6- soul reapers and hollows

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Warnings: This is a fan fiction crossover featuring Naruto and Bleach. In no way shape or form do I own the series and/or its characters. This story however is an original idea that I have had for a while now and decided that it is time that I got around to writing it. Some of the characters may seem a bit OCC so please don't hate me for it!

Key Guide: "regular speech", 'thinking to ones self', *mental speech*, (author notes), bold - Kyuubi & Shirosaki speaking, italic - attacks/jutsu, -spirits/hollows speaking-

Chapter 6 - soul reapers and hollows

After visiting and getting to know Kyuubi, the two monsters decided that it was best that they kept this a secret from their human hosts until the right moment. Kyuubi had transformed back to his natural form as he watched Shiro leave. The hollow told the demon that since the two mindscapes were connected that Kyuubi could come and visit Shiro in Ichigo's mindscape. When he was there, Kyuubi could learn to use the power of his zanpakuto and what new abilities he and Naruto would have.

"Perhaps then I can fully introduce you to the true form of Zangetsu." stated Shiro as he pulled open the door that connected the two mindscape.

'I have a feeling that things are about to become interesting.' The fox made mental plans to work on training Naruto about his chakra control and how to use the fox's charkra as well as ninjutsu and genjutsu. Kyuubi felt that Naruto was going to need it.

Both Ichigo and Naruto arrived home as both teens let out a soft sigh before Ichigo threw open the door.

"We're home!" they called out. They could see Isshin coming running down the stairs.

"Welcome home….. Ichigo and Naruto!" he yelled out leaping at the two teens. Both Ichigo and Naruto simply side stepped out of the way as Isshin went crashing into the large brick house behind them. Every day and night they had to put up with Isshin's crazy attacks. Both teens shook their heads as Isshin crashed face first into the house.

"Do you think we should help him?" asked Naruto. Ichigo ran his hand through his hair reaching for the doorknob with his free hand.

"Nah….. Lets just leave him." he replied closing and locking the door behind him. Isshin had peeled himself off the wall watching the door close.

"You guys are so mean!" he shouted out.

At dinner, Isshin scolded Ichigo and Naruto about the fight they had at the school. The school had called Isshin about it.

"What in the world am I going to do with you two if you keep on picking fights at school?" asked Isshin.

"We don't start the fights dad. But we do end them." both teens replied in unison. Isshin ruffled their bright colored hair smiling.

"That's my boys." he stated. Isshin knew that both Ichigo and Naruto knew how to defend their selves and that they wouldn't take anybody's garbage if they were picked on because of their hair color or called them freaks. He smiled cause he knew that both Ichigo and Naruto had developed a very strong bond since the day that Ichigo had found Naruto. Isshin had a feeling that Naruto was hiding what truly happened that day as it was apparent from his clothes and shoes that he didn't belong in this world. But after hearing Naruto's story and seeing his kids reaction to what the blond had told them, he knew that he had to help Naruto out. Not once has Isshin regretted his decision. He loved and cared for Naruto as if he was a true member of the Kurosaki family.

Later that night as everybody was sleeping, Rukia Kuchiki stood on top of a telephone pole as she had been hunting a hollow that has been sighted within Karakura town. This was her very first mission within the human world since becoming a soul reapers (shinigami). Rukia left off when she could sense a spirit within the Kurosaki home.

'I guess I should send the spirit to the seireitei (soul society) before exorcising the hollow.' she thought to herself. Meanwhile both Ichigo and Naruto sat in their bedroom talking.

"You know it is strange that we even have the same power." stated Naruto. 'Considering that I'm not even from this world.' Naruto added in thought.

"It is strange. Karin can somewhat see them but not as well as I can. At times I wonder if you are hiding something from me. You know that you don't have to." stated Ichigo.

"I know Ichigo. Its just I don't want to be judged because of this secret." replied Naruto.

"You know that I won't judge you Naruto. No matter what happens, I will always stand by your side." stated Ichigo.

"I know Ichigo." sighed Naruto.

Suddenly it seemed that a young woman wearing a strange kimono with a sword strapped to her side entered the room. This caused both Ichigo and Naruto to raise their eyebrows in confusion. Rukia took out her soul pager (which looks like a cell phone) flipped it open.

"Strange…. It said a lost soul should be here." she stated to herself. Ichigo had gotten up kicking her from behind.

"What the hell are you doing in our room?" asked Ichigo. Rukia rubbed her back where Ichigo had kicked her.

"Its impossible. No human should be able to see me let alone touch me." Rukia stated.

"I believe he asked you a question. You turned to the blond as her eyes widened even more.

'Two of them?!' she thought to herself. She sighed softly before she had introduced herself as Rukia Kuchiki a soul reaper of the thirteen court guards.

"Never heard of them." Ichigo stated. Rukia zapped with a first level kido causing his arms to become secure against his back before she explaining drawing kindergarten drawings explaining about souls, hollows, and soul reapers.

"God our sister Yuzu can draw better." stated Naruto. Rukia was going to draw on Naruto's face but stopped when she saw the three whiskers marks. That's when both Ichigo and Naruto could hear a hollow's scream. Yuzu came crashing into the boy's room.

"Ichigo… Naruto… help. Something has Karin." she stated before crashing.

Rukia stepped out of the room as she could sense the hollow. She couldn't figure out how those two boys sensed it before she did. Half of the house laid in ruins as a hollow held Karin in its claws. Both Ichigo and Naruto had followed her as she yelled at Ichigo still was trapped in Rukia's kido. Ichigo screamed out loud as he forced the kido to break. Naruto had ran at the hollow who held Karin. Naruto held the bat in his hands as he whacked the hollow forcing the hollow to drop Karin. Ichigo had moved to catch Karin in his arms. Rukia had unsheathed her zanpakuto to slash at the hollow but it batted her away as if she was nothing. Ichigo had laid Karin inside the house as he went to check on Naruto and the soul reaper.

-Ah….. These are the ones that I have been searching for. Your spiritual powers are off the chart. Who should I eat first?- asked the hollow as he moved to attack Naruto.

Ichigo ran shoving Naruto out of the way as the hollow's teeth sank into his left shoulder. Rukia screamed out as Naruto looked over at the bloody form of Ichigo who collapsed in front of them. Suddenly Naruto stood up onto his feet as red chakra formed over his body taking on the form of a fox. Naruto's once blue eyes became a slitted red as the three whisker marks on his face became broader. His nails elongated into razor sharp claws as well as his canines.

"How dare you hurt my brother!" he snarled as his voice sounded almost demonic as he leapt at the hollow who had taken a bite out of Ichigo. Kyuubi could feel his human hosts anger and rage as he tapped into the fox's chakra.

*Be careful Naruto not to get too carried away.* the fox warned him mentally. Ichigo sat up watching an enraged Naruto attack and destroy the hollow. Rukia was stunned as she had never seen anything like this before as Naruto looked almost demonic. Naruto didn't see the other hollow approach him from behind. Without thinking twice Ichigo had picked up Rukia's zanpakuto as a bright flash of light surrounded Ichigo. By the time that Naruto had noticed the other hollow, the creature's arm had been cut off. Ichigo stood in front of Naruto wearing the same outfit as Rukia except his zanpakuto was much larger than Rukia's. A hollow mask had formed over Ichigo's face.

*Careful King. This hollow tend to attack in packs.*stated Shiro. Ichigo swung Zangetsu cutting the hollow completely in half.

"Are you all right Naruto?" asked Ichigo as his voice sounded much darker than before. Naruto simply nodded his head as a third hollow appeared. Both Ichigo and Naruto moved attacking the hollow destroying it before they were engulfed and swallowed by a bright light vanishing from sight.

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