Chapter 5: The Rest Of The Semester

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The next day, Prof.Knight had the class stand and show what they were made of.

"Ready position. Common crouch. I want to see matted fur and yellow teeth. Basic snarl. Show me some slobber. Drool is a tool, kids. Use It." Prof.Knight soon got up to (Y/n) an Sully with very good snarls. "Now here are some monsters that look like Scarers." He commented then continued. "You want a hope of passing this class, you better eat, breathe, and sleep Scaring."

Mike looked at Sully, who clicked his tongue and did finger guns at him making him role his eye as (Y/n) let out a scoff.

As the semester continued, Sully was too focused on partying with the RORs while Mike and (Y/n) were focused on studying. Also, Mike and Sully were competing against each other the whole semester, whether it was testing or just running on a treadmill. (Y/n) was honestly getting pretty mad about it since he was always caught in the middle. 

Another class where they had to demonstrate different scare tactics, Prof.Knight tested Mike. (It took a while to find these pictures ._.)

"Ogre slump." Prof.Knight instructed.

"Zombie snarl." He continued.

"Dominant silver back gorilla." He finished.

"That is some remarkable improvement, Micheal." Prof.Knight complemented.

Then he approached (Y/n) and told him the poses to do.

"Albino Tiger Shark." He instructed.

"Dominant Black Collared Werewolf."

"Sea Bred Vulture." He finished.

"Great work, (Y/n). Your Techniques could even scare adults." He commented.

(Y/n) had a victorious smile then got into his normal position.

Prof.Knight approached Sully, who did the same 'scary' face he did the last time. But Prof.Knight wasn't impressed. "One frightening face does not a Scarer make, Mr.Sullivan." He told him as Sully felt insulted.

Sully then looked at the two monsters. Mike clicked his tongue and did finger guns at Sully mocking him while (Y/n) winked at with a smirk. Sully just gave them a look of 'Are You Serious?'.

The day of the final exam arrived thankfully Mike and (Y/n) were ready for anything in their way...well mostly anything.

"A Tauntan grimace with extra slobber." Mike said.

"You got it!" Randall answered.

"That's what I'm saying!" Mike said excited as he jumped to High-Four (Y/n).

"We're gonna ace the exam." (Y/n) encouraged.

Meanwhile, Sully and the ROR's were watching them enter the Scaring School.

"I am gonna wipe the floor with that little know-it-all." Sully smirked.

"Yes, you are, Big Blue." Johnny agreed. Only to take his jacket from him leaving a confused Sully.

"Hey, wait. What are you guys--" He asked.

"It's just a precaution. RORs are the joint best Scarers on campus, Sullivan. (Y/n) Mothman is true competition maybe even better than us, but we can't have a member get shown up by a beach ball." Johnny explained.

Sully looked back to see Mike cheering as (Y/n) straightened his jacket.

"Whoo-hoo! We're on a roll." Mike exclaimed. 

"Yeah we are." (Y/n) added patting Mike on the head.

Sully turned back to the RORs trying to assure them. "I'm going to destroy that guy." He said addressing Mike.

"Well, then you'll get this back right away. It's time to start delivering on that Sullivan name." Johnny said.

Sully started getting a little concerned. He couldn't afford getting kicked out of the Scaring program. But he shrugged it off and went inside the building.

"Today's final will judge your ability to assess a child's fear and perform the appropriate scare in the Scare Simulator. The child sensitivity will be raised from Bed-Wetter to Heavy Sleeper, so give it everything you've got. Dean Hardscrabble will be with us this morning to see who will be moving on in the Scare Program and who will not." Prof.Knight explained.

Hardscrabble came around the corner and lightly polished her can a little. 

"Lets get started." Prof.Knight announced.

The first monster stood in front of the simulator when the light blasted in his face. 

"I am a five-year-old girl afraid of spiders and Santa Claus. Which scare do you use?" Prof.Knight asked.

"Uh.." The monster asked as he glanced at Dean Hardscrabble, who was now on the balcony. "That's a Seasonal Creep and Crawl." He answered uncertainly. 

The monster did so and let out a roar, making the 'child' scream. The little fake canister lit up half way. "Results will be posted outside my office, Next." Prof.Knight stated.

Mike still kept studying as more students went up to try and pass. "Focus. Johnson, Crackle and Howl. Yes!" Mike whispered as he got another question right.

"Mike, you studied all semester. You got this in the bag." (Y/n) assured a row behind his friend.

"Well I know you'll do great (Y/n)." Mike complimented.

Sully noticed the RORs come in and sit down. Johnny laid Sully's jacket as a sign to say if he didn't pass, he would be out. Sully looked over at Mike and walked past him, purposely knocking his books down. 

"Hey, do you mind?" Mike asked.

"Don't mind at all." Sully smirked, then started to quietly practice his roar.

Mike got up, glaring at Sully.

"Come on, Mike. Let's just move." Randall said.

"Yeah, It's not worth it." (Y/n) added leaning back in his chair.

Randall walked away as Mike started picking up his books. "Stay out of my way. Unlike you, both (Y/n) and I had to work hard to get into the Scare Program." Mike stated turning to leave.

"That's because only one of you belong here, and It's definitely not you." Sully scoffed.

Mike stopped and quietly growled at the blue monster. Sully returned it, making Mike back up. "That's what I thought." Sully chuckled.

Mike dropped his books and they started challenging each others growls. (Y/n) face palmed as he sighed in irritation. "Yep, I'm done. They can solve their own problem.." Mike let out a growl making Sully back up and trip over a book.

"Whoa! Whoa..." Sully exclaimed as he was sent back towards Hardscrabbles statue and scream canister.

He bumped into it as the canister fell to the ground. Everyone let out a collective gasp as (Y/n)'s eye twitched. Then the canisters scream was released as it flew around the classroom messing up the lights and such. It would have hit Mike and Sully if (Y/n) didn't get in the way catching it with his bare hand. But the damage was already done, as the canister broke. Hardscrabble landed behind Mike and Sully as (Y/n) handed her the now destroyed canister.

"I'm so sorry." Mike apologized.

"It was an accident." Sully added.

"What? This? My one souvenir from a lifetime of scaring? Accidents happen, don't they. Good thing is (Y/n) here, stopped anyone from getting hurt." Hardscrabble responded eerily calmly. And let me tell ya, (Y/n) knows what this means...she was mad.

"You're taking this, remarkably well." Mike replied, a little surprised.

"Now, lets continue the exams. Mr.Wazowski, I'm a five-year-old girl on a farm in Kansas afraid of lightning. Which scare do you use?" Hardscrabble questioned.

"Shouldn't i go up on the--" Mike tried to say.

"Which. Scare do you use." Hardscrabble repeated, though a tad more demanding.

"Uh. That is the Shadow Approach with a Crackle Holler." Mike answered.

"Demonstrate." Hardscrabble requested.

He went to do it, only for her to stop him. "Stop. Thank you." She said.

"But I didn't get to--" Mike started.

"I've seen enough." Hardscrabble interrupted then quizzed Sully. "I'm a seven-year-old boy--" She was cut off by Sully letting out a roar. "I wasn't finished." She stated.

"I don't need to know that stuff to scare." Sully insisted.

"That 'stuff' would've informed you that this particular child is afraid of snakes. So a roar wouldn't make him scream, it would make him cry, alerting the parents, exposing the monster world destroying life as we know it, and of course we can't have that. So I'm afraid I cannot recommend that you continue in the Scaring program. Good day." Hardscrabble explained.

"Wait, what? But, I'm a Sullivan."  He pointed out as a 'protest'.

Sully looked to see the RORs leaving with his jacket. He couldn't believe it, not only was he kicked out the of the Scare Program, also the RORs. He looked at Mike, huffed, and left the room.

"And, Mr.Wazowski, what you lack is something that can't be taught. Your'e not scary. You will not be continuing in the Scaring Program." She told Mike.

"Please. Let me try the simulator, I'll surprise you." He requested.

"Surprise me? I doubt that, very much." She said.

Now Mike was speechless. All that time studying and he didn't even get a chance to prove himself. He soon left the room as Hardscrabble turned to (Y/n). "I'm surprised you didn't defend your friend (Y/n)." 

(Y/n) only sighed. "If they can't sort out their problems with each other and themselves then they'll just drag themselves down and everyone around them. If they don't fix themselves..."

They Will Never Become Scarers.

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