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The morning started out relatively normal for Izuku with his normal work among the office being as dry as ever. One meeting after the other as well as a mountain of paperwork that seemed to get bigger and bigger each day he works. Getting to the halfway mark, Izuku was finally able to break for lunch with Yui walking in holding some boxed lunches Pony made for them. "Time for lunch, sir."

"Thank you." The two sat in the office enjoying their meal and the little time of quietness that didn't involve working. Though Izuku wouldn't outwardly admit it, he didn't mind the steady flow of tasks since it would regularly keep him busy. "So last week with the whole Mina thing...uhhh."

"She was on a safe day and we made sure she took a morning-after pill after her mother left. She didn't want to, but for matters involving you, we highly recommended it."

"Well, that's one problem outside of the box.." Izuku continued to eat before he got a call on his phone from his mother. "Hewwo-"

"Because you're not letting me, mom! Now what are you talking about!?"

"Turn on the news and you'll understand. Channel 8 is doing a segment on it right now."

Holding his hand over the speaker, Izuku turned to Yui. "Does the TV in here get channel 8?"

"Yes." Yui turned on the TV for it to begin talking about a new bill that's passed.

"Recently, a new species of beings that we all had believed were from fairy tales has made itself known. These 'Extra Species' as they are called, are the humanoid beings given abnormal features. As such, the government has tried to find a way to coexist with these intellectual creatures. This will require them to live among us with caretakers being needed. The names of them are not known, but it was told to us that the government had informed the parents of such." Izuku looked at Yui who was just as shocked as him before getting another call from an unknown number.

"Mom, I know you're confused and panicking right now, but I need to call you back and I promise I'll explain everything then." He ended the call with his mother and transferred it to the next caller. "Hello."

"Hello Mr. Midoriya. I'm a member of the Japanese government. I'm currently standing in front of your home in hopes of speaking with you."

"Uhhh. I can't do that right now since I am working."

"Either you come to your home this instant, or we will consider the Extra Species inside illegal and deport them back to their homes."

Not given any other offer, Izuku tried to reason with the man. "Ok. Ok. I'll be over there momentarily. I just need to finish some things here and I will be there in about half an hour."

"Very well, I shall see you then." The man on the line ended the call with Izuku placing his phone in his pocket and pulling what work he can do on the road.

"Yui. Cancel all my meetings. We need to go home immediately."


"The government found out you all aren't human and they're threatening to forcibly pull you all out of the country if I don't meet the man that was on the phone at home basically right now."

Seeing the problem, Yui started making the calls as well as telling the board first and foremost there was a family emergency that required Izuku to leave work. 'I wonder if this will put a damper on one of us carrying his child?'

At the mansion

Upon arrival at the mansion gates, Izuku and Yui were met with the sight of three men in black suits standing at the entrance with the girls holding Itsuka back as she shouted at them. "YOU WANNA MESS WITH US, YOU GOTTA BE READY FOR MY TEETH TO BITE DOWN ON YOUR NECKS, DICKS!"

"Itsuka. Now isn't the time to act like a junkyard dog to them!" Pony spoke up for the werewolf to ignore her and keep growling.

"Care to tell me why you have Itsuka in a fit?"

A portly man with white hair turned to introduce himself. "Izuku Midoriya. My name is Vince Sutsu. My colleagues and I are here in response to a discovery that your uncle Hikoshiki Midoriya and yourself are illegally harboring Extra Species on your grounds. Due to the discovery of each of the girls here, we have grounds to believe this to be true and are legally able to search the premises."

"Excuse me sir, but I am Mr. Midoriya's assistant as well as one that handles the legalities of this estate. Though you are free to do so, there was no law passed until fairly recently that would make us holding what falls under the category of 'Extra Species' rather difficult for us to know we had broken. More specifically because there had been no talk with the common media among this until the last few days which would make it impossible to file any legal forms as well as make a measure that would allow transportation of our residents back to their own homes."

"Lucky for you all, I'm not here to bring down the law. I am simply here to offer you all the chance to be one of our select few that would be a homestay for Extra Species to see if interaction between ours and yours are possible. However, I do not understand how you are doing this, but I would rather you revert them back to their original forms if you'd please." Sutsu turned to Izuku who didn't know how to answer this.

"I'm going to be honest with you, my uncle had done this with all the information for what he did being with him or the girls. So I can only give a hard 'I don't know' for that request."

"I know how to." Ochako raised her hand for everyone to stare at her. "I was here when the former master did this, so I know how to break it and let everyone return to normal."

"Then lead the way, little lady." Itsuka continued to growl at the government officials as she was dragged inside by Pony. Ochako led the group inside towards the private study right behind the portrait of the late master of the house. There, she pressed the two stone slabs which opened up to a secret passage.

"The more I learn of this house the more I'm not surprised there's hidden passages even right behind where I sit most of the time." Izuku states this as the three government officials keep their mouths open a little seeing what had just been opened. Going in, Ochako brings out a small orb that was purple with swirling energy inside it to show to everyone.

"This is the source of this mansion's power to keep us from turning into our true forms during the day. If this were to become cracked, the magic used would force us to no longer be human as well as the side effects of having it active."

"In short, we'll be no different than the normal 'Extra Species' proclaim us to be." Momo points this out for Kinoko to have a small hammer in her hand and tap the glass sphere just enough for it to crack. The resulting act forced a massive amount of purple smoke to be released and cover the room. The government officials and Izuku began hacking a lung up before the smoke died down to see everyone in their real forms.

"Happy now?"

"Good. Now we can get down to business. All I would need is all of you to sign this form here with Midoriya signing the top right that is highlighted. This informs that none of you will be engaging in any sexual acts or risk being punished to the fullest extent of the law."

"Yeah, the train already set sail for some of us." Setsuna pointed this out for Sutsu to look at the girls.

"Out of curiosity, how many of you had slept with Midoriya already?"

"Does giving him a blowjob count?" Nejire asked for the officials to hesitate for a moment before shaking their heads no. With this answer, Yui, Ochako, Itsuka, Shoko and Mina all raised their hands with the man pulling the form away.

"Ok then. You all will be part of the 'Marriage Extra Species' program. The difference with this is that there is a chance someone such as yourselves, had messed up and slept with an Extra Species. Depending on the relationship, these will be put in these laws in hopes to avoid an actual problem. Since you all became a 'married couple' in a way prior to these laws, this shall make it so neither of you hold a threat of being arrested for not keeping it in your pants."

"Thank you for making the night of love making we had sound like something perverse." Shoko pointed this out as the two government officials brought the five over to have them answer some questions.

"How far did you get with Midoriya?"

"We went till the end." Each answered this for the men to look at one another before continuing.

"Did any of you get pregnant from the actions taken?"


"What is Midoriya to you all?" In the order of Yui, Ochako, Itsuka, Mina and Shoko, they all answered the question in a different way.


"Sex King."


"Baby Daddy."

"That's private." The two officials kept staring at Shoko for her to glare at them with a cold and distant image before pulling out a giant death scythe from her maid outfit. "Do you wish to go down this route with a messenger of death?"

"Ok. I think we have everything for that. However, we would like to pull a little blood from your zombie, vampire, oni, mummy and dullihan maids since they are unique beings that could give help in the medical field."

Izuku stared at them who gave an alright shrug not exactly against it or having any reason not to. "I guess there's no harm in it. Just don't make it painful for them."

"Don't worry, these two are professionals in the medical field and they'll make it as painless as possible." The two started pulling the tools needed to extract blood from them for the process to be rather quick and for the most part, painless as promised. Once done, everyone had signed the papers needed with the three men packing their things and going to the entrance. "I hope you all have a nice day and I truly do not wish to have to come back here, so please do not cause any trouble." Itsuka glared at the three before flipping them off as the rest were somewhat passive aggressive since they had not given the best first impression.

Once they left, Izuku turned to Ochako with a serious question. "Ok, how many more secret passages are in this house? By now, I think I've seen like five dozen."

"....A lot." Ochako didn't even look back before a car came up the driveway. "Are we expecting someone else today?"

"Not that I know-" Izuku stopped when he saw his mother practically storming up to the front door in a panic. "Dammit. I forgot to explain everything to mom."

"Well she was gonna find out sooner or later." Reiko pointed out before floating up to the chandelier and dusting it. "Personally prefer being able to do this during the day."

'Somehow I see this not ending well with my mother.'

"IZUKU!" Inko stormed through the door before Setsuna could grab it and tear her arm off in the process. "AAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!"

"It's fine. It's fine. I can reattach it. It also doesn't hurt that bad. Kinda like pulling a bandaid off." Shaking now in fear seeing the massive amount of scars on Setsuna, Inko began backing away before seeing Reiko come down from the ceiling with a duster.

"Sorry for that scare Mrs. Midoriya. I hope you weren't-"

"GHOST!" Inko ran towards Izuku with her nearly falling down the stairs before Itsuka grabbed her.

"It's ok. We're not going to-"


Not wanting his mother to panic anymore due to her blood pressure, Izuku turned to Shoko. "Do you mind doing the....thing."

"Of course, sir." Shoko walked over to Inko with her grabbing the dullihan in fear.

"Ms. Shoko! Everyone here is a monster! What's going on!?"

"I'm sorry to do this to you, but the young master is worried for you." In one calm motion, Shoko pulled her head off for Inko to see the act and immediately fainted into Itsuka's arms. "Why do people always faint when they see me without a head?"

"Headless woman. Not many expect someone to be alive with a beheading." Izuku pointed this out before bringing his mother to the study in hopes to calmly ease her into what is happening. "Let's just hope she didn't have a stroke from seeing everything or too high of a blood pressure happen. Doctor said she needs to avoid highly stressful situations."

And that finishes this chapter. See what happens next time now that the girls are discovered. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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