22- attack in the forest of death

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Warnings:  This is a fan fiction crossover featuring Naruto and Bleach.  In no way shape or form do I own the series and/or its characters.  This story however is an original idea that I have had for a while now and decided that it is time that I got around to writing it.  Some of the characters may seem a bit OCC so please don’t hate me for it!

 Key Guide: “regular speech”, ‘thinking to ones self’, *mental speech*, (author notes), bold - Kyuubi & Shirosaki speaking, italic - attacks/jutsu, -spirits/hollows speaking-, [translation], =zanpakuto speaking=, ~Hogyoku speaking~

 Chapter 22- attack in the forest of death

 Anko proceeded to tell the advancing teams the rules and stipulations for the forest of death.  The key was to obtain two scrolls and make it to the center tower within five days.

“Jesus…… and I thought that this was going to be hard.” stated Naruto.  Anko quickly threw a kunai knife at Naruto to have the Jinchuriki easily dodge the flying knife.  Anko moved reappearing right behind Naruto with another kunai at his throat.  Nartuo remained cool under pressure never flitching.

 “You may think so now but soon enough your blood will spill all over the forest floor.” stated Anko.  She never noticed Ichigo and Haku move as Haku had a senbon needle at Anko’s throat while Ichigo had his hand wrapped around Anko’s pulling the kunai away from Naruto’s throat.  ‘These guys are different from other genin.  They have no fear as they are willing to take on the toughest of opponents.  These guys will advance far as ninja’s.’ Anko thought to herself as she lowered her knife to have a grass ninja return the other kunai with her long tongue.

 “Such violence and power.  I will have to keep my eyes out for your group.” she stated.

 *That lady gives me the creeps.  King be careful of that one.  Her spiritual pressure is far beyond that of a normal genin.* Shiro stated mentally.

 *That and she smells of snakes and corpses.  I agree with Shiro on that one.  Something about her smells like trouble.* added Kyuubi.

Each team either received a heaven scroll or an earth scroll as each team was given a gate to report to.  Special Unit One was given gate 13 as they had a heaven scroll.  Ichigo placed the scroll into his soul reaper uniform for safe keeping as the two substitutes warned Haku about the snake-like lady.

 “Let’s hope that we don’t cross her path.  She sounds like trouble.” Haku stated.

 “Once we head in lets be on our guard.  We won’t know what will await us inside of this forest.” stated Ichigo.

“Haku, if we tell you to get the hell out of there, do it.  What we are sensing from that woman is far beyond what a normal genin should be capable of.  The only people who should have this much spiritual pressure are the Jinchuriki like Gaara and me as well as soul reapers like Ichigo.  But this one seems to have malice and blood all over it.” stated Naruto.  Haku nodded his head that he understood as Anko shouted out to begin.  Ichigo, Haku, and Naruto took off like a shot heading deep into the forest.

Ichigo had found the perfect spot for his team to set up camp and set up an ambush to take the other teams scroll.  They needed an earth scroll to go with their heaven scroll.  As the team for Special Unit One waited, they could hear a female screaming.

 “Sasuke!”  Both Ichigo and Naruto looked at each other as they recognized the scream.

 “That sounded like Sakura.” stated Naruto.  Both substitutes could feel a strange spiritual pressure coming from the area of the scream.

 “What should we do Ichigo?” questioned Haku as the two younger teens looked to the older one for advice.

 “Help them.  I am getting a very bad feeling from that area where the scream came from.” replied Ichigo.  The three took off quickly with Ichigo and Naruto leading the way.  Haku was able to keep up with the two when they used the flash step.  The team of Special Unit One came upon the scene of Sasuke down on the ground as it looked like he had been in a fight as he laid bruised and beaten.  A strange mark laid on the hollow of his neck.  Sakura’s long pink hair laid cut to her neck in length as the rest of it laid on the forest ground.  Sai’s scrolls for his jutsu laid in shreds as his arm was clearly broken.  Before Team Seven stood an older male with white skin and long silky black hair.  The man turned to Special Unit One revealing reptilian looking eyes.  The snake-like man smiled when he saw Special Unit One.

 “I knew that you would come.  It saves me the trouble of coming looking for you.” stated the snake man.

 “Who the hell are you and what did you do to them?” snarled Naruto as his hand went to the hilt of Kitsune.

 “Oh nothing much.  I just gave Sasuke Uchiha a taste of power that will make him come seek me out.  But none of that really should concern you.  I am a former leaf ninja and one of the legendary sannin.  I rule over the sound village as I am one of the Akatsuki.  My name is Orochimaru.” stated the snake man.  Orochimaru looked at Ichigo and Naruto as he licked his lips.  “I can see now why the Akatsuki want you Naruto Uzamaki as you are the container for the nine tail fox.  As for you Ichigo Kurosaki.  I simply want your body and your power.” stated Orochimaru as he moved to attack the two substitute soul reapers.

Both Naruto and Ichigo dodged Orochimaru’s attack.  The snake sannin went after Naruto knowing that Ichigo would rush to his team mate’s aid.

 “Haku….. look after Team Seven!” shouted out Ichigo as he flash stepped to help Naruto.  Naruto pulled out Kitsune from its holder as he channeled his power into the zanpakuto.  The fur on the hilt started blazing in fire.

 “Kitsune Bi [fox fire]!” snapped Naruto as he unleashed an attack at the snake sannin.

 “Body Shedding Technique!” called out Orochimaru as he shedded his body creating a new one.  Naruto’s attack hit Orochimaru’s old body.  Ichigo grabbed Zangetsu causing the ribbon to unravel from his zanpakuto.  Ichigo channeled his chakra into the blade of his sword.

 “Cutting Whirlwind!” Ichigo snapped as he unleashed a blast of wind from his zanpakuto.  Orochimaru countered quickly as his hands ran through a series of hand signs.

 “Wind Release: Great Breakthrough!” Orochimaru snapped as he unleashed a large wind blast of his own.  The two wind blasts hit each other throwing Ichigo further away from Orochimaru and Naruto.  Orochimaru slithered over towards Naruto with a kunai knife in hand.  The Jinchuriki didn’t even see the snake approach.

 Ichigo dashed quickly equipping on Shiro’s hollow mask to increase his speed and power.

 ‘I have got to stop him!’ Ichigo yelled to himself.  Orochimaru saw Ichigo dashing towards him and Naruto as a smile caressed the snake’s face.  Orochimaru’s one free hand ran through a series of hand signs as the fangs in his mouth lengthened.  Orochimaru looked up at Naruto shooting him a dark look.

 “Binding Snake Glare Spell!” Orochimaru hissed as he bound Naruto not allowing the Jinchuriki to move.  Before Orochimaru could strike at Naruto, Ichigo stood in front of the Jinchuriki with Zangetsu ready to slash at the snake sannin.  Suddenly Orochimaru’s neck elongated as his head shot at Ichigo as his fangs shank deep into the hollow of Ichigo’s neck.  Ichigo screamed out in pain as he dropped Zangetsu.  Orochimaru withdrew his fangs as a curse mark similar to Sasuke’s began to appear on Ichigo’s neck.  Orochimaru smiled as his neck returned to its normal length.  Ichigo clutched at his neck before he collapsed to the forest ground.

 “Ichigo!” shouted out Naruto as Kyuubi’s chakra flared out taking on the form of a three tailed fox.  Kyuubi’s power burst caused the binding snake glare spell to break off of Naruto.  “You bastard!” snarled Naruto.  Orochimaru simply laughed.

 “Regardless of what you do to me.  You will never break the curse seal that I have placed on him.  Ichigo Kurosaki’s body will be mine!” stated Orochimaru.  This caused Naruto to become even more enraged as pieces of his skin began to peel off of him exposing his muscles.

 *Kit….. don’t!  Calm down.  I am certain that Ichigo is all right.* roared Kyuubi mentally.

 “He isn’t your play tow.  Never will Ichigo go to you.  If I kill you here and now it will never happen.” growled Naruto.

 “Then do it nine tails.  No matter what you say the Akatsuki will have the power within you to further its goals.” 

Upon hearing this caused Naruto to let out a fearsome roar as Naruto’s body was incased in a black ball.  The black ball compacted before exploading revealing Naruto in a four tail state.  Kyuubi Naruto let out another loud roar causing a shockwave to disperse.  Another figure dressed in a black cloak with red clouds and wearing an orange spiral mask stood next to Orochimaru.

 “Are you certain that you can handle him?” asked the masked man.

 “Don’t doubt my skills Madra.  Besides you have failed once before with the brats’ mother.” snapped Orochimaru.  Kyuubi Naruto glared at Madra Uchiha as Kyuubi recognized the masked man.

 *That’s the same bastard who forced me to attack the leaf village long ago and forced me out of Kushina!* growled Kyuubi.  Two more tails and a skeletal armor began to form on Kyuubi Naruto as he let out a loud sonic roar as chakra arms weaved out to attack Orochimaru and Madra.  Madra was able to dodge the arms but Orochimaru was caught.  The chakra arms burned the snake sannin’s flesh as they tossed him to one side.  A black orb of energy began to form at the end of Kyuubi Naruto’s mouth as he swallowed it.  Kyuubi Naruto’s body grew in size before he unleashed the energy like a cannon shot.  Orochimaru quickly ran through a series of hand signs.

 “Summoning: Triple Rashomon!” Orochimaru called out as he bit into his thumb summoning up three large gates.  The blast hit the three gates demolishing the gates that Orochimaru had summoned up.

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