29- back home

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Warnings:  This is a fan fiction crossover featuring Naruto and Bleach.  In no way shape or form do I own the series and/or its characters.  This story however is an original idea that I have had for a while now and decided that it is time that I got around to writing it.  Some of the characters may seem a bit OCC so please don’t hate me for it! Please don’t forget to leave me your comments and reviews telling me what you think.  Thanks!

Key Guide: “regular speech”, ‘thinking to one’s self’, *mental speech*, (author notes), bold –demons speaking, italic - attacks/jutsu, -spirits/hollows speaking-, [translation], =zanpakuto speaking=, ~Hogyoku speaking~, +flashback+

Chapter 29 – back home

Ichigo and Naruto’s unconscious bodies lept through time and space until the two came back to Karakura.  Both Kon who possessed Ichigo’s body and Kurama who possessed Naruto’s body were laying on the teens bed.

“How do you think they are doing?  They have been gone for a long time.” asked Kurama.

“I have no doubt that they are fine.  In fact I have a feeling that any second they will come crashing through.” replied Kon.  No sooner did the words slip from Kon’s lips that Ichigo and Naruto landed right on top of the two mod souls both taking back over their bodies as the mod souls popped from out of their lips landing onto their chests.  ‘Me and my big mouth.’ Kon thought to himself. It was a couple of hours before Ishin came to check up on them finding the two mod soul pills laying on both Ichigo and Naruto.  Isshin quickly grabbed the two stuffed toys of a lion and a fox placing the soul pills into the toys.  Both mod souls let out a long moan as they came around.

“What on earth happned?” asked Isshin.

“To hell if we know!  One second we are minding our own business and then these two come crashing in.” snapped Kon.  Isshin looked at the two mod souls as Kurama simply nodded his head.

“It is just as Kon said.” replied Kurama.  Isshin let out a soft sign as his hands ran through his hair. 

“Well the girls will be happy to see them back home.” stated Isshin as the two mod souls followed the man out of the room.

One week had passed before both Ichigo and Naruto regained consciousness.  When they found themselves within their room back in Karakura, the two visibly relaxed.

“God I feel like hell.  What do you think happened back at the leaf village?” asked Naruto.

“Don’t know but at least one of the members of the Akatsuki is dead.  But we still have to wonder what the Akatsuki are up to and why the need the tailed beasts for.” replied Ichigo.

*World domination plain and simple.  It’s always that way when it comes to humans.  They believe that they can use our power for their own gain.* barked Kyuubi.

*But that doesn’t explain what Aizen is up too and how he is tied into the Akatsuki.* stated Shiro.

*Sooner or later those answers will come to you two.  You both left in such a hurry that Gaara and I hadn’t gotten the chance to thank you.* stated another voice.  Both teens looked at each other in shock as they simply nodded their heads journeying into their mindscapes.  Ichigo was greeted by both Zangetsu and Shiro before he and his hollow made their way into Naruto’s mindscape.  Not only were Kyuubi and Naruto were there but also Gaara and Shukaku.

“Gaara….. Shukaku….. you are a sight for sore eyes.  Tell us what happened after we defeated Orochimaru.” stated Shiro.  Both the sand spirit and sand Jinchuriki proceeded to tell them all what had happened after the battle with Orochimaru.  According to Gaara and Shukaku with Orochimaru gone and any reaming sound ninja were killed. The sand and leaf have made peace.

“You two have greatly changed me as I am going to make new strives in my life.  I am thinking of taking over for my father as kazekage.” stated Gaara.

“That’s good to hear Gaara.  I have aspirations to become the hokage of the leaf village.” stated Naruto.

“You will make a great kazekage Gaara.  If you or Shukaku should ever need us, we are a simple shout away.” added Ichigo.

“See you around big brother.” stated Shukaku as he and Gaara left the mindscape.  Both Ichigo and Naruto left their mindscapes to find both Kon and Kurama staring at them.

“It’s about damn time that you both woke up.  What’s the big idea of crash landing on us?” asked Kon angrily.

“Sorry Kon.  We didn’t plan on landing on you.  It’s not like we can control when we leap dimensions or how we land in them.” replied Ichigo.

“Your father wanted to speak to you both when you came too.” stated Kurama.  Ichigo and Naruto stretched out their bodies allowing the mod souls to climb off of them before they got up heading downstairs.  Both Karin and Yuzu hugged the two teens once they got downstairs.

“Did you miss us that much?” asked Naruto.

“Kon and Kurama are alright but they aren’t you.” stated Yuzu.

“You will have to tell us what happened later.” stated Karin.

“Alright Karin.  Is dad in his office?” asked Ichigo scuffling up Karin’s black hair.

“Yeah……” she replied.  The two teens left the twin girls as they went to Isshin’s office.

“You wanted to see us dad?” asked Ichigo.

“It’s good to see you back.  Actually it was the Soul Society that wants to speak with you.  I was told to contact them when you both came back.  It seems that they have discovered what Aizen maybe planning.” stated Isshin.

*That’s good news.  It may actually lead to some tie into the Akatsuki’s plans.* stated Kyuubi.

“Well let’s hear what they have to say.” stated Naruto as Isshin pulled out a cellphone which happened to look like the soul pager that Rukia had when she first meet Ichigo and Naruto.

“They are here and awake.” stated Isshin briefly before closing the soul pager.  About a couple of minutes a gate opened up within the room revealing Rukia.

“Hey you two….. are you ready to go.  It’s best not to keep the head captain waiting.  You won’t need to change into your soul forms as this is an emergency summons.” stated Rukia.  This caused both Ichigo and Naruto’s eyebrows to raise in question.  Both teens followed Rukia through the senkaimon heading inot the soul society.

The three journeyed to the newly rebuilt meeting hall.  Suddenly Naruto was grabbed in a tight hug.

“Kit it is good to see you!” stated the voice that Ichigo and Naruto recognized all to well.

“Sajin…… I can’t breathe!” gasped Naruto.  Sajin Komamura dropped Naruto back onto his feet as the wolf captain had a smile stretched across his muzzle.

“You seem different Kit.  Stronger than last time.  So how are things back home within your dimension?”

“I wish I could say that it was good but it seems that other Jinchuriki like me are being hunted by a group known as the Akatsuki.  I had meet one of Kyuubi’s brothers.”  Komamura wasn’t sure how to react to Naruto’s news.  The four of them entered the meeting hall finding all of the captains and their lieutenants already there.

“Kurosaki and Namikaze-Uzamaki thank you for coming.  It seems that Kurotsuchi has discovered some clues on what Aizen is trying to achieve.” stated Yamamoto as the captain with the painted face stepped forward. 

“It’s a shame that Captain Yamamoto has forbidden me to take you apart in order to study you.  I am quite fascinated to see what secrets you both have.” stated Mayuri earning a deep snarl from Komamura.

*I don’t like this guy.  He reminds me too much of Orochimaru.  The thought of him using us for his own further gains sickens me.  He is as bad as the Akatsuki.* Kyuubi growled.

“Enough Kurotsuchi and tell them what you have found out.” yelled the head captain.

*I am glad that the old man is putting that crazy scientist in his place.* laughed Shiro.

“I have discovered that Aizen plans to create the Oken which will allow him to get to the soul king.  He plans on killing the soul king.” stated Mayuri.

“So you two must know, the soul king is the one who governs and controls all of the soul society and the soul reapers.” added Yamamoto.

“To put it boldly he has to gain incredible powers and sacrifice many innocent lives to create the Oken.”  Both Ichigo and Naruto proceeded to break a nearby pilliar.

“Let us guess the sight where he is to sacrifice has a large amount of spiritual energy.” growled Ichigo.

“Yes…. There are two such sights.  One is Karakura Town and the second is Konohagakure.” stated Mayuri.  The demon cloak of Kyuubi began to suddenly form on Naruto.

“That’s the tie in.  The Akatsuki are working with Aizen to seize the power of the Jinchuriki to lay waist to the two places at the same time.  That’s why we can leap dimensions.  Somehow we are the only ones who maybe able to stop Aizen and the Akatsuki.” Naruto snarled in Kyuubi’s voice.  The hollow mask began to form on Ichigo’s face hearing that the people he cares for would become a sacrifice in Aizen’s plans.

“How much time do we have before Aizen can complete this goal?” Ichigo asked in Shiro’s voice.

“Roughly five years.” replied Mayuri.

Both Ichigo and Naruto took some long deep calming breaths managing to retract Kyuubi’s demon cloak and Ichigo’s hollowfication.

“Since you two are our only hopes.  I will need for you both to train sharpening your skills, techniques, and powers.  Shionin has agreed to be your trainer as we will need someone from your dimension Namikaze-Uzamaki to work with her.” stated Yamamoto.  Both Ichigo and Naruto only knew of one person who would be skilled enough.

“We have someone in mind.  Granted that we can’t truly control if and when we jump.” both Naruto and Ichigo stated in unison.

“I have a theory that you two do.  You are not totally conscious of it.  At times when it seems that the other dimension is in peril, or some kind of danger, your bodies can sense it making the jump.  It is as if someone on a higher plain is helping you.” stated Mayuri.  Both Ichigo and Naruto looked at the scientist in shock over what he had told them.

“Regardless we need for you two when you return back to Namikaze-Uzamaki’s home dimension to seek out this person who can train you.  Uharara is aiding Shionin about information important to the powers that you both contain.  After witnessing that power, it seems that you are both the best hope we have to keeping the two dimensions from falling into chaos.” stated Yamamoto.  Both Ichigo and Naruto nodded their heads that they understood as Rukia lead them back home this way they could make plans to begin training at once.

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