Ripened Fruit

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Life kept on with everyone in the mansion with Eri progressing in helping day to day life a bit more as time passed. "Ibara. I have the water. What plants do you want me to water first?" Right now, the small girl was helping Ibara with her constant tending to the mansion's greenery.

"Start with the bushes in the corner over there and then move your way down to the tree over there. You should have enough water with what you have to hit every one of them." Eri went over towards the bush she was told and began watering. As she did, Ibara went to her own tree to notice a large amount of flowers as well as some beginning to make fruit. 'If this continues, I should be able to have my tree fully ripe within a week and a half.'

"Ibara? You here?" Hearing Izuku's voice, the Dryad woman came out of the side and greeted her master.

"Hello sir. How may I be of service to you?"

"I was taking a break and I thought maybe I could help you with something that isn't that long and strenuous."

"I believe I should be ok. I have Eri assisting me today." Izuku looked over to see the small Cherub girl wearing a maid outfit with the sleeves being long as well as the dress half of the uniform going down to her ankles.

"She looks adorable in the uniform."

"I even heard Momo and Toru had made it where adjustments for her body's natural growth would not be as difficult and all they would have to do is adjust a few things with."

"Can't say that isn't amazing work on their end." Izuku glanced over to see Ibara's tree in a notably larger pot. "Huh. I didn't know you replanted your tree."

"Yes actually. After the incident with Bakugou and Utsushimi, I decided it might be best to give my tree a little more space in hopes to avoid it from having such drastic troubles if such a thing was to happen again. I had also needed to place new soil for it due to the fact their act had caused it to-*pop*."

"Ow." Izuku held the side of his head as a button from Ibara's maid outfit popped off and hit him in the forehead. The button in question being the one that held the corset, that framed and supported her breasts, together. The lack of that button immediately causes her bosom to drop, putting pressure on the other buttons on her blouse. The engorged size of her breasts pressed so tightly to the fabric that the spaces between the buttons were being stretched out revealing the pale semi pink flesh of her breasts and the cleavage of the two mounds pressing against each other.

"I'm so sorry sir. Are you alright?"

"Yeah. It didn't hurt that much. Did your uniform shrink or something?" Ibara glanced down to see her chest had grown a bit more than her normal size. "Well anyway, I'm gonna start heading back to my study. Sorry if I bothered you."

Izuku walked out for Ibara to turn and see Eri stare at her. "What did you do?"

"Nothing. I hadn't done anything to intend for that." She turned back to her tree and began to water it. 'At least the button wasn't part of it'

Over a week later

As the days passed from Ibara's sudden growth, her body's physical image continued to develop more. During this time, she had faced an incident where her skirt ripped to reveal her ass. Fortunately, it was only Setsuna behind her, but the act was not unspoken among the home. With another weekend evening coming, Izuku decided to go and meet up with Ibara who had the night to spend with him.

"Ibara? Ibara, you in here?" Izuku walked into the greenery with Monchan beside him trying to find the Dryad woman. They continued, knowing she was most likely in the greenhouse. Unknown to the reason why, Izuku has noticed Ibara has begun to spend more and more time here without even seeing him some days. "Monchan. You know any reason Ibara's been acting weird lately?"

Monchan looked at Izuku and smiled with his tongue out before sniffing the air and running towards an area. "Monchan. Don't mess with Ibara's plants. She'll get mad." Izuku ran over to see the corgi dog eating some kind of strange fruit off of her tree. "Monchan. This tree is really important to Ibara, please don't mess with it." Monchan ignored Izuku and continued to eat the fruit without a care in the world. "Sometimes I think you think more with your stomach than your head." Looking at the tree's fruit, Izuku started to question it. 'If Monchan's eating it, the fruit's probably not poisonous. He even went right to it as well...I wonder.' He reached up the tree and picked a ripe looking fruit. "If she questions me on it, I'll just apologize and say you ate one first. It's probably safe. I'm sure Ibara would warn us if she had something dangerous in the greenhouse."

Taking this thought into consideration, Izuku took a bite from the fruit to notice it was extremely sweet with a strange aftertaste. "Weird. It's got a sweet but familiar flavor to it... I can't quite place it" He kept eating it without feeling any abnormal effects. Once he finished it, Izuku looked at Monchan who seemed to be extremely happy with himself from his little snack. "Next time we see Ibara, you have to apologize to-" Out of nowhere, Izuku felt a strange heat wash over him. His mouth began to feel dry before the room started to spin. "What's happening..." He blacked out with his body falling back onto the ground, unaware of what exactly occurred.

As Izuku started to regain his composure, he felt a bit of a draft as well as heard what sounded like slurping sounds. 'Huh? I must've passed out and WHY DO I FEEL LIKE SOMETHING'S ON MY CROTCH RIGHT NOW!?' He pulled his head up to go right into something and heard a shriek. "Dish ish not mwy dway."

Lemon Warning

Izuku pulled his face away from what he bumped into to notice it was a rather large ass with what looked like a leaf covering the front half of a woman's lower half. "Ibara?"

"Sorry sir, but I need to pull the toxin from your body." Hearing the word, Izuku went pale.


Ibara went back down to suck on Izuku's dick while thinking of her choice of words. She slowly pulled her head up before rephrasing what she said. "Perhaps 'toxin' wasn't the best choice of words. To make matters simple, Dryads take the fruit from their tree when it is ready and juice them. To help dilute the effects, we mix it with some water and feed it to men we fancy. The fruit has an aphrodisiac effect. To make matters simple, we offer it to a man we are interested in and they give us their seed in return. However, it's actually very dangerous if someone were to eat the fruit without diluting the product first. Unless I drain you, you could end up having your way with one of the girls, knowing them they wouldn't put up a fuss, or umm...die from a heart attack." At this point, Izuku went pale and remembered something.

"Wait, but Monchan ate it too. Is he going to-"

"The aphrodisiac effect only works on species that we can reproduce with. To animals, it's a very sweet fruit that is full of nutrients. He's safe, but you aren't at this point in time. Now, I have to offer you the consolement that you deserve at this moment." Ibara turned back to take Izuku's member down to the base once more and send shivers down his spine. Her throat wrapped around him as she slowly pulled out to touch every gland before having only the head in her mouth to swirl her tongue around. As a way to help add more pleasure, she began massaging Izuku's balls for his mind to try and hold back shooting his load far too early.

"Ibara. If you keep doing that, I'm gonna cum." Hearing this, Ibara pushed her head back down for Izuku's dick to go down her throat. This forced his body to lose all control and thrust his hips upwards as he shot hot ropes of semen into her stomach. Izuku's mind went fuzzy at this point before noticing one thing. His member was still solid and he wanted more.

"Quite a large supply, master. Now, I think it's time I treat you to something nobody has tasted before." Ibara got up to pull the leaf off her pussy and show it was dripping wet. She turned around and began grinding her groin on Izuku's dick to soak it in her juices. "Feel free to enjoy my body as much as possible as you taste the flower of an untainted woman." She moved her body up to align Izuku's member with her entrance. She slowly pushed downwards to have the tip start opening her folds slightly. Ibara bites her lips as she slowly goes down with Izuku's brain going a mile a second. Her inner folds tightened around Izuku as it scraped every position that felt desirable to him.

'Oh my god, this feels good.' Ibara glanced down at Izuku's face to smile at him.

"I can feel it, Izuku. Our bodies are compatible. This means you're able to satisfy me in spots others wouldn't be able to." Ibara was able to get down to the base with a bit of blood trickling down from where they were connected. She slowly pulled up as Izuku felt her body try to avoid him from leaving before the Dryad woman pushed herself back down to have Izuku's mind be flooded with feelings of lust and desire. Not being able to control himself anymore, Izuku grabbed Ibara's large ass and began thrusting upwards to have her body shocked by the sudden act. His upward thrusts had Ibara's ass bounce and make ripples from their bodies slapping into one another. She moaned out in pleasure as her breasts bounced around in front of Izuku's face.

"This feels amazing. I'm gonna cum quick."

"Do it as many times as you want. I made certain to take a mixture of herbs I produce to avoid pregnancy but I doubt they'll work. The fruits are also an indicator of when Dryads are able to get pregnant, since this is the first time mine have ripened... it's almost guaranteed that i'll be fertilized." Hearing this, Izuku lost his will to hold back and gave one final thrust into Ibara and let loose his load inside. Her body convulsed at this as her inner walls tried to push Izuku's dick as deep in and bring his seed into her womb to attempt to have his children. When he finally stopped, Izuku pulled out of Ibara with her going on her hands and knees and having her ass and pussy in full view in front of him. "I know that's not enough, sir. Please, use me as much as you want. It's for your health~"

Ibara said the last bit in a sultry tone for Izuku to get on his knees and go behind her. He aligned himself with her entrance before slamming himself back into her. Ibara smiled at this as her tongue stuck out with the sensation of Izuku continually slamming back into her. Her walls coiled around him as his hips smacked into her ass. To add some pleasure, Izuku bent over and began fondling Ibara's breasts while french kissing her. Their grunts and moans filled the room as Ibara's juices began to fall on the floor. Minutes went by with this uncontrollable pleasure before Izuku's thrusts started to sped up and be more aggressive. "Ibwawa."

"Cwum. Cwum in mwe!" Both spoke through their kissing for Izuku to give one final thrust and cum directly into Ibara's womb once again. She shrieked through their kisses as Izuku started to lose consciousness. He fell over and pulled Ibara into his embrace while continuing to thrust into her.

'It feels so good. I don't...wanna...stop...' He passes out as he continues to thrust into Ibara hoping to gain as much enjoyment as he could from the act.

Lemon End

The next morning

Izuku began waking up in his bedroom somewhat confused by what happened the night before. "Did...did I dream that, or did it happen?"

"It wasn't a dream. You just passed out from too much euphoria flooding your brain and forced me to take the lead for a few more times." Izuku pulls his sheets up to see him and Ibara naked with her hugging his chest. "I must say though, I never planned for our bodies to be as compatible as they were. The situation was serious, but the act was far more desirable when we discovered that~" Izuku went red hearing this before bowing his head.

"I'm sorry I ate that fruit without your permission. I should've asked first and knew it wasn't right to just take it."

"It's alright. Everything worked out for the best. However." Ibara got up and sat on Izuku's abdomen for him to glance at her naked body before his head was held to look the Dryad woman in the eyes. "Never eat the fruit off my tree again. You're lucky that didn't kill you. If you would like to try the flavor again, I shall make juice from it. Perhaps after that, we could also have some fun. Maybe even bring someone else into it~." Ibara leaned down to kiss Izuku's lips before the door was opened up by Kinoko. The three stared at one another before the mushroom woman spoke up.

"If you're going to use your fruit for an advantage, then why can't I make mushrooms that make Izuku a horn dog?"

"Because yours will have him hallucinate and get addicted to them. Or worse, I don't think I have to remind you about the Cordyceps incident, do I?"

Izuku stared at both women before holding his head in defeat. "What part of my life made this the least strange conversation I've had in the morning?"

"What's the weirdest? The time when Nejire wanted to know what it means for you to destroy our ability to walk in the morning or the talk about Yui and you possibly fucking in your office before a meeting?" Kinoko asked for Izuku to stare at the two blankly.

'How did this become my morning routine?'

And that finishes this chapter. So Izuku learned a little more about Ibara's fruit and how important it is while also realizing how dangerous what he did was. See what happens next time. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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