Getting banished

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"Simulation terminated. Simulation terminated." "No, no, no, no, no!" Mr. Waternoose shouted. Thaddeus Bile is standing on one leg, sticking his tongue out at the animatronic kid. "What was that?! You're trying to scare the kid, not lull it to sleep!" Mr. Waternoose shouted. The recruits sit in their usual chairs, taking notes. "I was going for a snake/ninja approach with a little hissing." Bile hisses. "How many times do I have to tell you? It's all about PRESENCE! About how you enter the room!" Mr. Waternoose shouted. Sulley bursts into the room holding Mary, and Mike and (Y/n) follow. "Mr. Waternoose!" Sulley shouted. "James! Perfect timing." He said. "No, no, no, no. Sir, you don't understand!" Sulley shouted. "Ah, now, show these monsters how it's done." Mr. Waternoose said. "What? No, no, I can't... Sir, sir, you have to listen to me!" Waternoose grabs Mary from Sulley and hands her to Mike. "Eeeh!" Mike said, and (Y/n) laughs. "Pay attention, everyone. You're about to see the best in the business." Mr. Waternoose said.

"Sir, I...!" Sulley said, trying to explain. "Reset the simulator." Mr. Waternoose said. "But-But, sir!" Waternoose positions Sulley on the stage and steps behind the control panel. The lights in the room dim, and the animatronic kid resets. "Good night, sweetheart." "Good night, mom." "Sleep tight, kiddo." Mike sets Mary down. She immediately runs towards Sulley on the stage. "Kitty!" (Y/n) gasps and runs after her. "Boo come back!" She shouted. "No, girls, no, no!" Mike shouts after them. "Now, give us a big, loud roar." Mr. Waternoose said. "Mr. Waternoose, there's no time for this!" Sulley shouted. "Come on, come on, what are you waiting for? Roar!" He replied. "But-but-but, sir!" Sulley persisted. Mr. Waternoose is determined. "ROAR!" He shouted. "RAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHRRRRRRR!!!!!!" The animatronic screams. By now Mary and (Y/n) have reached the stage, close enough to feel the full impact of Sulley's roar. His glaring eyes and snarling teeth are genuinely horrifying. Sulley has become a gruesome, terrible monster. Terrified, Mary's and (Y/n)'s faces widen in fear and they run to hide. The recruits are impressed. "Well done! Well done, James." Mr. Waternoose said. 

Sulley sees them run away. "Boo? (Y/n)?" He asked. Mr. Waternoose and Flint escort the recruits out of the room. "All right, gentlemen." Mr. Waternoose said. "Right this way, everyone." Ms. Flint said. "I hope you learned a valuable lesson in scaring today. Read chapters two and three in your manuals. I'll see you all in the morning." Sulley finds Mary and (Y/n), hiding in the shadows, Mary is crying, and (Y/n) is standing in front of her protectively. "Girls?" Sulley reaches for (Y/n), trying to calm and reassure her. She and Mary struggle to get away. (Y/n) puts her hands out fearfully. "N.. no, Sulley. S... stay back...!" She said, stuttering. "(Y/n)? (Y/n), it's me." He reassured. She backs away from Sulley shaking her head and trips over a cable. Her hood flops open, revealing her scared face. Mr. Waternoose gasps. "The children!" He said. Mike rushes to explain. "Sir, they aren't toxic. I know it sounds crazy, but trust me." Mike said. As Mike continues, Sulley approaches Mary and (Y/n), who are petrified. "Girls? No, no, no, no, it's okay. I was just..." Sulley reaches towards (Y/n) and she slaps his hand away. "I said stay back!" She shouted, her voice is shaky. "Oh, no, no, no, no, no, don't be scared. That wasn't real. It's just a... I was just..."

Behind Mary is the bank of monitors, displaying a still image of Sulley's fearsome roar. This is the way hundreds of children see him every night in their rooms. This is what Mary and (Y/n) saw. Sulley looks down on (Y/n), who is crying now. "(Y/n)." He said softly. She takes Mary's hand and ran from Sulley towards Waternoose, hiding behind one of his crab legs. "(Y/n)" Sulley said. "...this scream machine and he was going to test it out on those sweet, little girls." Mike kept trying to explain. "Now that we have them, he is trying to kill US! This whole thing is Randall's fault!" Mike shouted. "Randall?" Mr. Waternoose asked. "Yes. And we can take you to his secret lab, which is right here in this factory." Mike said. Mr. Waternoose is stunned. He lets this information sink in. "How could this happen? Oh, how could this happen? Does anyone else know about this?" He asked. "No, sir." Mike said. "Good. This company can't afford any more bad publicity." He picks up Mary and (Y/n). "Now, before we do anything else, let's...take care of the children." He said. Sulley watches them with remorse. Waternoose flips the switch and the simulator door and ejects, just like the Scare Floor. It travels away on an overhead track. "Oh, I never thought things would come to this. Not in my factory. I'm sorry you boys got mixed up in this. Especially you, James. But now we can set everything straight again, for the good of the company." Sulley tries in vain to catch their eyes.

 A huge metal door lowers into the station with a bang. "Uh, sir, that's not their door." Mike said. "I know, I know." Randall uncamoflages in front of the door, and opens it. Snow swirls through from the other side. "IT'S YOURS." (Y/n)'s eyes widened. Mr. Waternoose shoves Mike and Sulley through the door. "AAAAAHHH!!" They screamed. "Sulley! Mike!" (Y/n) shouted. A blizzard rages. Sulley and Mike land face down in the snow. Waternoose stands in the doorway, holding the girls. Sulley makes a run for the door, but it's slammed in his face. "No!" Sulley pulls the door open and sees only more snow. The portal to the monster world is closed. "Boo! (Y/n)!" He shouted. Mike and Sulley are in the middle of a snowy mountain range. Panicked, Sulley opens and slams the door, but nothing changes. "No! No! No, no, no, no, NO!!!" Behind him, Mike watches angrily. "It's too late! We're BANISHED, genius!! We're in THE HUMAN WORLD!!! Oh, what a great idea; goin' to your old pal Waternoose! Too bad he was in on the whole thing! All you had to do, was listen to me, just ONCE!!! But you DIDN'T, did you?!" Mike accused. Sulley desperately runs his hands along the sides of the door, looking for anything that might activate it. "YOU'RE STILL NOT LISTENING!?!?! AAAAAAAAGGGGHHH!!!!!!!"

Mike leaps onto Sulley's back, sending both of them tumbling down the side of the snowy mountain. "AAHHH!!!!!" Mike continues to pound at Sulley as they flip over an embankment, landing with a thud several yards below. "Take that!!!!" Suddenly, a huge shadow covers them. They look up to see a giant monster. "Welcome to the Himalayas!" Mike and Sulley trade a side glance. Mike huddles around the lantern for warmth because he's cold from being out in the snow for so long. He's wearing mittens on his horns, his hands, and his feet. "Abominable." He chuckles "Can you believe that? Do I look abominable to you? Why can't they call me the "Adorable Snowman", or... or the "Agreeable Snowman", for crying out loud? I'm a nice guy. Snowcone?" He asked Mike. The Yeti holds out a tray of yellow snowcones. "Yeech." Mike said. "Oh, no, no, no. Don't worry. It's lemon. How about you, big fella? Snowcone?" The yeti asked. Sulley sits at the mouth of the cave, staring at his hands. "Did you see the way they... looked at me?" He asked, muttering to himself. In anguish, he buries his face in his hands. "Ah, poor guy. I understand. It ain't easy being banished. 

Take my buddy, Bigfoot. When he was banished, he fashioned an enormous diaper out of poison ivy." He chuckles. "Wore it on his head like a tiara. Called himself "King Itchy". He said. Mike looks up at the Yeti as though he's insane. "It won't be so hard for you guys, though, you know, I mean, how lucky can you get? Banished with your best friend." The yeti said. "He is not my friend." Mike snapped. "Oh, I just assumed you were buddies, you know, when I saw you out there in the snow hugging and all that..." Mike stares angrily at Sulley. "Look at that big jerk. Ruined my life, and for what? SOME STUPID KIDS!!! Because of you, I am now stuck in this frozen wasteland!" Mike shouted. "Wasteland? I think you mean "Wonderland"! I mean, how 'bout all this fabulous snow, huh? Oh, and wait 'til you see the local village - cutest thing in the world. I haven't even mentioned all the free yak's milk..." the yeti said. For the first time, Sulley turns around. "Wait. What did you say?" He asked. "Uh, yak's milk. Milking a yak ain't exactly a picnic, but you know, once you pick the hairs out, it's very nutritious." Sulley jumps up, runs across the cave, and grabs the Yeti. "No, no! Something about a village! Where? Are there kids in it?" He asked. "Kids? Sure. Tough kids, sissy kids, kids who climb on rocks..." he replied. This diversion is more that Sulley can handle.

"WHERE IS IT?!" He shouted. "It's at the bottom of the mountain. Around a three-day hike." The yeti said. "Three days?! We need to get there NOW!!!" Sulley shouted. Sulley punches the wall in frustration, sending a piece of ice across the floor. It stops in front of a pile of hiker paraphernalia piled in the corner of the cave. Sulley's eyes light up. "You wanna go to the village? Okay, rule number one out here: Never go out in a blizzard." The yeti said. "We need to get to Boo and (Y/n)." Sulley said. SMACK! A snowball hits Sulley in the back. The Yeti points to Mike nervously. "BOO and (Y/N)?! WHAT ABOUT US?!" Mike throws another snowball. "Ever since those kids came in, you've ignored everything I've said, and NOW look where we are!" He throws another snowball. "Oh, we were about to break the record, Sulley. We would've had it made!" He shouted. "None of that matters now!" Sulley shouted. "None of it matters? Wa-wa-wait a second. None of it matters? Okay, that's - no. Good. Great. So now the truth comes out, doesn't it?" There is an uncomfortable pause. "Oh, would you look at that? We're out of snowcones. Let me... just go outside and make some more." 

The Yeti leaves. "Sulley, what about everything we ever worked for? Does that matter? Huh? What about Celia? I am never... never gonna see her again. Doesn't that matter?" He asked, obviously hurt. Sulley has finished building a makeshift toboggan. In silence, he slowly pushes it past Mike. "And what about me? I'm your pal, I'm-I'm-I'm your best friend. Don't I matter?" Mike asked. "I'm sorry, Mike. I'm sorry we're stuck out here. I didn't mean for this to happen. But Boo and (Y/n) are in trouble. I think there might be a way to save them, if we can just get down to that—" Sulley said. "We"? Whoa, whoa, whoa. "We"? No. There's no "we" this time, pal. If-if-if you wanna go out there and freeze to death, you be my guest. Because you're on your own." Mike turns his back on Sulley, folding his arms. There is nothing Sulley can say. He turns and pushes the toboggan out of the cave. The cave grows dark. Mike stares in disbelief. Sulley is gone. Sulley races down the mountainside on his makeshift sled. The lantern dangles from a ski pole on the sled, lighting the way as Sulley navigates the treacherous terrain. He zips by the Yeti, holding a fresh tray of snow. "Hey, I got more snowcones!" The sled is narrowly missing boulders, and picking up speed until.. "Whoa!" Sulley's sled smashes into a boulder, and bursts apart. He tumbles down the mountainside, finally sliding to a stop, face down in the snow.

Sulley lies motionless in the snow, the wind howling through his fur. A child screams in the distance. Or was that the wind? Sulley slowly lifted his head. Another scream, this one louder than the first. Sulley's eyes widen. Through the snow, Sulley can barely make out a small Tibetan village. George leans on his crutch, nervously trembling as he stands in front of his door with Charlie. "Oh, come on now, George. I know you can do this. I picked out an easy door for you, in Nepal. Nice, quiet Nepal." Charlie said. "You know, you're right." He hands Charlie his crutch. "Here, take this." He replied. "Go get 'em, Georgie." Charlie said. As George gets to the door, Sulley bursts through, trampling George. "Gangway! Look out! Coming through!" He shouted. George lies flattened on the ground. "Sorry, George." Sulley called after him. "What the--? Hey! You can't just-" As George staggers to his feet, Charlie spots a sock stuck to his chest. Charlie's eyes go wide. "23-1...!" Before Charlie can finish, George grabs him by the throat, stuffs the sock in his mouth, and tosses him in the door. George relaxes, whistling happily as he walks away. Sulley runs past various monsters in the hallway. "Outta the way!" He shouted. "Hey!" A monster shouted. Randall straps (Y/n) into the scream extractor chair as Waternoose still holds Boo who whimpers as Waternoose looks on. "Hey! Let us go!" (Y/n) shouted, as she struggles to escape to no avail. 

 "Finally! I never should have trusted you with this. Because of you, I had to banish my top scarer!" Waternoose said. "Eh, with this machine, we won't need scarers. Besides, Sullivan got what he deserved." Randall said. "Sullivan was TWICE the scarer you'll ever be!"  Waternoose shouted. Randall glares at Waternoose. "The truth hurts, doesn't it?" (Y/n) snarks. Randall turns and glares at her. "Shut up you!" He shouted. Sulley rips off the door to the secret passageway and runs through. Fungus revs up the machine. Waternoose and Randall watch with anticipation as the machine nears her face. "Help!" (Y/n) shouted, and Mary screams for her sister. Just in time, Sulley rushes in, roaring angrily. He grabs the Scream Extractor and forces it away from (Y/n). "Kitty!/Sulley!" Mary and (Y/n) said. Waternoose looks as if he's seen a ghost. "Sullivan?!!" Sulley quickly punches him and grabs Mary from him, then with a massive effort, Sulley wrenches the machine from their moorings and throws it towards Randall, Waternoose and Fungus. It pins them to the wall. Sulley frees (Y/n) from the chair and Mary hugs her. "Sissy!" Mary said. "Sorry, girls."  Sulley said. Waternoose turns to Randall, who has managed to escape. "Randall, stop him!" Randall camouflages, disappearing. Sulley picks (Y/n) up out of the chair. "Let's get you two home." He said. "Where's Mike?" (Y/n) asked. Sulley turns back to her. "he..." he trailed off sadly. "He's not here." Sulley said, and (Y/n) frowns. "Oh." She said. Sulley picks up their door card key and he and (Y/n) run towards the exit. Suddenly, Sulley is knocked back into the room, as if punched by nothing. "Sulley?" (Y/n) asked with concern. "Finish him off!"

Sulley keeps getting punched. He can't see where it's coming from. Behind him, a scream can rises into the air and hits him on the head. Sulley falls to the ground, still holding Mary. Randall materializes, hanging from the ceiling. "Sulley!" (Y/n) shouts worriedly. "You don't know how long I've wanted to do that, Sullivan!" He said. "Leave him alone!" (Y/n) shouted angrily and Randall glares at her. "Quiet you brat!" He shouted. Sulley swings at Randall and misses. Using his tail as a whip, Randall sends Sulley flying out into the hallway. Sulley lands with a thud. Mary spills out of his arms. She quickly hides in a crevice in the hallway and (Y/n) stands in front of her. Sulley is hit in the face with a snowball. He turns to see.. "Ooh! Mike?" Sulley asked, and (Y/n) smiles. "Mike!" She runs up to him and hugs him. 

Mike's eye widened and he's taken aback. "uh..." he rubs her back awkwardly. "It's... it's nice to see you too, kid." (Y/n) let's go and he turns to Sulley to explain. "Look, it's not that I don't care about the kids." He said. "Mike, you don't understand." Sulley said. Mid-sentence, Sulley is attacked by an invisible Randall. Mike continues his apology, obvious. "Yes, I do. I was just mad, that's all. I needed some time to think, but you shouldn't have left me out there."  Mike said. Sulley is slammed against the wall. "I'm being attacked!" Sulley shouted. "No, I'm not attacking you. I'm trying to be honest, just hear me out. Look, you and I are a team. Nothing is more important than our friendship." Mike said. Mary tugs on Mike's arm, and points at the invisible Randall. "Uh, Mike?" (Y/n) asked. "I-I know, kids. He's too sensitive." Mike said. Invisible Randall chokes Sulley, who gasps for air. "Come on, pal, if you start crying, I'm gonna cry, and I'll never get through this." Mike said. Sulley grabs futilely at his neck. "I'm sorry I wasn't there for you, but I am now." Mike said. 

"Mike, it's okay! He's not mad about that." (Y/n) said urgently, looking back at Sulley. Sulley is going to black out. "Hey, Sulley, I am baring my soul here. The least you can do is pay attention!" Mike hurls his snowball towards Sulley, but instead, it smashes Randall's invisible face, exposing him to view. Sulley punches Randall, knocking him out. Randall collapses to the ground, becoming visible again. Sulley gasps for breath and (Y/n) chuckles. "Nice one, Mike." She said. "Hey, look at that, it's Randall. It's..." he puts it all together. "Ohhhhh." (Y/n) face palms. Sulley picks up Mary, (Y/n) and Mike and runs out. "Come on!" Randall is beginning to come too. Waternoose yells at him from behind the machine. "Get up! There can't be any witnesses." Randall lifts himself off the ground.

 "There won't be." He said. Sulley runs down the hallway, carrying Mary, (Y/n) and Mike. "I'm glad you came back, Mike." Sulley said. "Me too!" (Y/n) said. "Somebody's gotta take care of you, you big hairball." Mike said. A horrible scream gets Mike's attention. It's Celia. Snakes flowing wildly, she leaps through the air and tackles him to the ground. "Schmoopsie-Poo, I really can't talk." Mike said. "Come on!" Sulley drags Mike away. Celia isn't about to be left behind again. She grabs Mike's leg, and so is dragged after him. "Michael, if you don't tell me what's going on right now, we are through! Do you hear me? Through!" Celia shouted. "Okay, here's the truth! You know those kids that they're looking for? Sulley let them in! We tried to send them back, but Waternoose had this secret plot, and now Randall's right behind us, and he's trying to kill us!" Mike shouted, being pulled from both sides. "YOU EXPECT ME TO BELIEVE THAT PACK OF LIES, MIKE WAZOWSKI?!?!!!" She shouted.

(Y/n) growls slightly and clenches her fists. Then she quickly pops up from behind Sulley's shoulder. "Hello!" She said cheerfully. Celia gasps. In terror, she lets go of Mike as he and Sulley round the corner towards the Scare Floor. Mike chuckles. "Thanks, kid." He said. "I love you, Schmoopsie-Poo!" He calls to Celia. Randall and Fungus come running down the hall, crashing after Sulley and Mike. They trip over a slow monster pushing a scream cart. "Will you move it?! Look out, you idiot!" Celia's eye widens, then narrow in determination. Sulley, Mike and (Y/n) run onto the crowded Scare Floor and head for an empty station. "Look out. Coming through here! Coming through! Make way. Move it!" Mike shouted. "Sorry." Sulley said. "Hurry up, hurry up!" Mike shouted. They swipe the girls' card card key and wait anxiously for their door to arrive. Randall and Fungus run out onto the Scare Floor. "There they are!" He shouted, spotting (Y/n), Mike and Sulley. The trio turn at the sound of Randall's voice. 

"Attention, employees: Randall Boggs has just broken the all-time scare record!" Celia said over the P.A. Randall and Fungus are mobbed by a collection of excited employees, who trap the duo. "Huh? No, I didn't! Get out of my way!" Randall shouted. "Way to go, Randall! Nice job!" Celia hangs up the intercom phone with a smile. "Go get 'em, Googly Bear." She said. (Y/n), Sulley and Mike watch as Fungus and Randall struggle to break free of the crowd. Mary squeals happily as their door enters the Scare Floor on the conveyor belt above. "There it is!" (Y/n) said pointing. Meanwhile Fungus is being tossed happily into the air by the celebratory group. "Whoa! Ha-ha!" Fungus shouted. "Get off my tail! Let me through" Randall shouted. Randall is finally able to push his way through the mob. He heads towards Sulley. Their door will not reach their station before Randall. Sulley punches a red panic button on the keypad. An alarm sounds and the door, poised high above the station, heads back into the door vault. Sulley runs toward in the next station over. All the doors are being returned to the vault  "Sulley, what are you doing?!" Mike asked. "Grab on, Mike!" (Y/n) shouted. With Mary in one hand, Sulley grabs the door as it sails out of its station. Mike manages to grab onto (Y/n)'s right hand. "Are you out of your...  ...miiiiiiiiiiind?!!!!!" He shouted.

Randall watches the four cling to the door hanging overhead. He climbs aboard a door being ejected and sails up onto the track several doors behind Sulley, Mike, (Y/n) and Boo. The two dozen doors glide towards the vault. Sulley, Mike, (Y/n) Mary follow the door down a long corridor. "Sulley, what are we doing?!" Mike shouted. "We have to get their door and find a station." Sulley said. "What a plan. Simple, yet insane!" Mike shouted. Randall hangs from a door two behind him. He leaps forward one door, closing the gap. The corridor opens up onto a massive room. Millions of doors, as far as the eye can see, travel on overhead tracks. "Whoa." Sulley said. "Oh, boy." Mike said. Their door suddenly pitches forward. "Hold on!" Sulley shouted. They speed through the vault as if on a roller coaster ride. "Aaaah!" (Y/n), Sulley and Mike screamed. "Whoaaaaa! Wowww!" Mike shouted. "Don't look down!" Sulley shouted. "I don't plan to." (Y/n) said as she hid her face in Sulley's fur. 

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" (Y/n), Sulley and Mike scream. Maryscreams happily. The red light on the door they're riding lights up and fades off. The track rounds a post "I'm gonna be sick, I'm gonna be sick! Whoaaaaa! Oh, no!" Mike said. "What?" (Y/n) asked worriedly. "No!" Sulley shouted. Randall's door switches onto yet another track. Sulley visually follows their door. It stops, stacked against the wall of doors. "Our door?" (Y/n) asked. "There it is! How are we supposed to get to it now?!" Mike asked. Their door travels into a corridor of doors, surrounded on all slides, enveloping them in darkness. It slows to a stop. "Oh, it's a dead end, Sulley!" Mike shouted. 

From the other end of the tunnel of doors, Randall jumps onto a door and rides it towards them. "There he is!" Mike shouted. "Leave us alone!" (Y/n) shouts at Randall, then she gets an idea. "Wait! Make my sister laugh!" She shouts. Mike looks at her in confusion. "What?" He asked. "JUST DO IT!" (Y/n) shouts angrily. "OH..." Mike pulls his eyelid out and snaps it back on his eye. "OW!" He shouted. As Marysqueals with laughter, the light above their door illuminates. The doors surrounding them activate too. In fact, every door in the vault powers up, their lights glowing bright red. By now Randall is almost upon them.

 "Get it open!" Sulley shouted. "Here he comes!" Mike shouted. The four jump inside and shut their door just as Randall leaps towards them. "Gimme those kids! Ooof!" Randall shouted, hitting the door. "Ha! Take that, Randall!" (Y/n) sticks her tongue out. It was a beautiful tranquil day in the tropics. Sulley, Mike, (Y/n) and Mary run out of a Hawaiian beach house, onto the sand. "Why couldn't we get banished here?" Mike asked, and (Y/n)'s eyes widened. "You were banished?!" She asked. "Come on, we gotta find another door!" Sulley said. They head onto a nearby beach house. Sulley, Mike, (Y/n) and Mary burst out of a door, hanging thousands of feet in the air. "Whoa!" Doors are stacked in rows above and below them, like a wall.

"Look! Our door!" (Y/n) said, pointing up. He climbs from one door to the next, trying to reach their door. Mike sees Randall approaching from the Hawaiian door. He shuts the door and shimmies up toward Sulley. "There he is! Hurry up! Hurry up!" Mike shouted. "Give me your hand!" Sulley said. Mike's hand slips from Sulley's grasp, but (Y/n) quickly grabs him. "Waaaaaah!WHOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh-oh Whoa-a! AAAAAAAAHHH!!!!!!!" Mike shouted. (Y/n) pulls Mike up into the door with her just as Randall emerges from Hawaii. Mike, (Y/n) and Sulley come to a Japanese paper door. Their silhouettes are visible as they pause in front of it. "Come on, it slides, it slides!" Mike said. "Oh, right, right, right!" Sulley slides the door open and they run through the room. They emerge again, this time through a door moving along the door track. "Jump! I'm right behind you!" Mike shouted. Sulley grabs (Y/n) and jumps onto another track of doors below, then sets her down. Mike follows. They land on a platform. "Come on!" Sulley shouted. 

Mike looks back and sees Randall approaching. "Hurry up! Keep moving!" The only available door is on the ground, undergoing some sort of maintenance. Sulley opens the door and motions for Mike to jump in. "Get inside!" Sulley shouted. Because the door was lying sideways, Mike's fall changes trajectory as he enters a French kid's room. He falls sideways onto the floor. "Oof! That was weird. UGH!!!!" Mike said. Sulley falls through, landing on Mike, with (Y/n) landing on him. "Mike?" Sulley jumps up. "Oh. Sorry, buddy." He said. "Ah, okay." Mike said. (Y/n), Mike and Sulley run though the room and exit. Randall runs across the platform and jumps through the door on the ground. Randall lands in the same French kid's room, then continues after (Y/n), Mike and Sulley. Randall emerges. The door slams in his face. Mike appears behind it. "I hope that hurt, lizard boy!" He shouted, and (Y/n) laughs. "Lizard boy. Good one, Mike!" She said. Mike jumps over to another door with Sulley, (Y/n) and Mary. The four ride off across the vault. "Great job, buddy! We lost him!" Sulley said. Suddenly Mary slip's through Sulley's arms and disappears, and so does (Y/n). "Boo! (Y/n)!" Sulley shouted. Randall appears atop of the door, holding the children in his many arms. "Ha-ha!" He said. "No!" Sulley shouted.

Randall pulls out a pin from their door, sending it plummeting downward. Mike and Sulley stare up at Randall in disbelief as they fall. "Aaaaah!" They shouted. "Sulley! Mike!" (Y/n) shouted worriedly. Randall smiles down at them. "Nice working with you!" Sulley and Mike struggle to hang onto the door as it plunges downward. "GET IT OPEN!" Sulley shouted. "I'M TRYING!" Mike shouted. "OPEN THE DOOR!" Sulley shouted. Mike is able to open the door and clamor in to the bedroom inside. "COME ON, GET IN HERE!" Mike shouted. Mike pulls Sulley through and shuts the door just moments before it smashes into tiny pieces on the floor, Randall jumps from door to door, holding Boo and (Y/n). A pile of partially assembled doors starts to move, as if someone were stacked within it. The top door pops open and Sulley jumps out, followed by Mike. They run to the edge of the platform.  "Boo! (Y/n)!" Sulley shouted. Sulley spots a little purple figure riding a door off in the distance. "There they are!" He runs to the end of the platform which sticks out precariously over a sea of moving doors like the prow of a ship. Sulley climbs up and balances on its metal railing. "Sulley, what are you doing? Sulley!" Mike shouted. Timing is just right, Sulley leaps out onto a passing door. Mike follows, jumping onto the door behind him. Their doors join up with the "freeway" of doors above, speeding ahead. 

"Looks like we caught the express, pal!" Mike said. Sulley desperately scans the doors ahead. "Do you see them?" He asked. "Straight ahead!" Mike shouted. Sure enough, Randall is heading towards the exit with the children in tow. Sulley jumps onto a faster moving door on an adjacent track. He jumps a second time but loses his grip, almost falling. The door tilts towards another track, banging into oncoming doors as they zip by. "Whoa! Aaah!" Sulley shouted. Randall hears the commotion and turns around. He spots Sulley, regaining his balance and closing in. Randall opens the door he's riding on and slithers into the room. Sulley uses his door like a pendulum to swing forward into the room after him. Sulley bursts through the door and spots the two girls standing alone in the middle of the moonlit room. 

"Kitty!/Sulley!" Both girls shouted. "Boo! (Y/n)!" He said in relief. Randall swings down from the rafters, kicks Sulley and sends him tumbling backward out of the open door. Sulley just barely gets a hand-hold on the lip of the door. "Aah! Aaah!" He shouted. "SULLEY!" (Y/n) shouted worriedly. Randall stands menacingly over Sulley, who holds onto the bottom of the door for dear life. "Look at everybody's favorite scarer now, you stupid, pathetic waste." Randall stomps on one of Sulley's hands, knocking it off the door edge. Sulley dangles by one arm as the door speeds through the vault. Boo cowers at the back of the room, afraid. And (Y/n) tries to comfort her as she stands in front of her protectively. Randall steps on Sulley's other hand. Sulley hangs on with just two fingers. "You've been #1 for too long, Sullivan! Now your time is up!" Seeing their friend in danger, the girls' faces change from fear to anger. Randall prepares to push Sulley off for the last time. "And don't worry. I'll take good care of the kids." Randall said.

"No!" Sulley shouted. Suddenly, something yanks Randall's head back. "Yaaaaah!" Mary and (Y/n) are riding Randall, pulling his fronds. Each painful jerk of his fronds makes Randall change colors. "Take that! And that!" (Y/n) shouts in the process. Sulley lifts himself back up into the room. Clinging to Randall like a bucking bronco, Mary and (Y/n) grab some bats and hit Randall repeatedly on the head. With each hit, he changes colors and patterns. "Ow! Yowch! Aah! Ow!" He shouted. "This is what you get for messing with our friends!" (Y/n) shouted as she continued to whack him with the bat. Sulley then grabs Randall by the neck, wrestling him like an alligator. Randall writhes and wiggles, but Sulley is able to subdue him. Mary roars at Randall. "They're not scared of you anymore." Sulley said, and Mary roars again.

 "Looks like you're out of a job." Sulley said. Randall gulps. Mike places a door near the edge of the platform, opens it, and crouches down in front like a baseball catcher. "All right, come on, over the plate, let's see the old stuff here, pal. Come on, now, chuck him, chuck him, baby, hum, baby. Hum, baby. Here's the pitch..." Mike said. Sulley prepares to toss Randall through the door. "No, no, wait! Please! Don't! Don't! Don't!" Sulley pitches Randall through. "NOOOOOOO!" "And he is... outta here!" He slams the door closed. A dilapidated trailer sits swamp-side. "Mama, 'nother gator got in the house." The boy said. "'Nother gator?! Gimme that shovel! Come here!" The mother beans Randall on the head with the shovel. "Get it, mama! Get that gator!" The boy said. "Oww!" Randall shouted. "Care to do the honors, Mikey?" Sulley asked. "With pleasure." Mike pushes the dilapidated door over the side of the platform. It falls and smashes at the bottom of the vault. Mary waves goodbye, tauntingly. "Bye bye." (Y/n) says tauntingly as well as she waves mockingly at Randall. "That's right, girls. You did it! You beat him." Sulley said. Mary and (Y/n) both stuck their tongues out at Randall. "Come on!" Sulley said, turning to leave.

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