Underground Caverns

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Walking down in his suit, Izuku looked around the main area of the mansion to see some hustling with everyone. "Can we get a few more bottles please?" Ibara spoke up for Nejire to come from the kitchen with a few sets and heading towards the greenery. As she passed, Izuku tried to get the blue haired pixie's attention.

"Nejire. What's going on?"

"Oh, we're bottling juice!"

"Juice?" Izuku raised an eyebrow.

"Where are those bottles!?" Ibara spoke up a little more sternly for Nejire to come over to her.

"I'm sorry. I'm sure someone else can fill you in." She walked away with Izuku looking around for someone else to at least help fill him in on what exactly is happening. Upon this, he noticed Itsuka and Pony walk out of the greenery holding multiple cases of what looked to be some kind of grape juice.

"Hey, Itsuka. Pony. What's going on?"

"We got someone to buy Ibara's horny fruit."

'Horny fruit? What the heck is she-' Izuku stopped his thought when he realized what they meant. "Someone wants something like that? Also, how many bottles are you even making of this stuff!?"

"Relax, sir. It's not the type that you ate." Pony points this out for Izuku to open his mouth for a moment before being answered. "Ibara told us that you ate her fruit and almost died. Not saying we're happy to hear that, but let that be a lesson not to eat random things and think it'll be ok."

Not wanting to hear more of an argument, Izuku looked at the fruit bottles. "So how did she get this much juice from her tree and also, who'd wanna buy this stuff to begin with?"

"Apparently a pharmaceutical company wanted to buy it in hopes to possibly find a way to increase male libido in people by making something a little more natural than viagra."

"And it works better and goes down easier from what I'm told." Pony chimes into Itsuka's explanation with a smile.

'Well aside from the stuff that happened, I see the going down easier.' "Ok...but how did she make so much? I know she said she would dilute it if she wanted someone to drink it, but I only counted like 20 fruits on that tree at best."

Itsuka smiled at Izuku not knowing before pointing out a big thing with dryads that he should understand. "Dryad fruit is made when a woman is fertile and ready to be loaded with a bun in their oven. If they don't succeed with the first shot they get, the fruit will react with the body and make more in order to get the guy the dryad wants to pork her able to keep going. So in short, you didn't get Ibara pregnant. But her body still wants you to pump some hot steamy jizz in her and make her your woman~" Izuku shivered at this thought before letting the two walk off. He was afraid of what would happen if things were to fan out like they would've, but ultimately content they didn't and somewhat satisfied that the fruit was being taken out of the mansion in case someone else got the wrong idea.

'At least I don't have to worry about eating that fruit again.'

"Izuku. Might I have a word?" Izuku turned to see Yui look at him while wearing her maid outfit.

"Yui. What are you doing not in your business attire? We're supposed to be heading out soon."

"It's about our daily routine, sir." The Zashiki gave Izuku a small set of papers with him looking over them to find out what's happening.

"Renovation? How long?"

"A month. Possibly two. A main water pipe broke in the building due to it being rather old. Because of that, the entire building has to be shut down due to them having to cut power with the damage in a very serious position. The other members of the board had suggested doing the work from home as a way to avoid renting a new building for such a short timespan. They also figured this would be a more beneficial thing due to the funds needed for the repair."

Izuku thought about the call to see where they're going. "True. It will get pricey if we had to get another building and as long as the work is done on the computer which most of it is, there shouldn't be a problem with people doing the work on their home computer. It may even make it easier since people are used to typing on that one. But they are in an area they most likely won't be able to concentrate in, so there should be some productivity loss. But the lack of commute will also help everyone since it could boost morale and increase their desire to get stuff done knowing they're not trapped in an office-"

"Sir. You're rambling again." Yui cut Izuku off for him to realize and shut himself up. "Whether it's for the best or not, this is where we're going at the moment. Best not to dawdle on the option."

"Understood. Do you have what we need done today set up?"

"Already in your study. I have Kinoko giving you a hot cup of tea shortly."

As the two spoke, a large shout came from the kitchen for everyone to stop what they were doing and listen. "WHAT WAS THAT, YOU LITTLE BRAT!?" The sound was Nemuri who came out in black lingerie that was rather translucent. "YOU WANNA TELL ME AGAIN!?"

"I said, put some clothes on so you don't spread your bad STDs to people. Angels say your kind is riddled with them." Eri seemed calm and blunt with what she was saying for the older woman to shake in anger.

"SCREW BEING A KID! I'LL KILL YOU!" Nemuri was held back by Ryuko who was hardly wearing anything at all either with just an oversized shirt on.

"You're losing your patience with a child. Show some dignity."

"You heard the granite lizard, then again succubi have no dignity to begin with as I'm told-*smack* OWWIE!" Eri held her head with tears looking up and seeing Tsu with her tongue out. "What did you do that for!?"

"You were saying mean stuff."

"But it's true stuff! Succubi have STDs and spread them!"

"Do you even know what an STD stands for?"

Eri thought for a second before answering. "Succubus Transformation Drums."

"Yeah, I'm not touching this one with a six and a half foot pole explaining. I'll take my leave with that bit said." Izuku walked away not wanting to deal with what he was dealing with anymore knowing it was going to be a problem. He walked into his private study to see the normal stack that would've been at the office on his desk to begin going over them. 'God this is going to be long.'

Eight hours later

Izuku slammed his head on his desk, feeling the fatigue finally hit him. "I'm finally done!" He cried tears of joy looking at his work to see it tower over him. "How did uncle handle all this so easily?"

"Who said I did it easily?" Izuku looked over to see his uncle and stared blankly at him.

"Is it sad that talking to my dead uncle no longer phases me, or is that a side effect of what I'm doing?"

"A little from column A, a little from column B." The uncle points this out before floating over to a candle stick and pulling it to open the floor behind Izuku with his chair leaning back into it.

"WHAT THE HEEEECCCKKKKKK!!!" He slid down the hidden tunnel and found himself falling into a mound of mushrooms with a bit of pain. "OW! WHY AM I NOT SHOCKED THAT EVEN IS A THING!? JUST HOW MANY OTHER SECRETS DOES THIS HOUSE HAVE THAT I'M NOT TOLD ABOUT!?"

Izuku pulled himself up while looking where he fell to see multiple mushrooms. He began taking a wild guess who normally visited this place to continue walking down. As he got to a stream, he noticed Kinoko laying in it naked with little problems. "*sigh* Mom definitely is right about cool streams. They make all your troubles just wash away~" The small woman looked up to notice Izuku standing above her tired but still a little confused. "Oh, it seems you found my mushroom sanctuary, sir."

"More like my uncle pulled a trap door dropping me into it. Also, sorry if I ruined some mushrooms on the landing."

"Don't worry about it, they're not eating mushrooms, so you're fine." Kinoko got up and began wiping the water off her body for Izuku to turn away with a blush. This caught the young mushroom woman's eys to entice her to get somewhere. "You know, my body's all yours if you want~. All you've gotta do is tell me you want a taste of this little body and I'll show you tightness you've never felt before~"

"Please don't mess with me right now and say that stuff. I'm still trying to decompress after what happened to me with Ibara and understand how to wrap my head around working from home."

"Yeah, that definitely would surprise anyone. But I'm not dumb like her to leave dangerous stuff that could kill you laying around." Kinoko giggled at her comment while walking over to her clothes. Izuku wasn't fond of the phrasing, but was at least happy he didn't have to worry about a mushroom that was going to kill him being laid around.

'Come to think of it, Kinoko seems to be really easy going and willing to sleep with me no matter what.' "Hey, Kinoko. Off question, but why are you even here to begin with? In the mansion I mean. What made you wanna join?"

"Easy. Cause I'm not asexual like everyone else in my group." This comment confused Izuku a notable amount for the Myconid to explain. "Most Myconid are asexual. That doesn't mean though that we aren't able to have children with humans. Though, our way of doing that is umm...getting human seed to cover us and have our spores that would reproduce for us to combine with them."

"So you have sex."

"No. We have the semen of men merge with our spores and produce a baby like that."

"....So it's sex."

"No. How hard is this to understand? We can reproduce without the use of another, but are able to by the addition of a man's semen in our reproduction process. It's an unnecessary addition to the process, but can be added if wanted. The side effect though is, the offspring can no longer reproduce asexually. This is kinda my situation."

Still confused as to how different this is, Izuku began questioning how exactly the process is. "So how do you collect the spores to make a hybrid in your species."

"Easy. We get covered in semen. We don't even need it inside our bodies and will just absorb it into us by skin contact when we're releasing the spores we would to reproduce through the skin. Once your uncle found our group, he seemed more intent on trying to find someone to help you over anything else. He gave my mom an agreement to help give me a spot to live in peace in exchange for what I'm doing right now."

"But don't you feel bad leaving your mom and everyone behind. I mean, they were your friends and family."

"Nah, my people are nomads and overall don't worry so much about stuff like that. If one of us wants to leave, we leave. If we wanna keep going, we keep going. My mom felt bad I was trapped in our world when I wasn't exactly capable of fitting in so easily, but it never bothered anyone." Kinoko then pointed at Izuku with a smile. "And that's one thing that I think you should look at and understand. You're too serious sometimes. Right now, you have a life most can only dream of. If you wanna just have one person in this home be your wife, that's fine. If you want multiple, that's fine too. If you wanna knock us all up, use the company money to your leisure and run away from responsibilities, that's fine too."

"I WOULD NEVER DO THAT LAST ONE!" Izuku shouted with Kinoko smirking.

"We all know that. Look, just calm yourself and understand we're not trying to make you feel trapped here. We want you to be happy just as much as we want to be. Got it? So try not to stress the small stuff and just be happy with what you've got right now."

Izuku thought about her words and understood them enough. "Kinoko. I think you're arguably the most mature person in this house with how you're handling this."

"What!? Nooo! I don't wanna be the most mature! That's so weird!" She started laughing while doing a joking shake before finishing putting her clothes on. "Welp, I guess we should head back up."

To the side, Izuku noticed the small woman's underwear still on the ground to comment on it. "Aren't you forgetting something?"

"Eh, no big deal. Besides, it makes it easier for you if you wanna slide yourself in me~" Izuku went red as he heard this with Kinoko laughing and grabbing her undergarment. "Loosen your jockstrap. I'm not that much a sex freak ... .mostly. Depending more on your answer on if you like this or not." This comment didn't make things easier as the two went above ground and returned to their normal lives

Later that evening

As Izuku and the group began sitting in the dining area eating dinner, the talk he had with Kinoko came to his mind. He looked around at the girls and noticed them calmly talking amongst one another to begin clearing his throat. "Is something wrong, Izuku?" Pony asked as she looked at her cooking a bit worried. "Did something not taste right?"

"No. The opposite if we're being honest. I just...I think I need to say something to all of you as a whole." The green haired man calmly composed himself before looking at everyone seriously. "All of you are here because you want to be part of my life and have made a life around that desire. I'm happy about that. I really am since it feels like I'm desired. However, that doesn't mean we can just easily make that type of relationship work for us as a whole. Right now, I've already brought some of our relationships into the next step and made it so that if I were to take one of you as my wife, it would be more complicated in the future. Not only would that destroy the dynamic we have here, but it would hurt all of you and possibly make an area you felt as if it was your home, painful to live in."

"So what do you want to do then?" Tsu asked with a finger to her chin.

"What I'm saying is...how would all of you feel about....polygamy? I mean, you're the ones that would be in this, so it's either all of you in, or we don't do it. If we have this relationship, we can treat anything such as marriage a little easier since we won't be excluding anyone. If you want to leave it, you're also fine with it. So...does anyone have an objection to it?" Izuku asked for everyone to remain silent with even Eri refusing to raise her hand.

"Wait, wouldn't this be bad in your mindset, kid?" Toru asked for Eri to shrug it off.

"Mormons are a religion as well. As a cherub, I can't deny the religious aspect. Though I doubt your religion would allow it and send you to hell." The small cherub points this out for Izuku to feel some unease.

"Alright. Now for a vote. Who here wants to try this and see if it works?" Everyone started to raise their hand, understanding that their life is already to a point it's not worth arguing since they borderline do already have a relationship such as this. "Wait, you're all fine with it?"

"Yeah, it's not that big of a deal as you think. I'm not against you humping us during the night and all of us calmly accepting it happens knowing we're getting some action too." Mina laughed while leaning her chair back with Momo holding the back of it.

"Though I don't agree with her choice of saying it, Mina is right about the aspect of we're able to live with this knowing it works in our favor in the end." Ibara added with Nejire getting an idea.

"Can we have a relationship with each other!?"

"As long as there's no fighting and this doesn't change our way of living too drastically, all the power to you. Just be a little mindful with Eri here not to show her something we shouldn't." Izuku patted Eri for her to ignore this and eat her dinner with no problems.

"ALRIGHT! MASS ORGY TIME! Who wants to eat my ass out first!?" Setsuna shouted for Yui to roll her eyes.

"Do we have to have this conversation now while we're eating? Can't we wait till this evening while we're all in bed?"

"I'm just surprised we're all so calm about this." Izuku smiled as he continued to eat knowing there won't be any troubles with having to choose one of them to be his wife and could just calmly enjoy making relationships with everyone without consequences down the road.

And that finishes this chapter. So Izuku and the girls agreed to a more open relationship in a chance to avoid future problems. See what happens next time. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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