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It's been days since Teebone got word from the others that they obtained the fragments. And dealt with the other members of team core tech. Teebone was on his own mission, he was looking for a spot to transform this new Monsuno.  Unlike Teryx, he was a newly launch core. But this one was different, from what teebone saw he was strong, and drago sensed it too. But that was a mission from another time. Teebone was searching for his old team. Especially with what's been happening: the fragments, Eklispe and Zap. 

Teebone: I need to tell them, warn, I'm afraid how far he'll go for her.

He set the coordinates of where one of his friends. Hearing rumors about a hunter with a special beast. The last location was in a skyscraper city.  He makes his way to city. A couple hours have pass and teebone arrived at the city. This city was known for its rainy weather. The ship lands outsude of town and teebone walks out.  He walks around an notice the fog that surrounds the city.

Teebone: I didn't know it was foggy too, but first things first, finding the others

Teebone walks around town. He heads into a shop. He walks past several people, they kind that seem like they know what's going on. He makes his way to the store owner.

Owner: your not from around here are you

Teebone: nope, but I want answers 

Owner: what you need

Teebone: I'm looking for a hunter, the one with a special beast

Owner: you sure you want to be messing with that kind of trouble.

Teebone: trust me when I say I know this trouble

The owner eyes his cores and nods.

Owner: well for you information, the hunter left a few days ago, bragging about searching for a special prize. Said she was going to [location]

Teebone: thanks

Teebone walks out, not knowing some of people were eying him. Teebone walk down an alley. Soon sensing someone was following him. Teebone heads to a warehouse. Teebone waited for them to enter, only seeing they were a bunch of thugs, some being apart of grandma future spin go tournament.

Teebone: can I help you gents

Thug: oh yeah, those cores you got could spread a hefty price on the black market. 

Teebone: no, I don't think so. 

Thug: then we'll have to do this the hard way

The thug and his group launched their cores. They spin and hit the wall. The Monsuno burst out, they were nearly clones of storm's Monsuno, in Eklispe color. They smirk as the Monsuno looked over teebone.

Teebone: oh well, you wanted this.

He spun out a core and out came divebomb. 

Teebone: sick em boy

Outside the warehouse, massive glow of light shined from the inside. Then red light. The thugs quickly ran out. Teebone walks out as he looks at divebomb.

Teebone: sorry they weren't much of a challenge, next time, return

Divebomb returns an walks off. Not seeing two figures in the corner.

???: are you sure we should be tangling with that guy, professor wanted us to keep a low  profile

???2: I know, I know but from what I've seen. We need to take this guy.

Location changed by team wild logo.

On the cloud carrier, Jeredy suno was still scanning the last fight between lock and drago, along with the new information with the new Teryx.

Jeredy: amazing, the more I see these Monsuno the more I can see a bit of my design as well. I can only imagine what you've accomplished over the years teebone.

The doors open and out walk commander trey.

Trey: sir, we may have found something you want to see

He hands him files. 

Trey: while in control, Charlemagne had files on this figure, his Monsuno was dangerous, it destroyed each base he came upon and stole Monsuno essence.  Charlemagne came to challenge this opponent. She return defeated, clothes ruined, from the heat of battle, she would not say a world of it and that was the moment she started searching for the subject lock.  And I may believe that this figure could be who you looking for

Jeredy: thank you, with this I can find out more

Trey and nods a leaves.

Jeredy: now, let's see what your you've been up to.

He begins reading.

Location change brought it you by team 

Later, teebone was eating burgers in a shop. He was on a computer, researching the ways to complete the final process of the Monsuno transformation. He then find the city has an old power planet inside the city.

Teebone: perfect

He gets up and walks out.  The rain was still pouring, he walks by the harbor and looks around, seeing he's now lost.

Teebone: of course I get lost in city that's alway raining, and every building is the same. 

???: eh, you get use to it 

Teebone turns around a spot two figures, part of the team with the motto: "let destruction be our calling card". The punk monks, Drezz and Tinker.

Tinker: you probably don't know us but we're the punk monks eh

Drezz: we heard what you said, and that Monsuno you have, you special, and dangerous. So we're gonna make sure this is your last ride

Teebone: oh I've heard of you, a group known as the punk monks, heard you team up with Eklispe.

Drezz: so you have heard of us.  

Teebone: yeah, an I think we all know where this is headed.

Teebine bring out his cores as does the punk monks.

Drezz: Triplex

Tinker: Tyrant

Teebone: Drago

They launch their Monsuno. They spun into each, unleashing energy. We see claws, horns, wings, skeletal bones and glowing fangs. Unleashed were the dino Monsuno triplex and tyrant, and the first wild Monsuno, Drago. Triplex runs to drago, they Bash head. Tyrant flies up and blast at drago. Drago attacks sending triplex back.  Tryant flies at drago, he readies to attack however Drago intercepts with a quick tail spin. Sending tyrant into the water. 

Tinker: the Monsuno is tough eh, 

Drezz: triplex, now him down

Triplex starts glowing red and charges hitting drago. He gets up just as tyrant flies out the water.  He fires at drago till he was consumed in smoke.

Drezz looks like that's it mate

Teebone: it is, for you, sadly you've underestimated my Monsuno, Drago, stop playing around

Yellow glow came from the smoke. It was drago eyes. He roars and charges at triplex. Who charges as well. They collide, this time drago bit it's head and slammed it into the ground. Tyrant flys at him but drago throws triplex at him. 

Teebone: Drago, Howling Blast.

Drago lifted his head and roars, creating a spinning orb, that gets bigger and bigger.  Till it was a big as him, he throws the orb, it hits its target consuming them. Causing a massive explosion, even sending the punk monks into the river. Their Monsuno return to their cores.

Teebone: let's go drago, it's time

Drago understands an carries teebone away.  Later,  after losing the punk monks,  Teebone arrived at the power plant. He sees the  equipment and smirks.

Teebone: this is exactly what I need 

Teebone brought out a Monsuno battery. After he installed it in the generator. He opens the case, and brings out the core, he spun out the Monsuno. It looks and growls, before letting teebone touch him.

Teebone: hello my friend, it's time, are you ready 

It understands an looks at drago.

Teebone: looks like both of you are gonna get close, return

They both return. He inserts them into the the case as well as connect the cables. it begins the process. Massive amounts of energy go into the case. The process was bright and powerful, the cores shook. But it was well worth it as the core turn purple, with red color. He smiles and takes them.

Teebone: not as highly advance but gets the job done, now let's go

Teebone walks off. Back with the punk monks. They'd resurfaced out if the river.

Tinker: just when you think, team core tech Monsuno, evolving was bad enough. Now this guy

Geez: don't worry, we'll deal with him next time, we should regroup with the Professor.

They walk away. At the forest, teebone was at the jet. He looks at the core.

Teebone: I just gotta do, launch

He spins the core, and it hits a tree. And out burst purple and red energy, and we see a glowing hulking beast.

Teebone: welcome to the team

The Monsuno roars.

Boom, that's it for the chapter, the mystery Monsuno will be revealed in time, and the hunter. Sorry this is short, but don't worry the actions is not gonna stop. Next chapter, When Chase think teebone was bad enough, he gets more then he bargained for in, Ghost. 

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