21- the trials begin

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Warnings:  This is a fan fiction crossover featuring Naruto and Bleach.  In no way shape or form do I own the series and/or its characters.  This story however is an original idea that I have had for a while now and decided that it is time that I got around to writing it.  Some of the characters may seem a bit OCC so please don’t hate me for it!

Key Guide: “regular speech”, ‘thinking to ones self’, *mental speech*, (author notes), bold - Kyuubi & Shirosaki speaking, italic - attacks/jutsu, -spirits/hollows speaking-, [translation], =zanpakuto speaking=, ~Hogyoku speaking~

Chapter 21- the trials begin

Both Ichigo and Naruto went towards the hokage tower to hopefully find their captain and teammate.  They wondered how Haku was adjusting to the leaf village.  With the chunin exams coming up, things were going to get rough.  They quickly turned the corner to have Naruto smack into someone quite literally.

“Hey watch where you are going!  You almost ruined my outfit and could have seriously hurt me.” growled a voice that Naruto didn’t recognize.  The Jinchuriki looked up to see a guy in a black cat suit wearing kabuki makeup.  Strapped to his back was a mummy.  Naruto noticed the sand headband that he and the female he was traveling with was wearing.  Naruto slowly got up to his feet.

“Sorry about that.  But trust me it would be a definite improvement from what you look like.” replied Naruto.  Kankuro grabbed Naruto by the collar of his jacket threatening to punch Naruto in the face.  Suddenly a small rock came flying at the two ninja.  Ichigo stopped it with his bare hands.

“Stay out of this Uchiha.  This is between the guy in the cat suit and Naruto.” stated Ichgio as he crushed the stone in his hands not turning to meet Sasuke’s glare.  “And you slinking around next to Sasuke.  Don’t think for one moment that I don’t sense your presence.”

“Kankuro…… That’s enough.  We don’t need you to set a bad example for our village.” replied a red haired kid with black eyeliner surrounding his eyes.  Ichigo could feel that this red hair kid was very similar to what Naruto was (not in the soul reaper sense).

*Shukaku.  The one tailed raccoon.  A sand spirit.  This boy is his host.  Out of all of us Biju, he was the most blood thirsty.* Kyuubi stated as Kankuro let Naruto go.  Sasuke looked shocked that Ichigo could sense Gaara’s presence.  Gaara shifted into sand as he appeared besides Temari and Kankuro.

*He is aware of our presence King.  I know that he can sense that Naruto is like him.  But he is unsure of you and what you are.* added Shiro.

“Go on and report back to our sensei.  I wish to talk to these two in private.” replied Gaara.

“But Gaara…….” stated Kankuro earning an evil glare from the sand Jinchuriki.  Both Temari and Kankuro left without a further word.

“That includes you as well Uchiha.  You shouldn’t be here anyway.  Shouldn’t you be with your team?” questioned Naruto as Sasuke slunk off mumbling something underneath his breath.

“All right Shukaku, you best not be starting any trouble in my village.” Naruto stated but it was Kyuubi talking as Kyuubi’s features replaced Naruto’s.  Gaara’s sea foam green eyes changed as they looked similar to Shiro’s except he had a diamond pupil with four small dots.

“It’s good to see you again Kyuubi.  Of course I wouldn’t dream of doing anything to anger you.  But we are under orders to attack your home.” Gaara replied in a voice that wasn’t his own but rather Shukaku’s.  Gaara grabbed his head sharply shaking it.

“Stop…… Why are you telling them?  Who in the hell is Kyuubi?” Gaara asked.  Kyuubi looked at Ichigo who nodded his head.  Kyuubi sighed softly as Naruto’s hands ran through a series of hand signs.  The teens and their inner monsters found themselves within Gaara’s mindscape which looked like a huge barren desert.  Kyuubi (who is in fox form) stood next to Naruto as Shiro stood next to Ichigo.  Shukaku did the same for Gaara.

“Shukaku haven’t you taught your host anything besides violence?” asked Kyuubi earning a sharp growl from the one tail.

“Who in the world are you guys?” hissed Gaara finding it odd that people appeared suddenly in his mind.  Everyone introduced themselves as the sand Jinchuriki looked shocked to learn that he wasn’t the only one who had a monster inside of him.  Even though Shiro looked different from Naruto’s and Gaara’s, there was still the sense that Ichigo understood what it was like.

“So who ordered you to attack our home Shukaku?” asked Kyuubi.

“It was my father, the kazekage.  I don’t know for what reasons.  He wants me to use my full power to destroy the leaf.” replied Gaara.

“Shuaku do you think you can ease up a bit on Gaara and work with him instead of against him.  He has been through so much as his life could be better.  He has been though the same things I have been though only, I was lucky to have meet Ichigo and become a member of his family.  Gaara, you have family too but you’re afraid of letting them in.  Don’t be…… if they are truly your family, they will accept you regardless of what you are.” stated Naruto.

“Wise words Kit.  Do you think you are up to the task Shukaku?  Not all hosts are that bad.  It just takes time for us to find the ones who won’t view us as monsters.” stated Kyuubi.

“I guess that I could ease up a bit.  It would be nice to have a relationship the way that you have with your host Kyuubi.” replied Shukaku.

“In the meantime we have to find out why the kazekage wants the leaf destroyed.” stated Shiro.

“Leave that to me.  I can find out that information.  Trusting that Shukaku knows how to contact you.” replied Gaara.  Ichigo stretched out his hand towards Gaara’s earning a questioned look from the sand Jinchuriki.

“It’s a sign of friendship.  Shiro, Kyuubi, Naruto, and I will be your friends Gaara.  You’re not alone as we understand what it’s like more than anyone else can.” stated Ichigo.  A soft smile stretched across Gaara’s face as tears rolled down his face.  For the first time in a long time, Gaara truly had friends.

Ichigo and Naruto went towards the hokage tower heading in to find their captain and teammate as they had just finished a mission.

“We figured that we would find you both here.” stated Ichigo and Naruto in unison.  Both Haku and Yamato smiled.  Haku had changed as he no longer looked like a girl.  His hair was a still tied up into a small bun as he wore a pair of camo Anbu pants and a tight muscle black shirt with a long sleeve mesh shirt underneath.  Haku wore the standard ninja shoes along with a leaf headband that was tied around his forehead.

“You look good Haku.  I see that you have adjusted well to the leaf village.” stated Naruto.

“Thanks to you and Ichigo for giving me a chance to redeem myself.” stated Haku.

“Not a problem Haku.  Lord Hokage, we may have a problem.” stated Ichigo.  A questioning look stretched on the hokage’s face.  Naruto and Ichigo explained what happened with Gaara and Shukaku.

“Kyuubi knows that Shukaku won’t do anything to anger his older and more powerful brother.  Gaara offered to help us out with information.” Naruto stated.

“This is indeed troubling.  I want you both to stay on alert during these exams.  Consider this a super A class mission.” replied Sarutobi.  Special Unit One nodded their heads accepting the mission.

“Ichigo, Naruto…… we have some major training to do.  Let’s meet up at training area seventy-seven.” commanded Yamato.  The two teens nodded their heads understanding their captain’s order.  Yamato and his team trained hard in order to prepare the team for the upcoming chunin exams.  Even though Haku wasn’t a soul reaper, he proved to be a worthy fighter as his kekkigenkai had only gotten stronger since Naruto and Ichigo have been gone.  It didn’t seem to bother the ice user that the two substitute soul reapers had monsters within them.  Since seeing the two in battle and fighting tem first hand, Haku had great respect for the two.  After the training session with their captain Yamato, both Ichigo and Naruto went over to Kisuke’s shop to do some more zanpakuto training as Jiraiya taught Naruto some more moves he could do with the Rasengan.

The next day everyone reported to the ninja academy as a genjutsu was placed on the second floor in order to weed out some ninja.  With their id’s in hand Special Unit One made it to the classroom without any problems.  When they entered, they found Gaara waiting for them.  The sand Jinchuriki didn’t look happy.

“I take it that you don’t have pleasant news for us.” Naruto stated as Gaara nodded his head yes.

*Go ahead and tell us mentally Shukaku as we are all ears.* stated Shiro mentally.

*Gaara and I found out that the sand has come to fear the leaf village’s military power as they teamed up with the sound village to wipe out the leaf by using me.  No matter what, Gaara and I won’t do it.  But no doubt that they have a way to make us.* Shukaku stated mentally.

*Then we have to make sure that you don’t.  I won’t allow my little brother to be used as a weapon for war.* growled Kyuubi.

*Who knew that you had a soft spot after all Kyuubi?* asked Ichigo earning a grumbling growl from the fox as Naruto laughed.

“All right you magots.  Take your seats as we are ready to begin!” shouted out a proctor.  The proctor introduced himself as the tests were handed out.  Ibiki explained all the rules and regulations for the test (which is pretty much the same in the series).  He then gave the word to begin.  The questions were extremely difficult to answer as Naruto was sweating buckets.

*It’s a trick.  They want you to cheat without getting caught.* stated Shukaku mentally as he could sense Naruto’s distress.

*Thank goodness.  This test was driving the Kit crazy.  Thanks for the heads up Shukaku.* replied Kyuubi as he used his powers to enhance Naruto’s vision and hearing.  Shiro was floating around skimming at the tests while telling Ichgio the answers.  Haku had used his kekkigenkai to his advantage.  Ibiki told them to put their pencils down as he was about to give out the tenth and final question.  Most of the students along with their teammates got up leaving dwindling the numbers that where all ready caught cheating.  Special Unit One did not bulge from their spots.  Ibiki then smiled telling the remaining students that they had passed which brought up a number of questions and concerns until Anko came in (exactly how she comes in from the series).  She tells them that they are all to meet up at the forest of death for the next part of their exam.

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