouflaged out of the painting. "Yikes!" Randall grabs Mike and pushes him against the wall. "Where are the kids?!" He demanded. "Kids? Heh. What kids?" Mike asked, nervously looking around. "They're here in the factory, aren't they?" Randall asked. "You're not pinning this on me. They never would have gotten out, if you hadn't been cheating last night!" Mike accused. "Cheating?! I—" A smile spreads across Randall's face. "Cheating. Right. Okay, I think I know how to make this all go away. What happens when the whistle blows in 5 minutes?" He asked. "Uhhh, I get a time-out?" Mike asked. "Everyone goes to lunch! Which means the scare floor will be..." Randall asked. "Painted?" Mike asked. "Empty! It'll be empty, you idiot! You see that clock?" Mike nods. Randall grabs Mike's arms, using them as a visual aid to drive home his point. "When the big hand is pointing up,..." Randall twists Mike's arm. "..and the little hand is pointing up,..." Another twist and gasp from Mike. "...the children's door will be in my station. But when the big hand points down," This one really hurts. Mike winces. "Ooooh!" "The door will be gone. You have until then to put the kids back. Get the picture?" Randall asked. Mike nods in pain. Mary waddles down a hall in her disguise, with babbling and roaring happily with (Y/n) chasing after her. She climbs a stack of boxes next to a garbage can and (Y/n) follows. "Boo!" She shouted. Sulley runs down the hall searching for them, then sees the two. "Boo! (Y/n)!" He said. The two girls fall into the trash can. "No!" Sulley shouted. Behind him, Sulley hears... "Hey, you! Halt!" Sulley freezes as two CDA agents head towards him. "He's the one." An agent said. "Uh..." Sulley said. "The one from the commercial." "Affirmative, that's him." "Can we get an autograph?" Three of the agents said. "Oh! Oh, sure... no problem." Sulley said. "If you could make that out to Bethany, my daughter..." The geeks, Smitty and Needleman, emerge from a door, grab the trash can, and wheel it away. Sulley notices.

"Ah, yes! Let's see..." Sulley signs quickly. "From your scary friend... Best wishes..." The geeks stop in front of a trash chute. " then I said "if you talk to me like that again, we're through." Needleman said. "Oh! What'd she say?" Smitty asked. "You know my mom. She sent me to my room." Behind the geeks, Mary and (Y/n) climb out of the garbage. As they doe one of their eye stalks pop off and land in the trash. They walk off down a hallway. Meanwhile, Sulley has finished signing. "Thanks a lot." One of the agents said. "See you guys later. Take it easy." Sulley said. Sulley turns to see the geeks dump the garbage into the chute. The loose eyestalks rest atop the garbage pile, making it look like Mary and (Y/n) are in amongst the trash. "Bottoms up!" Mary and (Y/n)'s eyestalks and trash go tumbling down the garbage chute. Sulley gasps in horror. He comes hurling down the stairs, panting. Then he bursts into the room. From behind glass, Sulley watches the load of garbage -- including their eyestalks -- move toward a large smashing machine. "Boo! (Y/N)!" Mary and (Y/n) come skipping around a corner and run into a group of monster kids. A monster day care kid notices them. "Oh. Well, hello there. What are your names?" She asked. "Mike Wazowski." Mary said, and (Y/n) laughs. "And I'm (Y/n)." She said. Sulley reacts in horror as the eyestalks and trash move through a meat grinder, smashing hammers chooping blades, and under a large roller. Finally the machine spits out a compressed cube of garbage. The cube travels down a conveyor belt towards Sulley. Atop the cube, still visible, are their eyestalks. Sulley reaches for it and faints. Mike runs into the lobby, searching for Sulley. "Oh, Sulley!" Then he scans the bathroom. "Okay, Sulley. Come on, enough." He sees George and Charlie. "Hey! You guys seen Sulley anywhere?" Mike asked. "Nope, sorry." George said. "Oh, Sulley!" Mike runs off. "Boy, Wazowski looks like he's in trouble." George said. George opens his locker.

The toys and kid junk from Mary's and (Y/n)'s room -- which Sulley stuffed in the night before -- fall out onto George. Charlie gasps. "23-19!! WE HAVE A 23-19!!!!" He shouted. CDA agents burst out from the bathroom stalls. "Halt!" An agent said. "Oh, dear." George is taken down. Mike turns a corner, desperate now. "Sulley! Sulley!" He spots Sulley staggering along pathetically, cradling his "Boo and (Y/n) garbage cube" in his arms. "Sulley! Oh! Great news, pal. I got us a way out of this mess, but we gotta hurry. Where are they?" Mike asked. Sulley whimpers as he shows Mike the cube. "Sull, that's a cube of garbage." He spots the eye stalks. "Uh-oh." "I can still hear their little voices." Sulley sobs. "Mike Wazowski!" Mary said. "Mike Wazowski!" (Y/n) repeated. Mike leans in closer to the garbage cube. "Hey, I can hear them too." Mike said. "Mike Wazowski!" Multiple day-care kids said. "How many kids you got in there?" Mike asked. "Mike Wazowski!" Day-care kids shouted. Mike and Sulley turn to see a line of monster children, led by the day care worker. Mary and (Y/n) are at the end, still in their monster costumes, minus one eye stalk. "Kitty!/Sulley!" Mary and (Y/n) shout at the same time. "Boo! (Y/n)!" Sulley runs to them. He tosses the cube, which lands on Mike. Sulley picks them up, and hugs them tightly. "Boo! (Y/n)! Oh, you're all right. I was so worried. I was— Don't you ever run away from me again, young ladies. Oh, but I'm so glad you're safe." Sulley hugs them. "My, what an affectionate father." The day care worker said, and (Y/n) snickers. "Uh, actually, they're my, uhhh, my cousin's sister's—" "Okay, Sulley, that's enough. Let's go." Mike said, cutting him off. A little day care kid steps up to Mike. "Mike Wazowski!" "Yeah, yeah, yeah, sure. Step aside, kid. We're in a—" Mike waves the kid away. Without warning, the kid bites him, and Mike screams in pain. (Y/n) winces and covers her ears as her sister laughs hysterically at Mike's pain. The lights overhead glow intensely, then burst. The day care monsters scream. "Will you stop making Boo laugh?" Sulley asked. "I didn't!" Mike shouted.

"You clearly did." (Y/n) said. "Shut up!" Mike snapped. "Ugh! Come on!" Mike frees his hand. He, (Y/n) and Sulley run down the hallway. Sulley holds Boo as he, (Y/n) Mike run. "I still don't understand. You've got their door?" Sulley asked. "I'll explain later. Run!" Mike shouted. The Scare Floor is dark and empty; everyone is still at lunch. "Okay, let's move. Let's move, let's move! Come on!" Mike closes his eye, not daring to hope. "Oh, please be there, please be there, please be there." Mike opens his eye and spots their door in a station. "There it is! Just like Randall said!" Mike said, and (Y/n) stops. "Randall?" She asked. "Wait a minute." Sulley said. Mary squirms out of Sulley's arms and runs off under a desk. Sulley tries to calm her. "Whoa, whoa, hey!" (Y/n) said. "1, 2, 3, 4! Get the kids back through the door!" Mike said. "Hey, hey." Sulley said. "We're gonna get our lives back. The nightmare is over." Mike said. "Hey, it's okay, Boo." (Y/n) said softly. Mike turns around and sees Sulley. "Hey, what's the matter? Come on, it's time to move." Mike said. Sulley lifts Mary from under the desk. "Mike, what are you thinking? We can't trust Randall. He's after them." Sulley said. "Who cares? Let's go. This is a limited time offer." Mike said. "No, no. I don't like this." Sulley said, surveying the floor. "Look, Sulley, you wanted their door, and there it is. Now, let's move!" Mike demanded. "No, Mike." Sulley holds onto Mary tightly and puts his other paw behind (Y/n). Mike sighs. "You want me to prove everything's on the up and up? Fine!" He storms toward their door. "He wants the door, I get the door. He don't want it now." Mike said. "Mike, wait!" (Y/n) said worriedly, stepping forward. "He's a paranoid delusional furball." Mike opens the door. "Mike...!" Sulley said. Mike enters the room and jumps on the bed. Suddenly a large box covers Mike and snatches him away. Mary whimpers and (Y/n) gasps. "Uh oh." She said quietly. Sulley and (Y/n) quickly duck under the desk.

Randall peeks out of their room and emerges with the box. Mary sees Randall and whimpers, and (Y/n) gently shushes her. She nods and goes quiet. Randall loads the box into a tricked out hollow scream cart, slams the lid closed and heads for the hallway. Sulley, (Y/n) and Mary watch Randall exit. Suddenly Mary slips and falls forward with a noise. "Oof!" Randall snaps to attention and disappears. Sulley peers out from under the desk. Randall is gone! A piece of paper slips off a nearby desk and flutters to the ground. Sulley or (Y/n) barely dare to breathe. On the other side of the desk, Randall silently uncamouflages. Neither of them see the other, but Randall is moving closer to them by the second. The lunch bell rings. Randall rushes off to his cart as monsters return from lunch. Sulley grabs Mary and him and (Y/n) sprint after Randall as he pushes his cart out into the hallway. "Hey, Sulley, where have you been all day? Sulley? Sulley!" The floor manager shouted as he and (Y/n) run past. They follow Randall through the halls, barely able to keep up. Sulley and (Y/n) follow Randall around the corner to a dead end. "Huh?" Sulley asked. Disassembled scream carts and tools sit idle; Randall is nowhere to be seen. Sulley checks the carts for Mike. "Mike? Mike? Where are you? You in there? Where are you, buddy? Mike?" Meanwhile, (Y/n) plays with some tools hanging on a work panel. Tugging on a wrench, she accidentally opens a secret panel, revealing a dark corridor. "Whoa! Look Sulley, a secret passageway!" She said pointing. "(Y/n)! Way to go!" Sulley said. Sulley and (Y/n) tiptoe down the dark passageway, carrying Mary. She whimpers. "It's okay." (Y/n) said. The doors slams shut behind and they continue. They hear the echoey voices of Randall and Fungus, which grow clearer as they get closer to them. "Uhm, so to confirm, then, you did find the ah..." Fungus said. "Yes! I got the kids!" Randall said.

"Oh, huzzah! That's great news. N-n-not that I was concerned of course, I knew—" Fungus said. "Just get over here and help me!" Sulley, (Y/n) and Boo peer through a wall of pipes. They see Randall, Fungus and the scream cart. "Come on, come on, come on! While we're young here, Fungus!" Randall and Fungus lift the box out of the scream cart. "The kids need to take off a few pounds." They dump the box out into a chair, revealing Mike. This is not what Randall was expecting. "Wazowski! Where are they, you little one-eyed crettin?!" Randall asked. "Okay. First of all, it's cretin. If you're gonna threaten me, do it properly. Second of all, you're nuts if you think kidnapping me is gonna help you cheat your way to the top!" Mike shouted, and Randall chuckles evilly. "You still think this is about that stupid scare record?" He asked. "Well... I did. Right up until... you chuckled like that... and, uh, now I'm thinkin' I should just get out of here." Randall clamps Mike into the chair. "I'm about to revolutionize the scaring industry. And when I do, even the "great" James P. Sullivan is gonna be working for me." (Y/n) growls slightly, she did not like this monster, at all. "Well, somebody's certainly been a busy bee." Mike said fearfully. "First I need to know where the kids are, and you're gonna tell me." Randall said. "Hey, I don't know anything!" Mike said desperately. 

"Uh-huh. Sure." Randall said sarcastically. Randall nods at Fungus, who presses buttons on the console. "I-I don't! I mean, I don't.... Uh-oh." A large vacuum-like machine lowers from the ceiling. "What's that? Wait. Come on. Wait, wait, wait, wait. Uh-oh. Uh-oh. Oh, come on. No, no, no, no, no, no. Come on. Hey, hey, hey, hey. This thing is moving." Mike said. The machine comes closer to Randall and Mike. "I don't like big, moving things that are moving towards me. No! Come on! Hey! Randall!" Mike said. "Say hello to the scream extractor." Randall said. "Hello." Mike said. Randall walks away from Mike. "Come on. Where are you going? We-we'll talk. Come on, we'll have a latte. Come on. We can talk about this." Randall activates the machine. An oxygen-like mask inches towards Mike's face. "What's that thing? What is that thing? Wait, wait, wait! No, no, no! Uh-oh! No! Come on, hey!" Mike screams. (Y/n)'s eyes widened as the device is now inches away from his face. Behind the pipes, Sulley backs into the darkness with Mary and (Y/n). "Help! Help!! Help!!! Help!!!! Oh...NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! GYAH!!!!!" Mike shouted. The machine's suction pulls Mike's lips closer, then suddenly stops, powering down with a whir. Mike sighs, relieved. Randall turns angrily on Fungus. "Oh, for.... what did you do wrong this time?" Randall asked. "I don't know. I calibrated the drive shaft—" Fungus said. "GO CHECK THE MACHINE!" Randall shouted.

"There must be something wrong with the scream intake valve." Fungus said. Randall sighs, frustrated. On the back of the console, he sees the cords wiggling. "Huh?" He follows the cords along the floor around the corner. "Hmm..." Randall sees that the machine has been unplugged. Fungus adjusts the machine. Mike whispers to him. "Psst. Fungus. Fungus! You like cars? Huh? 'Cause I got a really nice car. If you let me go, I'll give you... a ride in the car. Please, Fungus?" He asked. "I'm sorry, Wazowski, but Randall said I'm not allowed to fraternize with victims of his evil plot." Mike notices (Y/n) standing behind Fungus and his eye widened. She then punches him in the back and he groans in pain. "Nice one, kid." Sulley said. Mike smiles in recognition. Randall plugs the machine back in. It powers up. Randall enters to see Fungus strapped into the machine. "What happened?! Where's Wazowski?!" Fungus struggles and grows pale as the machine does its work. Randall hits a switch on the console, turning it off. "Where is he?!" A nearby albino Fungus points weakly towards the exit. Randall takes off angrily. Fungus collapses. Sulley, Mike, (Y/n) and Mary burst from the tool panel doorway and run down the hall. "Come on." Sulley said. "This is crazy. He's gonna kill us!" Mike shouted. They nearly bump into a group of CDA agents, inspecting a trash can. "Careful with that. Could be contaminated." Mike, Sulley, (Y/n) and Mary do a quick detour, avoiding the CDA. "We gotta get out of here NOW!! We can start a whole new life somewhere far away! Goodbye, Monsters, Inc.! Goodbye, Mr. Waternoose!" Mike said. Mike runs through a side exit door, out of the factory. Sulley stops. "No, Mike, wait." Sulley turns back the way they came and (Y/n) follows. "Hey, what are you doing?" Mike asked. "Follow me. I have an idea." Sulley said. "No! No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no..." Mike said.

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