17- allegiances

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Warnings: This is a fan fiction crossover featuring Naruto and Bleach. In no way shape or form do I own the series and/or its characters. This story however is an original idea that I have had for a while now and decided that it is time that I got around to writing it. Some of the characters may seem a bit OCC so please don't hate me for it!

Key Guide: "regular speech", 'thinking to ones self', *mental speech*, (author notes), bold - Kyuubi & Shirosaki speaking, italic - attacks/jutsu, -spirits/hollows speaking-, [translation], =zanpakuto speaking=

Chapter 17 - allegiances

Naruto followed Komamura and Unohana brought the unconscious Ichigo to the squad four barracks. Naruto barely said a word as he was worried about Ichigo. Naruto had briefly saw Shiro manifesting on Ichigo which raised the most concern. Ichigo has always been there for Naruto through thick and thin. Naruto knew that something was causing Ichigo's inner hollow to come forth. Naruto knew that Kyuubi was checking on Shiro within Ichigo's mindscape. At squad four barracks Unohana told Naruto and Komamura to wait outside. Unohana had sensed a strange but rather unique spiritual pressure surging through Ichigo that seemed to affect him greatly.

'Something is going on here. It troubles me as it has something to do with Aizen and Gin. Whatever it is, it seems that Ichigo is the only one who can sense it.' Unohana thought to herself as she began to treat Ichigo. While outside Naruto sat with Komamura.

"You are really worried about him." Komamura stated as he watched Naruto fidget about.

"Yeah…. I mean after all he is the only family I kind of have." replied Naruto.

"So tell me Mr. Namikaze Uzamaki…. How do you two know each other and why am I smelling fox on you?" asked Komamura.

"Naruto….. Please just call me Naruto. Well it happened before I was born….. The reason why you smell fox is because I have a nine tailed demon fox sealed within me."

"Are you certain that it is wise to tell me this information?"

"Kyuubi said that we can trust you. I have complete truth that he knows what he is speaking about."

"Naruto by chance is this Kyuubi actually known as Kyuubi no Yohko?" questioned Komamura as Naruto nodded his head a little bit shocked that the captain knew Kyuubi's full name. "I always thought that the stories about him were a myth. But now I know partly the reason why I was a bit protective over you Naruto." Naruto looked at Komamura in confussion. "Kyuubi no Yohko was one of our great ancestors of my kind. It was said that long ago he was believed to be killed in battle by a man known as the Yellow Flash. But I always had my doubts. When I saw your reaction to how people stare at you and when your eyes changed color, I could feel this fondness as if I somehow knew you as I could pick up the sent of fox on you." stated Komamura. Naruto then remembered what Kyuubi had told him about his past.

Meanwhile within the Soul Society both Gin and Aizen were talking.

"I didn't expect for them to show up so soon. It seems that Kurosaki kid could sense it. The Hogiku as his inner hollow was close to surfacing despite the zanpakuto spirit holding it back." stated Gin with an evil smile stretched across his face.

"Yes as it seems whatever is within that Uzamaki kid is just as dangerous and powerful as a hollow. Speaking of which, we haven't heard from our allies yet. I hope that they are finding our gift to them quite useful." stated Aizen. Gin thrusted his sword into the air opening up a zenkaimon to see a man awaiting for them as he wore a spiral orange mask that covered his face only revealing one red eye with three comma's in them. The man wore a black cloak with red clouds on it.

"It is about time Aizen. I trust that you have received the object safely that you have been searching for." stated the mysterious man.

"Yes Madara Uchiha. I have to thank you for your help in finding it as I always knew that Kisuke still had it. The ninja you have been searching for is here within the Soul Society. It seems on top of his normal abilities that he also developed the ability to become a soul reaper." replied Aizen.

"No doubt considering that he does have the strongest and the most powerful of all the Biju sealed within him. I trust you have the information that we require?" Aizen smiled as he pulled out a scroll from out of his cloak handing it to Madara.

"Everything you will need to pull the Biju out of the Jinchuriki hosts."

"Excellent. Once you have the Oken and we have the Biju, the two worlds shall be ours for the taking and to remold as we see fit." stated Madara.

"It is always a pleasure to work with you Madara as we will contact you once we start moving forward with our plans."

"Of course." Gin closed the zenkaimon looking at Aizen.

"You are going to test it some more on that Kurosaki kid aren't you?" asked Gin as his only response was the evil smile stretched across Aizen's face.

Meanwhile, Ichigo found himself waking up within his mindscape as his head pounded. The last thing he could remember was the captain of squad five saying something to him before he passed out. The captains from squads five and three gave him the creeps. Ichigo sat up to find the spirit of his zanpakuto hovering over him.

=Are you all right now Ichigo?= questioned Zangetsu.

"Yeah….. Where is Shiro?" asked Ichigo as he noticed that his inner hollow was no where to be seen. Usually Shiro was always around when Ichigo came to his mindscape.

=I had to take him into my body as whatever it was that was affecting was also affecting you as well.= replied Zangetsu as his cloak began to flutter about as Shiro's form slowly began to manifest.

"King….. It seems that you aren't the only one who was concerned about me." stated Shiro. Ichigo looked over to see Kyuubi in his human form approaching the two. "Hey there Kyuubi."

"You had both Naruto and me worried. What in the world happened?" asked Kyuubi.

"Its hard to understand it myself but it felt like someone was calling out of me pulling from out of you. Zangetsu acted quickly pulling me with inside of him." explained Shiro.

"So that is what happened. Naruto was worried about you two as it seems that I am not as alone as I thought." stated Kyuubi.

"Your talking about squad seven's captain Komamura, right Kyuubi?" questioned Ichigo. Kyuubi nodded his head before filling in everyone to what Naruto had found out about Komamura. "That's great news Kyuubi. So at least we have an ally in this realm that we can trust. But I still have some concerns when it comes to Aizen and Gin." stated Ichigo.

=In the meanwhile, I shall keep Shiro within me to hopefully prevent whatever had affected him.= Zangetsu stated as Shiro's body began to vanish back within Zangetsu's cloak. Kyuubi went back to fill in Naruto about what had happened while Ichigo went back as he slowly regained consciousness once leaving his mindscape.

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