Chapter 4: The ROR's

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Mike put up his calendar and wrote when the exam would commence as Randall tried to convince him to go to the party.

"Come on Mike; it's a fraternity and sorority party. We have to go!" Randall insisted.

"We flunk that scare final, we are done. I'm not taking my chances." Mike stated, crossing off the first day.

"We've got the whole semester to study, but this might be our only chance to get in with the cool kids. That's why I made these cupcakes." Randall said, only to notice one of them was upside down so he fixed it. "Oops. That could have been embarrassing."

"When I'm a Scarer, life will be a non stop party. Stay outta trouble, wild man!" Mike told him.

Randall let out a chuckle as he left. "Wild man."

Mike was about to start studying when he heard his window open. He looked to see a orange six-legged pig come up to the window sill. 

"What the-?" He was cut off when the pig leaped into the room, making Mike scream slightly.

"Archie!" Sully called, coming through the window. 

Mike screamed again, making Sully do the same as he fell in. (Y/n) then flew in landing gently on the ground as Archie ran under Mike's bed.

"Hey! What are you two--" Mike started.

Sully shushed him stopping him mid way.

"Wait, your shushing me? Hey,hey, you can't--" Mike started again.

Mike's mouth was covered by (Y/n)'s claw shutting him up as he whispered. "Are they there?"

Fear Tech students stopped outside, looking for their pig. Then they left as Sully Chuckled. "Fear Tech dummies."

(Y/n) then saw Mike couldn't breathe, so quickly removed his claw from his mouth. "Sorry bud, couldn't have you giving us away."

"Why are you in my room?!" Mike exclaimed.

"Your room? This my--" Sully slowly looked around as realization struck his face. "This is not my room."

"Yeah, maybe I should've mentioned that.." (Y/n) said scratching his chin. 

Sully then looked under the bed. "Archie! Come here, boy." He then started making pig noises.

"Archie?" Mike wondered.

"He's Archie. The Scare Pig. Fear Tech's now Ex Mascot." (Y/n) explained.

"Why is it here?" Mike asked his friend.

Sully chuckled and answered. "We stole it. Going to take it to the ROR's." 

"The what?" Mike questioned even more confused.

"Roar Omega Roar. The top fraternity along with MFS on campus. They only accept the highly elite. Okay, Me and (Y/n) will lift the bed, you grab the pig. Ready?" Sully explained.

"What? No,no." Mike disagreed.

"One, two, three." Sully shoved Mike under the bed.

"Oh!" Mike exclaimed.

"There we go. Don't let go. Be careful, he's a biter, he'll go for the ankles." (Y/n) calmly stated. "He already nipped my wings." 

Archie dragged Mike from under the bed then started to, somehow, run all over Sully.

"Whoa! Whoa, hey...Whoa!" Sully shouted alarmed.

Then Archie landed on the floor and ran up the bookshelf.

"I got him! Uh-oh! Whoa!" (Y/n) said and jumped on the bookshelf, but it soon fell on him. "OOMPH!" He pushed it off him as Sully just laughed.

"That was awesome! What am I doing?" Sully replied then introduced himself as he held a paw out to Mike. "James P. Sullivan."

"Mike Wazowski." Mike returned questionably as he returned the handshake.

"Listen, it was quite delightful meeting you and whatever that is, but if you don't mind, I have to study my Scaring." Mike said as he opened the door. 

"You don't need to study Scaring. You just do it." Sully replied.

"Really? I think there's a little more to it than that. But, hey, thanks for stopping by." Mike remarked only for Archie to grab his hat. "Let go of that!" Archie then ran, after taking (Y/n)'s shoe, and jumped out the window.

"My hat!" Mike shouted.

"My pig!" Sully shouted.

"My shoe!" (Y/n) shouted. 

Mike Sulley and (Y/n) chased the pig as Mike started riding it like a horse.

"Ride it to the frat now!" Sully shouted.

"Hold on Mike!" (Y/n) shouted.

They kept going until they ended up at the party. They went through the ROR's fraternity house, (Y/n) quickly chugging a drink on the way, and accidentally bumped into Randall making the cupcakes go onto his face.

Meanwhile, Mike fell off the pig as Sulley kept chasing it as Mike got an idea. "(Y/n)! I need you to throw me at the pig!"

(Y/n) nodded and picked Mike up in his right hand and aimed. "FIRE!" He threw Mike towards the bikes like a football knocking them down, and soon knocking over the garbage can and trapping the pig.

"Got it!" Mike shouted.

Mike retrieved the pig, got his hat back, and cheered. Then Sully lifted him in the air. "Fear Tech's mascot! MU rules!" He shouted.

Everyone cheered at that. Sully put Mike down, got the pig, and handed it to the monsters, who put the MU logo over the Fear Tech Logo.

"M-U! M-U! M-U!" They all chanted. 

(Y/n) managed to get his shoe back...but now with a huge hole in it. "Dang it..meh they were too small for my feet anyway."

Then different fraternities came to greet Sully. 

"Did you see him catch that pig? You are Jaws Theta Chi  Material, freshman." One monster stated.

"Oh, thanks, I don't know--" Mike replied, thinking he was the one being praised.

But he frowned when they only paid attention to Sully.

"No, no, no. He's an Omega Howl guy." Another one insisted.

"Back off, we saw him first." The JTC guy argued.

"No way, we did!" The Omega guy stated.

"I'll take it from here, Gentleman." A voice said, everyone saw who it was, then the owner of the voice introduced himself. "Johnny Worthington, president of Roar Omega Roar. What's your name, big blue?"

"Jimmy Sullivan. Friends call me Sully." Sully answered.

"This guys a Sullivan? Like the Famous Sullivan? I can't believe it! That is crazy!" Chet, one of the members, exclaimed.

"Chet, calm down." Johnny ordered. "Sully, any freshman with the guts to pull off a stunt like that that got 'Future Scarer' written all over him." He explained.

"Hey, did you see me ride the pig? That took guts." Mike pointed out.

"Slow down squirt." (But..they're the same height..ones just a crab..) "This party is for Scare Students only." Chet said.

"Oh, sorry, killer, but you might want to hang out with someone a little more your speed." Johnny replied. "Uh...hey, they look fun!" 

He turned around to see these monsters who don't seem to stand a chance in the Scaring School at all. They were called 'Oozma Kappa'.

"Oh, hey there. Want to join Oozma Kappa?" The oldest of the group asked.

"We have cake." The youngest one added. Only for a monster to walk by and eat the cake, as a balloon popped landing on the ex-cake holder.

"Go crazy." Johnny said.

"Is that a joke?" Mike asked.

(Y/n)'s eye twitched in irritation. "Don't do it (Y/n) they're not worth it."

Johnny sighed and requested. "Sulley, talk to your friend."

"Oh, he's not really my friend, but sure." Sully responded then said. "You heard him. This part is for Scare Students." 

"I am a Scare Student." Mike protested.

"I mean for Scare Students who actually, you know, have a chance." Sully said.

"Aw, snap!" Chet shouted.

"Excuse me?" (Y/n) growled eye his eye twitching.

"Oh, you definitely have a chance big guy. You're welcome here anytime." Johnny smirked.

"Well, I'm afraid I'm gonna stick with my old friend here and not a bunch of a-holes who insulted him." He replied patting Mike's head.

"Suit yourself." Johnny responded.

"You sure, (Y/n)?" Sully asked.

"Yes I'm sure. Cause unlike you, I believe Mike has a chance." He protested crossing his arms.

"Whatever." Sully shrugged.

"My chances are just as good as yours." Mike defended.

"You're not even in the same league as me." Sully replied as he headed into the fraternity house.

"Just wait. Hotshot." (Y/n) added defending Mike.

"I'm gonna scare circles around you this year." Mike stated.

"Oh, okay. I'd like to see that." Sully scoffed.

"Oh, don't worry, you will." Mike smiled.

"You got that right." (Y/n) smirked.

"Thanks for standing up for me." Mike told (Y/n)

"That's what friends are for. Now lets get studying to kick his furry butt." He replied stretching his arms.

They Both Nodded And Headed To Their Dorms. Ready To Prove They're The Best.

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