23- Kyuubi Naruto vs Hollow Ichigo

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Warnings:  This is a fan fiction crossover featuring Naruto and Bleach.  In no way shape or form do I own the series and/or its characters.  This story however is an original idea that I have had for a while now and decided that it is time that I got around to writing it.  Some of the characters may seem a bit OCC so please don’t hate me for it!

Key Guide: “regular speech”, ‘thinking to ones self’, *mental speech*, (author notes), bold - Kyuubi & Shirosaki speaking, italic - attacks/jutsu, -spirits/hollows speaking-, [translation], =zanpakuto speaking=, ~Hogyoku speaking~

Chapter 23- Kyuubi Naruto vs Hollow Ichigo

The blast cleared from Kyuubi Naruto revealing the triple rashomon had been completely demolished.  The ground moved revealing both Orochimaru and Madara who had used hiding like a mole technique to escape the blast.  Upon seeing this Kyuubi Naruto let out another loud sonic roar.  His six tails were waving in anger.

“Ok so this brat maybe a bit stronger than we anticipated.” stated Orochimaru.

“What do you expect out of one the most powerful of the Biju?  Watch out here he comes again!” snapped Madara as Kyuubi Naruto’s chakra arms went after the two Akatsuki.

Meanwhile Ichigo found himself within his inner mindscape.

“What in the hell happened?” asked Ichigo.

“It seems that damn snake bastered marked you as he wants your body King.” replied Shiro.

“I guess that I must have blacked out after it happened.  No doubt that Naruto is pissed to see me go down.” Ichigo replied.

=Its worse than that Ichigo.  Both Kyuubi and Naruto lost control.  Something upset them both as now they are no longer in control of themselves.= stated Zangetsu.

“Oh no…… if it is as bad as you say, then we have to stop them before it is too late.  But I can’t do it alone as no way I can stand against Kyuubi’s and Naruto’s combined strength and power.”

“Well it’s a good think that you have me around King.  I am going to help you stop them.” smiled Shiro.

=And you will have my aid as well Ichigo.= stated Zangetsu.

Kyuubi Naruto growled sharply as none of his attacks were hitting Orochimaru and/or Madara.  The two Akatsuki attacks kept hitting Kyuubi Naruto only making him madder.  Suddenly both Madara and Orochimaru could feel a rise in power as the two turned to see an unconscious Ichigo rise to his feet.  Black energy flared out of Ichigo’s body.  A white skull mask was sitting on Ichigo’s face as his eyes became black and gold like Shiro’s.

“If you know what is good for you then you will both get out of here.” Stated Ichigo as his voice sounded different.  For the first time ever both Orochimaru and Madara felt fear.  But the two didn’t seem to back down as Ichigo knew that these guys were the enemies within this realm.  “If you won’t leave then I am forced to move you.  Getsuga Tensho [moon fang heaven piecer]!” snapped Hollow Ichigo as he swung his zanpakuto quickly unleashing a violent burst of energy.  Both Madara’s and Orochimaru’s eyes widened as Ichigo’s power was far stronger then they thought possible.  Both Akatsuki members had to use a substitution jutsu to escape the attack.  With the two Akatsuki gone Hollow Ichigo could focus his full attention on Kyuubi Naruto.

Kyuubi Naruto let out a loud sonic roar as his chakra arms moved attacking Hollow Ichigo.  Hollow Ichigo flash stepped avoiding the attack as his spiritual pressure sky rocketed as once again he swung his zanpakuto unleashing an attack at Kyuubi Naruto.

“Getsuga Tensho [moon fang heaven piecer]!” snapped Hollow Ichigo.  A rasengan formed in Kyuubi Naruto’s hand colliding with Hollow Ichigo’s attack.  A large destructive blast threw Hollow Ichigo back several feet.  Suddenly the ground began to burst as charka arms erupted from the ground.  Hollow Ichigo quickly flash stepped trying to avoid the arms as one of them ripped through his uniform scaring his arm which quickly healed.  “Damn it Naruto, snap out of it.  Don’t force me to hurt you!” growled Hollow Ichigo.

If Hollow Ichigo didn’t have enough problems dealing with Kyuubi Naruto, things were about to get worse as he felt a violent burst of power.

‘What the hell know?’ he asked as he turned his head to see Sasuke Uchiha standing as dark purple energy surrounded his body.  Black tribal markings covered part of his body.

=Damn it….. the curse mark has sank its hold into the Uchiha.  He is giving into the power that Orochimaru has given to him.= stated Zangetsu.  This caused Hollow Ichigo to let out a sharp curse as he could hear Sakura Haruno yelling for him to stop. 

“It’s not what it looked like Sasuke!”

*Any ideas on how I stop them?* asked Ichigo as he dodged Sasuke’s fireball.  With Sasuke attacking Hollow Ichigo from behind and Kyuubi Naruto attacking him from the front, the substitute shinigami didn’t know where to focus his attention.  Hollow Ichigo charged his lighting chakra into Zangetsu’s blade as he went to attack Sasuke.

“Thunder Saber!” snapped Hollow Ichigo as his zanpakuto hit Sasuke as a thousand volts of electricity went into Sasuke freezing him in his tracks before the teen feel to the ground as the curse mark receded.

Suddenly Hollow Ichigo could feel a hard blast into his back which was caused by Kyuubi Naruto’s rasengan.  Hollow Ichigo turned quickly facing against Kyuubi Naruto.

“Come on Naruto…… snap out of it!” yelled out Hollow Ichigo.

=Ichigo…… I think that I may have a way to bring Naruto and Kyuubi back.= stated Zangetsu.

*Do tell.* replied Ichigo.

=Stab him with me and pour as much spiritual pressure you can into him over powering him.= stated Zangetsu.

*Then let’s do this!* growled Shiro as he poured his power into Ichigo.  Hollow Ichigo held his sword causing Zangetsu to glow.  Hollow Ichigo charged at Kyuubi Naruto as he stabbed the Jinchuriki in the gut.  Hollow Ichigo poured every bit of his spiritual pressure into Kyuubi Naruto.  Both were engulfed in a bright light.  Hollow Ichigo yelled out Naruto’s name as the transformation that Naruto underwent reversed as Naruto collapsed into Hollow Ichigo’s arms as he removed his zanpakuto from Naruto’s gut.  Ichigo undid his hollowfication as he turned to see Sakura tending to Sasuke.  Ichigo could feel the curse mark throbbing against his skin as he tried to not have it take him over. Ichigo could see Haku come up to him as he looked worried.

“Are you all right Ichigo?” questioned Haku.

“I just need to rest.  I suggest that we all get some rest.  We still have a chance to complete this trial.” answered Ichigo.

“Ichigo….. thank you for helping us out.  But what in the world happened to you and Naruto?” asked Sakura.  Ichigo sighed as he proceeded to tell Sakura and Sai everything seeing how they saw if first hand.  Ichigo knew that Naruto would recover and heal from the wounds he had because of the demon cloak that covered and over took Naruto’s body.

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