Milking Issues

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A few days passed since the incident with the government for Izuku and everyone trying to return to life now that they don't have any means of disguise as best they can. After explaining the whole ordeal though with Inko of what really was happening, the mother seemed to be more forthcoming and avoided any serious ordeals with the group. She did though instill into her son that he needs to take responsibility if he did get anyone pregnant and treat the girls right due to the laws in place now for them and him. "Excuse me, sir. But could I have your assistance for today?" Izuku turned from his breakfast to see Pony looking like she had bags under her eyes to smile.

"Sure. Today's a day off, so what do you need?"

"Well, I actually need your help with a little hobby I have near the edge of the grounds."

"No problem." Izuku finished up his meal before standing up and walking it to the kitchen. He placed it with the other dirty dishes before walking out towards the side exit to the mansion. Once they opened it, the duo saw a bunch of reporters near the front gate with some rude people making comments about the Extra Species that lived in the house.

"GET OFF THE PROPERTY!" Pony shouted in anger as her eyes looked like they had veins popping out of them with nobody listening to her. "LEAVE US ALONE! WE'RE NOT ANIMALS IN CAGES FOR YOU TO FLOCK AROUND!"

Seeing the fact Pony was visibly irritated by them, Izuku called up the number of the Extra Species specialists and asked for assistance taking people off the premises that are becoming a bit of trouble for the girls. The call ended quickly with cops coming in a matter of minutes to forcibly take everyone off the grounds. "You ok, Pony? It's not like you to overreact like that."

"I'm fine. These people have just been here most of the week trying to mess with us. I just finally snapped."

"To be fair, I think everyone is at their breaking point. I saw Shoko with her scythe and Mina with her club the other day with Yui and Ochako trying to reason with them to put them away with them about to fight one another to do this."

"Oh how I'd wish things were easy enough just to chase them out through intimidation." The Catyl grumbled as they continued to walk. Taking time to look at her, Izuku noticed the horns and cow tail of Pony looking a little worn for some reason.

'Is she eating enough? If I remember, her coat and horns get a decent amount of keratin to help keep the luster.'

"Master, are you staring at my butt?" Izuku realized where his eyes were to panic.

"I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean anything by it!" Pony started to laugh a little before turning to him.

"It's ok. All you'd have to do is ask and I'd happily show you anything you'd like. Even things you might not know you'd want to see~" This comment scared the young green haired man for them to continue talking towards the end of the estate grounds. Once there, Izuku noticed an open field fenced in with a gate to get into the pasture.

"What is this place?"

"Consider it, my personal sanctum in a way. I grew up on a farm back where I lived, so I kinda enjoy the animals and stuff that lived there. Thanks to some help from my family, I was able to move some of my animals I've been helping raise and hold a deep bond with into the mansion. I come here every other day as a way to relax and enjoy it."

"*Baaaa*" Izuku turned to a goat that was inside the fence as he entered to see his horns rather nicely filed.

"Why hello there.What's your name?" The goat came up and began headbutting Izuku's shin causing him to wince in pain.

"Sorry. Clevence gets so excited around new people that he accidentally headbutts them."

"Tch. I can tell." After recovering from the slight pain, Izuku and Pony walked through the area to see a few ducks around and in a pond. Some pigs relaxing in mud to avoid the heat, a cow or two and a coop of chickens with some chicks playing near the entrance. "So what did you want me to help with?"

"This." Pony opened a shed to a couple of sheep that looked like they had a notable amount of wool on them. Since it's getting warmer, I just want to make sure my sheep are nicely sheared and won't overheat. But it's a big job for one person and everyone else is busy."

"Don't worry. I'm more than willing to help." Izuku smiled with Pony beginning to blush a little.

"Thanks. I'll start over here with Phil and you can start over there with Shawn." Pony gave an electric shear to Izuku and showed him what he was doing real quick on the sheep Phil. Seeing it and trying it on Shawn, Pony smiled and nodded saying that was what was right and began going to work. For the next two hours, the two began cutting the wool and letting the sheep out one by one after being cleanly shaven. After finishing the final, Pony and Izuku collected the wool and placed it to the side in a bag before laying back on a bail of hay.

"Well that was an ordeal."

"Yeah. Thanks for the help. It's hard to do all the sheep alone. You were a big help."

"My pleasure. So what do you do with the wool after you shear it off?"

"I'll send it home. My family has a special building built solely for the handling of wool and producing it into proper products before giving it to companies that would use it."

"I'm sure this much won't get you a lot though." Pony laughed a little before answering.

"My family owns like a hundred times this many sheep. The farmland we've got is bigger than this mansion."

"Oh really. That sounds like a nice place to grow up in."

"It was. Oh how nice it was to run around in the fields doing some farm help before relaxing for an afternoon nap next to a couple of goats. Sometimes I'd sleep on our pig Bessy who was probably like 400lbs. Hehe. She's a big piggy."

A sad smile was on her face before a slight wince to make Izuku worry. "You ok?"

"Yeah I've...I've been having problems lactating recently and it's now starting to really hurt."

"What do you mean?"

"Well...I normally get a lot of milk brought out of me daily, you know that right?" Izuku nodded. "Well you see, I began having some complications after the whole deal with the government on the Extra Species thing. People started seeing us because of the fact we can't hide as humans in the day anymore and they've...been annoying."

"So because of the irritation you've had some problems being milked?"

"That and also my milking times were altered due to the fact I don't have to do it all during the night. I tried to explain it was a bad move to Setsuna and Mina, but they said it shouldn't be a problem. Not only that, but the temperature outside as well is starting to get to me since it's getting warmer."

"I didn't know so many things can affect milk production."

"You'd be amazed. Now it's gotten to a point where my lactating chances are happening at odd times, but that's not the worst part." Pony went into the hay to pull out a tube with some kind of suction cup on the end that was riddled with teeth marks and chunks taken off. "The other day, I forgot to put my electric pump up somewhere away from the goats and they began chewing the plastic tube. They didn't swallow anything, but now I'm having a lot of chest pains because I can't take out the milk and it refuses to come out when I try to milk it out with someone else."

Remembering what happens to cows when they are producing milk and when they don't excrete it, Izuku began to go wide eyed. "Does the problem act the same way if you were a normal cow?"

"Fortunately, no. But the milk will condense into my breasts and cause extreme pain and possibly prolonged problems to need it medically removed if it gets to a point to avoid infection."

Understanding the problem, Izuku began sitting up. "When would be the next time you're going to lactate?"

"Feels like soon. Why?"

"Well I umm...want to...*ahem* help you....excrete your milk." Izuku tried to avoid making it sound weird for Pony to stare at him for a moment blankly. "I-I mean it'll cause you a lot of pain if it stays and also you don't look like you're handling it well, so I just want to help where I can."

Pony started to giggle at Izuku's antics before pulling her top off and revealing her bare chest. "Then I'll get the buckets. I hope you're ready then." Izuku began going beet red as Pony ran over and grabbed several buckets and sat two directly in front of her. She got on her hands and knees having her chest dangle over the metal containers. "Well. Start whenever you're ready."

Worried he might mess up, Izuku knelt down with his knees on the outside of Pony's before bending over and grabbing ahold of her breasts. "Just like before, right?"

"Yep. This may be more, just forewarning you along with the milk's probably going to be thicker." Izuku nodded before pinching where he had to for Pony and pulled down slightly. The act made the Catyl moan and hold a blush on her face as a small bit of milk came out looking more like cream instead of the normally loose compound. Starting with the other, Izuku repeated the process for Pony to give another moan to make him panic.

"Are you ok?"

"Y-yeah. It just *moan* feels so good~" Uneasy with how that was said, Izuku continued to repeat the process. Pony continued to let out stifled moans as more and more milk came out to fill the two buckets in no time flat. She changed them quickly for Izuku to continue filling the next two. The Catyl's body continued to shake as her sensations were linked closer and closer to her body's natural release of milk. Her mouth hung open as her body began to heat up. Soon enough, two buckets of milk became four, then six, then eight, then ten. After hitting the twelve bucket mark, Pony's breath began to pant and produce steam as sweat came off. "I...I'm starting to feel weird Izuku."

"Just a little more and we're done. You think you can handle getting just a little more out?"

"Nngh! Please do. I'm almost....there...." Izuku changed the buckets one last time for Pony to struggle breathing before getting to half way with the final buckets before Pony let out a loud shout, followed by a streamline of milk pouring out of her breasts and into the bucket. The act filled the container to its rim before Pony finished and fell to her side. "That...felt so...good."

" going to be ok?" Izuku asked as Pony turned to him with her chest now in full view.

"Please let me do that again soon, master. I want to feel your hands more~" Swallowing a lump in his throat and seeing Pony in front of him, Izuku tried to hold back this unease to turn around and act a little more gentlemanly.

"W-we should wait until it's the evening if anything. I-I don't want to harm anyone's feelings thinking I'm a jerk that would sleep with anyone. A-anyway. P-please put on your clothes and we can go back and put the milk in the fridge." Izuku walked out of the barn still in shock at what happened with Pony smiling and holding some irritation at the fact he didn't act on instinct.

"I promise I'll make you become my mate Izuku. All I need to do is chip away at you. Maybe tonight I'll also be more daring. It is mine and Kinoko's weekend after all." Pony smiled before tying her top back on and pouring the milk into jar containers for travel. 'Dang it. Now I want to mate with Izuku and get his cabs.' She finished bottling fairly quickly before walking out with several bottles in containers and heading back home with Izuku.

And that finishes this chapter. See what happens next time with Izuku and the girls. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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