Chapter 4

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"You will never listen to me, don't you?"

I heard her shrill voice in darkness as I am leaning against random tree once again but with my eyes closed and extending my legs forward. I know she is crouching down right in front of my foot looking at me intensely while resting her folded arms on her knee.

I am feeling very exhausted because of long day and I am unmotivated right now considering what is happening but she is asking me to draw her.

I open my eye and met with her piercing blue eyes glare from under thick, black lashes while naturally rosy cheeks appear vivacious against elegant yet chubby, pale ivory skin.

She is good art to draw but the way she is wearing red cloak under green robe is screaming her lack of fashion sense which made me cringe so much that I lost my appetite to eat strawberries.

"What if I refuse...?"

"You'll still draw because I am ordering you" she stated.

I tiled my head amusingly looking at sulking princess who is impatiently staring back at me with crossed arms.

"Don't you know who I am?" She hissed while glaring at me with slight pout.

"You are Y/N" I stated as matter-of-fact.

"Princess" She corrected.

"You are Y/N before princess" I opined in monotone tone.

She simply stares at me before fluttering her eyes shut and breaths out "Still aren't you going to obey me?


She groaned annoyingly. Ever since she got to know about my talent, she keep ordering me around to draw like a boss.

She thinks I will become her servent just because she is a princess?

"Why?" She asked darkly.

"Because I don't want to" I brushes off the leaves who fell on my shrouder before glancing at her "Now will you leave me alone, please?"

Her eye glazed in deep thought before muttering "You should be grateful that I am giving you my company"

I squint my eye at her and then retreating my legs back to myself folding them and slowly leans my upper body toward her direction, "I need to ask you something" I injected.

She blankly stare at me before sitting down on grass right in front of me and folding her legs in same manner, locking her gaze with mine, "What?"

"Are you..?" I trails off as my demeanor becoming serious, "using me?"

Something flickered in her eyes but she kept blank face as I continue, "Your group of classmates told me that you are receiving punishment by law for misbehaving as princess and to prove that you are a great heir of throne you are spending your quality time with me"

I crossed my arms, "I don't really believe in rumours so I wanted to ask you in person" I mused sternly.

"So.." I trails off raising my single eyebrow in demanding manner, "Yes or No?"

Her eye raked over my face studying it for second.


Feeling of betraying dawned on me but I frowned ignoring my feelings and focusing on her. I snorted,"Why?"

Despite of answering my question she trails off, "You shoud be grateful..." She tilted her chin upward while her fingers plays with her hair strand sassily, not feeling bad at all, "That I choose you out of all wizards"

"I'm not feeling honoured at all, rather disgusted that you choose me" I remarked, my tone harsher than I intend. With huff, I absurdly get up on my feet not wanting to spend another second with her. Instead of walking away, I warily avert my gaze down at her while gripping my stekchbook and sliding other hand in my pocket, "Besides, I don't want to spend time with someone who want to be with me for their personal gain or sympathy" 

After that I start walking away from her.

"Not honoured, huh? You are really ungrateful brat Taehyung!" She remarked caughting up to my pace but I ignored her, "Why are you acting like I did something worse with you?" She grabbed my arm making me stop and turn around to face her.

"You really think the world revolves around you?" She said but when I didn't respond her back she let go of my arm with glare and retorted, "Don't forgot about the fact that you are still lowly Half-human"

I immediately made her feel regret of her own words.

"At least, unlike you wizards I don't depend on my magical powers but I depend on own other words I am independent" 

Her red cheek caught my attention first, and then it was those blue eyes.

I added, "And princess don't feel so proud of your powers. Who knows you could lose them too one day..?"

This hit right at her nerve as her blue irises glows turning icy blue along with designs on her forearms underneath her cloak with blue aura surrounding her.

Before she could open her mouth to split another venom, she got interrupted.

"Princess!" Her butler comes running toward her while panting hard. Poor guy...who knows how long he has been searching for her.

He noticed the tension as her powers was overflowing ready to attack me any moment while I just stood there unbothered, challenging her.

Well atleast she is not stupid enough to act on impulse judging by how she is controlling her urge to attack me. A single wave of magic touch me and i would bleed to death right there at spot and even if she is a princess, she will still get executed for harming defenseless Half-human.

He tugged her arm softly, "Princess?"

She wiggled her arm from his grip beforing coming close to my face.

"You Half-humans are disgrace for our kingdom"

Wow now she is revealing her true self hidden behind her equal-rights mask.

"I don't know why everyone works hard to keep useless beings alive like you"

I frowned, "Only if you guys hadn't let them feel any different, they would've been alive today" I whisper sneering at her.

She snickered darkly staring deep in my eye with her dangerously glowing one, "Falls in love with humans then get marry to bear powerless children, knowing the consequences of their death but still blames on others? Wow!" She snapped looking at me from head to toe with disgust before striding away from my sight.

My eye widened in pure shook as the butler mutters apologises to me with guilty on his features before running after her.

I keep recalls her words in my mind.

That's what my Father got to hear by everyone else...?


Blanket of night has fallen displaying beautiful embroidery of stars...

All day I wasn't able to focus on anything like before, I keep getting flashbacks of what happened today. I don't think I will be also able to sleep tonight.

I hate to admit that she have a point and that's the worst part.

Why did my Father married a human when he knew I will born like this?

And even if he did that, why he is working hard to keep me alive when I didn't even ask to be burden? I know he love me but isn't waste of energy and time when he know in the end I will die anyway? He should have just leave me alone to die. He is young and can easily start new life. Why choose to suffer in first place?

After searching him in the whole house, I ascended the stairs leading to rooftop. That's the last place in my mind where he could be there.

And I was right...As usual he was there sitting on edge of end while staring the sky. The moment my eyes land on him sudden feelings of uneasiness and guilt rush inside me making me feel on edge.

How he will feel when his own blood whom he has been protecting since death of his beloved wife will ask the same question whole world asks from him?


I snapped back to reality when my Father is already looking at me happily as he pats place next to him gesturing me to sit.

I hesitatedly walks to him and sits down.

"It's beautiful, right?" 

I nodded pursuing my lips as I gaze at shinning stars, just like him.

When he got emerged in it again, I turn my head to take quick glance but end up staring his calm and relaxed features.

This is first time someone said that to me and I got so riled up. My father have to face this comments everyday but he is still always happy and cheerful.


I didn't realize that I am still staring at him until he locked his confused gaze with mine. My eyes got widened, panicking I quickly whip my head back to look at sky.

Crap, I screwed up.

I felt his hand rest on my hand giving soft squeeze, reassuringly, "What it is Taehyung?" My father asked softly with honey-like smooth voice.

I shook my head furiously to let him know I am not comfortable to share but knowing him he won't budge.

"What it is? Tell me Taehyung" He asked again patting my head this time.

I can't...I don't want to hurt him.

I tried to focus on stars but couldn't, feeling the weight of his eye on me as he is patiently waiting for me to speak. If I keep up like this I will end up crying.

"I will try my best to remove unsettling feelings inside you, trust me" He promised.

I sighed fluttering my eye closed, if he is really asking then I won't hold back. I bend my one leg turning my body to face him while my other leg is still hanging off. Gaining some courage, I trails off, "Why..."

He raised his both eyebrows questionably.

"...did you marry human when you already know the consequences?"


I pursed my lips toegther, mentally preparing to get ready for sad, hurt or disappointed reaction from him.

Cold breezes pass through us fluttering our bangs little and his eye dilates. I almost caught small glimpse of sparkle in his eyes.

He smiled widely not affected at all, looking back at sky, his eye glazing in space as if he is recalling memories, "Did I ever told you that your Mother was a doctor?"

I arch my eyebrows in confusion from sudden change of topic, "What is doctor?"

He look back at me, his eye softening, "Healers in human world"

I give him puzzled look, "Healer?"

How on the earth they heal someone when they don't even have such thing like mana?

"With bare hands" My Father said as if reading my mind.

Feeling perplexed I drawled, "How is that even possible?"

My father laughed, "I know, I was shocked too. Humans race is way too incredible beyond our imagination"

It's hard to imagine, "But why are you telling me all this?"

"You asked me right? That why I still married your Mother while knowing the consequences?"

I pressed my lips together in guilt but he quickly reassured, "Don't worry, actually I was always waiting for you to ask this question because your silence was making me anxious but I am glad today you did" He said with big smile.

My face muslce relaxed instantly but I stare at him suprisingly while feeling the weight of guilt lifting from my heart.

He settles himself mirroring my posture "Ok so..."

I impatiently wait for his answer as he continues, "Your Mother founded cure to deal with Half-humans"

Thunderstruck hit me as I almost Fall backward.

My Mother really founded cure when high tier wizards healer couldn't do it?

Now I understand why he said that they are incredible.

"And you know..." He trails off calmly snapping me back to reality as eager to know about her grows inside me "I couldn't get to know about the accurate cure because your Mother's death was unexpected. But before her death she told me that she will try to avoid you from emotions such as envious or unpatience" 

I furrowed my eyebrows "But what It has something to do with it?"

"Half-human dies because they become envious and unpatience watching other children using magic and that was her theory"

I huffed, "but sometimes I also feel impatience to use my power then why I am not dying?"

"You watch others, wishing to do same but controlling yourself and your desire from doing that"

"And If I don't control my desire...?"

"You will die"

My eye widened.

So It's in my choose to live and die.

That's means...

I look at my Father as sadness lingers on his face.

"They choose to die but it's not their fault either. Small children are naturally competitive and envious when it comes to things they don't have. Their parents failed to know why they used their power even though they were restricted" My Father said, "Your Mother warned me beforehead I guess that's why I was able to keep you alive this long."

This new information terrified me. Now I understand why my Father and grandmother always taught me how to self-control and give me long beautiful lectures how life is more precious than all things in this world.

"And..." He holds my wrist turning it around to other side revealing word "Moon".

"Your Mother use to say that she want her future child to look beautiful like moon" He said changing the topic.

I smiled nervously staring at the word on my wrist, "Moon sound cute, what it is?" I inquired

"It is beautiful planet which she could she from her planet earth"

Ok I didn't expect it to be a planet but but she can really see it from there? I cannot imagine.

"How does it look like?"

"Round and bright white in darkness"

I eye him suspiously as he react back by saying, "Planets are not flat Taehyung"

"If you say so" I mumbled shrugging, I don't want to argue again on that part.

"It was pure coincidence that you was born with these word" My Father mumbled

Realization dawned on me as I shoot my eye at my Father again, "Why my Mother's neighbouring planet's name is written on my wrist?"

"That's something I don't understand too" He said tugging my collar down with finger from side, revealing another word.

"It's "Love" in kanji" He said

I brushes my finger on that word on my neck, "Why Love is written on my neck? Did you also said "I want my child to look beautiful like love?"

Taemin laughed heartily looking at sky again "Anii I didn't...I have no idea why you was born with these two words only instead of design or symbol"

Comfortable silence fills as we both resume staring at stars again. My eyes suddenly caught a shooting star.



"Would you like to meet your other half someday?"

I confusedly look back at him as he was already staring at me with smile, "You didn't meet any human yet, who are living in our planet"

I suddenly feel nervousness bubbling inside me. I heard their skin are clear and beautiful without any designs and they are highly intellectual beings.

But he is right I always meet with my other half that are wizards but forgotten about my other half which are humans.

I realize he is waiting for my answer so I shurgged "Maybe someday I will"

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