14- Gato's downfall

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Warnings: This is a fan fiction crossover featuring Naruto and Bleach. In no way shape or form do I own the series and/or its characters. This story however is an original idea that I have had for a while now and decided that it is time that I got around to writing it. Some of the characters may seem a bit OCC so please don't hate me for it!

Key Guide: "regular speech", 'thinking to ones self', *mental speech*, (author notes), bold - Kyuubi & Shirosaki speaking, italic - attacks/jutsu, -spirits/hollows speaking-, [translations]

chapter 14- Gato's downfall

After both Ichigo and Naruto had dealt with Zabuza and Haku, Sakura ran over to Sasuke's side crying as she thought that he was dead.

"Oh give me a break….. He's alive so save your god damn tears. He over used his chakra." Ichigo growled at Sakura. Sakura looked up at Ichigo with tears in her eyes.

"Are you certain?" she asked.

"He will live. But he might not be too happy to know that I save his sorry ass of a life and ended up beating Haku when he couldn't." stated Ichigo bluntly. Ichigo walked over to Naruto as Yamato used his wood style jutsu to bind up Zabuza and Haku.

"Great work boys." stated Yamato as both Kakashi and Sai finally joined them on the bridge seeing that the demon of the mist and his partner had been taken care of.

"Yamato did your team…..?" asked Kakashi. Yamato simply nodded his head yes. But the celebrations would have to be put on hold.

"I paid you some good money Zabuza and you fall to some rookie ninja. So much for the so called famed demon of the mist. That reminds me….. I still owe your partner some major pain for breaking my arm." stated a short man dressed in a business suit. Both Ichigo and Naruto moved taking defensive position in front of Zabuza and Haku. Both Kakashi and Yamato took defensive position in front of Tazuna. While Sail went over to help Sakura with Sasuke. Gato had about two hundred or more hired thugs standing behind the business tycoon. "Unfortunately….. I don't have time to deal with you guys." Gato stated as he turned towards the hired thugs. "Kill them all." The horde of thugs rushed across the bridge quickly heading towards the group.

"Ichigo… Naruto… you know what to do." stated Yamato. Both teens nodded their heads as they armed themselves with their zanpakutos. Both Ichigo and Naruto quickly flash stepped across the bridge becoming two fast moving blurs as they killed off Gato's hired help. Gato screamed out as he watched his hired help fall to two teens armed with strange swords. Finally all of the help was killed off as both Naruto and Ichigo stood back in front of both Zabuza and Haku earning a sharp whistle from the demon of the mist.

"Damn Yamato….. What are you teaching your kids?" asked Kakashi as even his Sharingan eye couldn't keep track of what Naruto and Ichigo did.

"Do you have any idea of who I am?" asked Gato angrily.

"We know full well who you are Gato. But we won't allow you to kill the bridge builder. His bridge is a means to escape your tyranny. This land deserves to be free." stated Kakashi.

"And we are the ones who will stop you." added Yamato.

Upon hearing this, Gato raised an eye brow.

"Yeah….. You and what army?" asked Gato. Suddenly a large harpoon came sailing through the air landing right in front of Gato. Everyone looked back to see all of the villagers armed with farming tools and fishermen weapons. A shadow clone of both Naruto and Ichigo stood before the villagers.

"How about this one?" asked the shadow clones of Ichigo and Naruto in unison causing all of the villagers to cheer. Gato's face paled considerably as he saw that all of the villagers had finally grew a backbone. Zabuza finally rose up to his feet breaking free of Yamato's wood bindings as he placed his hands onto Ichigo's and Naruto's shoulder.

"I appreciate what you two are trying to do for me by protecting me but…. I think it's the end of the road for me here. Just do me a favor Kakashi." stated Zabuza.

"What is it?" asked Kakashi.

"Look after Haku. He deserves a life better than the one that I have given to him." replied Zabuza. Kakashi lowered his leaf headband back over his Sharingan eye.

"You have my word Zabuza." replied Kakashi. Zabuza took out two kunai knives into each of his hand as he rushed across the bridge towards Gato.

"This is where it ends for the both of us Gato. Monsters like us deserve to go to Hell!" snarled Zabuza. Haku finally regained consciousness to see Zabuza running towards Gato.

"NO….. Zabuza!" yelled out Haku as his hunter mask fell from his face. Kakashi quickly moved holding the ice user back. Gato took out a small device from his pocket pressing down a button causing a small portion of the bridge to explode. Haku screamed out loud collapsing to his knees crying.

The bridge was finally completed with the help of the leaf village ninja. Kakashi told Haku what Zabuza wanted for him as he was made a member of Ichigo's and Naruto's team. The two groups of ninja left the land of waves heading home to the leaf village. As they walked Yamato asked both Naruto and Ichigo if Haku had the ability to become a soul reaper like them.

"None. I do have to admit that his blood line trait (kekkigenkai) will come in handy for our team." stated Ichigo since he was the one who fought against Haku one on one. Yamato nodded his head that he understood as Naruto went to catch up with Haku.

"I know that you are going to need a place to stay when we get back to Konoha. You can stay with Ichigo and me." stated Naruto.

"Thanks so much….."

"Naruto Uzamaki. You already meet and did battle with my adoptive brother Ichigo Kurosaki." Haku nodded his head as he could tell that the two substitute soul reapers weren't all that bad. By the time they reached the leaf village, both Naruto and Ichigo began to feel a pulling sensation as they both became almost transparent.

"Captain!" the two substitute soul reapers shouted out in unison. Yamato turned towards Naruto and Ichigo seeing their bodies almost disappearing.

"It seems its time for us to head back. Look after Haku for us." stated Naruto.

"Good luck boys as we will see you when you get back." replied Yamato. The two boyds nodded their heads before they were completely gone. Now it was time for them to return back to Ichigo's realm to figure out what was causing the temporal displacement and why the hollows are attacking ordinary people in Naruto's realm.

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