19- Ichigo vs Naruto

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Warnings:  This is a fan fiction crossover featuring Naruto and Bleach.  In no way shape or form do I own the series and/or its characters.  This story however is an original idea that I have had for a while now and decided that it is time that I got around to writing it.  Some of the characters may seem a bit OCC so please don’t hate me for it!

Key Guide: “regular speech”, ‘thinking to ones self’, *mental speech*, (author notes), bold - Kyuubi & Shirosaki speaking, italic - attacks/jutsu, -spirits/hollows speaking-, [translation], =zanpakuto speaking=, ~Hogyoku speaking~

Chapter 19 - Ichigo vs Naruto

Naruto moved quickly as Ichigo out a fearsome roar as other hollows began to fall from the sky as it opened up above the Seireitei.

“Ichigo….. listen to the sound of my voice.  Snap out of it!” roared Naruto.  Ichigo charged at Naruto picking up his zanpakuto into his clawed hand.  Violent energy whipped around him.  ‘Don’t tell me that he’s getting ready to unleash that attack!’ Naruto thought to himself.

“Getsuga Tensho (moon fang heaven piercer)!” snapped Ichigo.  Naruto knew that he didn’t have enough time to dodge as he used a substitution jutsu to escape.  Ichigo growled sharply as Naruto turned into a block of wood as he reappeared right next to Komamura.

“Kit are you all right?” asked Komamura.

“I can use some help.  I know that Ichigo is in there somewhere.  I just have to break through to him.” growled Naruto as the chakra that he was incased in began to form a second tail.

*Be careful Naruto not to get too angry.  If you go into a four tail state, you will lose all sense of yourself.  I am trying to break through to them but I am having a hard time as something is keeping me from entering their inner world.* Kyuubi stated.

Naruto growled at Ichigo as he could see Ichigo preparing for another attack as he stabbed his zanpakuto into the ground.  But it wasn’t an attack that Naruto recognized.  A red ball began to form at the end of Ichigo’s fingers causing Komamura’s eyes to widen as he recognized the attack.  Komamura had to act fast as he unsheathed his zanpakuto.

“Roar Tenken!” Komamura snapped.  Once his zanpakuto was in its awakened shiki state, Komamura poured all of his spiritual energy into his zanpakuto.  “Bankai!”  Komamura’s sword transformed into a giant.  “Kokujo Tengen Myoo….. protection!” he commanded his zanpakuto.  The large giant zanpakuto knelt down surrounding Naruto and Komamura as Ichigo unleashed the attack he was preparing at the two.

“Cero (zero)!” Ichigo roared out unleashing the hollow attack but the giant zanpakuto was already in place protecting them from the blast.

“You best hurry Naruto!” stated Komamura as he could hear Kenpachi’s evil laughter as the captain from squad eleven loved a fight.  Kenpachi had entered the area slashing at Ichigo with his zanpakuto to see the wound had healed instantly.  Kenpachi grinned like a mad man as he slashed at Ichigo again and again as the teen did nothing to protect himself from Kenpachi.

Seeing this caused Naruto to become even angrier at the squad eleven captain as a third tail began to form.  Naruto gripped Kitsune hard in his hand as the fur that surrounded the blade began to change into fire.

“Leave him alone!  Kitsune Bi (fox fire)!” growled Naruto as he unleashed the attack at Kenpachi forcing the captain to back away from Ichigo.

“Naruto leave Kenpachi to me.  You deal with Ichigo!” stated Komamura.  Naruto nodded his head as he put Kitsune under his arm freeing his hands.  Naruto pointed to of his fingers on both hands up into the sky as he then crossed them into a plus sign.

“Multiple Shadow Clone Jutsu!” Naruto called out as fifty clones of Naruto suddenly appeared as they all moved with Kitsune in hand charging at Ichigo.  “Ichigo….. snap out of it.  I don’t want to hurt you!” Naruto called out as he could see Ichigo grabbing his zanpakuto gathering his energy once again.

“Getsuga Tensho (moon fang heaven piercer)!”

“Kaze no Kizu (wind scar)!” Naruto growled unleashing the attack to counter Ichigo’s attack.  The two attacks hit in a collusion causing all of the clones of Naruto to puff into smoke.  ‘I have to get through to him somehow…..’ Naruto thought as he could see tears streaming down from Ichigo’s hollow mask.

*Naruto….. do you hear that?* asked Kyuubi.

*Hear what?* Naruto asked back.

*Listen…..* replied Kyuubi.  Naruto focused on Ichigo as he gripped his hollow mask with one hand growling.  It looked like he was fighting something.  That is when Naruto could hear it.

~Kill them.  Let yourself go.  Join us Shirosaki….. you are one of us!~ called out a mysterious voice.

Ichigo roared out swinging Zangetsu wildly in his grip.

“Naru……. Ah…… stop…… don’t……. ah!” Ichigo cried out making no sense of what he was trying to say to his adoptive brother.

*Kit….. I think that I may have a way to stop them.  Remember that jutsu the pervy sage was teaching you?  The one that your father knows.*growled Kyuubi.  Naruto nodded his head as he understood Kyuubi’s plans.

“Multiple Shadow Clone Justu.” called out Naruto as he once again created at least twenty clones.  Several clones charged at Ichigo attacking him while Naruto worked with a clone gathering their chakra as he placed Kitsune into its special holder.  ‘I hope that this works!’ Naruto thought to himself.

~Destroy them…… kill everyone who stands in your way!~ called out the voice.

“Ichigo…… keep fight it!” Naruto called out as a ball of chakra formed in his hand.  Naruto then moved charging at Ichigo as the teen had destroyed the shadow clones.  “Rasengan!” snapped Naruto as he hit Ichigo with his attack.

Within Ichigo’s mindscape, Shiro was screaming in pain as he took on the inverted look to the hollow form that had formed on Ichigo in the real world.  Shiro was clearly fighting against Ichigo and Zangetsu as the teen looked beat up and tired.

~Come Shirosaki.  Destroy him…. Let yourself free.  You are one of us!~ stated the mysterious voice.

“I am not.  Stop it…….  King get out of here.  I don’t want to fight you anymore!” Shiro managed to call out as he swung his version of Zangetsu wildly.

=Ichigo listen….. I think I may have a solution.= Zangetsu stated.

“Please do tell Zangetsu.  I have to do something to help out Shiro since because he is a part of me.” replied Ichigo.

=Simply change his name.  The voice that is calling to him is calling him by the name that you have given him.  If you change his name, it may release its hold on him.= stated Zangetsu.  Ichigo could hear Naruto’s voice calling out to him to snap out of it.  Ichigo began to pour every bit of his spiritual energy into his zanpakuto.

‘I hope that this works!’ Ichigo thought to himself as he moved charging at the hollow with the blade pointing at the hollow.

Naruto watched as his Rasengan hit Ichigo causing parts of the hollowfication that formed on Ichigo to break off.

“Come back…… Ichigo!” Naruto screamed out.

“Na….. ru….” moaned out Ichigo as every inch of the hollowfication broke off revealing a bruised and battered Ichigo.  Naruto managed to catch his brother in his arms before he fell to the ground as he turned glaring at Aizen.

“Aizen!” he roared at the former captain.

“I see that he was able to break my hold.  But this proved to be a very useful trial run in the end!” replied Aizen as the sky opened up even more in the Seireitei to reveal a Menos Grande as a bright light shout out of the whole surrounding Aizen, Gin, and Kaname.

“Kaname….. how dare you betray us!” growled Komamura.

“You are wrong Sajin.  I fight on the side of justice.” replied Tosen.

“Justice…… you call what Aizen did to this kid….. justice?  If I ever see you again, I will take you down personally!” roared Komamura as the three soul reaper captains disappeared along with the hollows.  The whisker marks, Kyuubi’s red eyes, and chakra cloak all began to vanish from Naruto as he nearly collapsed.  Using Kyuubi’s chakra had nearly wiped him out.  Naruto collapsed backwards as Komamura was there to catch him.

“Captain…..” moaned Naruto.

“Rest easy Kit.  It is over for now!” stated Komamura.  Naruto slowly closed his eyes relaxing in the captain’s arms.

When Naruto opened his eyes he found himself within squad four barracks.  Komamura was sitting by his bedside.

“Captain…..” Naruto stated weakly.

“It is all right Naruto.  You have been resting as the whole Seireitei is in an up roar over what happened.  No one blames Ichigo for what happened.  But head captain Yamamoto has a lot of questions that need to be answered.  But we figured that we would wait until you guys are well enough.” stated Komamura.  Naruto smiled softly as he slowly sat upright swinging his legs off of the bed.

“It might be a while before Ichigo comes back around.  He doesn’t heal as quickly as me.  I should be well enough to explain what happened.” Naruto stated.

*Just don’t push yourself too hard Kit.* stated Kyuubi.

*How are they Kyuubi.  Were you able to find out what happened?* Naruto asked.

*Their mindscape looks like a war zone.  But they are as clueless as we are about what happened.* replied Kyuubi.  Naruto stood up shakily on his own two feet as he nearly fell over only to be caught by Komamura.

“Easy there Kit.”  Naruto found himself smiling at the nickname as Kyuubi wasn’t the only one who called him by that name.

“Thanks Captain.”

“Please Naruto call me by my first name.  It’s Sajin.  You are kind of practically family after all.” stated Komamura as Naruto nodded his head that he understood.

Naruto was grateful that squad four was working around the clock to heal Ichigo.  It forced him to focus on the task on telling everyone the truth about what they had witnessed.  Naruto wondered if everyone would react the same way they did back home knowing what was with inside of Naruto.  Naruto was glad that he had Komamura on his side.  The captains had all gathered within a temporary meeting hall as Naruto told all of the captains about the hollow that exists within Ichigo and the demon that exists within him.  Naruto tried not to shutter at the way Mayuri Kurotsuchi was looking at him like he was some kind of test subject.

“According to Kisuke, the object that they used is known as the Hogyoku as it is said to have the power to turn Soul Reapers into hollows and hollows into soul reapers.  Kisuke has no idea of how they were able to obtain it.” Replied Yourichi.

“So it was this object that caused the hollow within Kurosaki to go out of control.  It seems that you knew about Namikaze Uzamaki’s inner demon Captain Komamura as this is one of the reasons why you are so protective over him.” stated Yamamoto.

“Not at first head captain.  I can smell that Naruto had a fox scent as it smelled familiar.  When he told me, I have heard some legends conserning Kyuubi who was believed to have created my kind long ago.  It is because of these facts that I protected Naruto as he asked me to keep the knowledge a secret.” replied Komamura.

“Never the less we can’t hold it against these two for the monsters that they contain within them.  We must prepare for the next time Aizen and his group decides to attack us.” stated Yamamoto as he tapped his cane onto the ground dismissing everyone.  Naruto went back to the squad four barracks to see that Ichigo was finally up.  The Jinchuriki filled in his adoptive brother to what had happened.

“I see…… if I ever see Aizen again.  I owe him big time for what he had put me through!” growled Ichigo earing a wicked grin from Naruto.

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