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In the cave, teebone was meditating. The cave he was in was very large. Teebone smirk an got up. He brings out a red core 

Teebone: okay, let's do this, launch

He spins out the core. It hits a rock and released the Monsuno. His presence loomed over teebone. It growls but calms down.

Teebone: alright, let's work together. Drago, Divebomb launch.

He spins the cores at the red Monsuno claw. They release as drago and divebomb stood by teebone.

Teebone: before you can join, we must reignite that fire in you essence. Attack

Drago and Divebomb attack the Monsuno. We can hear grunts, roars, flashing of light from outside the cave. At the pond spike and gear faced each other.

Spike: are you gonna stand there bro, or are you just fight

Gear: right, I was just figuring out the name for this Monsuno, my first spin.

Spike: relax, it's easy just throw, like this. Neo Teryx, launch

He spins the core, it hits the a rock. Purple energy comes attack revealing Teryx. 

Spike: see man, just let it flow

Gear: alright then...... Horridain launch

He launches the core. it spins to Teryx feet and releases purple energy.

(Horridain is about the size of airswitch when standing up he does with have black eyes and yellow pupils ). Both Monsuno stares at each other and roar. Horridain runs at teryx. Teryx fires multiple barrage of attacks at horridian, who jumps side to side.

Gear: he is fast, amazing

Horridian goes for a slash attack however Teryx flys up. But to his surprise Horridain jumps a land the attack.

Spike: so the new guy got moved, well so do we, Teryx Flare Strike.

Teryx flies high up and fires beams onto the battlefield. Horridian did his best but gets hit.

Gear: Horridian are you alright 

Once the smoke settle Horridian gets up and nods to him. 

Gear: ok, use tribal crusher

Horridian gets up and fires energy orbs from each mouth. Teryx dodge run but gets hit by the others.  Horridian jumps and tackles the neo Monsuno down.  They each dish multiple attacks at  one another. The spinners notice their Monsuno energy were getting low.

Spike: looks like we got time for one more move

Gear: agreed(and time to show their true power)

Spike: Teryx, Soaring Tempest

Teryx roars and flies up and charges at Horridain with a drill attack. Teryx closes in while the two wait.

Gear: now

He calls out the move and Horridain eyes go purple, we see a bright flash of light. The battle ended with Teryx retiring to his core.

Spike: wicked bro, that move was off the chain, didn't know a Monsuno could do that

Gear: each Monsuno is different, you just need to find it, like with you an Teryx, his power is clearly in his howling attacks. And you did him quite well.

Spike: heh, you don't say

Back at the cave, we can see scorch marks everywhere, few fires and cracks on rocks. The three Monsuno breath heavily as they went all out. Drago started to light the future member, he was fast, dangerous. 

Teebone: alright, you guys were great, return

They return to their cores, he looks at the third ones as it growls and returns too. Teebone smiles an walks off. Later after he return, they watch tv in the shops lounge room. 

Spike: so how many rooms are in this place.

Gear: from the schematics, a lot. Even a war room

Spike: why a war room

Gear shrugs, then teebone walks into the room holding a box.

Gear: what's the box 

Teebone: something the past

He sets it down as they open it. Inside were serveral dogs tags, each with team wild insignia.

Teebone: you guys are now official members of the team wild

Gear: team wild

Teebone: yep, our team name, well, my old teams name, you guys are new members and a jumpstart 

Spike: cool, so seeing that there are other dogs tags missing, I guessing there are other members.

Teebone: yeah, eh don't worry, you meet them soon enough.

Teebone walks off as the others try in their new dog tags. Spike added them to his own. Teebone walk to his room, open a free, and pull out his own dogs tags, he sighs and takes a deep breath, putting them back on.

Teebone: alright, things are gonna be different, 

He looks at himself  and starts remembering glimpses of the past. The next day gear was in the war room working on the computer, but then he notice something much dire.

Gear: I must tell the others

He runs out. He brings them to the war room as he show them a screen of the world.

Teebone: so what wrong.

Gear: as you know, Monsuno essence are all over the world,

Teebone: yeah and they are protected by storm agents.

Gear: yes, but what they don't know is that they are meteor fragments containing Bain's of Monsuno essence.

Teebone: what

Spike: what boss man said, what

Gear: it seems I was not the only metoer to land at a special location, from my scans, the meteor to bring the Monsuno here was half its size, once enter the earth's atmosphere it broke into many piece and scatter all across the earth, these constant Monsuno launching and presence must have activating them an are acting like hotspot. It's only a matter of time before someone finds them

Teebone: and creates the most power Monsuno to ever walk to earth, hyper evolved or not.

Spike: sounds to me this is now a treasure hunt

Treebone: an I don't wanna find out if we lose. How many signatures are there.

On the screen it's a ridiculous amount of blips. 

Spike: this gonna be a long treasure hunt.

Teebone: then let's get going, where's the closet one.

Gear: scans have shown it's a local city, famous for its coliseum battles.

Teebone: pack you Monsuno boys, we're going hunting 

Location change brought to you by team core tech symbol.

At the city,  Bren and jinja, were walking around, Bren was stuffing his face with food.

Bren: you sure you don't want one jinja

Jinja: no Bren, what I want is to get my hands on teebone, I can't believe he would do all this

Bren: I know what you mean, infiltrating storm, beating all out Monsunos with just one, a new one two, and what happen with Dax and beyal. Recruiting spike into his team

Jinja: I know, a Commandant  Marshall Ace wants us on these scouting missions for Monsuno barrels. And not to look for teebone. The whole thing is just annoying.

Bren: don't forget to find Eklispe, the punk monks, Charlemagne and for dinosaur fossil, and

Jinja: okay Bren 

Bren continues eating when he notice the coliseum.

Bren: hey what's that

Jinja: you really weren't paying attention during the briefing, this place is know for their gladiator battles. 

Bren: oh, must be a giant maze in there, hey I bet that's where they're keeping the Monsuno barrels, like in the dungeon perhaps 

Jinja: you may be into something Bren, okay we'll search in the night an see if we can find any

Bren: got it, ooh look over there

He spots more food and runs to it. Jinja shrugs an walks with him. On the Wild Jet, it reach the city around sunset. 

Location change brought to you by team wild logo.

Hovering over the forest as it drops spike and gear off. 

Spike: yo teebone, you gonna joins us bro

Teebone: not on this mission, I got other things to take care of, you got the case to secure the fragment. Meet back at the rendezvous point 

The hangers door closes as the jet flies off. 

Teebone: So, any ideas where to find it

Gear: I have the exact location of the meteor on my database. I will make trackers for each of us soon, for now follow me.

They head to the source of the signal. They made their way to town. It was now night,  Gear was amazed by the sights, the smell.

Teebone: hey robro, know this is you first time and all but focus

Gear: don't worry, I'm well aware of our mission. The location of the fragment is in there

He points directly at, the coliseum. They head towards. Inside the coliseum Bren and jinja were looking around. bren got spooked by a skeleton in the dungeon.  They're now walking down the hall.

Jinja: well that's it, there's nothing in this place.

Bren: guess we should report to commandant marshal ace about this place having nothing.

Jinja: yeah, I makes sure add about the food you stuff

Bren: hey

Jinja:[laughs, then hears something] wait, what's that

They hear footstep and a conversation.

???: so bro, have found it yet

???: yes, I had to dig it out but it's ours

Jinja: that voice

They two peak over the corner and see spike, talking to someone, who they couldn't see.

Jinja: why is spike here, and who is his friend

Bren: it could be Teebone, but what are they talking about

Jinja: whatever it is, they can't have it

Jinja runs out of hiding.

Jinja: alright spike and teebone, hands in the air.

Spike: oh if it isn't jinja, the princess, sorry to spoil your fun but teebone isn't here. I'll be happy to entertain you, with a little battle

Jinja: oh charger is gonna smoke the floor with your new Teryx

Spike: you gotta catch us first

Spike starts to run off and jinja chased after him. 

Bren: jinja wait.

He runs after him but gets grabs and thrown back.

Bren: ow, what the

Before him was Gear, as he glares at him

Bren: your definitely not teebone

Gear: the names gear, and I see you must be Bren, the runt.

Bren: I would call myself runt.

Gear: then how about dead meat, 

Bren:[gulps] well look at the time I got

Gear: run, indeed, I'll give you a head start

Bren gets up and runs

Gear: 5....1

Gear chases after Bren.  Each of them leads them to arena. Jinja and been bump into each other.

Jinja: Bren, where were you

Bren: meeting spike new friend

Gear runs and jumps over them, landing by spike.

Gear: let's get this fight started

Spike: you read my mind yo

Jinja: find by me

Bren: alright 

All:[bring out there cores] launch

They spun out the cores. They spin making contact with each other. They burst out energy. Unleashing hyper charger, and neo quickforce. In the other side, Neo Teryx and Horridian.

Bren: woah that Teryx

Jinja: soon to be dust, charger tow trap

Charger goes to grab Horridian, but he jumps over it.

Gear: Horridain, tribal crusher

He fires multiple projectiles hitting charger. The neo Monsuno took their fight to the sky. Quickforce fired projectiles at Teryx. He dodged all of them. He loops over and uses soaring tempest. Striking quickforce into the ground. Charger goes straight for Horridain. He continues to evade his attack. 

Gear: mangle claws

Horridian a claws extend and slice charger.

Jinja: it's fast

Bren: then let's trade opponents, neo quickforce,  attack Horridian 

Quickforce freed himself from the teryx. He flies up and unleashes multiple attacks at Horridain, those attack make contact. Teryx get up as Charger tackles him. 

Spike: our Monsuno are taking a beating, time to use that special move

Gear: you read my mind. Horridain, End Gardener Alpha

Horridain gets up and roars, smoke covers the fires eyes he glows. He then disappears.

Jinja: where is he

Suddenly the Monsunos get hit by multiple attacks. Quickforce is sent plummeting. 

Spike: Teryx, wildfire 

He fires a blaste at quickforce, taking him out.

Bren: quickforce no

Charger get shut again. 

Jinja: that's it, charger electro orb barrage.

He fires orbs in everything direction. Hitting Horridian.

Jinja: got him, wait what 

Through the smoke Horridian was, split into three.

Bren: since when can a Monsuno do that

Gear: since now, Horridian, ninja Gambit 

The trio glow and ran to charger, they start circling him?  Unleashing multiple slashes, which cause an explosion. And charger return to jinja.

Gear: that's the end of that, spike

Spike: you got, Teryx take out of heat.

Teryx flapped his wings creating a smokescreen. Bren and jinja shielded their eyes. And Teryx flies up carrying gear and spike. Horridain trio jump, fuse together, and grab onto Teryx.  Jinja and Bren open their eyes and see they're gone.

Jinja: great, with these new members, teebone got even more dangerous

Bren: now we really need to call ace.

Location change to team core tech logo.

In the forest they contact teebone, telling him they acquired the fragment.

Spike: so now we got to meet up with him

Gear: yes, and what surprises it might bring along the way

Spike: yeah, let's go

They fly into Teryx. But from a distant a figure on a tech out motorcycle spied on them.

???: so, more wild Monsuno, very interesting.  Looks like I'm gonna be busy.

He readies his bike, as we spot several wild cores on his belts. He drives off into the distance.

Boom that's it for the story, Horridian is the newest member of the team. And who was that mysterious figure. And the hunt for meteor fragments is on.  Next chapter, Teebone searches find himself in a tight spot with the unlikely people in, DownPour.

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