The Afterparty

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January 2017

"Holy shit she was amazing", Jungkook says wide-eyed.

The seven boys are gathered in loose button-ups and dress pants on the rooftop of their hotel. The staff prepared a small party in the evening after the ISACs to congratulate the idols. A large buffet stretches along half of the rooftop and a black marble dance floor in the middle is illuminated by hanging fairy lights and magical lanterns. Soft music plays in the background as the idols converse with each other.

"And that outfit...", Taehyung trails off, thinking back to it, when he notices most of his hyungs are eyeing the entrance to the rooftop.

He turns to see Moon standing there in a tight, long dress with a slit down the side that reaches up to the top of her thigh. It channels the same black sparkles that her gymnastics costume boasted.

"Yeah, that outfit...", Jin whistles.

Moon spots the boys looking at her and struts over in her black heels. They all look handsomely done-up after a long day of exercise and their dressy clothes look surprisingly comfortable.

"What are you guys talking about?", she inquires.

"Your performance was amazing", Jimin replies honestly.

"Thank you", Moon takes the compliment, "But I'm glad Mina won. She really deserved it."

"Aww, thanks, girl!", Mina surprises her with a hug from behind, "Can I just say you look absolutely stunning tonight?"

"Oh, come on", Moon spins around to her giggling friend, "Have you seen yourself?"

"So what are we doing tonight?", Mina turns to the boys, who merely shrug.

"How about we have some cocktails?", Moon suggests, making everyone nod in agreement.

So the evening goes by with one cocktail after the other and idle chit-chat here and there.

"You know what would be fun? A collab would be fun", Jin tells Moon and the rest of the boys agree enthusiastically in their drunken and tipsy states.

"Ok, first of all...", Moon writes her phone number on a napkin that's lying around, "Here's my number and if you're actually serious about that: Call me. But you should know I don't get to write my own songs..."

"Seriously?", Yoongi looks at her apologetically.

"Yeah, whatever though...", Moon glares down at her feet. She hates being down when she's drunk. It sends her into an overthinking spiral.

"Let's do some real dancing!", Moon amps herself up again and announces for both Twice and Bangtan to hear.

"Like dancing with a partner?", Jihyo slurs her words.

"Yeah, like this...", Moon grabs Jungkook, who happens to be standing closest to her, and pulls him onto the dance floor.

She takes his soft hands into her's and places them on her hips, then puts her arms around his neck. Slow latin music begins to play and the rest of the boys start following her lead, pairing up with the Twice girls.

"Are you going to lead me or do you want me to take control?", Moon's dark eyes challenge Jungkook seductively as they dance.

Jungkook gulps, realizing his face must be very red from all the alcohol, but also from the fact that he's dancing with this beautiful girl. He can't seem to get his act together to lead her properly, so Moon naturally takes over, swinging herself around and brushing up against him.

"Are you always this submissive or is it just because I'm older than you?", she whispers up into his ear, her hot breath sending shivers down his spine.

"I-I'm not...", Jungkook wants to answer something, but his words get caught when Moon whirls back around and caresses his jawline with an evil smirk.

It's almost as if she knows exactly what she's doing to Jungkook's body, but doesn't care in the slightest. He's burning up at her touch now and can barely form a coherent thought. Wanting to touch her more, he reaches for her face, but the songs ends and Moon pulls away from him with a provoking grin.

"I believe you promised me a dance at sometime, Moonhae", suddenly Hoseok is standing next to her, holding out his hand.

"Oh, yeah, I did. This is going to be fun", Moon places her hand into Hoseok's, "Do you know that old salsa routine with the dips and the special turns?"

"The one that goes on one-two-three-four?", for some reason Hoseok knows exactly what she's talking about.

"Yeah, let's do it", she gazes into her dance partner's confident eyes as he pulls her close to the opening of the song.

The dance starts out slow, Hoseok and Moon's eyes interlocked, and although they're both in a drunken state, their movements are never short of precision. Hoseok smirks before grabbing Moon's waist and dipping her in his arms. She twirls back up and is immediately spun around by his muscular right arm, her long dress flaring out, revealing most of her legs.

Moon is so immersed in her dance with Hoseok that she doesn't realize they're the only ones dancing. Everyone else on the marble floor has moved off to the side and are gazing in awe at the two dance machines. Their flawless rhythm and chemistry catches everyone's attention.

As the song plays out it's final build-up before the last chorus, Moon knows Hoseok is going to attempt to lift her. Looking once more into his eyes, she can see nothing but trust. So when the song hits the new beat, she allows herself to be lifted into the air, throwing her arms up gracefully. As he places her back onto the ground, his hands slide over all the curves of her body. He grins seductively, but Moon's attention is already turned to her next move.

The dance finishes on a high, with Hoseok dipping Moon once again, his face inches from her's. Everyone starts clapping for the two, completely in trance by their performance. Hoseok straightens Moon back up and smiles at her thankfully.

"I couldn't have asked for a better dance", he tells her, still breathing heavily.

"The same goes for me", she gives him a rare smile.

"Holy shit", Jin clasps the two on the back, a stunned expression on his face.

"I think Hobi has finally found his match", Yoongi declares.

Moon just laughs and waves him off, "Sorry, guys, but the night ends here for me. I'm leaving early tomorrow."

One look at the clock, which reads 3am, the rest of the group agrees to end things for the night. Drunken and silly, they somehow manage to stumble back to their hotel rooms, hoping their heads won't be punished all too much in the morning.

Moon pulls her luggage out to the van in front of the hotel early the next morning. Her black oversized hoodie covers her face and most of her hangover. Nevertheless, those seven silly boys somehow manage to find her.

"Moonhae? Are you leaving?", Jimin's sweet voice doesn't sound as nice when her head's pounding.

She turns around slowly to spot the boys walking out of the lobby. They don't look so good either. Dark circles under their eyes and dull expressions are mostly covered by face masks, hats and jackets, but you can still tell they had a long night.

"Yeah, this my van", she mutters, pointing at the black SUV.

"We're leaving soon, too", this time it's Namjoon who speaks.

Moon looks at him, a little surprised. He's hardly spoken to her over the last two days. Maybe he's just speaking up, because the rest of the members are completely out of it.

"Mmm, have a good trip then", she simply replies and goes to open her car door.

However, before she can do so, Jungkook suddenly stumbles forward and opens the door for her. She eyes him, a little confused, but can't suppress a giggle.

"Thank you, Kookie", she says, getting into the car.

"I guess I'll see you guys around sometime", Moon starts saying her goodbyes to the boys.

"We'd like that...", Taehyung looks at her softly, although his eyes are tired.

She waves once more before shutting the car door. As the SUV drives off, she doesn't feel like it's the last time she'll see those boys.

"Did she just call me Kookie?", Jungkook despairs.

"Yep, she did. You must just be too young for her, baby boy", Jimin chuckles, patting the maknae on the head.

"One year! I'm one year younger!", Jungkook argues, just causing more snickering.

"I wonder when we'll see her again...", Taehyung almost whispers to himself, but the other members are thinking the same thing.

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