Foreign Affairs

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 Another few weeks passed for Izuku with his life returning some form of normality after everything. Fortunately and unfortunately, his company had been in the process over the last few years to create a foreign deal with a company known as NightX. A company that handles women's cosmetics in Transilvania that is big in Europe as a whole. However, the company's heads had said they'd need to have a top branch official discuss negotiations with them in exchange for their cooperation with the agreement. Since the former CEO's been the one known to take these foreign trips, the task was left up to Izuku.

"Once we land, we will need to take a trip to the family of the company. They had been more than gracious enough to allow us to stay with them during the trip and are strangely more interested to meet you of all people." Yui commented while sitting across from Izuku and Momo on the company jet.

"Well, that is mother and father trying to learn of their competitor. Don't take it as anything skeptical." Momo states this between a yawn.

"Still amazing that your family is the highest cosmetic corporation in Europe.Also, are you ok out in the sun with the whole umm..." Izuku asks for Momo to nod.

"Vampires may be less immune to the sun's harmful rays, but the part where we burn in direct sunlight is vastly misconstrued. Though we can travel out into the sunlight, our melanin production in our body isn't as high as some other creatures. As such, we cannot go out into the sun as often without any form of protection against it such as sunscreen. Basically we're so pale we get really bad sunburn in like 20 minutes."

"So you only have to go out with high amounts of sunblock for a trip in the summer." The vampire woman nodded at Yui's question.

"Sometimes even just a paracel helps." The group continued to sit in pleasant silence until Izuku started to try and make small talk.

"So what are your mom and dad like!"

"My mother is rather calm and controlling. She won't do anything that would require more strength than she would need to put out. For her, if you are not worth her time then you will not be given much attention by her. My father on the other hand is willing to do what needs to be done and rather headstrong in order to achieve what he must. Though he is stubborn, this stubbornness is more to try and find other ways to make a final result work in the best way on his side to benefit. He is arguably one of the best CEO's due to his drive."

"He sounds like an amazing man."

"He is, but he was also rather difficult to live up to his expectations. Lets just say...he genuinely hates that I was given to a human as a lover."

Izuku pulled his shirt a little knowing the unease. "So did your mother say for you to join my uncle's ideal to do this?"

"Yes but not in the intentions you think. She wanted me to turn your uncle into a servant of the Yaoyorozu family and possibly you as a hope to become more dominant in Japan and grow our hold over the world."
"So simply put, they wanted you to make me your thrall. Any pointers to avoid them possibly doing that?"

"...Keep your contacts you put on when working on regularly and only have them off around only me and Yui." Taking this as the best course of action, Izuku agrees and goes into his pocket to grab said contacts.

Few hours later

After descending down to Transilvania and being picked up by a limousine. Izuku, Momo and Yui were taken towards the Yaoyorozu estate to meet the couple and try to talk business. Coming up on the large 18th century themed building, the feeling of an ominous presence loomed over both the green haired man and the Zashiki to the point it made the latter of the two uneasy even being in the estate and physically felt nauseated.

"Are you ok, Yui?"

"Yeah. It's just the feeling of the mansion. Something isn't feeling right about it. Almost as if it's something dark about it that I can't shake." She started to go a little pale as the large car pulled up to the entrance. Izuku and Momo got out of the car with Yui unable to move so well. "I'm sorry to ask this, sir. But do you mind if I stay in a hotel in town? I'm not feeling so well being even near this home."

"Zashiki Waratashi are highly affected by the type of home environment they're in, right?" Yui nods at Izuku's question. "I don't mind. Charge it on the company card and make sure you don't overexert yourself."

"Thank you, sir."

Going to the driver, Izuku looked at him and asked with what little Romanian he knew. "Help friend. She go...hotel."

Momo walked over and asked Izuku to back up before explaining herself. "I'm sorry to ask this, but can you bring our friend to a hotel in town? She cannot stay here."

"Yes mam." The driver began driving off with Izuku and Momo waving goodbye.

"Do your parents know Japanese?"

"They speak that, English, German, Russian, Italian, Spanish, Chinese and a little Polish from what I've heard from them."

Now curious, Izuku began asking another question. "What languages do you know?"

"All but Polish. My family couldn't teach me that one so well because they don't fully know it themselves." The two grabbed their things before going towards the door and knocking. The door opened slowly after with there being nobody on the other side to creep Izuku out a little. "Good to know mother's hospitality is still as kind as ever to open to any guests."

Momo walked inside with no fear as Izuku slowly did himself to glance at the door and see nothing to even open it. "Is that hospitality a good thing or a bad thing?" The door immediately shut for the green haired man to walk quickly back to Momo in hopes not to get lost in a mansion scarier than his own.

"Momo. How lovely it is to see you." A woman that held almost the exact features of Momo and a man with long black hair down to his shoulders while sporting a mustache and a soul patch. "And you must be Izuku. How lovely it is to meet my child's serv-I mean lover."

"Uhh. Thank you. My name is Izuku Midoriya. It's nice to meet you both." Izuku bowed for the woman to smile and the man to glare at him with a look as if he was ready to kill. "I was told by my secretary that you both wished to discuss business together here?"

"Yes. Let us go into the waiting room so we may discuss the importance of this deal." Mr. Yaoyorozu spoke up with little to no emotion as he led the group into the mansion to a small room lined with rather lavish old century furniture. Izuku sat down in a seat beside Momo as both Yaoyorozus sat across.

"Allow me to introduce ourselves. My name is Elizabeth and my husband's is Alucard. It's a pleasure to meet you." The woman smiled for a moment to show her fangs for it to send a shiver down Izuku's spine for a moment.

"It's nice to meet you both. I hope I'm not intruding."

"No. You don't need to worry of that. In fact, I may wish to have your assistance in filling my tub later."

Izuku raised an eyebrow before Momo explained. "You'd probably know my mother better if I said her name was Elizabeth Bathory before she married."

"Wait, you mean that woman Romania believed was a vampire that soaked in the blood of virgins to retain her youth?...Strangely I'm happy knowing I'm not one with that."

"Momo. When are you going to turn this man into your servant? The old man died and he's now the head of the company. Are you not planning on turning him or something?"

"Father. Please do not have this conversation with me right now. I have no desire to turn Izuku into a vampire if he doesn't want to be one, much less a thrall. I feel that would be just cruel and more a punishment to him."

"Then why haven't you enslaved him, yet?" Elizabeth spoke up for Momo to glare at her mother.

"I have no desire for that either. If anything, I'd rather treat Izuku like an equal."

"HE IS A HUMAN! THERE IS NOTHING EQUAL ABOUT HIM AND US!" Alucard lost his temper for Izuku to get ready to run if needed. "My apologies. This is a family matter. I hope you understand."

"If that's the case, I can leave the room for now until you settle this out."

"Actually, that would help. I apologize for the inconvenience." Elizabeth smiled before Izuku got up and began walking out of the room. When the door was shut, the mother's smile immediately turned to scorn. "Momo. I do not understand why you wish to allow such a disgusting, wretched creature such as that to be above you, but for the next few days, we will change that."

"Izuku is a nice person that treats me and the rest of the maids in the mansion with respect. Though you do not see it, he has nothing but the upmost respect and treats all of us as equals to him to the point he tries to help with our work when he can. You two are acting just like the humans of old who treated us like how you're treating him now. Have you forgotten we all were born human then turned?"

"That's preposterous. Humans are our prey and nothing more. If you believe that they are anything above that, you're sorely mistaken and have been listening to those petty fools that wish to establish equal relations." Alucard floated a bottle of what looked like a red product out of a wine cabinet as well as a drink to pour a glass for himself.

"Are you certain he is only interested in you for yourself and not because of your body? Even by vampire standards, you are quite developed."


"If that isn't what you think, just make sure by hypnotizing him and finding out for yourself. It shouldn't be hard to tell. He is a useless human after all and you are one of the most superior races out there."

"I refuse to hypnotize or use my powers to take advantage of Izuku." Momo put her foot down on the matter for her mother to raise an eyebrow.

"Very well. Then allow me to pose a wager."

"Excuse me?"

"How is this for a wager? The deal we have with the company Izuku Midoriya is part of we are willing to sign since it works in our benefits and theirs, but we were going to see if we could benefit a little more to try and push him to offer more product to be sold in Japan that's from our company. As such, if neither myself nor your father can force him into a slave, we'll sign the deal right away without anything else. We succeed however, the boy becomes our servant and you return home with him."

"Mother, I-"

"It's an offer that works out your way no matter how you look at it. Since we are such kind people and wish for your happiness, we'll even allow the little insect to be your personal chambermaid. You will be able to do what you wish if you win with him. Your decision."

Knowing this works out for Izuku if he wins, but worried of the consequences, Momo takes a deep breath before thinking of the answer. "Fine. But I tell him what is happening in private. I do not want either of you to misinterpret the information I have to give him."

"Very well. Not like it matters if the human knows what is happening." Alucard states while drinking his red liquid.

Momo had gotten up to let Izuku back in with the two of them returning to the couch. "I'm sorry if I was the one that put you all in the middle of that heated debate." Izuku bows his head before looking at Elizabeth and seeing her smile while looking at him.

"It's fine. Let me ask you something, Izuku. I have this little nact to tell if someone is a good person. In order to do that, all I need to do is lock eyes with them and have them lock eyes with me. We'll be able to talk about deals for our companies the second I find out if you're a good man. As such, please look deep into my eyes." Elizabeth's eyes began to glow bright red with Izuku looking into them as well. Izuku was frozen in his seat for the mother to smile. "Now, lick my heels. There's a smudge on them."

"....What?" Izuku asked curiously before Alucard had gotten on his hands and knees to do what Elizabeth asked for everyone to stare in unease.

"Izuku. Do you wear contacts?" Elizabeth asked for her to get a nod.

"I use them for work since I have an issue with reading things for long periods of time. Though I got quite a bit of teasing because the glasses were kinda large and bulky when I was younger, so I try to go for contacts."

"Ah, well I hope you understand that we won't judge you for those glasses if you wish to use them instead of contacts." 'Dammit. Now he knows we're untrusting of him.' Elizabeth silently spoke to herself as her husband continued to lick her heels. "Where are my manners? You must both be exhausted from the 7 hour lag between here and Japan. Allow me to show you both to your rooms." Elizabeth stood up and led both her daughter and Izuku to their rooms while pulling her husband out of his trance to have him stand up and follow.

Later that night

"I'm sorry if my parents have caused you any misfortune. I hope you don't mind them." Momo apologized as she laid close to Izuku with him holding a deep blush as his face was being covered in the vampire woman's breasts.

"I-it's fine. While we're on a topic though, why are we sharing a bed and the bed happens to be a coffin?" Izuku questions as the image widens to show the two laying in a coffin in the middle of a floor.

"Sorry. My family likes sleeping in coffins. I can ask them if you could sleep in an actual bed. It doesn't bother me, but I'm used to it."

"N-no no. It's just...the fact we're sharing a bed was a question."

"That was actually my idea." Momo looked away before thinking of the bet. "Izuku. I need to tell you a little bet my family is planning and why you must be careful around them." She began explaining the bet she had made with her parents for Izuku to ponder what would be the best course of action for this. Knowing a lot rides on it, he decided to accept this while trying to get some sleep.

"I can't be mad at you for this since you didn't do this on purpose, but I guess we can worry about this tomorrow."Izuku leaned his head back on the lined coffin. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight." Both started to fall asleep with the Yaoyorozus planning their next move to make Izuku into their own slave.

And that finishes this chapter. See what happens next time with Momo's family trying to enslave Izuku. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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