Tricking Mr. Waternoose

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Sulley, Mike, (Y/n) and Boo climb onto their door. "Okay, girls, it's time to go home. Take care of yourselves and be good girls, okay?" Sulley asked. "Hey, you and Mikey take care of yourselves too, okay?" (Y/n) asked, and Sulley chuckles. "Deal." He said. Mike opens the door, but sees only other doors stacked behind it. "Oh, no!" Mike said. "The power's out. Make Boo laugh again." (Y/n) said. "All right, I got a move here. It'll bring down the house. Up!" Mike jumps gracefully into the air and does a flip, landing crotch first on top of the metal door track. "Hehh?" Mike asked. (Y/n) notices that Boo's hood is down. "Oh, sorry, she didn't see that." (Y/n) said, lifting Boo's head. "WHAT?! What'd you do, forget to check if her stupid hood was up, you big dope?!" Mike snapped, and Boo frowns. She doesn't like Mike yelling at her older sister. "Uncle Mike, try not to yell in front of her. You know we still need her to laugh." Sully said. "Right." Mike laughs. "Hey, Boo, just kidding. Look!" Mike closes the door on his face, squishing it and making a goofy face. "Hello, Boo!" Mike said through smashed lips. 

Nothing from Boo, who is not in the mood to laugh now, and (Y/n) sighs. "This isn't working." She said. "Funny, right?" Mike chuckles. "See, with the... These are the jokes, kid." Mike said. Their door jerks violently and heads off towards the exit. Mike, Sulley, (Y/n) and Mary hang onto the door as it moves. "Whoa!" Mike said. "What's happening?" (Y/n) asked. "Hold on!" Sulley shouted. Waternoose stands at an empty door station with their card key in his claw. He addresses a group of CDA agents. "When the door lands in this station, cut the power. You'll have the children, and the criminals responsible for this whole mess." He said. Their door sails out of the vault corridor and into the Scare Floor. Sulley, Mike, (Y/n) and Mary peek out from behind the door and see Waternoose and the CDA agents below. "Great. A welcoming committee! What are we gonna do?" Mike asked. Sulley has an idea. The door lands in the station. The power shuts off. "This is the CDA. Come out slowly with the children in plain sight." An agent said. Mike emerges from behind the door, carrying Boo's and (Y/n)'s monster costumes. "Okay, okay! You got us. Here we are. Here are the kids. I'm cooperating. But before you take us away, I have one thing to say." Mike sticks his tongue out. There's a sock on it. "Catch!" Mike shouted, throwing the sock. It lands on an agent in the middle of the pack! The frenzied CDA agents pounce on the agent with the sock. "23-19! We have a toxic projectile! Isolate the contaminate!"

Mike takes off, carrying Boo's and (Y/n)'s monster disguises. The CDA agents see this and chase after them. "Halt! After the suspect!" "Cover the area! Bring in reinforcements!" Waternoose takes up the rear. "Stop him!" He shouted. As the commotion clears, Sulley peeks out from behind the door. Maryand (Y/n) are with him, now out of their disguises and Mary is wearing only one sock. "Mike." (Y/n) said worriedly. "Don't worry, he'll be fine." Sulley said. He pops the door out of its station and heads for the exit. "Come on." Waternoose hurries after the CDA agents. "Don't let them get away!" CLANG! Waternoose spins around to see Sulley, who has knocked over a stack of cans during his escape. Sulley scoops up Mary and (Y/n) and their door and heads for the Simulation Room. "No, wait, wait. Come back. He has the children!" Waternoose shouted. It's no use, the agents have already disappeared after Mike. Waternoose lunges after Sulley like a wild animal. Sulley races down the hall, with Mary and (Y/n) in one arm, and their door in the other. Waternoose clambers after them, closing in. "Sullivan! SULLIVAN! Give me the children!" He shouted. "We are not going with you!" (Y/n) shouted. 

"Give them to me!" Sulley bursts through the door of the Simulator Room, Waternoose closes the door behind. Sulley breaks a pipe off the wall and slides it through the door handles just as Waternoose slams against the door. Sulley lends the pipe around the handles to secure it. He frantically removes the door that's currently in the station. "Open this door! OPEN THIS DOOR!" Waternoose shouted, slamming against the door. Sulley replaces the simulator door with their door. Waternoose scratches at the doors. "SULLIVAN!!" Mary screams and braces herself in fear and (Y/n) hugs her. "It's okay. Boo." She said softly. "Don't go in there!" Waternoose shouted. Sulley pushes a button on the door station keypad, picks Mary and (Y/n) up and runs inside. "Come on!" He shouted. Sulley looks back at Waternoose. "DON'T GO IN THAT ROOM!!!" Sulley closes the closet door behind him. Waternoose yells and beats against the Tryout Room door. Sulley stands over the bed, tucking in the sheets. "I think we stopped him, guys. You're safe now. You be good girls, okay?" Sulley asked. SLAM! Sulley turns to see Waternoose standing in the room, closing the door behind him. "This has gone far enough, James!" He shouted. Sulley stands protectively in front of the bed. "They're home now! Just leave them alone!" He shouted. "I can't do that! They've seen too much. You ALL have." He said. "So what are you going to do? Kill us?" (Y/n) asked. "Yes." Waternoose said. And (Y/n) saw Sulley's eyes widen and she saw the fear in his eyes. "It doesn't have to be this way." Sulley said. 

"I have no choice! Times have changed. Scaring isn't enough anymore!" He replied. Waternoose closes in on Sulley, rising up on his legs intimidatingly. "But kidnapping children?!" Sulley asked. "And killing monsters?!" (Y/n) asked, equally as angry. "I'll kidnap a THOUSAND children and kill a THOUSAND monsters before I let this company die! And I'll silence ANYONE WHO GETS IN MY WAY!" He shouted. Waternoose smacks Sulley, sending him flying to the floor. "NO!!" He shouted. "Sulley!" (Y/n) shouted. Waternoose grabs the mechanical simulation child from the bed. "Good night, mom." "Good night, sweetheart." "Good night, mom. Good night, mom." The animatronic said. "What is this?! What-?! Who-?! Huh-?!" Waternoose blinks, uncomprehending. The child isn't Boo at all, but the Animatronic Kid from the simulator. The wall of the bedroom begins to rise. "Simulation terminated. Simulation terminated."

 A voice said. "Wha...?!" Waternoose asked. Behind the fourth wall of the simulator, the tryout room is filled with yellow-suited CDA agents. Mike sits in the evaluator's chair. "Well, I don't know about the rest of you guys, but I spotted several big mistakes." Mike said. "B-but...H-How'd you—?!" Waternoose asked. "You know what? Let's watch my favorite part again, shall we?" He rewinds the tape and plays it. "I'll kidnap a THOUSAND children and kill a THOUSAND monsters before I let this company die!" The tape played. Waternoose sees himself on the monitor. The tape repeats. "I'll kidnap a THOUSAND children and kill a THOUSAND monsters before I let this company die!" The CDA agents discuss the situation. Mary peeks out from under the bed and (Y/n) winks at her. Sulley motions for her to stay quiet. She nods and crawls back. CDA agents walk onto the stage and grab Waternoose. "I'll get him. All right, come with us, sir." One agent said. "W-what are you doing? Take your hands off me. You can't arrest me!" The CDA agents lead Waternoose out of the simulator room. "I hope you're happy, Sullivan. You've destroyed this company. Monsters, Incorporated is dead! Where will everyone get their scream now?! The energy crisis will only get worse because of YOU!!"

The doors slam shut, leaving Sulley clearly troubled by Waternoose's words and (Y/n) walks over. "Hey, don't listen tp him. He doesn't know what he's talking about." She crosses her arms. "Stay where you are. Number one wants to talk to you. Attention!" An agent said. (Y/n), Sulley and Mike exchange a confused look. A parade of agents enter the room, standing at attention. As the last two enter, they make room for... "Hello, boys, and little girl." Roz said to the monsters and (Y/n). Sulley and Mike's mouths drop open. "What? Do you guys know this creepy old lady?" (Y/n) whispered to her friends. "Roz?!" Sulley and Mike shouted. "Two and a half years of undercover work were almost wasted when you intercepted those children, Mr. Sullivan. Of course, without your help, I never would have known that this went all the way up to Waternoose." She said. Mary scampers up to (Y/n). Nearby CDA agents nervously step away. "Now, about the girls..." Sulley scoops Mary up in his arms. "I just want to send them home." Sulley said. "Very good. Bring me a door shredder." Roz said the last part in into the wrist communicator. "What, you mean... You mean, I can't see them again?" Sulley asked, and (Y/n)'s eyes widened. "Wait. You mean like, ever?" She asked. "That's the way it has to be. I'll give you five minutes." Roz said. Sulley looks at Mary and (Y/n) and sighs, and (Y/n) sighs too. 

Mary seems to understand. Sulley activates their door. The light illuminates. Mike taps Mary lightly on the shoulder, and does the same to (Y/n). He holds out his hand, formally. "Well, so long, kids." (Y/n) takes it and shakes it with her own. "Yeah. I'll miss you, little green guy." She smiles playfully at him and he chuckles. "Mike Wazowski!" Mary shouted. "Exactly. That's my name, you tell her, Boo." Mike said playfully and (Y/n) laughs. Mary gives Mike a big hug, then so does (Y/n). He tenses, then relaxes and hugs them back. "Ah, girls, it's been fun." Mary and (Y/n) both wave bye-bye to Mike as they go back to Sulley. "Go ahead. Go grow up." Mike said to them. Sulley smiles down at them. Ready, Sulley opens their door. Mary squeals with delight. She runs into the room, happy to be home. (Y/n) runs in after her. "Come on." (Y/n) pulls Sulley into their room and Mary hands him various toys, each one with a new sense of excitement. "Uh... Boo... um... Oh, look at that. Yeah, you know-- Oh, that's cute. Yeah... uh... Boo..." Sulley said. Boo hands him a teddy bear, Jessie, the Luxo Jr. ball, and Nemo.

"Well, that's very nice." Sulley realizes it's up to him to say goodbye. He grabs them playfully and flies them like an airplane to their beds. "Come here, you two!" Mary giggles wildly and (Y/n) laughs as Sulley deposits Mary in bed, then does the same for (Y/n). He tucks the teddy bear in next to Mary. "Oh, he's a happy bear... " Sulley sung. Mary looks to her closet and points. "Dars byargs lub." She said. "Nothing's coming out of the closet to scare you anymore. Randall's gone, remember?" (Y/n) smiles at Mary and she smiles back and giggles. Sulley tickles her chin. "Yeah. Good-bye, Boo." Sulley said. "Kitty." Boo said. "Kitty has to go." Sulley said. "I'm... I'm really going to miss you, Sulley." (Y/n) looks down, and Sulley approaches her. "Aw. I'm really gonna miss you too, kid." He said. (Y/n) looks at him and frowns, then quickly jumps up and hugs him. Sulley is surprised at first but hugs her back. Sulley sets her back in bed,

 then walks slowly to the door. He looks back at them one last time.  They watch him sadly from their beds. Sulley turns away, slowly closing the closet door after him. Mary climbs down from her bed. She runs to her closet and opens it.  "Boo!" She jumps in front of the open door, but only sees her closet with her stuff in it. "Kitty?" She asked. The portal to the monster world has closed. (Y/n) walks up beside her. "He's gone, Boo." She said, and Mary looks at her sadly. "Kitty..." she said. (Y/n) hugs her, and Mary hugs her back. "I know. I miss them too." (Y/n) said. In the simulator room, their door is shredded. "None of this ever happened, gentlemen. And I don't want to see any paperwork on this." Roz said. Roz and the CDA Agents exit. Sulley and Mike share a silent moment. Mike notices a single piece of their door on the floor. He hands it to Sulley. Sulley clasps the small chip in his large hand. Outside the factory, The CDA agents shut Waternoose into the back of the van and drive away. A large crowd of MI employees murmur with concern about what will happen now. 

"I bet we get the rest of the day off!" Smitty said. "YOU IDIOT! They're gonna shut down the factory!" Needleman shouted. Several monsters gasp. Sulley and Mike walk out into the evening light. "I'm telling you, pal, when that wall went up, you should've seen the look on Waternoose's face. Hoo-hoo! I hope we get a copy of that tape." Mike said. Mike looks up at Sulley. His buddy looks pretty sad. "Hey, you all right? Come on, pal, cheer up, we did it. We got them home. Ah, sure we put the factory in the toilet, and... gee, hundreds of people will be out of work now. Not to mention the angry mob that'll come after us when there's no more power. But hey, at least we had some laughs, right?" Mike asked. As Mike continues walking, Sulley slowly comes to a stop, an idea forming in his mind. "Laughs." A kid sleeps in bed. Soft moonlight illuminates the room. A shadow cuts across the bed sheets. The silhouette of a large horned creature rises up over the bed. The kid sees the monster and gasps. Suddenly, the whine of microphone feedback fills the room. "Hey, is this thing on? Hello. Hello. Testing, testing." 

The kid turns on a light, revealing Mike, sitting on a stool, microphone in hand. "Hey, good evening, how are you? Nice to see you. I'll tell you, it's great to be here in... your room. Where are you from?" The kid stares at Mike, confused. "Never mind. You're in kindergarten, right? Oh, I love kindergarten. Best three years of my life." No response. Is that supposed to be funny? "Of my life. But I love sports. Dodgeball was the best. Oh, yeah, I was the fastest one out there. Of course I was the ball..." The kid looks on, skeptically. That was worse than the last joke.  "...but I... was the ball... see? All right." Mike stands up, tosses the microphone in his mouth and swallows it. Amplified stomach gurgles are heard while he waits. He finally lets out a huge burp, projecting the microphone out of his mouth and catching it. "Huh?" Mike asked. The kid howls with laughter. Mike grabs the stool and heads for the closet door. "Hey, thanks a lot! I'll be here all week. Remember to tip your waitresses." Mike said. The Scare Floor has now officially become The Laugh Floor. Mike smiles as a gigantic can fills with laughs. "Great job, Mikey. You filled your quota on the first kid of the day." Sulley said. "Not bad, huh? You know, only somebody with perfect comedic timing could produce this much energy in one shot." Mike said. "Uh-huh. And the fact that laughter is ten times more powerful than scream had nothing to do with it." Sulley said. Mike clears his throat, sheepishly.

"Oh, Googly Bear...! Come here, you!" Celia calls to Mike from a nearby desk. Mike tosses the microphone and runs to her. "Schmoopsie-Poo!" Mike said. "Googly..." Celia kisses Mike on his mouth. Celia's snakes begin kissing Mike, too, and it tickles him. "Girls, girls! Ple- stop, stop, stop. Michael, you're such a charmer." Celia said. "Hey, did you bring the magazine?" Mike asked. "They just delivered a whole box." Celia said. "Let me see it! Ha ha ha! Sulley and I made the cover, right?" He opens the box and he sees: "BUSINESS SHRIEK" magazine. The lead article, "MONSTERS, INC. BACK ON TOP!" shows Sulley in full view. Mike's face is obscured by the bar code. "I don't believe it." Mike said. "Googly Bear." Celia said sympathetically. Mike lifts up a copy of the magazine and holds it in front of him. "I'm on the cover of a magazine! OW!!" He shouted. Peterson inserts chattering teeth into his mouth as he walks into a closet door. Fungus puts on a pair of three-eyed grouch glasses. "Oh, this is great!" Fungus said. George walks by carrying a watermelon and a mallet. Thaddeus Bile backs out of a door, jacks sticking from his butt. Laughter emanates from the kid's room, filing the tank. Satisfied, Bile bounces a soccer ball and smiles. Sulley makes his way to the end of the hall. He surveys the fruit of his labors. Laughter emanates from all the doors. 

Workers happily move giant scream cans, tell each other jokes, juggle and enjoy themselves. A graph on Sulley's clipboard shows first year profits going through the roof. But Sulley's smile fades. taped to the clipboard backing is the now tattered picture Mary drew of herself, (Y/n), Mike and Sulley. Below is the wooden chip from her door. "Hey, Sulley." Mike said. Sulley covers the picture as Mike approaches. "Ah! Hey, uh, Mike. I was, uh..." Sulley began. "Well, listen, if you got a minute, there's something I want to show you. Okay? Close your eyes, follow me." Mike said. "I..." Sulley said. "Come on. No peeking!" Sulley follows Mike with a sigh. Mike backs into the room, leading Sulley along. "Keep coming, keep coming, keep coming. 

Come on, keep coming, keep coming..." Mike said. "Mike..." Sulley said, with his eyes closed. "Come on, and follow the sultry sound of my voice. Okay, stop. Open 'em." Mike said. Sulley opens his eyes. Before him sits Boo's and (Y/n)'s reconstructed door, meticulously glued back together. "Ta-dah!" Mike said. Sulley stops, scarcely able to believe what he's seeing. "Mike? Is that...." Sulley asked. "Sorry it took so long, pal. There was a lot of wood to go through." His hands are covered with splinters and band-aids. "You know, it only works if you have every piece." Mike said. The door is clearly missing a piece. Sulley looks down to his clip board where the sliver of the door is taped. Sulley fits the piece into the door. It fits perfectly. The red light above the door glows. Mike smiles and steps aside. Sulley reaches for the door-knob. The door opens. Sulley's nervous face is hit with light as he scans the room. "Boo? (Y/n)?" Sulley asked. "Kitty!/Sulley!" Mary and (Y/n) said, and Sulley smiles.

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