7- Naruto's home

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Warnings: This is a fan fiction crossover featuring Naruto and Bleach. In no way shape or form do I own the series and/or its characters. This story however is an original idea that I have had for a while now and decided that it is time that I got around to writing it. Some of the characters may seem a bit OCC so please don't hate me for it!

Key Guide: "regular speech", 'thinking to ones self', *mental speech*, (author notes), bold - Kyuubi & Shirosaki speaking, italic - attacks/jutsu, -spirits/hollows speaking-

Chapter 7 - Naruto's home

Both Ichigo and Naruto were flung through time and space as they both landed outside the gates near Konoha. Ichigo was still wearing his shinigami outfit as Zangetsu laid wrapped in its ribbon. Naruto laid nearby as he was now wearing a black and orange ninja outfit (the shipped clothing). Over his outfit he was wearing a white cloak with red and black flames at the bottom (the hokage's/sage robes). By Naruto's side laid a kunai knife that was the length of his lower arm as it had red fur at the hilt. Even though it didn't look like it but, Naruto's cloak and kunai knife were a part of his shinigami powers he had gained since being in Ichigo's world. The two guards that usually stand guard near Konoha's gates happened to see the bright flash of light but not Ichigo and Naruto who both fell out of the bright light.

"What in the hell was that?" asked Izumo.

"I don't know. I will go and check it out." replied Kotesu as he got up leaving his post. When he saw the two bodies of both Naruto and Ichigo, he stood there in shock. "Izumo, come quick. You won't believe who I found." shouted out Kotesu. Izumo came over just as shocked as Kotesu.

"Is that who I think it is?" asked Izumo.

"It looked that way but who is the orange hair kid with him?" asked Kotesu.

"Don't know. We should send word to the hokage right away. We should also get them to the hospital. I can't believe that he's back as he's been missing for ten years." stated Izumo. Kotesu made a single hand sign producing several shadow clones.

"I know. I wonder where he has been all this time." replied Kotesu.

Meanwhile while both Ichigo and Naruto were out cold, they found themselves within their respectful mindscapes. Their other halves explained what had happened when they went to attack the group of hollows that had attacked the clinic. Because of what had happened, they had awakened the power that has been slumbering within them.

"So you mean to tell me that I'm a soul reaper?" asked Ichigo and Naruto.

"Only a substitute soul reaper because you are still living." answered Kyuubi and Shiro. Ichigo was introduced to the spirit of his zanpakuto Zangetsu as he then noticed one of the buildings in his mindscape was blood red.

"Um Shiro, is it just me or is that building a different color from the others?" asked Ichigo.

"Ah…. So you noticed that. Come with me, you are going to love this." stated Shiro with a creepy smile across his face. Ichigo shuttered at the thought as he never quite liked Shiro's surprises or his creepy smile but, he followed his inner hollow. At the same time Kyuubi was leading Naruto thought the forest when the blond had noticed that something felt different. Kyuubi snickered lightly as he knew that Naruto was going to be shocked when he met Shiro face to face.

Kyuubi and Naruto stood in front of the blue door as Naruto looked confused about why a door would be standing in the middle of the forest. Naruto circled around it looking totally confused.

"Kyuubi…. What is this all about?" asked Naruto. The door suddenly opened up as a bright light flooded their vision.

"Your about to see for yourself Kit." replied Kyuubi. When the light dimmed down Naruto found himself face to face with Ichigo and Shiro. "Ah….. Ichigo, what the hell?" screamed out Naruto.

"I was going to ask that same question!" yelled out Ichigo. Ichigo's eyes went wide when he saw Kyuubi as he instinctually went for his zanpakuto. Shiro placed his hand on Ichigo's shoulder stopping him.

"Its all right King, he's a friend." stated Shiro.

"Wait….. You mean to tell me that giant fox is Naruto's zanpakuto spirit?" asked Ichigo.

"Yes and no." replied Shiro. Both teens looked totally lost and confused. Naruto let out a soft sigh. As he looked at Kyuubi who nodded his head. Naruto procceded to tell Ichigo about everything, what happened to him, and who Kyuubi really is. Ichigo could feel his anger rise when he learned the truth.

"Those damn bastards!" Ichigo spat out.

"Ichigo… who is?" asked Naruto pointing to the hollowed version of his adoptive brother.

"My inner hollow Shirosaki Ogichi, or Shiro for short. He's part of the reason why I can see ghosts and spirits." answered Ichigo. Naruto looked confused as Ichigo proceeded to explain a few things. Naruto looked shocked to hear about how Ichigo's mom died and stuff.

"But how come if I am a substitute soul reaper like Ichigo, how come my clothing doesn't look like his?" asked Naruto indicating the change in his clothing.

"Naruto remember that you are a ninja first before you are a soul reaper. Your clothing reflects that. That kunai knife you have and the cloak that you are wearing are a symbol of your shinigami powers." replied Kyuubi.

"Show them the true kicker Kyuubi." stated Shiro. Kyuubi took a step back before changing into his human form. Naruto's jaw dropped. "This is the reason to that question. Kyuubi is also Naruto's zanpakuto spirit."

By now Ichigo and Naruto had regained consciousness as they found themselves within a hospital.

"I can see why you didn't want to tell me Naruto. But no matter what anyone else says, you are still my brother." stated Ichigo.

"Thanks Ichigo. It means a lot hearing that." replied Naruto. The door opened revealing a nurse with pale lavender hair and blue-green eyes.

"Ah your finally both awake. The Hokage wanted to speak with you both when you came too." stated the nurse. This caused Naruto to let out a low moan as he rolled his eyes. Ichigo saw this as he just nodded his head causing the nurse to leave.

"Naruto are you all right?" asked Ichigo in concern.

"I'm back home. My original home from where I originally came from." replied Naruto in a slight moan.

"Are you going to be all right?" asked Ichigo.

"Yeah. At least now I can get some answers and possibly training since we are here." Ichgio smiled at his adoptive brother.

"I will be here with you the whole time as I am not going anywhere. Perhaps I can do some training with you." stated Ichigo.

"I would like that." replied Naruto smiling.

After a while an old looking man entered the hospital as he wore robes similar to Naruto's robes except they only had red flames on the bottom as he wore an oversized white hat with the symbol for fire on it.

"Naruto Uzamaki, you look well for someone who has been missing for ten years. Where have you been all this time?" asked the Hokage.

"Let me ask you the opposite. How could you allow villagers to attack and attempt to kill a four year old kid? How could you stand by as the orphanage tossed me out onto the street? All of this because of what I have inside of me that I knew nothing about!" yelled Naruto in anger. His whisker marks grew broader as his eyes turned red.

"Naruto take it easy. Your right about wanting answers about what happened all those years ago. But getting upset and angry is not going to help things." stated Ichigo. Naruto calmed down as his whisker marks and eyes returned back to normal. Sarutobi then turned looking at Ichigo finally acknowledging him.

"And who are you?" he asked.

"Ichigo Kurosaki. Naruto's adoptive big brother. I had found him hurt and injured ten years ago. My family took him in and we have watched out for each other growing up. Who in the world are you old man?" asked Ichigo bluntly.

"Hiruzen Sarutobi. Perhaps you two will feel better if we spoke in private." replied Sarutobi. Ichigo looked at Naruto whom nodded his head.

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