18- Aizen attacks

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Warnings:  This is a fan fiction crossover featuring Naruto and Bleach.  In no way shape or form do I own the series and/or its characters.  This story however is an original idea that I have had for a while now and decided that it is time that I got around to writing it.  Some of the characters may seem a bit OCC so please don’t hate me for it!

Key Guide: “regular speech”, ‘thinking to ones self’, *mental speech*, (author notes), bold - Kyuubi & Shirosaki speaking, italic - attacks/jutsu, -spirits/hollows speaking-, [translation], =zanpakuto speaking=, ~Hogyoku speaking~

Chapter 18 - Aizen attacks

Ichigo slowly began to come to as he found himself within squad four barracks as Unohana stood by his side.

“Ah you are finally awake Mr. Kurosaki.  You had us pretty concerned.  Especially a one Mr. Namikaze Uzamaki.” stated Unohana.  Ichigo sat up as a soft smile stretched across his face.

“It is fine if you just call me Ichigo.  I know that Naruto would ask the same thing of you Captain Unohana.” replied Ichigo as he got off of the bed that he was on.

“Ichigo if I may ask a personal question, what was up with that rather unique spiritual pressure that you emitted?” questioned Unohana.

*Don’t tell her King.  We aren’t sure who to exactly trust in this world.  If something does happen to reveal it, then we can divulge the information.  Until then we should keep it to ourselves.* Shiro stated mentally.

“Sorry Captain Unohana but I can’t tell you.  But I promise that sooner or later I will fill you in on everything.” replied Ichigo.  Unohana nodded her head that she understood.  Both Ichigo and Unohana left the barracks to see Naruto and Komamura waiting for them.

“Have you been waiting long?” Ichgio asked as he came out of the barracks.  His reply was a swift punch in the face by Naruto.  Ichgio was thrown back several feet as he ended up with a bloody nose.  “I will take that as a yes.”

“Damn it Ichigo.  You know how much I was worried about you?” growled Naruto as his eyes turned red while his whisker marks on his cheeks broadened.

“Calm down Naruto.  You don’t need to kill your own brother.  Perhaps this is a good time that we finally show you both around before anything else happens.” stated Komaura.  Ichgio walked over towards Naruto and the wolf captain while wiping the blood from his nose onto the sleeve of his Soul Reapers uniform as Naruto calmed down.  As the two teens explored the Soul Society, they stood in awe over how many souls existed within the Soul Society.  There were Soul Reapers of every shape and size but none were like Ichigo and Naruto.

“I have to admit that this world is unlike anything that we have been to so far.  But it does raise one important question….. what is causing the disturbance between the two worlds and how do we fix it?” Naruto asked.

“That is the million dollar question.  But we will figure this out and stop it no matter what it takes.” answered Ichgio.

Moments later, Ichigo and Naruto were back in the captains meeting hall.  Ichigo could still feel as if something was tugging at Shiro forcing him to come out of Ichigo.  Ichigo was grateful that his zanpakuto was keeping Shiro with inside of him.  Soon the head captain’s words began to drone out as Ichigo began to hear another voice as he began to see his inner world all around him while at the same time seeing the real world.

~Come Shirosaki.  You weren’t meant to be like this…. tied down.  Let yourself free.~ called out the mysterious voice that seemed very haunting.

=Ichigo….. I am not certain if I can hold him much longer.= replied Zangetsu.

*King….. help me….. I don’t know how to ignore this call.  It is far too strong as it compels me to answer.* Shiro stated.

“Shiro, I know that you can do this.  I know that you are far stronger than any voice.” replied Ichigo.  Naruto nudged Ichigo snapping him back to the real world.  Naruto could tell that something was wrong as he noticed that Ichigo actually had Shiro’s eyes.  Ichigo’s spiritual energy was fluxing wildly allowing all of the captains in the hall to feel it.

“Is there something wrong Ichgio Kurosaki?” asked Yamamoto.  Ichigo couldn’t answer as a sudden burst of spiritual pressure exploded from out of the teen as it destroyed the captains meeting hall.

Ichigo didn’t look human any more as he was looking more like an actual hollow.  Ichigo’s soul reaper uniform was completely torn as he was only wearing the pants.  A large whole sat in Ichigo’s chest as his skin was completely white as he had a long reptilian tail with a black flame tip.  Ichigo’s face was nearly covered by the hollow mask as his black and gold eyes shined brightly.  Ichigo’s orange hair was now much longer as he had clawed hands and feet.  Seeing this form of Ichigo surprised everyone except for Gin Ichimaru, Sosuke Aizen, and Kaname Tosen who were know wearing inverted colors to their soul reapers uniforms minus the captain cloaks that they used to wear.  Aizen was laughing wickedly, as an evil grin crossed his face.

“That is it Kurosaki….. let it loose!  Allow the Seireitei to crumple before your power!” laughed Aizen.  No one saw Naruto move as he tackled Aizen.  Naruto’s eyes became Kyuubi’s as the three whisker marks on his face broadened.  Sharp fangs and claws took from as Naruto’s hair became more wild.  Kitsune was firmly in his grip as Kyuubi’s chakra flowed out of Naruto taking on the form of a fox with a single tail over his entire body.

“What did you do to him?” growled Naruto angrily.  Aizen simply flexed throwing Naruto off of him as he stood up eyeing the young Jinchuriki wickedly.

“So he isn’t the only one who has something deadly within him.  But yours is far different than his.  Perhaps I could use you too Uzamaki.” stated Aizen.  Naruto lept back away from the man when he heard Aizen only calling him by his original last name.  He had told everyone here in this world that his last name was Namikaze Uzamaki.  How did this man know his true name?

“What is the meaning of this Aizen?” asked Yamamoto as he unsheathed his zanpakuto which happened to be his cane.

“What does it look like to you head captain?  I am going to bring the soul society down and obtain the power belonging to the Soul King.” replied Aizen.

“You are mad Aizen.  We will not stand by and allow you to destroy this world or any other.  Everyone to battle and stop them no matter what it takes!”

“Head captain…… please leave Ichigo to me.  He is clearly being used by Aizen.  I believe that I can snap him out of it.” stated Naruto.  Yamamoto looked at the Jinchuriki as he looked like he wasn’t going to give Naruto that chance until Komamura stepped forth.

“Go on Naruot.  I have your back Kit.  Go and get your adoptive brother back!” stated Komamura.  Naruto smiled at the wolf captain uttering his thanks as he lept off to battle against a crazed Ichigo.

*Kyuubi….. can you mind link us together?* asked Naruto.

*I will try Kit.  Be careful…. Remember that both Shiro and Ichigo are in there somewhere!* replied Kyuubi.

*Let’s just hope that we can break through to them!* stated Naruto as he gripped Kitsune hard in his hand.

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