The Boyfriend

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February 2017

"Breaking News! Last night at 11pm the police were once again called to the residence of k-pop idol Choe Moonhae, also known by her stage name Moon, in downtown Seoul. Reports say there may have been an altercation between Moon and her current model boyfriend Jaewon, although the details are unclear. This has not been the first incident where police were forced to resolve conflict with the two present, the previous incident taking place in 2016..."

The female newscaster's voice echoes through Taehyung's ears. His eyes are widened at the TV screen in front of him in the styling room.

"That poor girl... If this continues the label will drop her", one of the stylists sighs.

Taehyung spins around and rushes out of the room towards where the rest of his members are gathered.

"Guys!", Taehyung receives worried looks for the urgency in his voice, "The news... it... the police were called to Moon's apartment last night."

"What? Why?", Hoseok looks flustered in return.

"Apparently there was another incident with her boyfriend", Taehyung answers, his demeanor turned very serious.

"Jesus...", Namjoon runs his hands through his hair.

"How can she still be with that guy? Hasn't this happened before?", Jungkook sounds angry.

"We should text her to see if she's ok", Jimin suggests.

"I hope she's alright...", Yoongi says to himself.

The night before

Moonhae slowly put her keys down onto the dresser in the entrance hall. Something was off. It was already late in the evening and she hadn't been home all day, but the dim light in the living room was flooding the dark hallway. Jaewon hadn't replied to her texts when she asked him if he was coming over, so she figured he wouldn't come. But weren't those his shoes in the entrance hall?

She inched her way towards the living room, a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach.

"Jae?", her voice trembled as she called out. There was no answer.

Turning the corner, she let out a small yelp in surprise. A tall man in dark clothing was sitting hunched over on her couch. Once he raised his head, she realized it was just Jaewon.

"Jesus, don't scare me like that", Moon said angrily.

She should have felt relieved, but Jae just looked at her with his beady black eyes. He seemed so emotionless.

"Where were you?", he finally asked her.

"I was at practice. You know that."

"Were you really?"

"Of course I was! What do you mean?", Moon started getting upset again.

"So you weren't hanging out with your new friends?", he got up in an intimidating way.

"What are you talking about? What new friends?", now she was just confused.

"Don't play fucking dumb!", he bellowed and Moon flinched back.

"I don't-"

"Those boys hanging onto you like monkeys at the ISACs! How are you going to pretend like that didn't happen?!", Jae interrupted her.

"You mean the Bangtan boys?", she scoffed, "I just met them!"

"So you're probably gang banging them now, aren't you? I mean the way you flirted with them said enough. There was a fucking camera on all of you the whole time, did you fucking forget that? You didn't think I would be watching, did you?", his eyes widened until the point where he looked really scary, like he was going to do something unexpected.

"I never flirted with anyone!", Moon yelled, trying to get her voice through to him.

"And that one night I called you and you ditched me to hang out with them? Did you think I wouldn't notice what was going on?", he continued, completely ignoring her.

"Nothing's going on! You're being fucking paranoid! I ditched you because you were yelling at me again!", she kept shouting, now with tears in the corner's of her eyes, but Jae was drawing closer.

"Jae, you're scaring me", she took a step back, but he grabbed her wrist tightly.

"You didn't think I'd notice, did you?", he repeated himself and Moon could smell alcohol on his breath, "You think I'm fucking stupid, huh?"

"Let go of me, Jae", she tried to wriggle herself free, "I didn't do anything!"

"Don't fucking lie to me!", he bellowed as he slapped her across the face with his free hand.

Moon whimpered and clutched her cheek, tears stinging her eyes.

"You're never going to see those boys again, you hear me?", he continued yelling and tightening his grip around her wrist, "You probably shouldn't see any men anymore, you're such a fucking whore, you just can't control yourself!"

That's when he hurled her across the room and she landed hard on the floor at the opposite wall. She yelped loudly upon impact, tears now rolling down her cheeks. Jae started walking towards her again.

"Stop it, Jae!", she sobbed, holding her arm up in defense, "Stop it or I'm calling the cops!"

"You wouldn't fucking dare", he snarled and grabbed her defensive arm, pulling her up off of the floor.

He tugged her close and roughly held her face with one of his hands.

"Look at you. Pathetic. Who would even want to go near you?", he squeezed her face tighter, "You know I'm the only one for you, right?"

"Let go!", Moon screamed as she brought her knee up into his stomach. He choked, falling to the floor, clutching his abdomen.

Moon immediately made a run for the hallway where her phone was. She picked it up and quickly dialed the emergency police number. Jae had gotten way out of hand and there was no way she would be able to calm him down now.

"Emergency services here, what's your emergency?", the woman on the phone said calmly.

Moon's eyes darted towards the living room to check if Jae had gotten up yet, before she answered, "I-I'm at 503 Hyehwaro Street, downtown. My b-boyfriend is g-going to h-hurt me. Please send-"

Before Moon could finish her call, Jae appeared next to her, smacking the phone out of her hand.

"You bitch! Do you have any idea what this'll do to our reputation?! The label will fucking drop you!"

Of course he was right. She'd been walking on thin ice ever since the last incident, but at the moment she was too afraid of the alternative.

"Why are you doing this to us?! All the problems we're having are because of you!", he yelled, smacking her down to the hallway floor in one swift movement.

He then crawled on top of her, placing his hands around her neck.

"You bitch", he snarled before slowly squeezing the air out of Moon's windpipe.

She struggled underneath him, scratching at his hands around her throat and wriggling her legs, trying to get him off of her. Her face was going from a shade of red to a shade of purple and she didn't know how much longer she could keep conscious. Her eyes were almost rolling to the back of her head when the front door suddenly busted open.

"Hands in the air where I can see them!", a police officer bellowed, pointing a gun at Jae.

His bright flashlight blinded them as Jae slowly pulled his hands from Moon's throat and raised them into the air. Immediately, Moon coughed and gasped for air.

Jae was put in handcuffs and after Moon received medical attention, they were both sat down for questioning. Management was called to the apartment to handle press and the whole situation. It was safe to say that Moon did not get a wink of sleep that night.

It's only in the early morning that Moon gets about four hours of sleep. When she awakes in the afternoon, her phone is buzzing with new notifications.

"Are you alright?", a message from Yoongi reads.

"Hi, Moon. Just checking to see how you are... If you want to talk I'm here", a message from Taehyung says.

"How are you doing?", another from Jimin reads.

She can't believe they're checking up on her. She wants to respond, but then she sees a message from Jae.

"Babe, I'm so sorry about yesterday. You know that wasn't me.. I was just so upset when I thought the love of my life was cheating on me. Of course I know you'd never do that. Please tell me how I can make it up to you.. I love you so much. I could never live without you. I'm not mad about having to go to the police station.. I just want things to be good between us again."

It seems so heartfelt and Moon tries to see the situation from his perspective. He thought she was cheating, which thinking back to the moments she had with the Bangtan boys, maybe she was. It made him upset, so he started drinking, which fueled his rage. She's just happy he's not mad about having to go to the police station.

She quickly deletes all the messages between her and the BTS members before responding to Jae.

"Let's meet later today.. We can talk.. I love you too", she responds.

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